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07/26 周蓉是中央電視台記者,中共電磁波犯罪人員,屬於被欺騙的犯罪人員模式 2024-05-10 20:27:14

07/26/2024 周蓉是中央電視台記者,中共電磁波犯罪人員,屬於被欺騙的犯罪人員模式

作者:時間先生,康若茜女士,Harry Gao.高長生先生07/23/2024初稿
















我和時間先生以及我的兒子Harry Gao潛意識腦神經系統的信息傳音共同發出了警告,周蓉是非常危險的人物,她是一個女殺手,她是非常狠毒的人。我時間非常痛恨她的無恥走臉和小人伎倆。她在中共習近平腦控中扮演非常重要的人物,她可以接觸我時間先生和我康若茜女士的唯一一個現實生活中進行中共控腦威脅,對時間進行色誘的人。

 07/23 我父母在7月11號食物中毒,傳音透露中共習近平控腦政府控制保姆大青姑對我父母下毒偷盜出走有(個人相冊中照片為證)

作者:康若茜女士,Harry Gao.高長生先生,我時間先生07/22/2024
















   原來,中國習近平控腦政府犯罪團伙的宋意宣宋志堅姐弟倆導演的對我們康若茜和康若君父母康金銘和高素雲進行的靈魂侵犯控腦酷刑的現實生活反應。他們製造了一系列邪惡的陰謀,在現實中毒害我父母的同時,對我父母和我們家庭成員內心同時進行腦神經迫害能量的加載和演化,來心理上欺負毒害我兒子Harry Gao和我姐姐的兒子朱曉非。他們的聯想混亂控腦聯繫的邏輯是,由於他們長期對我兒子Harry Gao進行心理“病毒”的侵犯,他們又聯想到毒品“冰毒”,強迫我父母把他們的食物中毒說成是我兒子給他們送的冰毒糖所致,我父母通過AI控腦武器多次告訴我康若茜我們在食物中毒的時候沒有吃糖,吃的是火龍果和早餐,是大青姑出現了害人之心所為。




    作者:Harry Gao 先生,康若茜母親,時間先生 07/13/2024

  Harry Gao長年以來對我進行AI控制腦神經虐待酷刑到極端,迫使我意識中不知道,還接受興奮,我痛苦不堪,身患多種疾病。我現在通過中共AI習近平製造的控制腦神經傳音電磁波傳來Harry Gao意識中和潛意識的能量信息:這是我Harry Gao 對他們的控制和揭露。Harry Gao '11 to receive Thomas Jefferson Prize in Natural Philosophy | W&M News Archive | William & Mary (wm.edu)。這個網站是我兒子在大學威廉瑪麗學院在頒獎典禮上的講話,現在被中共習近平犯罪團伙使用大規模式殺傷性腦神經武器對社會大眾和我們的腦神經系統進行邪惡思想腦神經能量的灌輸,把我兒子的在bing搜索網站上的排名向後面位置阻攔。這是他們的罪證。因為13年來,這個網站一直在“Harry Tian Gao ”搜索前一名,但是現在在不容易找到的位置上,這是中共習近平控腦機構蓄意製造的暗殺計劃的一部分重要內容和一貫手段。


  Jessica Gao是中共電磁波合作夥伴,她父親Miller是越南老兵,曾經在戰爭中被俘,後來成為中共負責美國的特務,所以,她父親長期對我們進行腦神經電磁波控制。他們住在弗吉尼亞Arlington. 

   通過中國習近平AI控腦武器電磁波傳音擴音,我時間先生發現了Jessica的父親Miller 先生和中國政府簽訂犯罪合同的過程。

  按照合同,中國習近平AI腦控犯罪團伙要求他父親幫助他們消滅康若茜,因為她是壞人,他們給Miller犯罪嫌疑人 加載了大量的污衊康若茜的欺騙腦神經能量,合同第一筆酬金的大約8萬美金,事成之後,還有8萬美金+8萬美金等等,他父親已經收到第一筆美金。

Jessica父親和母親曾經考察過康若茜的行蹤,Jessica2017年7月份和Harry Gao 及其他們的兒子Dannel曾經來中國山東濟 一起探親訪友,他們和3歲多的Dannel一起住在我租住的山師東路6號公寓三室一廳的單元中大約15天左右,他們發現我康若茜不像是他們中國政府潛意識和意識給他們污衊的康若茜的為人。

  中共AI腦控機構對Jessica 施加生命的諾言的時候,Jessica 就會到處開車跑,她每天接送孩子就花費三個小時,多年來已經形成習慣,這是她和Treasure 的約定,今年1月份開車去加拿大,一,二個星期,她經常旅遊,今年4月中旬到5月9號把我挾持到中國,讓我儘量說服自己我應該去中國旅遊。

她Jessica對我進行長期精神和心理虐待,實際上她和Treasure 是男女關係朋友,Treasure 是William Mary的同校學生,在和Sarah男女關係的同時也和Jessica 是男女關係。

  Jessica 學習瑜伽,非常有力氣,她威脅我要捆綁我的時候,我才發現,我他們被控成為習慣。我拒絕被中共習近平控制充當這種角色和位置,我拒絕Jessica和SKipe,以前叫TReasure 的無恥。他們威脅我無法生存之後,對我的公司股票和我的保險進行替換,他們Jessica 和她的男朋友SKIpe 暗中試圖把我的腦波進行欺騙性質的虐待然後處死,他們污衊我Harry Gao 自殺身亡。

作者:Harry Gao (高長生中文名)康若茜母親,時間先生 07/13/2024



作者:Harry Gao 7月6號

中共習近平AI控腦犯罪通過腦內傳音敘述信息:Jessica Gao被中國習近平AI控腦電磁波犯罪分子高亞明和羅潔夫婦所脅迫,Jessica Gao從15歲之後,就被高亞明盯上,對她的潛意識腦神經能量進行控制。

Jessica和我Harry Gao的婚姻是場騙局,是中國共產黨習近平AI控腦集團精心策劃的對西方社會進行奴役的陰謀騙局。Jiessica扮演了對中國共產黨習近平政府卑躬屈膝的奴才和妖魔,把我Harry Gao當作精神和物質奴隸的無恥愚昧角色。

 2010開始,我母親康若茜就發覺高亞明對Jessica也進行同樣的性幻想的時候,我母親正告我Harry Gao 需要保護Jessica,需要告訴她她被高亞明性幻想的問題。我母親還提到,當我母親康若茜怒斥高亞明對Harry Gao的女朋友進行性幻想的時候,高亞明曾經當場失聲痛哭。但是,我Harry Gao當時被中共AI腦控加載的邪惡能量控制,我沒有能力理解和面對這個問題,我被脅迫不相信我母親告訴我的,還認為是我母親康若茜嫉妒她的美貌。

現在Harry Gao受到Jessica 家人的脅迫,她的舅舅就居住在紐約,他對我實行了24小時的腦控監視,這是不對的,但是他無法放棄,他在潛意識中說,他無法放棄對我Harry Gao 高哈里的脅迫,因為Jiessica 這個腦波脅迫她多年了。他的弟弟幾年前已經死亡,在60歲左右,表面上是自然死亡,其實和中共腦控有關係,其實Jessica家人不過是中共習近平AI腦控暗中秘密利用的工具,Jessica的姨媽在10多年前死亡,年齡不到60歲。她的母親早就患了癌症,現在她母親意識和潛意識依然對我進行脅迫和利用,罄竹難書。Jessica她父親一直對我進行性幻想的脅迫,他對我進行脅迫的時候,強迫我死,這是邪惡的,我熱愛生命,我追求正確長久生存和發展,但是他們阻攔我的這個正向意志。他的父親Miller先生是個牧師,他經常當面對我說,你媽是有罪的,我正在整理她的罪狀,上帝會懲罰她。


現在我康若茜通過腦控傳音聽到我兒子Harry Gao的信息透露,我的朋友SKipe是我在大學的朋友,實際上是Jessica的男朋友。Jessica 現在告訴我,我的朋友SKipe 是我Jessica的男朋友,但是他和Sarah好我很煩,他們大學就這樣,我很煩,實際上,Sarah和Treasure早就是男女朋友,但是Jessica搶奪不成,曖昧不斷。他們因此設計讓我和Sarah 進行戀愛,這實際上是另一場殺人陰謀,但是已經被曝光,當他們被曝光的時候,他們習近平AI控腦意念和現實陰謀殺害無辜平民百姓的驚天冤案就被曝光了,他們極端恐怖犯罪分子的原型畢露,註定失敗的下場。

現在我Harry Gao才知道這一切腦控內容有真有假,目的是把我媽康若茜和我Harry Gao一家人進行腦控離間破壞關係,讓每個人被控制在被中共習近平AI控腦機構強迫的位置上,我們母子接受所有的虐待酷刑,達到自己消滅自己生命的目標。他們制定了把我Harry Gao放在一個無法離婚的心理被征服的可憐位置,接受不公正的家庭關係生活的同時,接受被中共習近平AI控腦集團綁架酷刑虐待沒有揭露能力的腦神經能量灌輸脅迫,以便我成為被他們容易消滅的目標。

我們的時間同學在腦控電磁波正義力量的互動中發現了康若茜的兒子Harry Gao這幾天新出現的困境,就是在他的生日的時候,他沒有給他母親說就來到紐約,她的母親在電磁波中對Harry 對她的態度表示了不滿,這是他被腦控的結果,但是也說明自己的基本道理都被控制的程度是可憐被動的,你應該立刻改正。

我Harry Gao 意識到我已經變成被虐等待狀態,被控不告訴我母親我去紐約還產生對Jessica和中共電磁波對我如何控制的好奇,這本身是等待被虐的可憐蟲腦控殘酷。


我康若茜剛才給我兒子高長生Harry Gao發了短信,問他真實性的時候,Harry Gao 不承認是他潛意識透露,時間的腦波分析說,這是一個能量腦波,很長時間了,我康 若茜在腦控中聽到過多次,我一直無法判斷,我只是知道他們之間的情感關係不太正常,我兒子Harry Gao並不幸福,這是我作為母親無法過問的,我只能暗中相信Harry Gao的家庭會越來越好。

Harry Gao 發來了短信回信,他的意思是他受到脅迫,他的腦神經被加載了大量的違背他生存意志大腦神經能量,他們試圖利用Harry Gao在男童事情腦神經就被中共無情的電磁波控制的弱勢,把他繼續控制在不知道他是在被腦控狀態的格局中,他到現在告訴我不要在文章報告中提他的名字。我感到非常痛心。我們現在分析,他們給高長生加載了大量的負能量,他們之間進行關係破壞和各種脅迫興奮,來精神和現實中腐蝕誘惑Harry Gao的生存環境和家庭成員關係,讓他們在現實中出現讓Harry Gao無法在現實中充分意識到和解決的腦神經能量束縛和捆綁,這種能量也同樣是社會大眾被中共AI控腦集團侵犯的能量,是我們人類大眾明明知道有中共習近平控腦集團的存在,明明相信康若茜的報告,但是媒體和美國政府沒有進行正常反應,這本身就是本腦控的明顯證據。

 幾十年來,人類腦神經被強迫適應,被強迫認為這種痛苦的心理經歷不是電磁波控腦犯罪製造的,是他們自己家庭成員自然形成的矛盾和衝突,就像大約15年以來,我們遭遇到或者體驗到許多的無法表達的內心矛盾和痛苦壓抑,我們的意識和感知能力及其控訴聲討能力需要有意識激活和使用,我當初就是這一念才開始了我面對中共反人類控腦真相,揭露真相,曝光真相的正舉,時間先生也是在我給他講了真相之後,選擇了正義,選擇了尊重真理和規律,就這一念我們曝光了幾十年來中共一直試圖全方位掩蓋的極端恐怖腦神經侵犯人類滅絕人類犯罪真相。我們社會大眾和Harry Gao需要在這個邪滅正格局中勇敢地抬起頭來。

現在高長生,也是Harry 說,我的生命處在危險中,但是我連說的權力都被剝奪,我說出來之後我發覺我無法自圓其說,我的腦神經潛意識被控,我母親是意識被控,意識被控和潛意識被控不一樣,我要求訴說,我有說出來的權力,我告訴我兒子高長生,如果你要說,這樣練習可以抗擊他們不讓我們公開說出了的能力,可以康復我們的打擊犯罪能力,就對自己進行指令,“我說出來了,我公開說出來了,我反抗了,我成功勝利的反抗了,我公開聲討了,揭露了,控訴了,描述清楚了,我們人質家庭得到救援了,得到信任,我們人質家庭為戰勝習近平AI控腦反人類犯罪分子做出了重要貢獻,得到了好有好報,善有善報的好結果。他們習近平控腦機構的陰謀破產,他們被逮捕了,被人類腦神經控制了,被人類抓獲了,他們得到了惡有惡報,他們被公正陽光的懲罰,得到公正陽光的法律制裁,這種練習會解決我們敢怒也敢言的基本生命能力,我們呼籲適應打擊電磁波極端恐怖腦神經犯罪的健全法律已經出台。"

現在高亞明的潛意識腦神經透露,Harry 現在不能死,這個項目已經曝光,我們計算機改變了程序,改成他們坐飛機不出事故,坐車出事故的程序,高亞明就是這樣的機械的極端恐怖犯罪分子個性特徵,他們就是如此的在美國社會對無辜美國百姓進行猖狂暗殺活動,十惡不赦。

我兒子Harry Gao的岳父Miller先生涉嫌犯罪生命處在危機中 

作者:高長生先生,康若茜女士,時間先生 07/09/2024

中共通過AI腦控傳音告訴我,中共習近平AI腦控政府派專人在2022年5月份給Jessica的父親Miller嫌疑人簽訂合同,捏造虛假事實,污衊康若茜的家族,污衊高長生的父親趙健,污衊康若茜,讓Miller先生產生接受中共政府的殺害康若茜的陰謀計劃。他們中共習近平AI腦控集團以某中共政府某商業集團的身份和角色出現,同Miller先生商量了殺人滅口的價格等,Miller嫌疑人要求先付款,對方給他們8萬美金,事成之後後有8萬+8+8萬美元,共32萬美元,他們簽訂了合同,拿到了第一筆美元。這樣,Miller家族開始了大規模的調查的時候發現了異常,就是康若茜寫的有關文章和回憶,讓Miller 生不如死。這個時候,他們暗中腦控Jessica 控制Harry 去中國查看詳情,把她康若茜母子打成精神病的時候,看到Jessica派的照片。他們發現有問題,就是不光是殺害康若茜母子的問題,是殺害所有人的問題,是抹去這段歷史的問題,所有的參與者,他們都要按照某多種模式進行清除暗殺活動,這實際上是一場人類屠殺。他們發現他們現在深陷囹圄,不知所措,他們認為他們也是犧牲品。        



Ruo Qian Kang 07/05/2024


作者:Ruo Qian Kang/7/05/2024

   在劉正鑄波的有意識要求中,在時間同學和Harry 以及我康若茜在被中國習近平AI控腦機構侵犯中,我康若茜在半夜再次遭到高亞明波的侵犯,我感到恐怖和絕望,這種感覺一年前經常有,他們在製造一種恐怖襲擊的能量,就是社會大眾都接受邪惡消滅正義的追求,每個人都有理由對我們的良知力量進行痛斥和遠離。我感到生命危機,我進行了反抗,我發出了正義的力量的想法,結果,中共習近平犯罪分子透露了他的潛意識和意識的敘述,他們害人幫紛紛出來意識流腦神經能量透露,這表面看是一種現實存在,其實是他們AI控腦侵犯我們人類大眾腦神經的時候,他們加載的邪惡能量模式,同我們腦神經的互動以及我們受害人腦神經在受到侵犯的時候對他們發出的反擊的腦神經能量同他們犯罪分子腦神經能量的自然互動的意識流互動,我記錄下來,我們讀者可以閱讀這個過程中得知有價值的信息。同時讓我們讀者看出中共習近平控腦機構的犯罪嫌疑人非人類本質和他們之間的的尖銳衝突和矛盾,可以看出一些控腦的過程和我們人類面臨的危機,我康若茜記錄下來他們的敘述,在萬維網上發表。發表完後7分鐘,他們又開始翻臉,

















“我高亞明要揭發羅潔,羅潔是不愛我的,我也談不上愛她,但是在電磁波中,我愛她發瘋,原來我被加載了大量的亂性快感腦神經能量,這樣,羅潔就控制了我,我甘願為他賣命。我更願意和她一起利用AI控腦技術賺錢,我其實非常膽小,沒有羅潔我無法走上這一步,這一步是羅潔教唆我犯案。我要伏法,聽從法律宣判,我拒絕再這樣對康若茜母子和他兒子Harry Gao的家庭進行這樣的腦神經酷刑虐待,我這是病態,我豬狗不如,我要改正。誰如果有人敢用腦控控制我,我就用控腦技術控制他到死。我現在在利用康若茜做實驗,我的目的之一是想得到這個殺人技術,來保護我自己,我成了頂級殺人犯,我要伏法,我要服從法律宣判。我們整天在中共習近平控腦犯罪武器的傳音中叫囂這樣的懺悔,我們又繼續作案,天理不容,我們要在現實中進行坦白,習近平已經表明了態度,他不願一個人承擔反人類控腦武器的罪行,你們和我高亞明要立刻停止反人類犯罪行為。”

今天下午1點43分,在我康若茜寫完下面的他們透露的消息之後,我突然感到累,我躺在床上休息的時候,我聽到高亞明的能量透露說,高亞明自殺身亡 ,後來他們透露下面是他們今天一點43分之前集體透露的傳音報告是他們的陰謀計劃和控腦殺人模式,他們的計劃是我康若茜寫的不是真的,因為我康若茜在被腦控這個位置上沒有人相信我們說的話,我們卻有辦法讓你死,因為這是現實,因為這是我們控腦控制了局面的結果,我們會說,我們中共政府堂堂正正,不會以這種形式說我們之間的問題,這就是我們腦控的欺騙秘密,你康若茜知道了,你時間知道了,又怎麼樣,我們還能贏,這就是當今的現狀。你康若茜這是污衊,因為我們中共政府不會這樣無恥。這就是高亞明的波現在正在表現的犯罪實況透露。





   從上個世紀90年代初開始,中國共產黨政府控腦機構特別是中共習近平控腦AI集團一有計劃,有組織地暗中向美國國土暗中展開了攻勢,他們最近通過腦控傳音技術透露出他們對美國之音中文部的暗中破壞活動,有大約6個左右的記者是中共派遣的電磁波控腦間諜。他們有的擔任了美國之音中文部的重要工作,他們利用電磁波腦控技術長期控制美國的媒體輿論秘密犯罪工作。希望美國政府立刻調查,詳細詢問。時間先生和我兒子Harry Gao及其家庭成員我和時間先生是小學同學,1972年冬天到1976年期間我們在同一個小學一個班級上學。








