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新书发布:简易高中及大学作文指南 by Prof.J.M.Yates.and Dr.H.Y.Chen 2009-01-12 22:21:59

An Easy Existential Approach to High School and University Essay Writing


By Prof. J. M. Yates and Dr. Hongyun Chen



ISBN: 978-0-9808971-3-5

Price: $26.99


About the book:


This book is the crystallization of the joint effort of Canada’s well known writer/professor J. Michael Yates and his wife Dr. Hongyun Chen. They have been teaching essay writing for more than ten years and sent numerous students to famous universities such as Harvard, Cornell, and Oxford. The book is done at the request of their students, so more people can benefit from their teaching. In the book they use simple yet vivid and humorous language to teach you how to write almost any kind of essay, and provides you with close to a hundred sample essays for TOEFL, SAT, LPI, IELTS, BC Provincial Exams, University Applications, etc, some of which are written by Prof. Yates and Dr. Chen themselves. More importantly, they use existentialism and their own life stories as tools to help you find your true destiny in this intricate society, thus maintaining your individuality while going through the system. If you want to once and for all tackle the writing problem, enter the university you really want to attend, and maybe discover the meaning of life, this book is a must-read.



To order, please go to www.cacanadadada.com

      Or email hongyun@shaw.ca 

      Or call 604-430-4077



Praise for An Easy Existentialist Approach to High School and University Essay Writing



Harvard: I’ve passed this manuscript around among undergrad students. Thumbs up across the board. From all of us, thanks. —Jesus Javier Chong Wu


Cornell University: I just want to let you know how much I appreciate the help I got from you (Dr. Chen) and Prof. Yates on writing. That’s about the only subject I am excelling at Cornell. —James Hu


University of Toronto: You saved my life. Thank you so much for all the things you taught me. —Tim Lu, Student


Beijing University: Fresh, fluid, and exciting; a welcome relief from the monotony of other  formulaic essay guides. —Liuyi Dong


University of British Columbia: This is the best essay book I have ever read. —Kavan Yao


University of Manitoba: …the focus is excellent, the examples immediate and lucid, the writing quick and lean, even athletic in its direct movement from one point to the next. —Professor George Amabile


Ohio: I am adopting this as a text for my fall composition courses. —Professor Joanne Ford


Jacket Copy: This is a shocking book. An Easy Existential Approach to High School and University Essay Writing breaks all the rules of textbook tradition in the service of providing a guerrilla warfare course in essay-writing. To Chen and Yates, the academic essay is not holy; it is simply another hoop—an abiding and grinding hoop—in the paper chase. Education doesn’t begin until the potential thinker finishes his last degree. The authors suggest that the highest grades in the class should be a given—given how easy it is to streamline study methods and out-dance the clumsy juggernauts of institutional learning.


This book conspires with students to survive the systems in which they find themselves.


No more the presence-less author/editor. Chen and Yates speak of their lives both in essays and in text as they do of the lives of the students who wrote the sample essays. This book is heretical in every way. The text writing establishment will anathematize it.


This is fine with the authors who commented in a recent interview, “We’ve done our best to make a mockery of conventional textbooks, headings, etc. If this book were a person, it could be tried for sedition, insurrection, and middle finger at the establishment.”


I have two sons, one a senior in high school, the other in third year of university. I gave them copies and they sneered at the idea of an essay-writing book. Until they opened it. I have caught them reading funny passages and the book has become a permanent fixture on their desks along with Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and Nintendo DS Lite.


Any student who seeks to own his academic future instead of being owned by it, make top grades, and fetch scholarships will find An Easy Existential Approach to High School and University Essay Writing an essential tool. —Harold Broom


Praise for the works of the authors:


“To an exceptional teacher: Whom I have always looked up to, whom I have learned so much from, who always laughs at me, not with me, who has extraordinary wisdom and experience, yet still has the heart of a child, who is fun-loving and an amazing story teller, who is well traveled, and captures breath-taking pictures, who writes so beautifully, yet illegibly, who is not afraid of making fun of himself, who is tall, handsome, and apparently aging very well…”—Crystal Li, 2005 Miss Chinese (Vancouver).


