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【布林肯 谈 世卫组织 和 台湾参会 2024-5-1】 2024-05-02 10:04:16



On May 1, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement, saying that “the United States strongly encourages the WHO to reinstate an invitation to Taiwan to participate as an observer at this year's WHA.”


Blinken's statement said the United States commended the WHO for taking steps to engage Taiwan more meaningfully in its technical work over the past year and for improving lines of communication.

"Yet Taiwan's continued exclusion from this preeminent global health forum undermines inclusive global public health cooperation and security," he added. "Inviting Taiwan to observe the WHA is a critically important step toward affirming the WHO's goal of 'Health for All'."

China's foreign ministry said it was "strongly opposed" to Blinken's comments, which it said in essence condoned and supported Taiwanese separatism.



他补充说:“然而,台湾继续被排除在这一卓越的全球卫生论坛之外,破坏了包容性的全球公共卫生合作和安全。” “邀请台湾参加世界卫生大会是确认世界卫生组织‘人人健康’目标的至关重要的一步。”


美国国务院 声明全文

New and existing threats to global health demand broad international cooperation.  Beginning May 27, the World Health Organization (WHO) will hold its annual World Health Assembly (WHA) where Member State delegates and health experts from around the world will discuss priorities for advancing global health and global health security.  Taiwan participated as an observer to the WHA from 2009 to 2016 without objection but has since been excluded from these meetings.

The United States strongly encourages the WHO to reinstate an invitation to Taiwan to participate as an observer at this year’s WHA so the world may once again benefit from Taiwan’s expertise and experience.  Taiwan’s exceptional capabilities and approaches offer considerable value to inform the WHA’s deliberations.  Time and again, Taiwan has demonstrated a capability and willingness to help address global health crises and support the global health community.

We commend the WHO for taking steps to engage Taiwan more meaningfully in its technical work over the past year and for improving lines of communication.  Yet Taiwan’s continued exclusion from this preeminent global health forum undermines inclusive global public health cooperation and security, which the world demands – and urgently needs.  Inviting Taiwan to observe the WHA is a critically important step toward affirming the WHO’s goal of “Health for All.”

Our support for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international fora is in line with our one China policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances.


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