美国媒体报道,拜登指示情报机构向他报告,最早在中国出现的新型冠状病毒是否源自于动物,或是因为实验室意外流出。 拜登在白宫发布的声明中指出,情报机构“应再加倍努力收集及分析资讯,这些资讯可能让我们更接近最终结论,并且应在90天内对我报告”。
美国华尔街日报 今日(2021-5-27)报道: 拜登原话: WASHINGTON — President Biden ordered a U.S. intelligence inquiry into the origins of Covid-19, following renewed scrutiny of the possibility that the outbreak of the virus might have started with a laboratory leak in China.
The White House has come under pressure to carry out its own investigation after China told the World Health Organization that it considered Beijing’s part of the investigation complete, calling for efforts to trace the virus’s origins to shift into other countries.
Mr. Biden, who wants a report within 90 days, said that U.S. intelligence has ed on two scenarios—whether the coronavirus came from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident. He said that there is a divergence among officials in the American intelligence community, or IC, on how the virus might have emerged.
“While two elements in the IC lean toward the former scenario and one leans more toward the latter—each with low or moderate confidence—the majority of elements do not believe there is sufficient information to assess one to be more likely than the other,” Mr. Biden said in a statement Wednesday. He refrained from outlining the positions of specific intelligence agencies.
拜登此举 是个好事,好在: 1,不是拜登吃饱了撑的,没事找事,而是迫于美国反对党派的压力, 2,拜登不选边儿站队,让情报人士出来说好了, 3,结局,① 最大的可能是:来源原因源头不明,中间宿主动物不知,;② 不了了之。 4,病毒溯源是个科学医学问题,需要医学专家科学家全球协同合作才有可能有个眉目; 5,这个过程不是90天,900天,靠特务能弄清搞确切的;也许几年,几十年,甚至永远无解,弄不清。近百年的流行病历史就是例证。 6,如果特务情报(包括内线)能提供点儿什么,只能是将病毒流行病 强安在政治层面。 7,即使情报特务得出个什么结论,极大的可能是根本不靠谱的,经不起医学科学的检验,经不起时间和历史的检验。 8,病毒溯源,全球同步,重点中美欧洲等最高发病最多死亡的国家和地区,把目标仅仅和首先对着武汉对着中国,还未起步就错了,注定失败,自取其辱。 9,拜登让美国情报机构来溯源澄清病毒来源是一招花拳:我让你们查了,查不出来,甭说我没让你们查。真正查清病毒起源,需要医学科学家,不是特务。 10,美国参院今天通过要求拜登政府公布新冠病毒流行以来的“情报”(真真假假,虚虚实实的都有),真靠谱的基本根本不会有,道听途说,胡说八道的东西只是笑料而已。 11,川普大嘴统领,天蓬大元帅破皮袄,一年前就多次嚷嚷:“中国病毒, Chinese Virus”,“我们有确切的证据”,泥马,若真有料,你早公布天下了,还憋到现在!
查,好,彻底查,世界普查,重点美欧, 这次要从美国开始,先从美国的医院,研究所,实验室 开始!
NIH 美国国立卫生研究院,相当于 我国的 医科院,是国家最高医学机构。 院长 考林斯 医生 Genomic Study Points to Natural Origin of COVID-19 Posted on March 26th, 2020 by Dr. Francis Collins No matter where you go online these days, there’s bound to be discussion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Some folks are even making outrageous claims that the new coronavirus causing the pandemic was engineered in a lab and deliberately released to make people sick. A new study debunks such claims by providing scientific evidence that this novel coronavirus arose naturally. 有人说 COVID-19病毒是人工基因从实验室制造并故意放出来流传害人的, 但, 研究证实根据科学证据新冠病毒是自然出现的。
Genomic Study Points to Natural Origin of COVID-19. Posted on March 26th, 2020 by Dr. Francis Collins. COVID-19 Update.
上为美国NIH国立卫生研究院院长F.Collins 考林斯 2020-3-26 的原文。
一年以后,考林斯 变调了:
美国国立卫生研究院院长,弗朗西斯·考林斯医生 (Dr. Francis Collins) 星期三(2021-5-26)在美国参议院作证时对参议员们说: “最有可能的是,这是一个自然产生的病毒, 但是我们不能排除某种实验室事故的可能性。”
【美国华尔街日报:拜登原话怎么说的】www.wsj.com ========= 
佛契 Anthony Fauci 医生 是美国NIH国立卫生研究院下属的 过敏与传染疾病研究所的主任,自1984年以来,他在这把交椅上已经坐了37年了! 他有资格,也几次被几任美国总统提议他来担任 国立卫生研究院的院长, 但是,他婉绝了,他喜欢在这个具体的业务方面做些工作。对高一级的职位和名誉,不屑一顾。 Fauci: No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab。 2020-5-4 一年前,佛契如上说:无科学证据显示 冠状病毒是出自中国的实验室。 一年以后,佛契 改口: (CNN) Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, admitted earlier this month that he is no longer convinced that the Covid-19 pandemic originated naturally.
"I am not convinced about that, I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability what happened," Fauci told PolitiFact's managing editor Katie Sanders.
"Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that's the reason why I said I'm perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus," he continued.
3 days ago — Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, admitted earlier this month that he is no longer convinced ... “当然,调查此事的人说这很可能是从动物群体中出来的,然后又感染了个体,但这可能是另外一回事了,我们需要找出来。所以,你知道,这就是为什么我说 我完全赞成任何调查病毒起源的调查,” “我(现在)对此并无自信了,我认为我们应该继续调查在中国发生了什么,直到我们继续尽极能至地找出到底发生了什么,” 这是三天前(2021-5-24)美国CNN报道的 佛契原话
Analysis: Why is Anthony Fauci hedging on the origins of the coronavirus?www.cnn.com ==========
可以说 考林斯 和 佛契 都是老道的医生,公卫 传染流行病研究的专家,一年前 他俩的表态都是实在的,今年的“反水”,实际只是 政治表态。 是迫于政治压力。可能普通人感觉不到,川普煽动起来的仇华反华情绪和思潮,并未随着他的下台而熄灭,在普通百姓里,在参众两院里,都有一顾不小的黑浪涌动。 考林斯 讲的还略有保守,佛契 则 一反医生常态,在没有任何实在的科学证据面前,说不负责任的混话,迎合反华浪潮。
这固然是迎合政治倾向,从另一方面,他俩一是尽量撇清与中国的关系,二是,“我不阻拦你们去查,最后结果说话。”其实他俩心里都明白:说新冠病毒来自中国实验室是子虚乌有,天方夜谭。如果他俩有一丁点儿真材实料确凿证据,早就直接抖搂出来了,还打甚么 马糊眼! 作为同道,与佛契还有一面之交,真为他俩不说医学科学真话而政治随风倒,深感可惜,可悲,可叹! ======= 我们老祖先有 水落石出 的成语,有 对 指鹿为马的鄙视。 美国林肯总统有名言: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. 你可以一直欺骗一些人,也可以在一定时间内欺骗所有人,但你不可能一直欺骗所有人。
