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《和谐之家》:一个宇宙性的和平信息,通过一个孩子的梦想探索而来。一本儿童必读的好 2008-09-09 10:43:04

About the author:


Pat Ajello was born in London, England, and emigrated to Canada with her Canadian husband in 1960. She taught in Vancouver schools for several years, specializing in the teaching of Art. Since taking early retirement, she has written short stories, poems, memoir, etc. She has self-published several books for family and friends. She currently convenes a workshop, “Writers’ Circle”, at Brock House seniors’ centre.




Harmony House tells the story of Emily, a little girl who is troubled by the fact that many animals have to kill each other to eat. She sets out on a quest to find a place where animals can live together in harmony. Though she is not completely successful, she does discover some important rules for living in peace with others, both in the human as well as in the animal world.


《和谐之家》讲的是一个叫艾米莉的小女孩的故事。她对许多动物非得杀死对方来吃的事实深感困    扰,由此决定去找寻一个动物可以和睦相处的地方。虽然不是完全成功,她发现了一些可以让大家一起和平共处的重要规则,无论是在人,还是在动物世界。


Harmony House...a universal message of peace explored through the
imagination of a child\'s dream. What I liked (in addition to the underlying message of striving to live with others in peace and harmony) is the enormous potential of fabulous illustrations, the animals, the interactions between them, the dream
world, the floating on the armchair...it\'s all just terrific.

Clare Crosthwait, Learning Services Consultant


Clare Crosthwait,学习服务顾问

Harmony House is a book with a promise. It moves the reader with skillful guidance and rich language through a mysterious trip as it unfolds its purpose. The book would be of interest to children between the ages of 8 to 10. It may be enjoyed as it is read to a child or as an alone activity. 


Lorna Bennett, Ph.D., Winner of the David Kendall Master teacher awarda School Psychologist.



Lorna Bennett博士,戴维肯德尔优秀教师奖得主,学校心理学家。


heart warming tale for all ages.


Shirley A Church, M.Ed., Faculty Member Emerita, Langara College wrote,




Shirley A Church, 教育学硕士,朗伽纳学院退休教师




“As you all know,” resumed the dove, “the reason we have chosen to live together is to try to create a peaceful place, a place of harmony. As you are also aware, we have not been so successful as we had hoped. In recent months there has been an increase of quarrelling, of fighting, rudeness and resentment, one animal to another, and now we must try to find a solution to these problems. 

正如大家所知,鸽子接下去说,我们选择住在一起的理由就是要设法创建一个和平的家园,一个没有争斗的地方。可是大家也知道我们并没有象我们希望的那样成功。近几个月来 我们彼此之间的争吵, 打架,粗鲁,和怨恨越来越多。今天我们非找出解决这些问题的方法不可。


Humans, of course, have never found a way to live in peace. In fact, they are constantly at war with each other somewhere in the world. However, I think that Emily, though she is still a child, may have some ideas on the subject to share with us. I have noticed that she is a thoughtful, observant person, and so I call upon her to speak to this assembly. Emily, please step forward.”  


当然, 人类也还没有找到一个和平相处的办法。事实是他们一直在彼此干仗,不是在世界上的这个地方就是在那个地方。不过我觉得爱米丽对这个话题可能有不少的想法可以跟我们分享,尽管她还是个孩子。我注意到她是一个既有思想又观察入微的人,所以我请她来给我们讲一讲。爱米丽,请到前面来。


Emily was astonished. How could the dove possibly have known her private thoughts? However, here was an opportunity to speak about her quest for a place where harmony prevailed, and she was not about to refuse it. Perhaps she did indeed have some ideas worth speaking about, even some thoughts on how to achieve harmony, though the prospect of facing such an enormous throng made her very nervous. 



Standing up, Emily began to make her way towards the dove, who waited, seated serenely on her perch, at the end of the hall. Emily’s progress was slow, for she had to pass through the throng of animals, large and small, who sat, stood, lay, curled and lounged all around her. She was fearful that she might accidentally step on the tail of a lion or squash a vole underfoot. She was also afraid of being stepped on—accidentally, of course—perhaps by a heavy hippo or a nervous camel. As she moved along, Emily found herself walking, quite upright, under an elephant, and then between the splayed legs of a giraffe. Eventually she reached the end of the hall and climbed onto a low platform beneath the dove’s perch.  



“I don’t quite know how to begin,” whispered Emily. “This is the first time anyone has asked me to speak to a group of, of, oh dear…” and she stopped. “Usually,” she went on, trying hard to control her nervousness, “I’m told to stop talking, especially when I ask too many questions, so…”  




“Speak up!” bellowed a baboon, “I can’t hear a blessed word you’re saying!” 




The dove bent towards Emily and touched her encouragingly on the shoulder with the tip of her wing.  





“Well,” said Emily in a louder voice, determined to see this through. “I’ll tell you what I think. When I first came to the door of Harmony House, I was so pleased to see the name written on a board above it. It seemed that my dream of finding a place where people lived together in peace had come true. But it didn’t take long for me to find that I had been mistaken.” 




There began a muttering of discontent from the animals. “Who does she think she is, anyway?” Emily heard a mongoose whisper to its neighbour. “Stuck up and very pleased with herself, I’d say,” responded a hedgehog, its bristles bristling. “Oh do shut up, and let her finish,” shouted a hyena. “Yes, do,” gobbled a turkey, shaking its wattles in annoyance. 



Emily held up her hands for silence, and began again. 



“As I was saying, my first impressions of this house were not good.  Before I had a chance to knock on the door, it was opened by an owl who asked me a question and couldn’t wait for me to answer before slamming the door in my face. So, in my opinion, if you want to live in harmony, the first thing you have to have is patience—give the other person time to answer when you ask a question.”  




“Right on!” called three or four voices. Emily straightened her shoulders, and prepared to continue.



“After that disappointing encounter, I had begun to turn away when I heard a small pattering sound. The door opened again, and there were two gerbils. I was pleased. Now perhaps I could have a proper conversation. But no, all they did was quarrel, say the same thing over again, and interrupt each other. This got us nowhere. So, the second thing to think about if you want to live in harmony, is to listen to each other, to say what you have to say without repeating what has already been said, and never to interrupt.  



Another important point is to speak the truth. Those gerbils lied. They said I had knocked on the door when I had not.”  


This remark provoked a disturbance at the front of the hall. There came a squeaking and a shuffling and a grabbing of tails. It was quickly suppressed, however, by a cat and a canary, who physically parted the gerbil sisters—for it was they—before the fur began to fly.




Then Emily had a sudden thought. So many strange and unexpected things had happened to her, was it not possible that the gerbils had heard a knock on the front door?  She had noted the lack of a knocker, and had wondered how she was to summon someone to the door. Perhaps her very act of wanting had caused a knock to be heard in the kitchen, which is what the gerbils had said. 




“I think I may have spoken without thinking,” confessed Emily. “Another rule of living in harmony might be to always check carefully before making accusations, just in case you are mistaken. The gerbils may have heard a knock after all.”







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