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哈佛效应上篇-- 哈佛符号象征触发的时代精神正面效应 作者:康若茜 2024-03-28 09:42:53

哈佛符号象征触发的时代精神正面效应 作者:康若茜 By RuoQian Kang 


    说起来,神秘的哈佛是我向往已久的地方。我一直盼望有机会去哈佛大学走一趟 ,



,风和日丽,我和我前夫高亚明,我儿子Harry T.Gao (高长生)一行3人驱车前往这所美国闻名遐迩的历史悠久的学府。尽






学虽然没有多么惊艳的风景和雄浑的建筑,却有一种足以令我震慑 与感动的开明






色及色彩虽然和现代建筑风格大相径庭,但更容易使人联想到哈佛300 多年的历史


















表示,人活着要反省自己,知识是与生俱来的,教育的目的是启发学生, 提高学生



是真实的,并可以通过理性感知 与探讨。在著名的岩洞寓言里,他暗示,人类看








要想实现有利于生存的幸福,需要追求美德 元素与内心的平衡,养成好的性格,


























































作者:康若茜 2008年8月初稿,2023年5月修改完善


Whenever I think about Haf, I feel positive and cuious and admired. I

always looking forward to having a chance to be there feeling and enjoying

the good things there in order to get some inspiration of the world class

colllge. It is said that there is a courtyade of haf college, that was the place

of the origin of the school.

The positive effect of the symbol of Harvard on Socity

Speaking of which, the mysterious Harvard is the place I have longed for. I have been

looking forward to the opportunity to go to Harvard University to experience the taste of this

world-class university. It is said that the predecessor of Harvard University, the seat of Harvard

College, which is only one or two square kilometers, is the center and symbol of Harvard. On a

sunny morning in late June 2008, my son and I drove to this famous and historic university in the

United States. Although I had all kinds of expectations about this trip before, when I was there,

it was beyond my imagination, and I was moved by the wonderful feelings after stepping into

the Harvard courtyard.

Since it was summer vacation, there were not many students on campus, and people came to

visit the school one after another. With curiosity and anticipation, I searched the campus, as if I

hoped to appreciate the characteristics of this prestigious school. As soon as this thought came

up, gusts of fresh wind came blowing towards my face with a faint fragrance, and I really felt

much more comfortable. I found that although Harvard University does not have such stunning

scenery and majestic buildings, it has an enlightened and atmospheric style that can shock and

move me. This pleasant atmosphere and the gentle sunshine produce a recognition effect , has

passed through elegant gatehouses, buildings, and quiet flowers and green trees, and

penetrated into my heart, making me sober. I feel that the positive force of the spiritual world

has been playing its due role on this campus, and I really feel it!

Red to me represents warmth and welcome. All the buildings in Harvard Yard are made of red

bricks. Although this architectural feature and color are quite different from the modern

architectural style, it is more likely to remind people of Harvard's 300-year history, speculate on

the intention of the founder, and vaguely appreciate the deep vision and broad mind of the

founder. I especially admire the architectural style of one of the red brick buildings, which is

somewhat grand and magnificent, but also exquisite and unique. The outer layer of the red

building is two symmetrical arched doorways, which are respectively connected to a long

courtyard-style open-air corridor, surrounding the tall building. This three-dimensional building

made of red bricks combined with high-rise courtyards is very novel. It has both the momentum

of a high-rise building and the comfort of a courtyard. Climbing up the stairs seems to transcend

time and space, like being in an ancient castle in Europe, or walking in a courtyard in an oriental


At this moment, I really want to become a student, sit on these steps and read a book, or close

my eyes and rest my mind, and enjoy everything here quietly. I imagine the pride and pride that

Harvard students will feel when they walk on this campus. Maybe it was the moment when I

was admitted to Harvard, in the atmosphere in the brain that is conducive to positive growth,

the chemical effect of epiphany occurred, and the self-confidence deep in the soul was activated

in the communication of calm examination of self. In other words, in the process of focusing and

capturing the self, a feeling of respect and trust for human beings arises. Because, at that

moment, they may have suddenly discovered the objective existence of a true self! That normal,

correct self is the epiphany of the real self! This may be a kind of "Harvard effect" that Harvard

students may experience.

Harvard has an old school motto: "Take Plato as your friend, Aristotle as your friend, and truth

as your friend." It is concise, specific and vivid, conveying the direction, tasks and methods of

learning to Harvard students. We know that Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are the founders of

Western philosophy. Plato said in "Utopia" that people should reflect on themselves when they

are alive, and knowledge is innate. The purpose of education is to inspire students, improve

their ability to think independently, and explore the inherent knowledge in people's minds. He

believes that the perceivable world is temporary, constantly changing, and a projection of

"concepts" in another spiritual world. Although the spiritual world is invisible, it is real and can

be perceived and explored rationally. In his famous allegory of the cave, he suggested that what

humans see is only a shadow of the real world, not the real world. And those who pursue the

truth will definitely tell people the truth, because this is determined by the rational nature of

human beings.

Aristotle, a student of Plato, believed that the world and knowledge can be perceived, and the

invisible spiritual world can also be transformed into a material existence for exploration and

research. Aristotle conducted an all-round discussion on the natural world, founded the earliest

natural science disciplines and academies, and is known as the father of Western natural

science. He hinted that the pursuit of happiness is the common goal of human beings. This is a

kind of happiness that is conducive to long-term survival and the whole body. This kind of long-

term happiness is different in nature and direction from short-term enjoyment, and needs to be

distinguished . If human beings want to achieve happiness that is conducive to survival, they

need to pursue the balance of virtue elements and inner hearts, and develop a good character,

because these things that are perfect, beautiful and benevolent will ensure the successful

realization of the goal. The ultimate value of a person lies in awakening and thinking ability, not

simply living. In other words, "making yourself better" is the correct direction of life, and it is the

so-called great wisdom and great calculation in life.