  1998年3月,我康若茜經中央電視台駐外首席記者劉正鑄先生的善意介紹,認識了當時移民美國的Circue City 商店出售電腦的高亞明先生,我們國際通信電話見面了解半年多以後在山東濟南市登記結婚。我們結婚13年多之後2011年10月份離婚。高亞明最近半年在中共AI電磁波腦控武器傳音中透露他和他的復婚妻子羅潔都是中共電磁波控腦負責人子女,都是被派往美國的中共電磁波腦控犯罪分子成員,他們在90年代初移民美國。

我和我兒子康天喆Tian Zhe Kang2001年10底和2001年12月底移民美國。2002年8月到2004年初經過FBI背景調查在美國之音中文部擔任新聞翻譯和播音合同工。2004年到2011年8月我在高亞明律師事務所擔任接電話等秘書工作。2006年8月到2010年在北美社區大學學習心理專業課程。2011年至2013年在美國密西根州立大學人生發展和家庭研究專業研究生畢業。2013年9月至2014年8月在中國北京市方莊方星園租房居住,在我在中央電視台工作的同事主持人周蓉女士妹妹的北京彭措公司擔任部門經理,工作半個月辭職。

在我的小學同學電磁波腦控嫌疑人劉箴言北京紡織出版社分社社長的推薦中,我在北京用了三個月寫下"陽光灑滿心田"的科技類書籍樣章目錄,當時寫了這本書的第一章和第二章。我一直在考慮這本書所表達的思想理論系統,這個樣章目錄也發表在這個尊重正義專欄中。2014年8,9月份,我回到美國弗吉尼亞的家中,準備賣掉房子到中國探親長期居住。2015年9月17號我和高亞明賣掉房產,我賣掉大部分家具,把我的個人用品和部分家具托犯罪嫌疑人我的小學同學王茜和葉宏找到他們的朋友的海運公司,把我的部分家具和加檔海運到山東省青島市。2015年11月份,我在濟南市找到搬家公司和我一起把我的海運的加檔搬回濟南市舜耕中學旁邊的山東財經大學的教授宿捨出租房。2017年4月中旬我搬家到山師東路6號3號宿舍樓五單元4樓402號出租屋,我在美國海運的證人是我的來自香港的鄰居Savina Feng, 和高亞明。我在濟南有幾個幫助我搬家的證人有我的小學同學魏瑋,現在腦控傳音說她也是電磁波腦控成員嫌疑人。證人還有徐偉萍大姐,和王冬女士等。

第二次搬家的證人是我的表姐鮑璐等。我在山師東路一直住到2022年9月上旬,我在2022年9月10號登錄美國,9月11號我兒子Harrry Gao 到機場接我來到波士頓我兒子家中。第三次搬家的證人是我的表姐鮑璐和犯罪嫌疑人宋意宣,王冬和頻譜康復公司員工,幫助我搬運我的物品。

2022年12月1號左右,我被中國習近平控腦集團製造了大量的把我送進精神病院的邪惡腦神經能量,他們那個時候,在我腦中經常告訴我相關的內容,每天半夜把我驚醒,造成讓我感到恐懼無法忍受他們對我的控腦折磨的腦神經反應,他們誘惑我報警,我認為我應該報警,我當時認為美國醫院可以檢查出電磁波被腦控的證據。我撥打911告訴他們我被腦控,我希望他們把我送進當地醫院檢查 Holyoke Medical Center檢查身體,當地警察局派來救護車和兩三個警察把我送到醫院急診科,我給他們講述有關我被中共腦控的問題,他們不相信,他們答應在計算機上記錄這個問題。沒有回音。

我被醫院急診科里的兩個社會工作人員和一個主管護士 我告訴他們我被腦控的經歷,他們不理解他們看起來焦慮不安,他們聽到顱內傳音的字眼,診斷為Auditory Hallucination,“聽覺幻聽”。12月4號,我被兩名年輕人一男一女開着救護車把我送進Arbour Hospital.我被Holyoke Hospital 強行留在精神病醫院,沒有吃藥在醫院住了5天出院,被診斷為“短暫性精神病”。有圖為證,我現在找到了當時出院時候12月9號ARbour Hospital給我的內科家庭醫生Dr.Mugg 的傳真,但是沒有找到他們給我做診斷的那一張紙。由於他們在阻攔相關的材料,他們試圖把我的材料和存在經歷都通過AI腦控的人類腦神經能量改變進行清除,他們通過傳音已經透露他們高亞明和羅潔夫婦在做這種計劃。我的內科醫生Dr. William Mugg.在去年突患輕度中風,我當時推斷他已經被中國習近平的AI控腦集團電磁波多重控制腦神經。我們現在人類大眾需要面對,用我們的高級腦和意識腦神經解決這個問題,是一條正路。









   今天, 時間先生今天知道中國習近平控腦真相,時間先生從8歲在小學成為性神經實驗工具.時間的波被打壓的同時,王茜通過電磁波控腦技術傳音告訴我時間先生,我時間先生從8歲開始就被王茜爸爸的波打壓和電磁波控制,他們拿時間先生暗中做人工實驗的腦神經實驗對象,直到現在還沒有結束,所以他們要消滅時間先生和康若茜家族的人員。他們挑撥我們的關係,試圖各個擊破。他們讓葛虹同學對我時間先生在8歲的時候進行人工刺激。所以,我時間先生對人生和自我進行了錯誤認識和自我本質否定和人生否定,認為這就是真正的我。我和康若茜的相互人生理論探討讓我們重新認識了自我過去的經歷,我們以巨大的勇氣和魄力,對中國共產黨政府的控腦非人類法西斯進行宣戰。我們需要得到世界正義力量的支援和立刻救助,我們的生命處在危機當中。
















  宋意宣說,你王茜說完了嗎,我說完了怎麼樣,原來是康若茜的波太好了,原來我們習近平的波不行了,這是關鍵。我們習近平政府太邪惡,我們就嫉妒好,就想剝奪,我們導致了驚天冤案,到現在還不停止,原來我們無法停止是假的,原來我們想滅人類是真的,原來所有的犯罪雖然是王茜那個時候,在康若茜和時間先生小學的時候就開始了,但是我宋意宣在1989年就盯上了康若茜和她的兒子的腦波,進行秘密觀察,後來才知道他們的波是早已經被中共習近平腦控機構暗中盯梢利用,我們無話可說,繼續也利用,他們對我們的利用不管不問,直到後來,2011年之後,習近平那個波告訴我我們原來早就盯上康若茜的波了,我們中共習近平波盯上她康若茜的波和她兒子Harry Gao的波,他在過去幾十年來對Harry Gaol的波進行了加工利用,非常殘酷殘忍,於是他們就把他的腦波進行了各種替換加工,替換成康若茜的波等各種波了。








昨天半夜我得知的信息驚人,我要曝光,第一和二篇 朱曉非危機中 美國副總統被腦控實驗

                   作者:康若茜,時間先生 06/29/2024


  高長生沒有回答出什麼就掛了電話,我說你要告訴你的同學和朋友SKipe, 你告訴誰,誰安全,你就產生正能量,我們就可以良性循環,他們習近平已經控制了美國政府官員的腦神經系統,包括副總統哈里斯,他們腦內傳音說,他們正對哈里斯進行腦神經控制實驗活動,讓她說不出來,但是,你不同,你Harrry Gao已經知道了,意識中知道了這個問題,他們腦控在潛意識中給你加載了大量的不面對的腦神經能量讓你無法說出來,其實已經不是新聞了,他們習近平腦控不讓你說很正常,他們還要致死人,他們是極端恐怖犯罪活動。但是,你是活人,你應該聽從你的良知,你的靈魂,你的神智,而不是聽從他們控腦機構電磁波的馴化,告訴你應該不說的理由和說的被懷疑等欺騙能量。你要意識到你腦中的這些內部言語,觀察體驗之後,找到負面的內部言語,進行改正腦神經能量練習,同時做應該做的,不是聽從控腦人員的指令,不是聽從這些靈魂已經變成畜生動物的狗腦人的信息,他們控腦犯罪分子已經變成狗腦神經鏈接,因為他們已經變成狗靈魂。


你要給你的同學和好朋友們說,給Skipe 和Sara說,你給他們說了,他們就會得到社會大眾的保護,他們就會安全,否則,中共控腦武器就會利用各種理由對他們進行腦神經控制,他們進行自救自我保護的腦神經能量就不利於他們了,你有責任告訴你們的好朋友。我現在報告的能量已經在阻攔,你越早高級腦觀察,越對你的報告能力有力,對你的自我保護能力有利,這個道理你們要懂得,對於社會大眾每個人來說道理都是一樣的,我聽說我的許多朋友都變成了電磁波控腦分子,他們受到脅迫,比如,他們通過傳音告訴我單敏,和徐歡,還要陳真真,包括曹冬梅都變成了電磁波控腦人員,他們其實已經被控,他們得到薪水,不交稅的薪水,每月幾百美金,我們通過顱內傳音電磁波他們犯罪分子透露的消息,不知真假。你們要報警,這些受到脅迫的人要報警,你們如果這樣下去,你們知道你們的後果,但是他們在潛意識會控制你們讓你們有理由這樣做,你們會逐漸變成被控腦的受害人,循環重複,無法擺脫。





作者:康若茜,時間先生,Harry Gao先生06/29/2024









宋意宣說,你說完了嗎,我說完了怎麼樣,原來是康若茜的波太好了,我們習近平政府太邪惡,我們就嫉妒好,就想剝奪,我們導致了驚天冤案,到現在還不停止,原來我們無法停止是假的,原來我們想滅人類是真的,原來所有的犯罪雖然是王茜那個時候,在康若茜和時間先生小學的時候就開始了,但是我宋意宣在1989年就盯上了康若茜和她的兒子的腦波,進行秘密觀察,後來才知道他們的波是早已經被中共習近平腦控機構暗中盯梢利用,我們無話可說,繼續也利用,他們對我們的利用不管不問,直到後來,2011年之後,習近平那個波告訴我我們原來早就盯上康若茜的波了,我們中共習近平波盯上她康若茜的波和她兒子Harry Gao的波,他在過去幾十年來對Harry Gaol的波進行了加工利用,非常殘酷殘忍,於是他們就把他的腦波進行了各種替換加工,替換成康若茜的波等各種波了。








  作者:康若茜 支持者:Harry Gao先生, 時間先生 06/22/2024








   比如,我兒子Harry Gao 在出生一歲多之後,他的正常自然環境中生存腦狀態之一是和自然狀態下的各種神經交流和溝通,但是,宋意宣利用犯罪電磁波腦控技術從許多方面阻攔了我兒子自然狀態下的各種腦神經交流溝通渠道,他們致力於每天一直告訴我兒子和其他幼童他們人工灌輸的人工的錯誤腦神經能量是自然正確產生的,這樣,我兒子這一代就接受了被誤導的世界,把被誤導被忽悠的世界當做他認識到的世界。犯罪分子強行把我兒子腦內興趣點轉向人工製成的事物,秩序和規則,強行讓他們忽略自然正確的世界的存在,忽略自我生命機制系統的腦神經來源是我們純正的做人靈魂這個正確精神的存在,我兒子被強行剝奪對正確精神存在的感知和體驗能力。我曾經觀察過一個社會奇怪現象,我兒子這代人對哈里波特的熱衷,我現在認識到這有可能是中共犯罪電磁波AI腦控侵犯社會大眾的時候我們人類集體潛意識的腦神經能量現實反映。



























   因此,我康若茜和我兒子Harry Gao和他的妻子Jessica 和他們的兒女人質家庭需要立刻得到救援,Jessica的父母也需要得到緊急救援。我的小學同學時間先生和他的家庭成員需要得到緊急救援。我們人質家庭也是人證家庭,中共習近平AI腦控犯罪分子對我和我兒子Harry 高的侵犯是在了解我的想法的腦控基礎上在現實進行的犯罪迫害活動,中共犯罪分子多次在我外出購物的時候非法闖入我的公寓進行各種和腦控相連的欺負虐待秘密活動,他們還侵犯了我的電腦,對我的電腦設置進行改動,阻攔我在萬維網上的報告發表,由於中共腦控了我們的美國政府官員,我報警無數次無效。他們針對我腦神經的虐待罄竹難書,我在過去將近一年當中已經撰寫了揭露犯罪報告幾十萬字以上。他們對我兒子的腦控侵犯違背天理,他們給我和我兒子加載抑鬱腦神經能量,他們的目標是把我們製造成心理有問題的病人,他們給我兒子多次加載能量改變記憶,他們對我兒子的大腦侵犯是給他加載腦神經能量,強迫他無法合理化中共腦控電磁波犯罪的問題是客觀存在,中共習近平AI腦控犯罪分子的陰謀之一是控制我兒子無法面對,改變我兒子的腦神經想法和反應。強迫他認為我作為母親和他一樣發生了心理問題,這樣對我們來說對是一種理想的相對安全的狀態。


我和時間先生的關係 Relationship between I and Mr.Shi,Jian

作者:Ruo Qian Kang 06/21/2024

     Mr. Shijian has been persecuted by the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control organization since the early 1980s because of his unique way of thinking and brain nerve pattern, justice, reality, and existence. The CCP Xi Jinping brain control organization has long been stealing his brain wave data and using electromagnetic wave air strikes to stimulate his wrong energy pattern, deceive, abuse and exploit.

Kang RuoQian way of thinking and brain nerve pattern are particularly unique, with justice and conscience, new brain nerve psychology science truth, great wisdom, health standards, correctness, rehabilitation, resistance and sustainable development. Mr. Shijian now confessed to me through the sound transmission consciousness that his violation of my sexual nerves has been going on for a long time. Since the beginning of 1981, Mr. Shijian has been in love with our elementary school classmate Ge Hong, and Ge Hong has become Shijian''s girlfriend. Ge Hong''s family is a military family, and her father is the secret person in charge of the CCP''s electromagnetic wave brain control.

Ge Hong has been very jealous of me, Kang Ruoxi, since elementary school. Her waves are scorpion poison waves, offensive waves, hypocritical villain waves, and secretly treating men as women to control waves. She took the initiative to pursue Time 5 months before the college entrance examination, and Mr. Time obeyed Ge Hong''s attack. Soon, she persuaded me to use the means of brain nerve thoughts to control Kang Ruoxi''s brain nerve waves, because Kang Ruoxi was a wave of wisdom. I had sexual fantasies about Kang Ruoxi''s waves and felt good, so I began to violate Kang Ruoxi''s sexual fantasies, which lasted for 5 years. Later, it continued.
I now believe that Ge Hong''s father is a brain control in the Chinese army, and I am under secret surveillance by Chinese brain control. Ge Hong now admits through electromagnetic waves that it was her father who used a wave that deprived others of their spiritual wisdom brain nerves at that time, and she Ge Hong took the initiative to pursue and control Time.

Later, China''s Xi Jinping brain control loaded a large amount of deceptive brain nerve energy on my classmate Time to tell Time that Kang Ruoxi secretly hated him very much and was the source of his pain in life, and simulated a large amount of brain nerve energy to load and instill Mr. Time, destroying the relationship between my classmate Time and Kang Ruoxi. In the late 1980s, the CCP Song Yixuan brain control gang began to steal my brain data and implement a long-term monitoring plan.

After 1990, when Xi Jinping was a local CCP official, he joined Song Yixuan to abuse my son, Kang Ruoxi, and my son, Gao Changsheng.

From October 2015 to September 2022, I came to China for a long-term visit and lived in China. I was persecuted by the subconscious and conscious AI brain control weapons of the Chinese government Xi Jinping AI brain control electromagnetic waves. In September 2022, I returned to the United States and now live alone in an apartment in the suburbs of Boston. For 35 years to now, the electromagnetic wave air strikes of Xi Jinping''s AI brain control weapons against me and the general public have continued.

In February 2023, I called Shi Guang on WeChat to tell him that I was brain controlled by the CCP AI electromagnetic waves. He said he didn''t believe it at the time. After mid-May 2023, Mr. Shi Guang told me through WeChat voice that I could send him WeChat to tell him about the brain control problem. Since then, I have told him almost every day through WeChat voice about the process of being persecuted by the CCP brain control agency in the past few years, my experience, my analysis, understanding and countermeasures. With his positive energy, encouragement, support and help, the problems of my brain nerves being abused and persecuted every day have been greatly reduced, and my brain nerve psychological reactions have been greatly improved. I started to register a blog name on Wanwei Reader Network every day and write reports every day to expose the CCP Xi Jinping''s use of weapons of mass destruction AI brain control weapons in the past 35 years to carry out extreme brain nerve crimes on my human brain.











  covid 19心冠病毒是中國習近平AI腦控秘密組織在對人類幾十年來進行電磁波和顱內傳音控制大腦神經犯罪的過程中,在根據他們的非人類目標蓄意製造各種邪惡思想的時候,他們給整個社會大眾低級腦神經系統加載和灌輸這些邪惡思想,在人類腦神經系統產生了錯亂反應導致,人類大腦神經系統在接受到這些暗中秘密不斷進行的虐待酷刑的時候,會產生大量的負面心理語言,形成錯誤的腦神經鏈接,產生錯誤的破壞身體的潛意識腦神經能量和信息,破壞相應的身體器官。這也是腦神經能量是物質世界現實來源的典型例證,是中國習近平國家政府35年來在世界範圍內秘密進行非人類的極端恐怖腦神經犯罪過程中,在人類從腦神經系統和身體方面的破壞性積累不斷加重造成的變異反應。


例如,在2015年到至少2021年2月3號期間,他們對我康若茜發動了極端殘酷的非人類AI電磁波腦神經傳音破壞我的腦神經自我交流系統,強迫我的自我腦神經系統對他們強行植入的邪惡腦神經能量信息流進行交流和溝通之前,對我進行了沒有聲音的腦神經邪惡能量的強行灌輸和酷刑實驗,那個時候,我和我表姐的身體和情緒感到疲勞緊張,我們因此希望利用我對人類腦科學和心理腦神經學的擅長進行我們原生家庭成員之間的關係調節。 這個過程中,我表姐先無意中發現了我們在閉目集中精力詢問一個主題的時候,往往會產生一種煙霧能量性質的圖像,我們腦內可以做出立刻反應,發現這是一種客觀的腦神經能量波的反射。現在我們判斷,這實際上是中國AI腦控對人類進行的沒有聲音的玷污性質的腦神經能量加載灌輸,他們對我們的視神經和腦神經某個層面進行加載導致。當時,她看出來之後告訴了我, 描述了圖像內容,我可以感知到圖像背後對我腦神經的刺激和相應的意義,我們當時判斷是由於我們的心理矛盾產生的錯誤能量導致,我們需要清除這些負面的圖像,我們的心理問題也就會解決。










我們人類戰勝他們非人類習近平政府的方法是正念進化的原則,就是首先要用正確的方法保持我們做人的靈魂的能力潛力和自然屬性。我們認為,在我們正確長久生存的正當欲望中存在一個哲理,就是我們如果有足夠的正確長久生存正能量,就會產生質的變化,因為我們整個人類是一個有機的整體,當我們每個人都意識中追求正確長久生存的正念的時候, 我們就會產生足夠的正能量,我們腦內就會產生這樣的保護我們做人靈魂的機制系統,這就需要我們選擇正確的心理神經調節方法,比如,我們每天意識中默念或者出生的說一套自我保護自我進化指令,每天練習和宣讀1小時以上,1,2個月之後我們的腦中就會產生相應的腦神經鏈接,當我們人類都形成了這種鏈接,我們在戰勝中國習近平AI剝奪人類靈魂的反人類武器的時候,就產生了自我保護,讓惡有惡報的能力和潛能。


  Now Chinese President Xi Jinping has revealed his brain nerve energy information through the CCP AI criminal brain control electromagnetic wave intracranial voice transmission, that he is guilty

China''s Xi Jinping criminal AI brain control illegal weapons are secretly declaring war on the people of the world every day. He conducts stupid training on our brain nerves to show the whole human race such logic of exterminating humanity: Now Chinese President Xi Jinping has revealed his brain nerve energy information through the CCP AI criminal brain control electromagnetic wave intracranial voice transmission, and he is guilty. 