“Thank you so much for all the things you taught me.” —Lily Li


“When Yates and I first met and lunched at the University of Missouri, he was an undergraduate. His work was brilliant then. This I told him and his department head.” —W. H. Auden, QUEST


“I appreciate this poet’s concentration, swiftness, density: his choice for the deeply personal utterance, and that only. He wastes no time with exercises, set themes, and other conventional maneuvers.” —Henry Rago, editor Poetry


“Each word is beautifully set, and in many of them the effect of the whole poem is of gentle flooding light—as of a honeycomb breaking and dissolving in the mind.” —Keith Harrison, Canadian Literature


“This young writer, unlike most, is fearless in matters of dangerous themes and dialogue which will come clearly over the lights.” Arthur Miller (as judge of Yates’ Major Hopwood Award winning manuscript. Subjunction)


“With great admiration for your work.” —Joyce Carol Oates


“…a wonder—a book of rich, round clarities which can be read from beginning to end like a novel or opened anywhere and sampled at random. Whatever way it is read, the result is enjoyment and understanding, and awe.”—John Newlove


“In the frozen, colorless landscapes and the ‘mad light’ of the aurora, he finds a full mystery and a barbaric absence at the same time: for Yates it resembles the inner space of awareness, a territory he has always explored brilliantly.” —Marni Jackson, The Toronto Star


“He is violent and unpredictable…has a wild, unconventional imagination…”—James Dickey


“Dangerous minds investigate dangerous places in the mind. Most of your work lives in these places.” —Yehuda Amichai


“Yates is singular in that he writes like himself; he has no leaders, no fellow travelers… He lives on intimate terms with fact and imagination—the result is this rare purity of language.” —Charles Lillard, The Malahat Review


 “Michael Yates is a great poet who has given us such a universe. I consider his Great Bear Lake Meditations to be by far the most ambitious and successful meditative poem ever written in Canada, and his other work falls short not in excellence but in scope of that masterpiece. In his hands, rhythms and words have resonances that vibrate to the farthest shores of consciousness.” —Fred Cogswell


“If the other Yeats had read the poetry of this Yates, he’d have put down his pen and gone to bed early.” —John Newlove         


“There is a world of shadows and darkness in Yates’ dream-like landscapes, often a mysterious darkness and sombreness of tones; at other times there is a cold brilliance of colors…often distracting, sometimes coldly silent and awesome, sometimes disturbing in their timelessness.” —Glen A. Sorestad


“This is a book to read and reread with increasing delight at the subtlety of its structures and the power of its insight. It is a book to keep and to quote from.” —Robin Skelton


“An all-or-nothing writer with a beautifully alert intelligence.” —Al Purdy


“Yates evokes the primal sense of wonder.” —Ronald B. Hatch, UofT Quarterly


“One of the most lively and original writers of his generation.” —Robin Skelton


“Yates is the best abstract poet I’ve read.” —William L. Fox, West Coast Poetry Review


“Writing a bad poem is very easy. Almost anybody can do it, and damned near everybody does. Writing a good poem is virtually impossible. One of the few people in this country who can do it is J. Michael Yates.” —George Jonas


 “[Yates] has a unique way of responding to the world” —John Robert Colombo


“A truly extraordinary man…one hell of a poet.” —Peter Gzowski, Morningside, CBC network


“It is rare to come across a book that one can, with absolute certainty, place immediately on the shelf reserved for works one cannot do without.” —Robin Skelton in the Victoria Daily Times


“If Yates’s work isn’t trend-setting, it will be because other writers won’t be able to match it.” —Andreas Schroeder in The Vancouver Province


“Your [Hongyun’s] works can always touch me. Honestly. Like “My Father,” it reminded me of my own father when I read it the other day and it almost made me cry.” —Deqing Tong


Reading Hongyun’s works reminds me of big names in literature. Her themes are classical; her soul goes beyond the mundane; and her words are lean and smooth. All these, drop by drop, land on the softest and most sensitive nerves of humanity.” —Linda Chen

“Every time I read your articles, I feel I know you a bit more and also learn about the world a bit more.” –Ruixi

“I always like to read what you write. My high school friend, D. J. Wang, also loves your writings. He reads every article of yours although he is a busy professor at a university in N.J.” –Hanbin

“I like your articles and enjoy very much reading them. They are so intelligent.” —Shiwei

“Enjoy reading your articles. They are always touching. The other day I found more of your writings about your childhood and family. They are pure, simple, and moving.” --Sara Li

“Always enjoy your articles.” –Shende

“Read your column on the Internet. Very good. Continue.” –F. H. Zhang


About the authors


J. Michael “Mikey” Yates was born in Fulton, Missouri, and did graduate degrees at the Universities of Missouri and Michigan. He has been everything from a Distinguished Professor of literature to a much commended SWAT-team member. Interspersed are jobs as a logger, motorcycle racer, and broadcast executive both for CBC and private media in the United States. He is holder of two international Advertising awards.