The Harvard school motto means the values and mission of Harvard University. They call on

students to regard these two historical figures as friends or role models, and encourage

students to conduct an independent and realistic exploration of the truth of the universe,

nature, society, and life. When confused and disturbed, still maintain a free soul and

independent will, looking for the essence and truth of things. Perhaps it is the advocacy of this

correct way that makes Harvard full of charm and attracts talents from all over the world; it

absorbs the essence of cultures from all over the world, researches them, develops them, and

uses them for my own use. Perhaps in the rational thinking of the stream-of-consciousness

method on the Harvard campus, I seem to understand a simple and profound truth: one of the

geniuses of this world-class university is to provide students with an environment that is

conducive to their normal survival. The psychological pattern and psychological environment of

development and development, but they did what they should have done.

For more than 300 years, generations of Harvard students have been in such an environment,

displaying their individuality, developing their thinking, looking for their true self, and perfecting

their lives in the conflict with their own hearts... A large number of social elites are here Healthy

and positive growth and development on this soil. According to incomplete statistics, they

include 7 US presidents, more than 10 Supreme Court justices, and 40 Nobel Prize winners. In

the largest 500 consortiums in the United States, two-thirds of the decision-making managers

graduated from this school.

When we came to another place, my son and I were attracted by a striking water vapor fountain

at the same time. At a glance, the hookah is filled with smoke, like fog and illusion. We sat on

the stone bench next to the fountain and took pictures. I stretched my hands forward and

touched the smoky soft spray. The speed of the water vapor was even and smooth, as if it

matched the frequency of the heart pulse, as if it was a projection effect of the vast spiritual

world, as if it was a kind of A realistic response to the positive spiritual power that nourishes

human life. The fountain seems to permeate Harvard's understanding of the mysteries of

nature. It seems to be telling, inspiring, and expecting. It seems to imply to everyone who sees

it: the essence of nature and the essence of human beings are in the same strain. They are

composed of normality, order, reason, fairness, peace, and balanced spiritual energy, which is

the so-called virtue of the unity of man and nature. A collection of positive spiritual energy.

Harvard people regard the pursuit of the goal determined by the common nature of the unity of

man and nature as their own goal, that is, to pursue goals and contents that are conducive to

the sustainable survival and development of human beings in the general direction that is

conducive to the normal rational relationship between nature and human beings. Therefore, we

have given enough attention and respect to the real spiritual world.

From this, I think: Do human beings need to realize that the existence of life is a positive

energy body, and this life energy body needs the support of virtue elements, and the virtue life

elements for nutritional supplementation and metabolism, so that this energy body can be in a

normal state? Only in a state of healthy operation can we be born to life! From a certain point of

view, Harvard people subconsciously use this ordinary water vapor fountain as a symbol to

illustrate the truth of nature: the formation and positive development of the universe, and the

sustainable survival and development of human beings can only rely on this enlightenment. Only

with the awe-inspiring righteousness can we move forward smoothly!

On our way to neighboring school of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I got caught up in

thinking why, as a tourist, I had such a strong reaction to the average Harvard campus: the

campus, buildings and fountains of a world-class institution are just a facade , a kind of support,

a kind of symbol, behind it, there must be an invisible positive force spreading over Harvard

University, which means that Harvard people perceive the principle of consistency between

human beings and nature, and they see the objective existence of human self-perfect life.

Reality is to respect the positive spiritual power of nature and human nature, and to pursue the

inner trend that conforms to the normal direction of human continuous survival and

development. The objective existence of this inner trend makes Harvard students have a

positive interaction with nature and society, bursting out a positive spirit of the times! This

positive spirit of the times not only assimilates Harvard people, but also assimilates those of us

who visit Harvard University, and will assimilate everyone living on the earth. I am just one of

them who is sensitively aware of the unstoppable trend of this era. Just positive people. At this

moment, I can’t help but feel that our group’s gains today are at least the same, that is, in this

place where inspiration is triggered, the nerves deep in the soul are activated, and our curiosity

and desire to examine the correct things that originally existed in nature are awakened. Positive


I believe that if this kind of positive will is the common expectation and inner pursuit of human

beings, it will inevitably transform into a pulse of a new era, to reverse the traditional way of

human beings to be interested in mistakes, to seek to correct mistakes, to examine mistakes,

and to defeat opponents. Habitual thinking patterns are transformed in a direction that is

conducive to normal survival; that is, to focus on the basis of the correct self-existence of human

beings, to become interested in correct and normal things, and to take "correctness" as the

main theme of pursuit, and to produce for realization Correctly examine the transformation of

the correct way of thinking, because this may be the correct way of thinking for human beings

to get rid of the predicament psychologically.

Therefore, in this historical turning point, do human beings need to have an optimistic attitude

to examine, and jointly look forward to the activation and awakening of the true self of

mankind, and believe that the positive will of the true self has already laid the correct

foundation for the successful transformation of this history? Path, this positive mechanism has

existed for a long time, and I believe that this mechanism system has been exerting its due

effect! You see, the confident Harvard students talking on the Harvard campus, the crowd

enjoying coffee leisurely on the outdoor benches, and the old people playing chess earnestly

under the shade of the trees on campus... what we could see at that moment may be the

reflection of the positive effect of the symbol of Harvard on Socity ?

Author: Kang Derong (Kang Ruo Qian ) First draft in August 2008, edited in January 2023

得荣(康若茜) 2008年8月初稿,2023年元月5号整理修改

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