   Xi Jinping said: "I am in the position of Chinese President, I just let Kang Ruoxi tell you that I am so bad and overbearing. The people of the world and the US government pretend not to know and dare not face it, because you have no ability to destroy me, because of many reasons, because I am controlled by you, because I am forced to control you. Because I control your brain and get excited by being controlled and abused, you stimulate me to continue to do this to you, because I have touched the forbidden area of human brain nerves, and this world has become my Xi Jinping''s. I am so cruel, so shameless and ignorant, we don''t know what to do? I am waiting for my miracle to appear. It turns out that we are a couple of dogs and men, and it turns out to be related to sexual nerves. I tell you, I don''t want to live anymore, and I can''t live anymore."

    So we humans can believe that China Xi Jinping''s brain -controlled illegal government has pursued the wrong path of evil demise in the past 35 years, which means that our human justice to eliminate evil''s justice is at the the same time becoming stronger, which means that It arouses the relative positive force to fight evil,and  means that the CCP''s illegal AI brain -controlled government gang is destined to perish, which is an inevitable result of the natural law of fair sunshine.

Mainly through the creation and infusion of sexual nerve energy to stimulate the sexual nerves of people in the United States and around the world, to obtain the energy of desire to conquer the human psychology and maintain the high-pressure dictatorial ruling power.

Stop Xi Jinping’s 35-year crime in the human brain nerve forbidden zone from Extinction of human beings and Ruo Qian Kang''s original thought on defeating the illegal AI brain control weapon.

---Ruo Qian Kang''s experience as a witness of the illegal AI brain control weapon crime committed by Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, her work and study experience, and an introduction to Ruo Qian Kang''s original thoughts

(since the report was written in Chinese, please refer to it for exact understanding).

By Ruo Qian Kang, Supporters: Mr. Shi, Jian (Mr. Time), Mr. Harry Gao 06/16/2024

1. The illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has used AI brain control weapons to carry out brain nerve extremism terrorist attacks on our victims and the brain nerves of the entire human mass for more than 20 hours a day from more than 20 years ago to now

I am one of the victims of the secret control of the human brain nerve system by the Chinese Communist Party government. Since the Xi Jinping government became the President of the Chinese Communist Party in 2013, it has stepped up secret air strikes and torture on the brain nerves of people all over the world. Because they are secret crimes, the human brain nerves are controlled to a generally imperceptible degree. The illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has used AI brain control weapons to carry out brain nerve extremism terrorist attacks on our victims and the brain nerves of the entire human mass for more than 20 hours a day from more than 20 years ago to now. 

On February 3, 2021, while I was visiting relatives and living in China for a long time, I was subjected to multiple air strikes by the Chinese government''s AI brain control electromagnetic wave technology and intracranial sound transmission and amplification brain control technology. They used brain control technology to amplify various content information in my brain nerve energy every day. This is an extremely painful and cruel non-human brain torture. Because this experience is unheard of, I have been unable to clearly describe it to others for a long time. After a year and a half of this experience, around July 2022, I searched for relevant information on the Internet. When I knew that this was a high-tech electromagnetic wave crime in China, I consciously speculated that what I learned from the sound transmission in my brain was that the staff of the local relevant departments of the Chinese government launched a criminal activity of electromagnetic wave brain nerve air strikes and abuse against me during my secret surveillance and residence as an American citizen.

However, I didn’t know how to deal with their brutal violations against me at that time. I couldn’t face it correctly for a long time, and I couldn’t really believe it. I could only warn myself to try my best to protect myself and survive in this tragic state of being suddenly attacked. Just like now, I can only try my best to recover my brain nerve system that was destroyed by them. Now, nearly a year has passed. Although I have written a lot of reports exposing the extreme terrorist crimes of AI brain control by Xi Jinping of the CCP, I still haven’t received the rescue I deserve from the US government, and I haven’t received the protection I deserve from US laws. One of the reasons is that Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist brain control criminals are carrying out brain nerve air strikes on me while carrying out the same content air strikes on the brain nerves of the entire human public. At the same time, they control the advanced brain nerves of the human public with one of the internal orders: “It is impossible to produce brain nerve reactions to eliminate Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist brain nerve crimes.”

For a long time after April 2021, they used the AI brain control weapons made by Xi Jinping of the CCP himself, combined with intracranial sound transmission technology and electromagnetic waves to torture my brain nerves by experimental means. Every night in the middle of the night, I was brutally aware that my college classmate Xu Yong was holding a similar iron tool to search my brain nerves wantonly, making me sick, and torturing me. They are implementing a non-human anti-human conspiracy plan to abuse and kill me as a brain-controlled hostage and witness in the direction of elimination. Their means are to publicly confess the means of brain nerve control torture of my son and me as individual victims, and in the process conduct secret tests and data assessment experiments on my brain nerve reactions. At the same time, they carry out secret air strikes and abuse crimes on the brain nerves of everyone living on the earth.

First, through this extremely terrifying secret criminal activity, they create the false brain nerve positive energy they need through intimidation and deception to support and maintain their high-pressure dictatorship over the Chinese people. They have thus kidnapped the spiritual world of the Chinese people psychologically, and they take this opportunity to deceive the world in the name of seeking welfare for more than one billion Chinese people and defending national security, laying the foundation for their further use of AI brain control weapons to secretly instill deceptive information and high-pressure authoritarian ideas into the brain nerve subconscious of people all over the world, providing a false spirit and reality pattern. Then, they formulated a plan to destroy and control the brain nerves of the US government and American society, with the purpose of using AI brain control criminal means to destroy or disintegrate the great and powerful country of the United States mentally and psychologically, so that the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping''s national government can first conquer the American people and the people of the world psychologically and occupy the position of barbaric hegemony in the real world.

2. About my son Harry Gao and my family members and social relations as brain control victims, who were initially controlled by the electromagnetic wave brain nerves of the Song Yixuan family of the Chinese Communist Party government and the local government of Xi Jinping at that time. Later, after Xi Jinping became the chairman of the national government, he continued to use the convenience of the position of the president to carry out electromagnetic wave air strikes on the brain nerves of us and the entire human race through illegal AI brain control weapons for about 35 years.

I immigrated to the United States on October 30, 2001, and became a US citizen in September 2005. I now live alone in an apartment in Chicopee City, a suburb of Boston, USA. I am 61 years old.

Before I immigrated to the United States, I worked as a high school English teacher in Jinan Licheng No. 6 Middle School and Jinan No. 3 Middle School for 6 years. On January 1, 1991, I worked as a news anchor at Jinan TV for more than three years. From February 1994 to May 2000, I worked as a reporter and director at CCTV for more than six years.

When I was an English teacher at Jinan No. 3 Middle School, around 1989, my family members and my son (whose name was Zhao Tianzhe at that time) were secretly monitored and had their electromagnetic wave brain nerve data stolen by my colleague Song Yixuan. Song Yixuan is a dual identity criminal suspect. Her father Song Ji is the head of brain control of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Government. Her parents and brother Song Zhijian and her husband Ma Dayuan are all criminals of the CCP brain control secret organization.

The brain nerve data stolen from Zhao Tianzhe and me was probably monitored and persecuted by Xi Jinping, who was a local official at the time, through the secret database of the Chinese National Brain Control Secret Archives after 1992. Xi Jinping later seized the power of China''s national leader through the criminal means of electromagnetic wave brain nerve control of the human masses, and served as the chairman of the Communist Party of China around 2012. Xi Jinping’s father, Xi Zhongxun, was one of the secret leaders of the Chinese Communist Party government responsible for controlling the human brain nerves. Xi Jinping himself has long been familiar with the Chinese secret brain control criminal activities carried out by this family.

The criminal suspects of the Song Yixuan brain control family of the Chinese Communist Party and the local government of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping began to formulate a secret electromagnetic wave brain nerve control abuse and persecution plan for my family members of Kang Ruoqian in 1989. In order to conduct long-term secret electromagnetic wave experiments, abuse and control persecution on me and my young son Harry Gao, they carried out long-term cruel electromagnetic wave brain nerve non-human persecution on my son’s father Zhao Jian. Their purpose is to degrade our personality and succumb to their secret spiritual humiliation of us in exchange for their all-round plunder of our family and the entire human race from spirit to material. They, the brain control criminals of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping Song Yixuan, used electromagnetic waves and AI brain control robots to artificially create brain nerves to frame and frame energy, and loaded them on me and Zhao Jian respectively, forcing Zhao Jian to give up his superior job position, run away from home, and be separated from his wife and children and sent to prison. In May 1989, Zhao Jian’s father, Zhao Yimin, an associate professor at Shandong Normal University, died suddenly of liver cancer in his 50s. The illegal brain control group of the Chinese Communist Party abused and controlled my son who was less than 2 years old by electromagnetic wave brain nerve disorder deception and psychological conquest. At the same time, it destroyed the correct relationship between me as a mother and my son, and carried out all-round pursuit and interception of me, Kang Ruoqian, from the spiritual to the real life.

In November 1990, Jinan TV held an open recruitment activity for news anchors. Among more than 800 competitors, I, Kang Ruoqian and Sun Qingmin, won and became the news anchors of Jinan TV. I worked as a news anchor at Jinan TV for more than 3 years from early 1991 to early 1994. Until February 1994, I was seconded to the Economic Department of CCTV as a reporter and director. I worked at CCTV for more than 6 years. I immigrated to Canada in May 2000, and I immigrated to the United States in November 2001. I became a US citizen on September 28, 2005.

In March 1998, I met and fell in love with Mr. Gao Yaming, an American immigrant, through an introduction. We registered our marriage in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. The marriage lasted for 13 years and 7 months, and we were officially divorced in the Prince William County Court in Virginia, USA in October 2011.

In the past six months, I have learned through the subconscious and conscious brain nerve energy information revealed by the AI brain control criminal weapons and intracranial sound transmission technology of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping that my ex-husband, American citizen lawyer Gao Yaming, and her first wife Luo Jie are dual-identity electromagnetic wave brain control criminal suspects of the Chinese Communist Party. They remarried after 2013. The two of them have been carrying out China Xi Jinping''s electromagnetic wave brain nerve criminal activities in the United States for decades. They have joined forces with local Americans to control many industries including surveillance in the United States, and secretly and barbarically engaged in electromagnetic wave brain control extreme terrorist criminal activities in the United States. They are also related to the manufacture and source of brain nerve energy for American computer Cyber crimes.

Gao Yaming''s first and current wife Luo Jie was said to have married a former US President Clinton''s government writer before remarrying Gao Yaming. This information was told by editor Mr. Zhang Ming in 2003 when I was working as a contract worker at VOA. At that time, I was asking him about Luo Jie''s situation. Gao Yaming''s remarried wife Luo Jie had been a reporter in the Chinese Department of VOA before I came to work at VOA. Gao Yaming deliberately concealed the fact that Luo Jie had been married to a US White House government official in 2009. He had lied to me to deliberately deny Luo Jie''s experience of being married to a White House official.

The Song Yixuan family colluded with Xi Jinping''s brain control criminal gang, who was a local official at the time, around 1991, and began to control my brain nerves and my young son Harry Gao (named Zhao Tianzhe at the time) from less than two years old to the present day when Xi Jinping has become the President of the country and continues to carry out extreme terrorist brain control crimes against us. They are getting worse and worse, from subconscious electromagnetic wave brain nerve abuse to blatant AI brain control weapons brain transmission and electromagnetic wave terrorist attacks, from crimes within China to now international crimes in the United States, from the initial electromagnetic wave brain control crimes against target victims to the current AI brain control weapons remote control air strikes on the entire human society and the American people and their American government officials.

For example, according to Gao Yaming''s self-communication information in his subconscious and conscious self-communication in the CCP AI brain control electromagnetic wave amplifier in the past three months, Gao Yaming conducted electromagnetic wave brain nerve control on Jessica Miller, my son''s junior high school classmate and later wife, in about 2003. Gao Yaming believes that this is the beginning of the CCP''s use of electromagnetic waves to control the psychological spirit of Westerners. In fact, the Chinese Communist Party government has already begun to carry out electromagnetic wave brain nerve control crimes against Westerners in different parts of the world at the same time. In 2008, Harry Gao and his classmate, Jessica Miller, a local white American, fell in love and had a grand wedding in June 2011 witnessed by their parents. Their lives were actually secretly controlled, abused and manipulated by the electromagnetic waves of the Chinese Communist Party government.

Now there is a voice transmission in the skull claiming to be Harry''s brain nerve consciousness transmission. I am skeptical. I think it is the brain nerve abuse and control of my son Harry Gao by Xi Jinping''s AI brain control. Now criminals are pretending to be my son Harry''s voice transmission. They are disclosing the brain nerve control and electromagnetic wave air raid abuse of my grandson Dannel Gao by China''s brain control. They are also maliciously stimulating and abusing my brain nerves.

They said through my son''s voice that our first son Dannel Gao was born in 2014 and was very healthy at the time. However, the Chinese Xi Jinping AI brain control organization would not let go of any victim group target that he thought was related to Kang Ruoqian and her son. So the Chinese Xi Jinping AI brain control criminal gang secretly controlled Harry Gao''s son Dannel Gao through low-level electromagnetic waves. It was not until recently that Harry found something wrong and angrily denounced the CCP brain control organization that the secret airstrike on his son was stopped.

This is a barbaric deception information of the CCP brain control, which is not true. The fact is that their CCP AI electromagnetic wave persecution of my son Dannel is real and has not stopped until now. We express our great protest. This is Harry''s brain wave, which is what Harry perceives subconsciously and consciously. However, they distorted and abused Harry''s conscious nerves, making it impossible for Harry to express and know in his consciousness. They used this method to inhumanely destroy their family, trying to make them unable to survive in this way, to achieve the multiple anti-human goals of Xi Jinping''s AI brain control criminal organization in China to eliminate their brain control victims, hostages and family members.

My granddaughter Willow Gao was born with a cleft lip in 2021. During that period, the CCP was persecuting and abusing my conscious and subconscious brain nerves every day. The content of their airstrikes on me was full of persecution and abuse of our son''s brain nerve energy. During the recovery of Harry''s daughter''s cleft lip surgery, Xi Jinping''s AI brain control organization in China continued to control and violate the brain nerves of this one-year-old girl.

Their goal and means are to eliminate the victims, witnesses and family members in the direction of covering up Xi Jinping''s non-human and anti-human crimes of brain control, so as to achieve their goal of the CCP Xi Jinping illegal government crime AI brain control weapon gang to control the brain nerve resources of everyone in the entire human society for life, to create and generate the brain nerve energy needed by the CCP Xi Jinping''s brain control extreme terrorist criminals, and to make the brain nerves of everyone in the world become brain nerve machines that support Xi Jinping''s domination of the world.

Their methods of committing crimes are varied and irregular, and their purpose is to make it impossible for people to summarize, defeat, and believe. The main goal is to make the human brain undergo a passive splitting and degeneration reaction, so that humans will develop in a direction where they cannot survive. The specific characteristics are to make the human brain become a pathological brain with active lower-level brains and inactive higher-level brains, and intelligence decline. They believe that it is easy to make humans active in the lower-level brain by using AI brain control weapons, so that humans can maintain a state of lower-level brain excitement, and cannot produce a healthy state of higher-level brain activity and lower-level brain relaxation. One of their extremely terrifying methods is to use AI brain control weapons to load depressed brain nerve energy, so that humans are not interested in things that generate vitality and are beneficial to their own survival and development, but are interested in things that are not beneficial to their own survival and development, and are interested in chaotic nerve excitement, mistakenly believing that this is human nature and instinct.

They activate the lower-level nerves of humans, especially the incest and incestuous nerves, to regulate the chaotic nerve excitement reflex of the human brain to stimulate criminal activities, forcing the human masses to live in an uncontrolled state of lower-level brain nerve excitement, and live in the contradictions and oppositions between family members and social relations members, providing conditions for the CCP Xi Jinping brain control criminal gang to further control the higher-level brain of humans.

Since this is against the direction and goal of human beings'' correct long-term survival and development, when humans unknowingly accept the abuse of the CCP''s AI brain control weapons, they will generate a lot of negative energy and wrong internal language. This is a survival reminder instinct, and the subconscious nerves are reminding us that there is a problem with our bodies. However, in the case of our human beings being abused by AI brain control, this reminder function is also deliberately destroyed, so that wrong neural connections will be formed. The formation of wrong brain nerve patterns, more importantly, people live in self-misunderstanding, their intelligence declines, and the brain is in a trend of separation between the high-level brain and the low-level brain. The goals chosen in self-consciousness are not conducive to the goal selection and pursuit of self-survival. Therefore, the destructive life mode of the entire human society that lives towards death is artificially formed, human society is heading towards destruction, and wrong conditioned reflexes are formed, and the AI brain control weapons of the illegal government of the CCP Xi Jinping will become reasonable and legal.

They use satellite technology and AI brain control to combine multiple brain nerve control technologies to create electromagnetic wave brain control weapons, and carry out brain nerve air strikes and abuse crimes against the American people for 5 or 6 hours a day. They use Shandong dialect in China to broadcast the evil thoughts and wrong logic brain nerve information of various evil patterns they have created for more than 20 hours a day. They spread and reveal spiritual pollution ideas to the whole world every day.