But above all, Mikey Yates is a widely published author of poetry, fiction, drama, translations, and philosophical essays. His works have been translated into most of the western languages and some eastern ones, and his drama for radio, television, and stage have been produced both nationally and internationally. The literary prizes he has won include the Major Hopwood Awards (both poetry and drama the same year) and the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Arts and Sciences from University of Missouri.


For the past ten years Yates has been tutoring languages, literature, and history of ideas with his wife, Hongyun, and sons, Myron and Kavan.


Hongyun Chen was born in Linchuan, Jianxi, and did degrees at the Second Military Medical College (M.D.) and the University of New Brunswick (Ph.D.). She has worked in two pharmaceutical companies as Senior Research Scientist and Director, respectively.


She started her writing for Chinese Electronic Magazines around 1995 and hasn’t stopped since. Her essays and short stories have been widely published in Chinese and English both in North America and China. Some of them are collected in Under the American Sky by China Press, Selection of Contemporary Global Chinese Poems and Prose by Tianya Literature Press, The Maple Leaves’ Inquiry of Civil Wind by Hebei People’s Publisher, and Do You Know How to Love by Cacanadadada Press. One essay and one short story of hers won Chinese literary prizes in the United States.


An Easy Existential Approach to High School and University Essay Writing






ISBN: 978-0-9808971-3-5

价格: $26.99








买书请进 www.cacanadadada.com

email hongyun@shaw.ca 

或电 604-430-4077






哈佛:我将这本书给很多大学生看过。他们赞声连连。我代表大家谢谢你们。—Jesus Javier Chong Wu


康奈尔大学:真的是非常感谢你们教会了我写作:这大概是我在康奈尔唯一做得非常棒的事情。—James Hu


多伦多大学:你们救了我的命。非常感谢你们为我所作的一切。—Tim Lu


北大:新鲜,流畅,激动人心;这是一本跟别的单调的作文指南完全不同的书。—Liuyi Dong


不列颠哥伦比亚大学:这是我读过的最好的关于怎样写作文的书。—Kavan Yao


曼尼托巴大学:聚焦出色,例子清晰明快著述迅速精干,在其从一个点到下一个点的直接变化中甚至运动员般敏捷—George Amabile教授

俄亥俄:我将用这本书做我秋季写作课的的教材。Joanne Ford教授



任何学生,如果想在学校拿到顶尖成绩,获取奖学金,都会发现这本书是一个不可或缺的工具。—Harold Broom





给一位非常特殊的老师:一个我一直仰望着的,教会我很多的,总是笑话我,而不是跟我一起笑的,具有非凡智慧和经验的,仍然拥有童心的,有趣的和很会讲故事的,旅行过很多地方的,用照片捕捉到很多美景的,字写得非常美妙却又无法辨认的,从不害怕取笑自己的,高大,英俊,而且显然老得非常优雅的人······—Crystal Li, 2005年的中国(温哥华)小姐。

非常感谢你们教给我的一切。 —Lily Li

当叶兹与我第一次在密苏里大学见面并共进午餐时,他还是一名大学生。那时我就告诉了他的系主任他写的东西是多么出色。—W. H. Auden, QUEST

我非常欣赏这个诗人的专心,速度,和密度:他选择的都是很深刻很个人的话题,而且只有这个。他从不浪费时间演习,设置主题,和做其他常规性的事情—Henry Rago


每个字都漂亮地放在那里,加起来整个诗便变成一束温柔地泛滥着的光就像一个蜂巢在脑海里打破并消散一样。—Keith Harrison



我对你的作品怀着极大的敬意。—Joyce Carol Oates

一个奇迹,一本丰富、全面、明了的书;可以像小说一样从头读到尾或打开任何一页随机读起来。无论怎样阅读,结果都是享受、理解、敬畏。—John Newlove










































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