I have obtained a large amount of photo evidence of their crimes and published them in the "Personal Album" of the "Respect Justice" blogger column of my blog on the Wanwei Reader website. I have been writing almost every day since July 31 last year, often writing reports for more than 15 hours a day. I have now written more than 500 reports exposing their crimes, which have accumulated hundreds of thousands of words.

I have reported to the US government departments and the White House countless times, but I think it has not attracted enough attention. I know that the criminal gang of the Xi Jinping government of the Chinese Communist Party has been using illegal AI brain control weapons to carry out extreme terrorist crimes, and is conspiring to prevent the US government and all walks of life, especially the media and other departments from "ignoring" and "not believing" the electromagnetic wave brain nerve control activities of their criminals to the AI brain control weapons air strike crimes in American society.

3. My son and I have been forced to become experimental subjects and abused victims of the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control criminals for a long time. I have developed a great spirit of resistance and founded the New Evolution of rational ideas. I think this is the right path in life and a powerful spiritual weapon to defeat the CCP Xi Jinping''s illegal anti-human government.
A, I studied Western thought in the United States

During the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control electromagnetic wave airstrike, I developed anxiety and sleep problems. I have been thinking about a question subconsciously, "What happened in this world?" One day in 2005, when I realized this problem, I was secretly surprised and realized my inner curiosity. I then devoted my energy to studying and exploring this problem. Now I realize that the question that has been lingering in my mind comes from the criminal activities of the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control on our brain nervous system, and from their daily secret attacks on our mother and son and the human brain nervous system. My intuition, positive energy mode and survival instinct made me doubt.

I applied for Nova Community College in August 2006 and began to study and think about psychology, scientific methods, Western classical philosophy, social psychology, sociology, Western history, anthropology and other subjects. I had excellent grades in a North American community college and completed about 15 courses. I am very grateful for studying in a North American community college, which allowed me to enjoy the great wisdom and efficiency of the Western undergraduate education method, which focuses on improving students'' learning ability, a natural sense of autonomy and humanity. At the same time, I realized that learning these subjects in English can activate some concepts that were originally unclear in my mind, making me realize that learning Chinese and English can activate different areas of my brain nerves, making it easier and more accurate for me to think about problems. I feel lucky.

I received a master''s degree in science from Michigan State University in the United States from 2011 to 2013. My research major was human development and family studies. I was 50 years old when I graduated with a master''s degree.

At Michigan State University in the United States, in 2011, I began to conduct extensive independent observations, discussions and knowledge concept applications on theories such as psychological brain neuroscience and brain neuropsychological regulation. I conducted long-term natural observations and discussions on issues such as the source of the material world and the relationship between ideas and reality. Two years later, I completed my studies with excellent results.

I am very grateful for my experience of studying at Michigan State University in the United States, the atmosphere of independent research and the extensive reading of research reports. This process has broadened my academic horizons. The professors'' rigorous attitude towards scholarship and advocacy of independent innovation have played the advantages of my rich work experience for me as an adult student, laying the foundation for me to write A-level paper.
B, my lifelong research topic - "Mindfulness New Evolution Theory" and its introduction

For decades, I have been studying the relevant content and theories of "Mindfulness New Evolution Theory", studying the relationship between ideas and reality, studying the relationship between the ideas and spirit of the objective existence of human self-life and the material natural society, and how to produce a virtuous cycle of positive effects on the essence of objective life existence. I believe that the correct survival desire "mindfulness" instinctively generated by microorganisms in the natural evolution and development has promoted the evolution and correct development of organisms, and gradually formed the evolution and development of various neural mechanism systems that complement each other with the correct spirit and the correct and healthy body that perfected the characteristics of human nature, which contributed to the soul-based existence motivation of the main theme of human positive will.

Mindfulness of rational ideas can be summarized into several categories. It is a unique quality and inner need of human beings. Mindfulness of rational ideas can be regarded as a group of virtuous life elements, such as humanity, kindness, dignity, equality, conscience, health and longevity, beauty, robustness, soundness, perfection, happiness, relaxation, right way, nobleness, calmness, elegance, science, precision, justice, correctness, rationality, sunshine, balance, symmetry, order, boundaries, courage, reasonableness, simplicity and nature, truth and sincerity, great wisdom, great calculation, high realm, wisdom, correct emotion, correct long-term survival and development, correct objective existence, correct spirit, correct material, righteousness eliminates evil, correct result of correct cause and effect, good is rewarded, evil is punished, self-esteem, self-confidence, freedom, autonomy, self-governance, positive effect, self-rational relationship, self-unity, these virtuous life elements are also called inner objective inner rational order life needs, which are the inner needs that need to be met for our healthy life and the motivational force that supports our life.

Therefore, we humans need to know the nature, characteristics, objective laws, nature and performance of the human brain as a human race, and consciously explore the correct concepts around the characteristics and internal laws of our lives, so that our lives can consciously shift from the spontaneous stage, the free stage, to the conscious stage, to the rational and correct stage - the stage of automatically generating positive energy of the brain nerves that helps humans survive and develop correctly. Through conscious scientific regulation to produce the correct mechanism system of the brain, the brain can automatically generate positive energy. Therefore, I believe that after our human society has eliminated the persecution of human brain nerves by the AI brain control weapons of Xi Jinping of the CCP, our human society will enter a new era of fair and sunny pursuit of the correct spirit and correct material to ensure success. This is a new era of pursuing a virtuous cycle of various relationships to unite and establish a positive effect. Our human society will move from the past stage of curing mistakes to a perfect new era of consciously pursuing the correct life and the correct destiny.

Everyone''s life is a product of natural transformation. Every life consists of two parts: soul and body. Only the unity of soul and body is a correct and healthy state. From this perspective, the source of our life is our noble soul, or the correct soul and the corresponding correct physiological body constitute an independent and complete life. As human beings, we must maintain our healthy life, respect our soul, and focus on the cultivation and improvement of our soul. Therefore, we humans are essentially self-concentrated lives. Only self-concentration can produce the power of life. This is determined by the soul, the source of great life energy.

This independent integrity is the unity and consistency of the self, and the center is the unity and consistency of the self-soul and the self-body. This body includes our physiological brain and nervous system. We must know that a healthy brain is a physiological state in which the self-sensory brain and the low-level brain are united and consistent, and the self-consciousness and the subconsciousness are united and consistent. In this way, we pursue self-concentration, self-loyalty, self-obedience, self-control, self-health, and self-immunity maintenance of our own life. We will focus on the maintenance and improvement of our own soul, the improvement of our own moral level, and the pursuit of the energy of the virtue life element.

The human soul is a life energy body, which is in the correct order. The virtues and life elements contained in the soul are what we humans need in essence. We humans need these spiritual food because it is an objective life reality and another form of matter. Our human soul needs to develop and improve in an orderly reincarnation. We humans come to the world with a mission, which is to fulfill our original intention and our commitment to the dignity of our lives and God.

We can see that in essence, the relationship between us humans is actually united and consistent. Each of us needs to focus on maintaining and improving our own soul level. Therefore, the content of each of us is united and unified. We humans come to the world because of our souls as human beings. We must maintain and cherish our souls as human beings. This is the meaning and primary task of our human existence.

The level of our soul determines the level of the self-positive energy model. The self-positive energy model is the personal contribution made by human individuals to the development of human society in the direction of the main theme of human positive will for correct and long-term survival and development. In this process, the level of human souls is improved and sublimated.

People''s understanding determines their thoughts, their thoughts determine their realm, their realm determines their wisdom, and their wisdom determines their motivation and vitality. The realm of man and the level of his soul complement each other. The human soul is a life energy body. The soul is eternal in reincarnation and development. We humans come to the world with a mission, which is to fulfill our original intention and the promise to our life dignity and God. We come to the world because of our soul level as human beings. We must maintain and cherish our soul as human beings. This is the meaning and primary task of our human survival.

The origin and development of our human species is the evolution and development of the idea of correct survival in the process of survival and development in nature. The positive thoughts generated by human survival motivation influence each other and produce corresponding nervous systems, consciousness and subconscious nervous systems. The subconscious nervous system is an intuitive instinct system. We humans actually rely on the subconscious brain nervous system to evolve and develop.

However, in the past, the control of human brain nerves by the Chinese Communist government over the past 70 years has entered the forbidden zone of destroying mankind. Especially in the past 20 or 30 years, China has developed more advanced criminal AI brain nerve control machines and technologies, which is a weapon of mass destruction. On the basis of deliberately controlling our human advanced brain, he wantonly destroys our rational subconscious correct survival nervous system that has already evolved.

Due to the high-pressure, dictatorial and ignorant barbaric operation of the CCP Xi Jinping brain control group, the rational survival mechanism of our human brain nerves, especially the subconscious brain nerves, has been artificially destroyed, and the response mechanism that our human beings have established for tens of thousands of years to adapt to correct survival has been destroyed. They deliberately destroyed the correct survival rational mechanism system that our human ancestors have established through tens of thousands of years of evolution in the development of natural forces. Therefore, it has become a necessary and sufficient condition for us humans to discover the secrets and laws of our own life in our consciousness.

When the illegal government of the CCP Xi Jinping blindly and barbarically invaded the human brain nerve forbidden area with computer electromagnetic waves in the past few decades, their souls became non-human. Their original life energy as a human could not be maintained because their souls as a human were lost. They found that their life and regime operation became opposed to human life. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between their survival and the correct life and destiny of mankind. They can only rely on using AI brain control weapons to control human life energy and degrade it, forcing humans to the level of brain nerves where they cannot survive. Only then can the Xi Jinping regime survive and maintain their high-pressure authoritarian rule. This is their non-human anti-human extremist terrorist crime logic.

In other words, the extreme terrorist criminal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has long been a dying government. Their individual vitality has become unable to survive due to the long-term loss of souls. As a result, they have become more vicious and crazy. They put their hopes on the extreme terrorist crimes of high-tech brain control, trying to find ways to savagely absorb and manufacture the life energy of the entire human race to maintain their dying lives. The Chinese Xi Jinping government has actually become a vampire government that destroys humanity.

In the past few years, they have often vented their dying subconscious information and "doomsday" emotions in their criminal AI brain control electromagnetic wave abuse "programs". Faced with the heinous crimes committed by the extreme terrorist crimes led by Xi Jinping against humanity for decades, Xi Jinping made a criminal decision to carry out a plan to eliminate our witness families and the people of the world one by one on the premise and direction of covering up Xi Jinping''s own extreme terrorist crimes of brain control against humanity, with the goal of maintaining their evil dictatorship in the process.

The specific method of Xi Jinping''s extreme terrorist criminal gang is to divide humanity into two major categories, the exploiting class and the deprived class, and on this basis, carry out multiple criminal deceptions and alienation. Their main despicable means is to corrupt and seduce the souls of the masses of our human race, making them as evil and stupid as they are. They believe that this is their magic weapon to defeat humanity.

That is, they try to seduce humans into non-essential, irrational evil and false excitement, and then find reasons to comfort themselves for their extreme terrorist crimes. Therefore, they tell their own brain nerves that the essence of human beings is as evil as they are, and they can''t stand it either, so they are also righteous. They try to suppress their own subconscious nerves and turn them into the embodiment of justice by suppressing the humans they have corrupted, so as to obtain the brain nerve positive energy they need for their lives and high-pressure, authoritarian and evil power. Therefore, they are hopelessly wrong, and the Xi Jinping government has become a hideous and evil face that cannot be added, and has staged the pinnacle of evil in the world and throughout history.

Precisely for this reason, we humans must immediately take up our spiritual and material weapons to defeat the enemy and eliminate the vampire government. Whoever fires at them first, whoever makes merit first, whoever is good first will be rewarded, whoever is good will be rewarded, whoever is good will be rewarded, whoever is on the correct interface of survival.

I need to remind our great human beings here that in the face of such a vicious enemy crisis, in order to defeat Xi Jinping''s illegal brain-controlled government, we need our brains to become rational brains as much as possible. This is the physiological condition of the self-brain that we need to achieve and maintain in our consciousness. That is, we need to know that we do not need excitement, whether it is a low-level brain or a high-level brain. Excitement will make us lose control and addicted, and our brains will be easily exploited and accept the abuse and violation of Xi Jinping''s illegal brain-controlled weapons. Once our human souls are corroded, our wisdom will decline, our human self-control will decline, and our chances of recovery and survival will decline.

Therefore, the principle we pursue is to maintain the rationality and order of our minds, to be calm and composed, and to comprehensively pursue the combination of the elements of virtue and life on this principle, to improve our vitality and wisdom, and to improve our various brain nerve abilities to defeat the enemy. Of course, we always keep in mind that the physiological basis of our health and the soul energy body of our self are a whole, and need to be "united". The degree of our vitality is, to some extent, closely related to whether the self is united and consistent. This is what we need to pay attention to and adjust at all times in the era of criminal electromagnetic waves, because the illegal AI brain control of the CCP has been deliberately destroying the principle of unity between our human soul and our physiological body.

The secret of their invasion of human brain nerves is to ignore the existence of the energy body soul of our pure life as a human being, turn our human attention to the brain nerve system, and try to secretly deceive the lower brain. Because our brain nerve system has been attacked by their CCP AI brain control weapons, and it has been preemptive for a long time, so we humans have no chance of winning, we can only "surrender", we know that this is nonsense.

Because the source of our life is our soul energy body of the correct nature of being a human being. The energy body of this human soul cannot be shaken by the evil AI brain control weapon. The dimension and space of this soul energy body are protected by God. Our life is given by God and is natural. Therefore, we should not listen and believe in all the violations and deceptions of the CCP Xi Jinping''s brain control. Therefore, we need to clearly realize that loving our own soul and cherishing our own soul are the guarantee and source of the virtuous cycle of our life. As long as our righteous and pure soul energy body is there, as long as our great wisdom is there, our soul positive energy body can reshape and recover our brain nerve correct mechanism system.

In this way, we can improve our self-control and self-protection ability of our advanced brain. We want to pursue the activity of the advanced brain. What we need is the chemical serotonin, which keeps us awake, relaxed, and softens our blood vessels. This chemical will make us concentrate, improve efficiency, feel happy and satisfied. We humans need to pursue this kind of wise life and life.

We must understand the meaning and purpose of our lives as human beings. This is our great wisdom and calculation, our values, and maintaining the purity of our souls. This is our greatest "virtue" and "gain", because our vitality and correct destiny are proportional to the level of our souls. This is the secret of life. At the same time, we are always vigilant against the evil intentions of the brain-controlled criminals of the illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, and refuse to let our souls be corrupted and tainted.

Human beings and the natural universe of society are an organic whole, which are interdependent, interconnected, and independent of each other. As individuals, humans are independent and complete individuals, and the relationship between us is a rational and correct relationship. The essence of our human beings and the natural universe is the same, which is correct, rational and orderly, and has rules to follow. Each of us humans has a perfect and correct life and destiny. Only on the basis of correctly understanding ourselves can humans establish the correct direction of active, correct and long-term survival and development, walk on the right path, and enjoy a correct life. Therefore, understanding the correct knowledge about human self is a prerequisite for social development.

When I was abused by the brain nerves of the Chinese Communist Party, my desire for life and the power of justice made me find this set of correct survival mechanism system formed by our human subconsciousness again. This is an instinctive struggle for my life against the CCP''s decades of long-term brain nerve torture and abuse of me, a single mother, and my son. In this process, I created a new type of comprehensive science, which produced brain nerve connections and correct brain nerve reaction patterns that are conducive to correct and long-term survival and development, as well as the cognition of correct conditioned reflexes. I used these scientific research knowledge and brain nerve regulation methods to carry out self-rescue activities and rational brain nerve system regulation during my long-term persecution by the CCP brain control agency. Therefore, I not only survived, but also objectively received objective support from the positive energy of the brain nerve of my elementary school classmate Mr. Shijian, who also suffered from the CCP Xi Jinping''s brain control nerve persecution for many years, and effectively fought against the CCP''s criminal electromagnetic wave artificial and deliberate brain nerve persecution of our human beings. The instinctive support of my son Harry Gao''s sense of justice also encouraged me to remain fearless in the face of danger and inspired me to continue to write reports that expose the truth and essence of Xi Jinping''s AI brain control crimes, including relevant knowledge introductions to combat brain control crimes.

In the era of criminal electromagnetic waves, especially in the past three years, China''s Xi Jinping''s illegal AI brain control weapons have been invading the human brain nerves every day. Criminals are taking advantage of human ignorance of the concept of self-identity to instill wrong logic and secretly force humans to accept it. When people secretly believe in their deceptive thoughts, they will produce wrong psychological language and brain nerve energy that will destroy the righteous, which is equivalent to supporting the extreme terrorist criminal activities of Xi Jinping, the illegal government of the Chinese Communist Party, against humans. Our human self-life has become more and more passive and fragile. Our consciousness and subconsciousness have deviated from our united and consistent state in the right direction and become increasingly separated. Our healthy body, which was originally closely connected to our body and self-soul, has become pathological. Our human life ability to focus on ourselves has gradually blurred, which is a problem we must fully realize.
C. In response to the electromagnetic wave invasion of the human brain and nervous system by the illegal AI brain control weapons of the Chinese Communist Party, I created a rational intervention method for the rehabilitation of brain nerve energy

In the process of fighting against the illegal brain control of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, I independently created a rational adjustment intervention method for the brain and nervous system to clear negative brain nerve energy, clear wrong brain nerve connections, rehabilitate the brain and nervous system, form correct brain nerve connections, and correct brain nerve response patterns.

In the dark era of the CCP''s criminal electromagnetic wave brain control, we need to recite these concepts silently or say them out loud with expression every day:
 We must have "decryption, detoxification, problem solving, puzzle solving, untying, unbinding, uncovering, uncovering, exposing, illuminating, seeing through, exposing, quitting drinking, quitting sex, realizing, perceiving, seeing, our lives are running correctly, self-respect, autonomy, self-governance, self-healing, self-reflection, self-respect, self-loyalty, self-concentration, self-protection, self-consistency, self-unification, self-protection of the soul, knowing oneself, valuing oneself, seeing oneself, controlling oneself, protecting oneself, being fair to oneself, being fair to oneself, letting evil be punished, letting good be rewarded, protecting health, self-confidence, self-respect, freedom, autonomy, self-governance, correct mother-child relationship, fair mother-child relationship."

 Recite silently or say it out loud "We stopped the members of your brain-controlled criminal gangs, we stopped your evil deeds, I successfully stopped your evil deeds. I controlled the members of the brain-controlled criminal gangs, I successfully controlled you, controlled you to stop your own evil deeds. I hit you, I successfully hit your evil deeds, our American government and the people of the world eliminated you, our American government and the people of the world successfully eliminated your criminal gangs."

Silently recite or say it out loud with expression, adjust the subconscious brain nerve energy, and we will have NONONONONONONNONONO reaction exercises for all curses on us, and all thoughts that violate our correct and long-term survival and development. This is a rational correction method for the wrong psychological language against the destruction of the human subconscious brain nerve system by the CCP''s criminal AI brain control weapons, which can fundamentally eliminate the wrong brain nerve connections.

 Silently recite or speak out loud with expression, return the response, for the curse, "We do not accept, do not need, do not believe, do not be fooled, do not deceive, do not endure, do not examine, do not listen, do not obey. Stop, stop, refuse, reject, reject, righteousness destroys evil, righteousness destroys evil, right direction, right order, rationality, justice and balance." For all the curses in secret, we can return them separately, "Return, return to the brain of the person they cursed, make big calculations and make precise calculations, so that their curses will take effect in their brains. Let them get what they deserve, get fair punishment, and get fair legal sanctions."

These adjustment methods are very simple, easy to use, and effective. They are the fundamental brain nerve energy adjustment methods of our brain nerve system. I hope we cherish and use them rationally. These methods are rooted in my understanding of the essence of things and belong to the new comprehensive disciplines and cutting-edge knowledge of psychological brain neuroscience, and a new way of thinking. I hope to cherish them, respect my independent thinking and pursuit of the correct spirit, respect the legitimate rights and interests of my original intellectual property rights, and correctly understand and respect my spiritual wisdom and labor contributions to defeat Xi Jinping''s AI criminal brain control weapons in the era of criminal electromagnetic waves.

I believe that we humans should pursue the unity of right spirit and right material, which is the pattern and requirement of the virtuous cycle of human society and nature. Our pursuit of the moral life elements that support our lives and the positive energy patterns of each of our brain nerves and the correct way of thinking is the correct order and direction that we humans should pursue, because the right spirit guarantees the success of becoming a material reality. Spirit and material actually exist at the same time. Only by seeing and respecting can we have the practical significance of a virtuous cycle.

4. My learning experience and independent thinking for decades to create a new evolutionary theory of rational ideas. Brain resources were stolen and deprived by China''s Xi Jinping AI brain control weapons using electromagnetic waves and intracranial sound transmission.

Two years after I graduated from Michigan State University in the United States, I sold my American property in the fall of 2015 and came to China to live long-term, visiting my parents for 7 years. In October 2015, I returned to Jinan, Shandong Province, China to rent a house and worked as a college entrance examination tutor and psychological tutor at Dazhi Training School in Jinan, Shandong, for 5 years. In 2017, I passed the China National Psychological Counselor Unified Examination and obtained the China National Senior Second-level Psychological Counselor Certificate.

The comprehensive theory about human life that I have been thinking and studying independently for decades has been secretly calculated by the criminals of Xi Jinping''s brain control of the CCP for many years. They secretly formulated a conspiracy plan to steal through illegal AI brain control. From February to July 2022, for about 5 months, they activated my brain nerve resource area through AI brain control electromagnetic wave brain nerves to secretly and publicly steal electromagnetic wave sound brain control technology. They forced me to talk about the theory for 20 hours a day through intracranial sound transmission for 4 or 5 months. At that time, I didn''t know who they were or what they were doing. My brain nerves were forced to use the way they told me to talk about and analyze the theoretical system that I had been thinking about independently for decades in the induced airstrike of intracranial sound transmission and electromagnetic wave brain nerve stimulation. They loaded me with brain nerve energy and activated the brain nerve theoretical resources that I had studied independently for many years.

For many years, I have been preparing to create my new theory of mindfulness evolution for publication. I know that this is a brand-new theory involving the material natural world and the comprehensive fields of physical health and mental health. It is unprecedented and respects the human nature of the entire human race in the direction of the essence of brain nerve energy and the essence of human rational energy body. Therefore, over the past fifteen years, I have been considering the issue of thoughts behind this surface law and the truth of mindfulness evolution. I have been considering the social problems that this theory may bring and the relevant social responsibilities that I need to consider as the founder of the discipline.

However, the CCP brain control criminals have been creating a large amount of brain nerve energy, which not only prevents me from writing my theory, but also prevents me from further thinking about my theory. They have been savagely robbing the theoretical resources in my brain, threatening me not to write these contents, and persecuting my brain nerve theory area with electromagnetic waves. Brainwashing, implying that as a victim of brain control, I have no qualifications and opportunities to become the author of the theoretical system I have independently thought about. Xi Jinping is naturally and shamelessly qualified to be the author and app thief of this theory. At the same time, they have been blocking the American and Western societies from understanding and paying attention to the decisive role of human brain nerves in the development of things and their scientific research activities. I remember that a man named Fan Yongbo brainwashed me with electromagnetic wave air raids. Later, this person''s waves appeared many times in two or three months at that time. He stepped into the field of evil. He may not be the worst. He seemed to have different opinions on their Xi Jinping''s brain control crimes. Later, he disappeared in the electromagnetic wave brain control.

The criminals also threatened me through electromagnetic wave intracranial voice transmission. During my long-term residence in China as an American citizen, whether it was the self-psychological adjustment at home or the psychological thoughts I told students at Dazhi School, they violated the goals and content of the CCP''s rule. The dissemination of these psychological knowledge itself violated the dictatorial and authoritarian ideas of Xi Jinping in China. They hate my theory because my theory believes that the essence of human beings is order and correctness, and justice eliminates evil is the natural attribute of human creatures. Their illegal brain control is completely opposite to the fundamental idea of this theory. They believe that my philosophy has actually sentenced China to death for illegal AI brain control extreme terrorist crimes. They are extremely desperate, exasperated, and stubbornly resist. We humans must fully realize that this is the ideological root of Chinese President Xi Jinping''s willful use of illegal brain control weapons to carry out extreme terrorist crimes to destroy humanity.

Xi Jinping''s brain control criminals have coveted my theoretical system for a long time. After they deprived me of my theory, they conducted data evaluation and exploration of my theory. Hua Chunying played the role of a doctoral researcher at the time. She told me on the spot through brain control electromagnetic wave amplification technology that they believed that my theory was confirmed by data. They believed that I, as a brain control victim, was not qualified to be the founder and owner of this theory. Therefore, they spent another 6 months concentrating on the conspiracy plan of depriving my theoretical system of electromagnetic waves produced by brain nerve energy, destroying the brain nerve theory energy of correct life that my brain has been routine for many years. They carried out extremely terrifying brain nerve criminal activities of misapplying objective laws in an attempt to become the owner and founder of the theory and the embodiment of justice. They are pursuing the use of AI brain control weapons to commit crimes against heaven by reversing right and wrong.

5. They, Xi Jinping, have formulated a conspiracy plan for extreme terrorist crimes, in order to cover up the general direction of Xi Jinping''s extreme terrorist crimes, to eliminate the hostages'' families, to eliminate the human justice force and to eliminate the people in the world.

In order to achieve this goal, they have formulated an anti-human plan to control the brain nerves of the entire human masses for life, with the purpose of covering up Xi Jinping''s decades of extreme terrorist and non-human anti-human terrorist crimes against humanity. Therefore, they have formulated a plan to secretly kill the victim''s family of me and my son Harry Gao, and the victim''s family of my elementary school classmate Mr. Time.

Xi Jinping''s AI brain control conspiracy turned the time wave into Xi Jinping''s position, and at the same time fought for a position in Kang Ruoqian''s position to deny Kang Ruoxi''s report on exposing China''s Xi Jinping''s criminal AI brain control weapons air strikes on the human brain terrorist crime with the support of Mr.Time and Kang Ruoqian''s son Harry Gao. Just now, Xi Jinping''s gang said to Time bo, you have been arrested, because they want to frame me Time bo as their scapegoat, complete their conspiracy to whitewash their Xi Jinping gang''s crime, and prepare to strike and eliminate Kang Ruoqian''s mother and son and his Mr.Time''s family, and to eliminate and strike the family of Kang Ruoqian''s son Harry Gao and Harry Gao''s wife Jessica, and completely deny Kang Ruoqian''s report on exposing Xi Jinping.

In February 1994, I was seconded to the Economic Department of CCTV for study and work for a period of time with the consent of Zhou Tonghua, director of the News Department of Jinan TV Station, and Xin Wenjing, deputy director, because of the work needs of the unit. During my work at CCTV, Kang Ruoqian worked as a reporter and director in the Economic Department, filmed several news specials of the Economic Department News Broadcast, and won awards. She was retained by the Economic Department of CCTV to work, and hosted the half-hour "Economic News Broadcast" program of CCTV during this period. I, Kang Ruoqian, came to work at CCTV because of this, not because Shi Guang''s classmates helped me get into CCTV as rumored, but because I came to work at CCTV through the work secondment relationship with Jinan TV Station.

My elementary school classmate Mr.Time (Shi, Jian) and I were in the same class in elementary school. We went to elementary school together for 5 years. We used to sit in the same seat in class, but we rarely talked. This was the trend of male and female classmates at that time. Mr. Time and I had no contact after graduating from elementary school. Later, in early 1995, we met in the elevator of CCTV, left our phone numbers, and contacted elementary school classmates for a reunion. After our reunion during the Spring Festival in 1995, Mr.Time promised me that I could work at "Sons of the East". Later, from May 1995 to August 1996, I left the Economic Department of CCTV and came to work as a planner and director for "Sons of the East" and "Tell the Truth", and assistant director of "Tell the Truth". At that time, Mr. Time was my leader and we had a normal working relationship until 1996 when I was hired by the Economic Department of CCTV again through public recruitment and was assigned to CCTV''s "Entrepreneur" and "Golden Land" columns as a reporter and director.

In fact, at that time, the electromagnetic wave brain nerve control of Xi Jinping''s local government officials and Song Yixuan''s family was carrying out intensive brain nerve persecution activities against our family.
The following is about my thoughts and ideas about how I, Kang Ruoqian contribute to human society''s victory over Xi Jinping''s AI brain control crime when our brains are controlled by the illegal AI brain control weapon electromagnetic waves of the CCP Xi Jinping government in the new era. This is my original thoughts and views. Since my brain is controlled now, I cannot publish it in a book. I hope that people from all walks of life in the world will respect the legal rights of my original thoughts. I solemnly declare it here.

Author: I, Kang Ruoqian, Supporters: Mr. Time, Harry Gao 06/16/2024

1. We must see the correctness, orderliness, rationality and independent integrity of our nature as human beings. Among them, independent integrity is the focus of our attention, that is, to focus on the independence and integrity of the self as an individual. This independent integrity is the unity and consistency of the self, including the unity and consistency of the self''s high-level brain and low-level brain, and the unity and consistency of self-consciousness and subconsciousness. In this way, the ability of self-concentration, self-loyalty, self-obedience, self-control, self-health maintenance, self-immunity, self-attention and self-protection can function correctly, which is very important. In this way, we will easily realize, perceive and perceive the problem that our brain nervous system has been violated by the illegal AI-controlled brain weapons of the Xi Jinping government of China.

2. We must see that before we humans embark on a new stage of human civilization and pursue a new era of justice, sunshine and correctness, we humans must go through a process of discovering the theoretical knowledge system of human inner essence and its inner laws. This process is the process of examining and curing mistakes.

Each of us gradually forms our way of thinking and positive energy mode in our names, in the interactions between family members and social members, and in our experiences, and keeps moving forward on the main theme that helps us survive and develop correctly and for a long time.

From a broader perspective, each of us has a positive energy mode that is determined by our soul level and is a natural product of the era of correct and long-term survival and development of natural society. Therefore, our courage and ability to examine and cure mistakes complement each other. This is our commitment to the dignity of our own life, to the natural world, and to God.

This is determined by the life significance of our human species to maintain the soul of a human being and constantly improve our soul in the world. Therefore, the task of each of us is to constantly improve our understanding, awareness, spiritual level, great wisdom and great calculation, and constantly cultivate our soul level and soul realm.

The high realm and high level of the soul represent the life force that complements each other, the moral realm that complements each other, the combination of high-quality virtue life elements, and the high level of great wisdom and great calculation. It represents the power of high-level righteousness to eliminate evil, represents the ability to make evil get evil, and represents our high-level vigorous vitality. Similarly, having a certain degree of positive energy to make good get good rewards and good get good rewards also means a considerable ability to protect oneself, the ability to maintain healthy brain nerves, and the ability of everyone to get the correct cause and effect relationship. We must recognize these basic knowledge.

3. The more positive connotation concepts we have in our positive energy model, the more it means that our positive spiritual brain resources are rich, and the more it means that our self-positive energy model is advanced, cutting-edge and advocacy. At the same time, we have to face the diversity and complexity of the positive energy patterns of everyone in the entire natural world. We must fully realize our own positive brain and spiritual resources and make the right life choices in our consciousness, that is, choose the right path in life, choose the right path for long-term survival and development.

We must believe that the right path we choose is complementary to the ability of successful practice in reality, that is, we must believe that the correct spirit, or the correct brain nerve resources, have the ability and energy to ensure that success becomes a reality, have the characteristics of successful practice, and have a virtuous cycle trend. At the same time, we have the ability to protect this right path. We humans must also believe that we have the ability to cherish our own correct nature, or the ability to cherish our own healthy nature. We have the ability to respect ourselves, love ourselves, be confident, be at ease, and be autonomous.

4. We must know the difference between the right path for correct long-term survival and development and the wrong path for incorrect and short-term survival and development. One of the fundamentals is that we must be restrained, controlled, abstained, and adjusted. Our human worship of sex, the logical error and wrong cognition of sexual instinct as human instinct. Adjust the sexual nerves to the proportion and position that is conducive to our correct and long-term survival and development. It is strictly forbidden to exaggerate, strengthen, confuse and other decadent and chaotic thoughts. This is a key test and an obstacle that we must pass over in the new era, because the CCP Xi Jinping''s criminal AI brain control weapon is to use human ignorance of sex to strengthen chaotic and sadistic sexual excitement to carry out inhuman torture and extreme terrorist crimes against the entire human race. We must realize that the essence of sex is the reproduction of life, not promiscuity and revelry. We must respect the sanctity, correctness, order, dignity and inner psychological decency of our lives. According to relevant scientific reports: the activity of human lower nerves is inversely proportional to the activity of higher nerves, and inversely proportional to self-concentration, self-protection, self-loyalty, and self-control. The CCP''s non-human AI brain control is to use human pursuit of sexual excitement to confuse the self-rational mind, and humans will automatically produce a self-negative reaction. The CCP Xi Jinping''s AI brain control weapon strengthens this weakness of humans, causing people to have lower brain activity and reduced control, in order to control the crime of human higher brain.

5. Our correct and long-term survival and development means the activation of the advanced brain and the diversified activation of the advanced nervous system, which gives our advanced nerves as many opportunities to express as possible. This in itself will stimulate life motivation and positive energy, stimulate life vitality, and produce a large number of internal psychological languages that are conducive to the correct and long-term survival and development of ourselves. In this way, the integrity of the independent self is enhanced, the ability to protect, enjoy, and cherish this healthy independent self is enhanced, the ability to choose and pursue the right path to happiness is enhanced, and the ability to pursue the correct spirit of ourselves is enhanced. When each of us focuses on the joint and consistent development of the correct spirit of ourselves and the correct material reality, we will have a rational and correct relationship with ourselves, and the quality of our being will be improved. We will automatically respect others as we respect ourselves, and we will also have a correct and rational relationship with others and a correct and rational relationship with the natural world. In this way, our inner needs are met, our body and soul are united, and our body is healthy and long-lived. We will focus on pursuing and enjoying the correct life and correct destiny of our correct and long-term survival and development in the correct direction of pursuing the continuous sublimation of the soul level.

Therefore, we need to constantly improve our spiritual realm to improve the reality of our human material world.


中國習近平犯罪AI腦控非法武器每天在暗中公開向全世界人民宣戰,對我們的腦神經進行愚蠢性訓練向整個人類昭示這樣的邏輯:現在, 中共腦控傳音習近平透露了他潛意識腦神經能量坦白他有罪。








China''s Xi Jinping criminal AI brain control illegal weapons are secretly declaring war on the people of the world every day, and training our brain nerves to become stupid to show the whole human race such wrong logic: Now the brain control voice transmission reveals Xi Jinping''s voice of subcounscious nerve energy: He has confessed his guilty.

    "I am in the position of President of China, and I just let Kang, Ruo Qian tell you that I am so bad and overbearing. The people of the world and the US government pretend not to know and dare not face it, because you have no ability to destroy me, because of many reasons, because I am controlled by you, because I am forced to control you. Because I control your brain to be controlled and abused, you stimulate me to continue to do this to you, because I have touched the forbidden area of human brain nerves, and I XiJinpin become a "Master" of this world. I am so cruel, so shameless and ignorant, we don''''''''t know what to do? I am waiting for my “miracle” to appear. It turns out that we are a couple of dogs, and it turns out to be related to sexual nerves. I can''''''''t control it and tell you that I don''''''''t want to live anymore, and I can''''''''t live anymore."

--- Xi Jinping, the suspect of AI brain control of the President of China

“The people of the world urgently need to read ‘My Experience Exposing Xi Jinping’s Illegal Government’s AI Brain Control Report’, because the sooner we know, the safer our lives will be; because the sooner we understand that the brain nerves of every person living on the planet are secretly suffering from air strikes by the CCP’s Xi Jinping’s AI electromagnetic wave brain control weapons, the sooner we know that we have been under air strikes for more than 35 years without realizing it, the more chances we have to save our lives and brains; the sooner we understand how Chinese President Xi Jinping has used his power to deprive, exploit, and distort and abuse the brain nerve resources of people all over the world, the more likely we will be to publicly crack down on, publicly wanted and denounce the brain control gang commanded by Xi Jinping himself, the more likely we humans will be to defeat Xi Jinping’s anti-human AI brain control government gang, the sooner we humans will stop the criminal atrocities that infringe on our human brain nerves, and the sooner we humans will live in the sunny interface of correct survival, which is the right path for human survival.”

"China Xi Jinping''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s brain -controlled illegal government has pursued the wrong path of evil demise in the past 35 years, which means that our human justice to eliminate evil''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s justice is becoming stronger, which means that the right idea of our human beings guaranteed the success of the righteousness of the evil is destined to succeed to the victory. Reality means that the CCP''''''''s illegal AI brain -controlled government gang is destined to perish, which is an inevitable result of the natural law of fair sunshine. "

To know more articles pleaseclick: https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/


Google 翻譯

06/17 停止滅絕人類的中共習近平人類腦神經禁區35年犯罪,康若茜戰勝非法AI腦控武器原生思想介紹

By Ruo Qian Kang, Supporter: Mr. Shi, Jian, Mr. Harry Gao 06/12/2024







2,有關我和我兒子Harry gao 及其我們的家庭成員和社會關係成員作為腦控受害人被中共政府宋意宣家族和習近平地方政府起初的電磁波腦神經控制到後來習近平擔任國家政府主席位置之後繼續利用國家主席的職位之便,通過非法AI腦控武器對我們和整個人類每個人腦神經進行電磁波空襲腦神經的35年的恐怖遭遇過程

我在2001年10月30日移民美國,2005年9月成為美國公民,我現在獨自居住在美國波士頓郊區chicopee City的公寓裡,我今年61歲.




   中共宋意宣腦控家族犯罪嫌疑人和中共習近平地方政府1989年開始制定了對我康若茜大家庭成員的秘密電磁波腦神經控制虐待迫害計劃,為了長期對我和我幼小的兒子Harry Gao 進行暗中電磁波實驗虐待和控制迫害,他們對我兒子的父親趙健進行了長期殘酷的電磁波腦神經非人類迫害,他們目的是貶低我們的人格,屈從於他們對我們暗中精神的屈辱,來換取他們從精神到物質對我們家族和整個人類進行的全方位的掠奪。他們中共習近平宋意宣腦控犯罪分子利用電磁波和AI腦控機器人工製造腦神經栽贓誣陷能量,分別給我和趙健進行加載,逼迫趙健放棄優越的工作職位,離家出走,妻離子散,送進監獄。1989年5月趙健的父親山東師範大學副教授趙一民在50多歲的時候突然患肝癌去世。中共非法腦控團伙對我不到2歲的兒子進行電磁波腦神經亂性欺騙和心理征服等全方位虐待控制,同時破壞我作為母親和我兒子的正確關係,對我康若茜進行全方位從精神到現實生活的圍追堵截。





   宋意宣家族在1991年前後同當時擔任地方官員的習近平腦控犯罪團伙相互勾結,對我和我當時幼小的兒子Harry Gao(那個時候名叫趙天哲),從不到兩歲開始進行腦神經控制到現在習近平擔任國家主席以後繼續對我們進行腦控極端恐怖犯罪。他們愈演愈烈,從潛意識暗中電磁波腦神經虐待到公然的AI腦控武器腦內傳音意識中電磁波恐怖襲擊,從中國範圍的犯罪到現在國際範圍在美國國家公然犯罪,從起初的對目標受害人電磁波腦控犯罪到現在的AI腦控武器遠程遙控空襲整個人類社會和美國人民及其美國政府官員的極端恐怖犯罪活動。

   例如,據高亞明最近3個月在中共AI腦控電磁波擴音中透露出他的潛意識和意識中的自我交流信息,高亞明大約在2003年,就對我兒子的初中同學後來的太太Jiessica Miller進行電磁波腦神經控制, 高亞明認為這是中共利用電磁波控制西方人心理精神的開始,實際上,中國共產黨政府早已經開始在世界不同的地區同時同步進行針對西方人的電磁波腦神經控制犯罪。2008年高長生和他的同學美國當地白人Jessica Miller 自由戀愛交往,2011年6月在雙方父母的見證下舉行了隆重的婚禮,他們的生命命運實際上被在中國共產黨政府電磁波腦神經暗中蓄意控制虐待和操縱。

  現在顱內傳音傳來聲稱是Harry 的腦神經意識傳音,我表示懷疑,我認為這是中國習近平AI腦控對我兒子Harry Gao 進行的腦神經虐待控制,現在犯罪分子冒充是我兒子Harry 的傳音,他們在披露中國腦控對我孫子Dannel Gao進行的腦神經控制虐電磁波空襲虐待,他們現在同時也是對我腦神經惡性刺激虐待。

  他們通過我兒子的口氣說,2014年我們的第一個兒子DannelGao出生,當時十分健康,但是,中國習近平AI腦控組織不放過任何一個他認為是和康若茜母子有關係的受害人群體目標,他們中國習近平AI腦控犯罪團伙於是對Harry Gao 的兒子DannelGao 進行了低級神經的電磁波腦神經秘密控制,直到最近Harry 發覺不對,對中共腦控機構進行怒斥,才停止了對他兒子的秘密空襲。

  這是中共腦控的野蠻欺騙信息,這是不符合事實的。事實是,他們中共AI電磁波對我兒子Dannel的迫害是真的,到現在沒有停止,我們表示極大的抗議。這是Harry 的腦波,就是Harry 潛意識和意識感知到的,但是,他們又對Harry 的意識神經進行了扭曲虐待,讓Harry 意識中無法表達,無法知道,他們用這樣的方式對他們一家人進行非人類摧殘,試圖用這樣的方式讓他們無法生存,來達到中國習近平AI控腦犯罪機構的消滅他們腦控受害人人質家庭成員的多重反人類目標。

 我孫女Willow Gao 在2021年出生的時候先天唇裂,那個期間,中共正在每天對我進行意識和潛意識的腦神經迫害和虐待,他們對我空襲的內容充斥着對我們兒子的腦神經能量的迫害和虐待內容。Harry 的女兒在唇裂手術康復的過程中,中國習近平AI控腦機構有繼續對這個一歲多的女孩子繼續進行腦神經控制侵犯,天理不容!










































   我在被中共腦神經虐待當中,我對生命和正義力量的渴望讓我重新意識中找到了這套我們人類潛意識形成的這套正確生存的機制系統。這是我針對中共幾十年來對我一個單親母親和我兒子進行長期腦神經折磨虐待的過程中的一種本能生命抗爭,我在這個過程中創立了新型綜合科學,產生有利於正確長久生存發展的腦神經鏈接和正確的腦神經反應模式,和正確的條件反射的認知。我利用這些科學研究知識和腦神經調節方法在我長期被中共腦控機構迫害過程中進行了自救活動和理智的腦神經系統調節,我因此不僅活了下來,還在客觀上得到了我的小學同學同樣多年遭受到中共習近平腦控神經迫害的時間先生的腦神經正能量的客觀支持,有效抗擊了中共犯罪電磁波人工蓄意對我們人類的腦神經迫害活動。我兒子Harry Gao本能的正義感的支持也鼓舞我臨危不懼,激勵我不斷撰寫出揭露習近平AI腦控犯罪真相和實質的報告,包括打擊腦控犯罪的相關知識介紹。











  我在美國密西根州立大學畢業之後兩年,在2015年秋天賣掉美國房產來到中國長期居住,探望父母雙親7年。2015年10月回到中國山東省濟南市租房居住,在山東濟南大智培訓學校擔任高考輔導老師和心理輔導老師,兼職工作5年之久。 2017年我通過中國國家心理諮詢師統考,考取中國國家高級二級心理諮詢師證書。















  為了達到這個目標,他們制定了對整個人類大眾進行終身控制腦神經的反人類計劃,目的是掩蓋習近平幾十年來的對人類犯下的極端恐怖非人類內容的反人類恐怖犯罪活動。他們因此制定了秘密殺死我和我兒子Harry Gao受害人人證家庭,殺死我的小學同學時間先生的受害人人證家庭。

  習近平AI腦控陰謀把時間波變成習近平立場,同時在康若茜立場爭得位置,來否定康若茜在時間先生和康若茜兒子Harry Gao 支持下撰寫的揭露中國習近平犯罪AI腦控武器空襲人類大腦恐怖犯罪報告。剛才習近平團伙對時間波說,你已經被捕了,因為他們想栽贓陷害我時間成為他們的替罪羊,完成他們陰謀洗白他們習近平團伙犯罪的第一步,為打擊消滅康若茜母子和他時間家庭,消滅打擊康若茜兒子Harry Gao和Harry Gao太太Jessica 的家族,完全否認康若茜的揭發習近平報告做準備。




























  06/17 Stop Xi Jinping’s 35-year crime in the human brain nerve forbidden zone from Extincting of human beings and Ruo Qian Kang''s original thought on defeating the illegal AI brain control weapon. 

---Ruo Qian Kang''s experience as a survior of the illegal AI brain control weapon crime committed by Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, her work and study experience, and an introduction to Ruo Qian Kang''''''''s original thoughts

By Ruo Qian Kang, Supporters: Mr. Shi, Jian (Mr. Time), Mr. Harry Gao 06/16/2024

1. The illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has used AI brain control weapons to carry out brain nerve extremism terrorist attacks on our victims and the brain nerves of the entire human mass for more than 20 hours a day from more than 20 years ago to now

I am one of the victims of the secret control of the human brain nerve system by the Chinese Communist Party government. Since the Xi Jinping government became the President of the Chinese Communist Party in 2013, it has stepped up secret air strikes and torture on the brain nerves of people all over the world. Because they are secret crimes, the human brain nerves are controlled to a generally imperceptible degree. The illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has used AI brain control weapons to carry out brain nerve extremism terrorist attacks on our victims and the brain nerves of the entire human mass for more than 20 hours a day from more than 20 years ago to now. https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/.

On February 3, 2021, while I was visiting relatives and living in China for a long time, I was subjected to multiple air strikes by the Chinese government''''''''s AI brain control electromagnetic wave technology and intracranial sound transmission and amplification brain control technology. They used brain control technology to amplify various content information in my brain nerve energy every day. This is an extremely painful and cruel non-human brain torture. Because this experience is unheard of, I have been unable to clearly describe it to others for a long time. After a year and a half of this experience, around July 2022, I searched for relevant information on the Internet. When I knew that this was a high-tech electromagnetic wave crime in China, I consciously speculated that what I learned from the sound transmission in my brain was that the staff of the local relevant departments of the Chinese government launched a criminal activity of electromagnetic wave brain nerve air strikes and abuse against me during my secret surveillance and residence as an American citizen.

However, I didn’t know how to deal with their brutal violations against me at that time. I couldn’t face it correctly for a long time, and I couldn’t really believe it. I could only warn myself to try my best to protect myself and survive in this tragic state of being suddenly attacked. Just like now, I can only try my best to recover my brain nerve system that was destroyed by them. Now, nearly a year has passed. Although I have written a lot of reports exposing the extreme terrorist crimes of AI brain control by Xi Jinping of the CCP, I still haven’t received the rescue I deserve from the US government, and I haven’t received the protection I deserve from US laws. One of the reasons is that Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist brain control criminals are carrying out brain nerve air strikes on me while carrying out the same content air strikes on the brain nerves of the entire human public. At the same time, they control the advanced brain nerves of the human public with one of the internal orders: “It is impossible to produce brain nerve reactions to eliminate Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist brain nerve crimes.”

For a long time after April 2021, they used the AI brain control weapons made by Xi Jinping of the CCP himself, combined with intracranial sound transmission technology and electromagnetic waves to torture my brain nerves by experimental means. Every night in the middle of the night, I was brutally aware that my college classmate Xu Yong was holding a similar iron tool to search my brain nerves wantonly, making me sick, and torturing me. They are implementing a non-human anti-human conspiracy plan to abuse and kill me as a brain-controlled hostage and witness in the direction of elimination. Their means are to publicly confess the means of brain nerve control torture of my son and me as individual victims, and in the process conduct secret tests and data assessment experiments on my brain nerve reactions. At the same time, they carry out secret air strikes and abuse crimes on the brain nerves of everyone living on the earth.

First, through this extremely terrifying secret criminal activity, they create the false brain nerve positive energy they need through intimidation and deception to support and maintain their high-pressure dictatorship over the Chinese people. They have thus kidnapped the spiritual world of the Chinese people psychologically, and they take this opportunity to deceive the world in the name of seeking welfare for more than one billion Chinese people and defending national security, laying the foundation for their further use of AI brain control weapons to secretly instill deceptive information and high-pressure authoritarian ideas into the brain nerve subconscious of people all over the world, providing a false spirit and reality pattern. Then, they formulated a plan to destroy and control the brain nerves of the US government and American society, with the purpose of using AI brain control criminal means to destroy or disintegrate the great and powerful country of the United States mentally and psychologically, so that the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping''''''''s national government can first conquer the American people and the people of the world psychologically and occupy the position of barbaric hegemony in the real world.

2. About my son Harry Gao and my family members and social relations as brain control victims, who were initially controlled by the electromagnetic wave brain nerves of the Song Yixuan family of the Chinese Communist Party government and the local government of Xi Jinping at that time. Later, after Xi Jinping became the chairman of the national government, he continued to use the convenience of the position of the president to carry out electromagnetic wave air strikes on the brain nerves of us and the entire human race through illegal AI brain control weapons for about 35 years.

I immigrated to the United States on October 30, 2001, and became a US citizen in September 2005. I now live alone in an apartment in Chicopee City, a suburb of Boston, USA. I am 61 years old.

Before I immigrated to the United States, I worked as a high school English teacher in Jinan Licheng No. 6 Middle School and Jinan No. 3 Middle School for 6 years. On January 1, 1991, I worked as a news anchor at Jinan TV for more than three years. From February 1994 to May 2000, I worked as a reporter and director at CCTV for more than six years.

When I was an English teacher at Jinan No. 3 Middle School, around 1989, my family members and my son (whose name was Zhao Tianzhe at that time) were secretly monitored and had their electromagnetic wave brain nerve data stolen by my colleague Song Yixuan. Song Yixuan is a dual identity criminal suspect. Her father Song Ji is the head of brain control of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Government. Her parents and brother Song Zhijian and her husband Ma Dayuan are all criminals of the CCP brain control secret organization.

The brain nerve data stolen from Zhao Tianzhe and me was probably monitored and persecuted by Xi Jinping, who was a local official at the time, through the secret database of the Chinese National Brain Control Secret Archives after 1992. Xi Jinping later seized the power of China''''''''s national leader through the criminal means of electromagnetic wave brain nerve control of the human masses, and served as the chairman of the Communist Party of China around 2012. Xi Jinping’s father, Xi Zhongxun, was one of the secret leaders of the Chinese Communist Party government responsible for controlling the human brain nerves. Xi Jinping himself has long been familiar with the Chinese secret brain control criminal activities carried out by this family.

The criminal suspects of the Song Yixuan brain control family of the Chinese Communist Party and the local government of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping began to formulate a secret electromagnetic wave brain nerve control abuse and persecution plan for my family members of Kang Ruoqian in 1989. In order to conduct long-term secret electromagnetic wave experiments, abuse and control persecution on me and my young son Harry Gao, they carried out long-term cruel electromagnetic wave brain nerve non-human persecution on my son’s father Zhao Jian. Their purpose is to degrade our personality and succumb to their secret spiritual humiliation of us in exchange for their all-round plunder of our family and the entire human race from spirit to material. They, the brain control criminals of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping Song Yixuan, used electromagnetic waves and AI brain control robots to artificially create brain nerves to frame and frame energy, and loaded them on me and Zhao Jian respectively, forcing Zhao Jian to give up his superior job position, run away from home, and be separated from his wife and children and sent to prison. In May 1989, Zhao Jian’s father, Zhao Yimin, an associate professor at Shandong Normal University, died suddenly of liver cancer in his 50s. The illegal brain control group of the Chinese Communist Party abused and controlled my son who was less than 2 years old by electromagnetic wave brain nerve disorder deception and psychological conquest. At the same time, it destroyed the correct relationship between me as a mother and my son, and carried out all-round pursuit and interception of me, Kang Ruoqian, from the spiritual to the real life.

In November 1990, Jinan TV held an open recruitment activity for news anchors. Among more than 800 competitors, I, Kang Ruoqian and Sun Qingmin, won and became the news anchors of Jinan TV. I worked as a news anchor at Jinan TV for more than 3 years from early 1991 to early 1994. Until February 1994, I was seconded to the Economic Department of CCTV as a reporter and director. I worked at CCTV for more than 6 years. I immigrated to Canada in May 2000, and I immigrated to the United States in November 2001. I became a US citizen on September 28, 2005.

In March 1998, I met and fell in love with Mr. Gao Yaming, an American immigrant, through an introduction. We registered our marriage in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. The marriage lasted for 13 years and 7 months, and we were officially divorced in the Prince William County Court in Virginia, USA in October 2011.

In the past six months, I have learned through the subconscious and conscious brain nerve energy information revealed by the AI brain control criminal weapons and intracranial sound transmission technology of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping that my ex-husband, American citizen lawyer Gao Yaming, and her first wife Luo Jie are dual-identity electromagnetic wave brain control criminal suspects of the Chinese Communist Party. They remarried after 2013. The two of them have been carrying out China Xi Jinping''''''''s electromagnetic wave brain nerve criminal activities in the United States for decades. They have joined forces with local Americans to control many industries including surveillance in the United States, and secretly and barbarically engaged in electromagnetic wave brain control extreme terrorist criminal activities in the United States. They are also related to the manufacture and source of brain nerve energy for American computer Cyber crimes.

Gao Yaming''''''''s first and current wife Luo Jie was said to have married a former US President Clinton''''''''s government writer before remarrying Gao Yaming. This information was told by editor Mr. Zhang Ming in 2003 when I was working as a contract worker at VOA. At that time, I was asking him about Luo Jie''''''''s situation. Gao Yaming''''''''s remarried wife Luo Jie had been a reporter in the Chinese Department of VOA before I came to work at VOA. Gao Yaming deliberately concealed the fact that Luo Jie had been married to a US White House government official in 2009. He had lied to me to deliberately deny Luo Jie''''''''s experience of being married to a White House official.

The Song Yixuan family colluded with Xi Jinping''''''''s brain control criminal gang, who was a local official at the time, around 1991, and began to control my brain nerves and my young son Harry Gao (named Zhao Tianzhe at the time) from less than two years old to the present day when Xi Jinping has become the President of the country and continues to carry out extreme terrorist brain control crimes against us. They are getting worse and worse, from subconscious electromagnetic wave brain nerve abuse to blatant AI brain control weapons brain transmission and electromagnetic wave terrorist attacks, from crimes within China to now international crimes in the United States, from the initial electromagnetic wave brain control crimes against target victims to the current AI brain control weapons remote control air strikes on the entire human society and the American people and their American government officials.

For example, according to Gao Yaming''''''''s self-communication information in his subconscious and conscious self-communication in the CCP AI brain control electromagnetic wave amplifier in the past three months, Gao Yaming conducted electromagnetic wave brain nerve control on Jessica Miller, my son''''''''s junior high school classmate and later wife, in about 2003. Gao Yaming believes that this is the beginning of the CCP''''''''s use of electromagnetic waves to control the psychological spirit of Westerners. In fact, the Chinese Communist Party government has already begun to carry out electromagnetic wave brain nerve control crimes against Westerners in different parts of the world at the same time. In 2008, Harry Gao and his classmate, Jessica Miller, a local white American, fell in love and had a grand wedding in June 2011 witnessed by their parents. Their lives were actually secretly controlled, abused and manipulated by the electromagnetic waves of the Chinese Communist Party government.

Now there is a voice transmission in the skull claiming to be Harry''''''''s brain nerve consciousness transmission. I am skeptical. I think it is the brain nerve abuse and control of my son Harry Gao by Xi Jinping''''''''s AI brain control. Now criminals are pretending to be my son Harry''''''''s voice transmission. They are disclosing the brain nerve control and electromagnetic wave air raid abuse of my grandson Dannel Gao by China''''''''s brain control. They are also maliciously stimulating and abusing my brain nerves.

They said through my son''''''''s voice that our first son Dannel Gao was born in 2014 and was very healthy at the time. However, the Chinese Xi Jinping AI brain control organization would not let go of any victim group target that he thought was related to Kang Ruoqian and her son. So the Chinese Xi Jinping AI brain control criminal gang secretly controlled Harry Gao''''''''s son Dannel Gao through low-level electromagnetic waves. It was not until recently that Harry found something wrong and angrily denounced the CCP brain control organization that the secret airstrike on his son was stopped.

This is a barbaric deception information of the CCP brain control, which is not true. The fact is that their CCP AI electromagnetic wave persecution of my son Dannel is real and has not stopped until now. We express our great protest. This is Harry''''''''s brain wave, which is what Harry perceives subconsciously and consciously. However, they distorted and abused Harry''''''''s conscious nerves, making it impossible for Harry to express and know in his consciousness. They used this method to inhumanely destroy their family, trying to make them unable to survive in this way, to achieve the multiple anti-human goals of Xi Jinping''''''''s AI brain control criminal organization in China to eliminate their brain control victims, hostages and family members.

My granddaughter Willow Gao was born with a cleft lip in 2021. During that period, the CCP was persecuting and abusing my conscious and subconscious brain nerves every day. The content of their airstrikes on me was full of persecution and abuse of our son''''''''s brain nerve energy. During the recovery of Harry''''''''s daughter''''''''s cleft lip surgery, Xi Jinping''''''''s AI brain control organization in China continued to control and violate the brain nerves of this one-year-old girl. 

Their goal and means are to eliminate the victims, witnesses and family members in the direction of covering up Xi Jinping''''''''s non-human and anti-human crimes of brain control, so as to achieve their goal of the CCP Xi Jinping illegal government crime AI brain control weapon gang to control the brain nerve resources of everyone in the entire human society for life, to create and generate the brain nerve energy needed by the CCP Xi Jinping''''''''s brain control extreme terrorist criminals, and to make the brain nerves of everyone in the world become brain nerve machines that support Xi Jinping''''''''s domination of the world.

Their methods of committing crimes are varied and irregular, and their purpose is to make it impossible for people to summarize, defeat, and believe. The main goal is to make the human brain undergo a passive splitting and degeneration reaction, so that humans will develop in a direction where they cannot survive. The specific characteristics are to make the human brain become a pathological brain with active lower-level brains and inactive higher-level brains, and intelligence decline. They believe that it is easy to make humans active in the lower-level brain by using AI brain control weapons, so that humans can maintain a state of lower-level brain excitement, and cannot produce a healthy state of higher-level brain activity and lower-level brain relaxation. One of their extremely terrifying methods is to use AI brain control weapons to load depressed brain nerve energy, so that humans are not interested in things that generate vitality and are beneficial to their own survival and development, but are interested in things that are not beneficial to their own survival and development, and are interested in chaotic nerve excitement, mistakenly believing that this is human nature and instinct.

They activate the lower-level nerves of humans, especially the incest and incestuous nerves, to regulate the chaotic nerve excitement reflex of the human brain to stimulate criminal activities, forcing the human masses to live in an uncontrolled state of lower-level brain nerve excitement, and live in the contradictions and oppositions between family members and social relations members, providing conditions for the CCP Xi Jinping brain control criminal gang to further control the higher-level brain of humans.

Since this is against the direction and goal of human beings'''''''' correct long-term survival and development, when humans unknowingly accept the abuse of the CCP''''''''s AI brain control weapons, they will generate a lot of negative energy and wrong internal language. This is a survival reminder instinct, and the subconscious nerves are reminding us that there is a problem with our bodies. However, in the case of our human beings being abused by AI brain control, this reminder function is also deliberately destroyed, so that wrong neural connections will be formed. The formation of wrong brain nerve patterns, more importantly, people live in self-misunderstanding, their intelligence declines, and the brain is in a trend of separation between the high-level brain and the low-level brain. The goals chosen in self-consciousness are not conducive to the goal selection and pursuit of self-survival. Therefore, the destructive life mode of the entire human society that lives towards death is artificially formed, human society is heading towards destruction, and wrong conditioned reflexes are formed, and the AI brain control weapons of the illegal government of the CCP Xi Jinping will become reasonable and legal.

They use satellite technology and AI brain control to combine multiple brain nerve control technologies to create electromagnetic wave brain control weapons, and carry out brain nerve air strikes and abuse crimes against the American people for 5 or 6 hours a day. They use Shandong dialect in China to broadcast the evil thoughts and wrong logic brain nerve information of various evil patterns they have created for more than 20 hours a day. They spread and reveal spiritual pollution ideas to the whole world every day.

I have obtained a large amount of photo evidence of their crimes and published them in the "Personal Album" of the "Respect Justice" blogger column of my blog on the Wanwei Reader website. I have been writing almost every day since July 31 last year, often writing reports for more than 15 hours a day. I have now written more than 500 reports exposing their crimes, which have accumulated hundreds of thousands of words.

I have reported to the US government departments and the White House countless times, but I think it has not attracted enough attention. I know that the criminal gang of the Xi Jinping government of the Chinese Communist Party has been using illegal AI brain control weapons to carry out extreme terrorist crimes, and is conspiring to prevent the US government and all walks of life, especially the media and other departments from "ignoring" and "not believing" the electromagnetic wave brain nerve control activities of their criminals to the AI brain control weapons air strike crimes in American society.

3. My son and I have been forced to become experimental subjects and abused victims of the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control criminals for a long time. I have developed a great spirit of resistance and founded the New Evolution of rational ideas. I think this is the right path in life and a powerful spiritual weapon to defeat the CCP Xi Jinping''''''''s illegal anti-human government.

During the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control electromagnetic wave airstrike, I developed anxiety and sleep problems. I have been thinking about a question subconsciously, "What happened in this world?" One day in 2005, when I realized this problem, I was secretly surprised and realized my inner curiosity. I then devoted my energy to studying and exploring this problem. Now I realize that the question that has been lingering in my mind comes from the criminal activities of the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control on our brain nervous system, and from their daily secret attacks on our mother and son and the human brain nervous system. My intuition, positive energy mode and survival instinct made me doubt.

I applied for Nova Community College in August 2006 and began to study and think about psychology, scientific methods, Western classical philosophy, social psychology, sociology, Western history, anthropology and other subjects. I had excellent grades in a North American community college and completed about 15 courses. I am very grateful for studying in a North American community college, which allowed me to enjoy the great wisdom and efficiency of the Western undergraduate education method, which focuses on improving students'''''''' learning ability, a natural sense of autonomy and humanity. At the same time, I realized that learning these subjects in English can activate some concepts that were originally unclear in my mind, making me realize that learning Chinese and English can activate different areas of my brain nerves, making it easier and more accurate for me to think about problems. I feel lucky.

I received a master''''''''s degree in science from Michigan State University in the United States from 2011 to 2013. My research major was human development and family studies. I was 50 years old when I graduated with a master''''''''s degree.

At Michigan State University in the United States, in 2011, I began to conduct extensive independent observations, discussions and knowledge concept applications on theories such as psychological brain neuroscience and brain neuropsychological regulation. I conducted long-term natural observations and discussions on issues such as the source of the material world and the relationship between ideas and reality. Two years later, I completed my studies with excellent results.

I am very grateful for my experience of studying at Michigan State University in the United States, the atmosphere of independent research and the extensive reading of research reports. This process has broadened my academic horizons. The professors'''''''' rigorous attitude towards scholarship and advocacy of independent innovation have played the advantages of my rich work experience for me as an adult student, laying the foundation for me to write A-level paper.

For decades, I have been studying the relevant content and theories of "Mindfulness of rational ideas of New Evolution Theory", studying the relationship between ideas and reality, the relationship between the objective existence of human self-life and spirit and the material natural society, and how to produce a virtuous cycle of positive effects on the essence of objective life existence. I believe that the essence of the universe, nature and life is the formation of human brain nerve energy, and is a unified unity of energy and its form. Energy has a direction, positive energy represents the direction of life, and negative energy represents the direction of destroying life. The reason why we become human beings is that we have a soul energy body of human quality. This soul energy body interacts with all things in the natural society according to the trend of human''''''''s correct survival instinct, and constantly transforms and develops, giving birth to the sacred human life. Life is a unity of spirit and matter.

Everyone''''''''s life is a product of natural transformation. Every life consists of two parts: soul and body. Only the unity of soul and body is a correct and healthy state. From this perspective, the source of our life is our noble soul, or the correct soul and the corresponding correct physiological body constitute an independent and complete life. As human beings, we must maintain our healthy life, respect our soul, and focus on the cultivation and improvement of our soul. Therefore, we humans are essentially self-concentrated lives. Only self-concentration can produce the power of life. This is determined by the soul, the source of great life energy.

This independent integrity is the unity and consistency of the self, and the center is the unity and consistency of the self-soul and the self-body. This body includes our physiological brain and nervous system. We must know that a healthy brain is a physiological state in which the self-sensory brain and the low-level brain are united and consistent, and the self-consciousness and the subconsciousness are united and consistent. In this way, we pursue self-concentration, self-loyalty, self-obedience, self-control, self-health, and self-immunity maintenance of our own life. We will focus on the maintenance and improvement of our own soul, the improvement of our own moral level, and the pursuit of the energy of the virtue life element.

The human soul is a life energy body, which is in the correct order. The virtues and life elements contained in the soul are what we humans need in essence. We humans need these spiritual food because it is an objective life reality and another form of matter. Our human soul needs to develop and improve in an orderly reincarnation. We humans come to the world with a mission, which is to fulfill our original intention and our commitment to the dignity of our lives and God.

We can see that in essence, the relationship between us humans is actually united and consistent. Each of us needs to focus on maintaining and improving our own soul level. Therefore, the content of each of us is united and unified. We humans come to the world because of our souls as human beings. We must maintain and cherish our souls as human beings. This is the meaning and primary task of our human existence.

The level of our soul determines the level of the self-positive energy model. The self-positive energy model is the personal contribution made by human individuals to the development of human society in the direction of the main theme of human positive will for correct and long-term survival and development. In this process, the level of human souls is improved and sublimated.

People''''''''s understanding determines their thoughts, their thoughts determine their realm, their realm determines their wisdom, and their wisdom determines their motivation and vitality. The realm of man and the level of his soul complement each other. The human soul is a life energy body. The soul is eternal in reincarnation and development. We humans come to the world with a mission, which is to fulfill our original intention and the promise to our life dignity and God. We come to the world because of our soul level as human beings. We must maintain and cherish our soul as human beings. This is the meaning and primary task of our human survival.

The origin and development of our human species is the evolution and development of the idea of correct survival in the process of survival and development in nature. The positive thoughts generated by human survival motivation influence each other and produce corresponding nervous systems, consciousness and subconscious nervous systems. The subconscious nervous system is an intuitive instinct system. We humans actually rely on the subconscious brain nervous system to evolve and develop.

However, in the past, the control of human brain nerves by the Chinese Communist government over the past 70 years has entered the forbidden zone of destroying mankind. Especially in the past 20 or 30 years, China has developed more advanced criminal AI brain nerve control machines and technologies, which is a weapon of mass destruction. On the basis of deliberately controlling our human advanced brain, he wantonly destroys our rational subconscious correct survival nervous system that has already evolved.

Due to the high-pressure, dictatorial and ignorant barbaric operation of the CCP Xi Jinping brain control group, the rational survival mechanism of our human brain nerves, especially the subconscious brain nerves, has been artificially destroyed, and the response mechanism that our human beings have established for tens of thousands of years to adapt to correct survival has been destroyed. They deliberately destroyed the correct survival rational mechanism system that our human ancestors have established through tens of thousands of years of evolution in the development of natural forces. Therefore, it has become a necessary and sufficient condition for us humans to discover the secrets and laws of our own life in our consciousness.

When the illegal government of the CCP Xi Jinping blindly and barbarically invaded the human brain nerve forbidden area with computer electromagnetic waves in the past few decades, their souls became non-human. Their original life energy as a human could not be maintained because their souls as a human were lost. They found that their life and regime operation became opposed to human life. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between their survival and the correct life and destiny of mankind. They can only rely on using AI brain control weapons to control human life energy and degrade it, forcing humans to the level of brain nerves where they cannot survive. Only then can the Xi Jinping regime survive and maintain their high-pressure authoritarian rule. This is their non-human anti-human extremist terrorist crime logic.

In other words, the extreme terrorist criminal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has long been a dying government. Their individual vitality has become unable to survive due to the long-term loss of souls. As a result, they have become more vicious and crazy. They put their hopes on the extreme terrorist crimes of high-tech brain control, trying to find ways to savagely absorb and manufacture the life energy of the entire human race to maintain their dying lives. The Chinese Xi Jinping government has actually become a vampire government that destroys humanity.

In the past few years, they have often vented their dying subconscious information and "doomsday" emotions in their criminal AI brain control electromagnetic wave abuse "programs". Faced with the heinous crimes committed by the extreme terrorist crimes led by Xi Jinping against humanity for decades, Xi Jinping made a criminal decision to carry out a plan to eliminate our witness families and the people of the world one by one on the premise and direction of covering up Xi Jinping''''''''s own extreme terrorist crimes of brain control against humanity, with the goal of maintaining their evil dictatorship in the process.

The specific method of Xi Jinping''''''''s extreme terrorist criminal gang is to divide humanity into two major categories, the exploiting class and the deprived class, and on this basis, carry out multiple criminal deceptions and alienation. Their main despicable means is to corrupt and seduce the souls of the masses of our human race, making them as evil and stupid as they are. They believe that this is their magic weapon to defeat humanity.

That is, they try to seduce humans into non-essential, irrational evil and false excitement, and then find reasons to comfort themselves for their extreme terrorist crimes. Therefore, they tell their own brain nerves that the essence of human beings is as evil as they are, and they can''''''''t stand it either, so they are also righteous. They try to suppress their own subconscious nerves and turn them into the embodiment of justice by suppressing the humans they have corrupted, so as to obtain the brain nerve positive energy they need for their lives and high-pressure, authoritarian and evil power. Therefore, they are hopelessly wrong, and the Xi Jinping government has become a hideous and evil face that cannot be added, and has staged the pinnacle of evil in the world and throughout history.

Precisely for this reason, we humans must immediately take up our spiritual and material weapons to defeat the enemy and eliminate the vampire government. Whoever fires at them first, whoever makes merit first, whoever is good first will be rewarded, whoever is good will be rewarded, whoever is good will be rewarded, whoever is on the correct interface of survival.

I need to remind our great human beings here that in the face of such a vicious enemy crisis, in order to defeat Xi Jinping''''''''s illegal brain-controlled government, we need our brains to become rational brains as much as possible. This is the physiological condition of the self-brain that we need to achieve and maintain in our consciousness. That is, we need to know that we do not need excitement, whether it is a low-level brain or a high-level brain. Excitement will make us lose control and addicted, and our brains will be easily exploited and accept the abuse and violation of Xi Jinping''''''''s illegal brain-controlled weapons. Once our human souls are corroded, our wisdom will decline, our human self-control will decline, and our chances of recovery and survival will decline.

Therefore, the principle we pursue is to maintain the rationality and order of our minds, to be calm and composed, and to comprehensively pursue the combination of the elements of virtue and life on this principle, to improve our vitality and wisdom, and to improve our various brain nerve abilities to defeat the enemy. Of course, we always keep in mind that the physiological basis of our health and the soul energy body of our self are a whole, and need to be "united". The degree of our vitality is, to some extent, closely related to whether the self is united and consistent. This is what we need to pay attention to and adjust at all times in the era of criminal electromagnetic waves, because the illegal AI brain control of the CCP has been deliberately destroying the principle of unity between our human soul and our physiological body.

The secret of their invasion of human brain nerves is to ignore the existence of the energy body soul of our pure life as a human being, turn our human attention to the brain nerve system, and try to secretly deceive the lower brain. Because our brain nerve system has been attacked by their CCP AI brain control weapons, and it has been preemptive for a long time, so we humans have no chance of winning, we can only "surrender", we know that this is nonsense.

Because the source of our life is our soul energy body of the correct nature of being a human being. The energy body of this human soul cannot be shaken by the evil AI brain control weapon. The dimension and space of this soul energy body are protected by God. Our life is given by God and is natural. Therefore, we should not listen and believe in all the violations and deceptions of the CCP Xi Jinping''''''''s brain control. Therefore, we need to clearly realize that loving our own soul and cherishing our own soul are the guarantee and source of the virtuous cycle of our life. As long as our righteous and pure soul energy body is there, as long as our great wisdom is there, our soul positive energy body can reshape and recover our brain nerve correct mechanism system.

In this way, we can improve our self-control and self-protection ability of our advanced brain. We want to pursue the activity of the advanced brain. What we need is the chemical serotonin, which keeps us awake, relaxed, and softens our blood vessels. This chemical will make us concentrate, improve efficiency, feel happy and satisfied. We humans need to pursue this kind of wise life and life.

We must understand the meaning and purpose of our lives as human beings. This is our great wisdom and calculation, our values, and maintaining the purity of our souls. This is our greatest "virtue" and "gain", because our vitality and correct destiny are proportional to the level of our souls. This is the secret of life. At the same time, we are always vigilant against the evil intentions of the brain-controlled criminals of the illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, and refuse to let our souls be corrupted and tainted.

Human beings and the natural universe of society are an organic whole, which are interdependent, interconnected, and independent of each other. As individuals, humans are independent and complete individuals, and the relationship between us is a rational and correct relationship. The essence of our human beings and the natural universe is the same, which is correct, rational and orderly, and has rules to follow. Each of us humans has a perfect and correct life and destiny. Only on the basis of correctly understanding ourselves can humans establish the correct direction of active, correct and long-term survival and development, walk on the right path, and enjoy a correct life. Therefore, understanding the correct knowledge about human self is a prerequisite for social development.

When I was abused by the brain nerves of the Chinese Communist Party, my desire for life and the power of justice made me find this set of correct survival mechanism system formed by our human subconsciousness again. This is an instinctive struggle for my life against the CCP''''''''s decades of long-term brain nerve torture and abuse of me, a single mother, and my son. In this process, I created a new type of comprehensive science, which produced brain nerve connections and correct brain nerve reaction patterns that are conducive to correct and long-term survival and development, as well as the cognition of correct conditioned reflexes. I used these scientific research knowledge and brain nerve regulation methods to carry out self-rescue activities and rational brain nerve system regulation during my long-term persecution by the CCP brain control agency. Therefore, I not only survived, but also objectively received objective support from the positive energy of the brain nerve of my elementary school classmate Mr. Shijian, who also suffered from the CCP Xi Jinping''''''''s brain control nerve persecution for many years, and effectively fought against the CCP''''''''s criminal electromagnetic wave artificial and deliberate brain nerve persecution of our human beings. The instinctive support of my son Harry Gao''''''''s sense of justice also encouraged me to remain fearless in the face of danger and inspired me to continue to write reports that expose the truth and essence of Xi Jinping''''''''s AI brain control crimes, including relevant knowledge introductions to combat brain control crimes.

In the era of criminal electromagnetic waves, especially in the past three years, China''''''''s Xi Jinping''''''''s illegal AI brain control weapons have been invading the human brain nerves every day. Criminals are taking advantage of human ignorance of the concept of self-identity to instill wrong logic and secretly force humans to accept it. When people secretly believe in their deceptive thoughts, they will produce wrong psychological language and brain nerve energy that will destroy the righteous, which is equivalent to supporting the extreme terrorist criminal activities of Xi Jinping, the illegal government of the Chinese Communist Party, against humans. Our human self-life has become more and more passive and fragile. Our consciousness and subconsciousness have deviated from our united and consistent state in the right direction and become increasingly separated. Our healthy body, which was originally closely connected to our body and self-soul, has become pathological. Our human life ability to focus on ourselves has gradually blurred, which is a problem we must fully realize.

In the process of fighting against the illegal brain control of Xi Jinping, I independently created the brain nerve system rational regulation intervention method to clear negative brain nerve energy, rehabilitate the brain nerve system, form correct brain nerve connections, and correct brain nerve response patterns. In the dark era of the CCP''''''''s criminal electromagnetic wave brain control, we need to silently recite or expressively say these concepts every day: 1. We must "decrypt, detoxify, solve the mystery, untie the shackles, untie the bindings, uncover the painted skin, uncover the mask, uncover the darkness, expose, illuminate, see through, expose, quit drinking, quit sex, realize, perceive, see, our lives are running correctly, self-respect, autonomy, self-governance, self-healing, self-reflection, self-respect, self-loyalty, self-protection, self-consistency, self-unification."

2. Silently recite or say out loud, "We stopped you, the brain-control criminal gang members, we stopped you I successfully stopped your evil deeds. I controlled the members of the brain-controlled criminal gang, I successfully controlled you, controlled you to stop your own evil deeds. I hit you, I successfully hit your evil deeds, our US government and the people of the world eliminated you, our US government and the people of the world successfully eliminated your criminal gang. "

3. Silently recite or say it out loud with expression, adjust the subconscious brain nerve energy, and we will have NONONONONONONNONONO reaction exercises for all curses on us and thoughts that violate our correct and long-term survival and development.

4. Silently recite or speak out loud with expression, return the response, for the curse, "We do not accept, do not need, do not believe, do not be fooled, do not deceive, do not endure, do not examine, do not listen, do not obey. Stop, stop, refuse, reject, reject, righteousness destroys evil, righteousness destroys evil, right direction, right order, rationality, justice and balance." For all the curses in secret, we can return them separately, "Return, return to the brain of the person they cursed, make big calculations and make precise calculations, so that their curses will take effect in their brains. Let them get what they deserve, get fair punishment, and get fair legal sanctions."

These adjustment methods are very simple, easy to use, and effective. They are the fundamental brain nerve energy adjustment methods of our brain nerve system. I hope we cherish and use them rationally. These methods are rooted in my understanding of the essence of things and belong to the new comprehensive disciplines and cutting-edge knowledge of psychological brain neuroscience, and a new way of thinking. I hope to cherish them, respect my independent thinking and pursuit of the correct spirit, respect the legitimate rights and interests of my original intellectual property rights, and correctly understand and respect my spiritual wisdom and labor contributions to defeat Xi Jinping''''''''s AI criminal brain control weapons in the era of criminal electromagnetic waves.

I believe that we humans should pursue the unity of right spirit and right material, which is the pattern and requirement of the virtuous cycle of human society and nature. Our pursuit of the moral life elements that support our lives and the positive energy patterns of each of our brain nerves and the correct way of thinking is the correct order and direction that we humans should pursue, because the right spirit guarantees the success of becoming a material reality. Spirit and material actually exist at the same time. Only by seeing and respecting can we have the practical significance of a virtuous cycle.

4. My learning experience and independent thinking for decades to create a new evolutionary theory of rational ideas. Brain resources were stolen and deprived by China''''''''s Xi Jinping AI brain control weapons using electromagnetic waves and intracranial sound transmission.

Two years after I graduated from Michigan State University in the United States, I sold my American property in the fall of 2015 and came to China to live long-term, visiting my parents for 7 years. In October 2015, I returned to Jinan, Shandong Province, China to rent a house and worked as a college entrance examination tutor and psychological tutor at Dazhi Training School in Jinan, Shandong, for 5 years. In 2017, I passed the China National Psychological Counselor Unified Examination and obtained the China National Senior Second-level Psychological Counselor Certificate.

The comprehensive theory about human life that I have been thinking and studying independently for decades has been secretly calculated by the criminals of Xi Jinping''''''''s brain control of the CCP for many years. They secretly formulated a conspiracy plan to steal through illegal AI brain control. From February to July 2022, for about 5 months, they activated my brain nerve resource area through AI brain control electromagnetic wave brain nerves to secretly and publicly steal electromagnetic wave sound brain control technology. They forced me to talk about the theory for 20 hours a day through intracranial sound transmission for 4 or 5 months. At that time, I didn''''''''t know who they were or what they were doing. My brain nerves were forced to use the way they told me to talk about and analyze the theoretical system that I had been thinking about independently for decades in the induced airstrike of intracranial sound transmission and electromagnetic wave brain nerve stimulation. They loaded me with brain nerve energy and activated the brain nerve theoretical resources that I had studied independently for many years.

For many years, I have been preparing to create my new theory of mindfulness evolution for publication. I know that this is a brand-new theory involving the material natural world and the comprehensive fields of physical health and mental health. It is unprecedented and respects the human nature of the entire human race in the direction of the essence of brain nerve energy and the essence of human rational energy body. Therefore, over the past fifteen years, I have been considering the issue of thoughts behind this surface law and the truth of mindfulness evolution. I have been considering the social problems that this theory may bring and the relevant social responsibilities that I need to consider as the founder of the discipline.

However, the CCP brain control criminals have been creating a large amount of brain nerve energy, which not only prevents me from writing my theory, but also prevents me from further thinking about my theory. They have been savagely robbing the theoretical resources in my brain, threatening me not to write these contents, and persecuting my brain nerve theory area with electromagnetic waves. Brainwashing, implying that as a victim of brain control, I have no qualifications and opportunities to become the author of the theoretical system I have independently thought about. Xi Jinping is naturally and shamelessly qualified to be the author and app thief of this theory. At the same time, they have been blocking the American and Western societies from understanding and paying attention to the decisive role of human brain nerves in the development of things and their scientific research activities. I remember that a man named Fan Yongbo brainwashed me with electromagnetic wave air raids. Later, this person''''''''s waves appeared many times in two or three months at that time. He stepped into the field of evil. He may not be the worst. He seemed to have different opinions on their Xi Jinping''''''''s brain control crimes. Later, he disappeared in the electromagnetic wave brain control.

The criminals also threatened me through electromagnetic wave intracranial voice transmission. During my long-term residence in China as an American citizen, whether it was the self-psychological adjustment at home or the psychological thoughts I told students at Dazhi School, they violated the goals and content of the CCP''''''''s rule. The dissemination of these psychological knowledge itself violated the dictatorial and authoritarian ideas of Xi Jinping in China. They hate my theory because my theory believes that the essence of human beings is order and correctness, and justice eliminates evil is the natural attribute of human creatures. Their illegal brain control is completely opposite to the fundamental idea of this theory. They believe that my philosophy has actually sentenced China to death for illegal AI brain control extreme terrorist crimes. They are extremely desperate, exasperated, and stubbornly resist. We humans must fully realize that this is the ideological root of Chinese President Xi Jinping''''''''s willful use of illegal brain control weapons to carry out extreme terrorist crimes to destroy humanity.

Xi Jinping''''''''s brain control criminals have coveted my theoretical system for a long time. After they deprived me of my theory, they conducted data evaluation and exploration of my theory. Hua Chunying played the role of a doctoral researcher at the time. She told me on the spot through brain control electromagnetic wave amplification technology that they believed that my theory was confirmed by data. They believed that I, as a brain control victim, was not qualified to be the founder and owner of this theory. Therefore, they spent another 6 months concentrating on the conspiracy plan of depriving my theoretical system of electromagnetic waves produced by brain nerve energy, destroying the brain nerve theory energy of correct life that my brain has been routine for many years. They carried out extremely terrifying brain nerve criminal activities of misapplying objective laws in an attempt to become the owner and founder of the theory and the embodiment of justice. They are pursuing the use of AI brain control weapons to commit crimes against heaven by reversing right and wrong.

5. They, Xi Jinping, have formulated a conspiracy plan for extreme terrorist crimes, in order to cover up the general direction of Xi Jinping''''''''s extreme terrorist crimes, to eliminate the hostages'''''''' families, to eliminate the human justice force and to eliminate the people in the world.

In order to achieve this goal, they have formulated an anti-human plan to control the brain nerves of the entire human masses for life, with the purpose of covering up Xi Jinping''''''''s decades of extreme terrorist and non-human anti-human terrorist crimes against humanity. Therefore, they have formulated a plan to secretly kill the victim''''''''s family of me and my son Harry Gao, and the victim''''''''s family of my elementary school classmate Mr. Time.

Xi Jinping''''''''s AI brain control conspiracy turned the time wave into Xi Jinping''''''''s position, and at the same time fought for a position in Kang Ruoqian''''''''s position to deny Kang Ruoxi''''''''s report on exposing China''''''''s Xi Jinping''''''''s criminal AI brain control weapons air strikes on the human brain terrorist crime with the support of Mr.Time and Kang Ruoqian''''''''s son Harry Gao. Just now, Xi Jinping''''''''s gang said to Time bo, you have been arrested, because they want to frame me Time bo as their scapegoat, complete their conspiracy to whitewash their Xi Jinping gang''''''''s crime, and prepare to strike and eliminate Kang Ruoqian''''''''s mother and son and his Mr.Time''''''''s family, and to eliminate and strike the family of Kang Ruoqian''''''''s son Harry Gao and Harry Gao''''''''s wife Jessica, and completely deny Kang Ruoqian''''''''s report on exposing Xi Jinping.

In February 1994, I was seconded to the Economic Department of CCTV for study and work for a period of time with the consent of Zhou Tonghua, director of the News Department of Jinan TV Station, and Xin Wenjing, deputy director, because of the work needs of the unit. During my work at CCTV, Kang Ruoqian worked as a reporter and director in the Economic Department, filmed several news specials of the Economic Department News Broadcast, and won awards. She was retained by the Economic Department of CCTV to work, and hosted the half-hour "Economic News Broadcast" program of CCTV during this period. I, Kang Ruoqian, came to work at CCTV because of this, not because Shi Guang''''''''s classmates helped me get into CCTV as rumored, but because I came to work at CCTV through the work secondment relationship with Jinan TV Station.

My elementary school classmate Mr.Time (Shi, Jian) and I were in the same class in elementary school. We went to elementary school together for 5 years. We used to sit in the same seat in class, but we rarely talked. This was the trend of male and female classmates at that time. Mr. Time and I had no contact after graduating from elementary school. Later, in early 1995, we met in the elevator of CCTV, left our phone numbers, and contacted elementary school classmates for a reunion. After our reunion during the Spring Festival in 1995, Mr.Time promised me that I could work at "Sons of the East". Later, from May 1995 to August 1996, I left the Economic Department of CCTV and came to work as a planner and director for "Sons of the East" and "Tell the Truth", and assistant director of "Tell the Truth". At that time, Mr. Time was my leader and we had a normal working relationship until 1996 when I was hired by the Economic Department of CCTV again through public recruitment and was assigned to CCTV''''''''s "Entrepreneur" and "Golden Land" columns as a reporter and director.

In fact, at that time, the electromagnetic wave brain nerve control of Xi Jinping''''''''s local government officials and Song Yixuan''''''''s family was carrying out intensive brain nerve persecution activities against our family.

The following is about my thoughts and ideas about how I, Kang Ruoxi, contribute to human society''''''''s victory over Xi Jinping''''''''s AI brain control crime when our brains are controlled by the illegal AI brain control weapon electromagnetic waves of the CCP Xi Jinping government in the new era. This is my original thoughts and views. Since my brain is controlled now, I cannot publish it in a book. I hope that people from all walks of life in the world will respect the legal rights of my original thoughts. I solemnly declare it here.

Author: I, Kang Ruoqian, Supporters: Mr. Time, Harry Gao 06/16/2024

1. We must see the correctness, orderliness, rationality and independent integrity of our nature as human beings. Among them, independent integrity is the focus of our attention, that is, to focus on the independence and integrity of the self as an individual. This independent integrity is the unity and consistency of the self, including the unity and consistency of the self''''''''s high-level brain and low-level brain, and the unity and consistency of self-consciousness and subconsciousness. In this way, the ability of self-concentration, self-loyalty, self-obedience, self-control, self-health maintenance, self-immunity, self-attention and self-protection can function correctly, which is very important. In this way, we will easily realize, perceive and perceive the problem that our brain nervous system has been violated by the illegal AI-controlled brain weapons of the Xi Jinping government of China.

2. We must see that before we humans embark on a new stage of human civilization and pursue a new era of justice, sunshine and correctness, we humans must go through a process of discovering the theoretical knowledge system of human inner essence and its inner laws. This process is the process of examining and curing mistakes.

Each of us gradually forms our way of thinking and positive energy mode in our names, in the interactions between family members and social members, and in our experiences, and keeps moving forward on the main theme that helps us survive and develop correctly and for a long time.

From a broader perspective, each of us has a positive energy mode that is determined by our soul level and is a natural product of the era of correct and long-term survival and development of natural society. Therefore, our courage and ability to examine and cure mistakes complement each other. This is our commitment to the dignity of our own life, to the natural world, and to God.

This is determined by the life significance of our human species to maintain the soul of a human being and constantly improve our soul in the world. Therefore, the task of each of us is to constantly improve our understanding, awareness, spiritual level, great wisdom and great calculation, and constantly cultivate our soul level and soul realm.

The high realm and high level of the soul represent the life force that complements each other, the moral realm that complements each other, the combination of high-quality virtue life elements, and the high level of great wisdom and great calculation. It represents the power of high-level righteousness to eliminate evil, represents the ability to make evil get evil, and represents our high-level vigorous vitality. Similarly, having a certain degree of positive energy to make good get good rewards and good get good rewards also means a considerable ability to protect oneself, the ability to maintain healthy brain nerves, and the ability of everyone to get the correct cause and effect relationship. We must recognize these basic knowledge.

3. The more positive connotation concepts we have in our positive energy model, the more it means that our positive spiritual brain resources are rich, and the more it means that our self-positive energy model is advanced, cutting-edge and advocacy. At the same time, we have to face the diversity and complexity of the positive energy patterns of everyone in the entire natural world. We must fully realize our own positive brain and spiritual resources and make the right life choices in our consciousness, that is, choose the right path in life, choose the right path for long-term survival and development.

We must believe that the right path we choose is complementary to the ability of successful practice in reality, that is, we must believe that the correct spirit, or the correct brain nerve resources, have the ability and energy to ensure that success becomes a reality, have the characteristics of successful practice, and have a virtuous cycle trend. At the same time, we have the ability to protect this right path. We humans must also believe that we have the ability to cherish our own correct nature, or the ability to cherish our own healthy nature. We have the ability to respect ourselves, love ourselves, be confident, be at ease, and be autonomous.

4. We must know the difference between the right path for correct long-term survival and development and the wrong path for incorrect and short-term survival and development. One of the fundamentals is that we must be restrained, controlled, abstained, and adjusted. Our human worship of sex, the logical error and wrong cognition of sexual instinct as human instinct. Adjust the sexual nerves to the proportion and position that is conducive to our correct and long-term survival and development. It is strictly forbidden to exaggerate, strengthen, confuse and other decadent and chaotic thoughts. This is a key test and an obstacle that we must pass over in the new era, because the CCP Xi Jinping''''''''s criminal AI brain control weapon is to use human ignorance of sex to strengthen chaotic and sadistic sexual excitement to carry out inhuman torture and extreme terrorist crimes against the entire human race. We must realize that the essence of sex is the reproduction of life, not promiscuity and revelry. We must respect the sanctity, correctness, order, dignity and inner psychological decency of our lives. According to relevant scientific reports: the activity of human lower nerves is inversely proportional to the activity of higher nerves, and inversely proportional to self-concentration, self-protection, self-loyalty, and self-control. The CCP''''''''s non-human AI brain control is to use human pursuit of sexual excitement to confuse the self-rational mind, and humans will automatically produce a self-negative reaction. The CCP Xi Jinping''''''''s AI brain control weapon strengthens this weakness of humans, causing people to have lower brain activity and reduced control, in order to control the crime of human higher brain.

5. Our correct and long-term survival and development means the activation of the advanced brain and the diversified activation of the advanced nervous system, which gives our advanced nerves as many opportunities to express as possible. This in itself will stimulate life motivation and positive energy, stimulate life vitality, and produce a large number of internal psychological languages that are conducive to the correct and long-term survival and development of ourselves. In this way, the integrity of the independent self is enhanced, the ability to protect, enjoy, and cherish this healthy independent self is enhanced, the ability to choose and pursue the right path to happiness is enhanced, and the ability to pursue the correct spirit of ourselves is enhanced. When each of us focuses on the joint and consistent development of the correct spirit of ourselves and the correct material reality, we will have a rational and correct relationship with ourselves, and the quality of our being will be improved. We will automatically respect others as we respect ourselves, and we will also have a correct and rational relationship with others and a correct and rational relationship with the natural world. In this way, our inner needs are met, our body and soul are united, and our body is healthy and long-lived. We will focus on pursuing and enjoying the correct life and correct destiny of our correct and long-term survival and development in the correct direction of pursuing the continuous sublimation of the soul level.

Therefore, we need to constantly improve our spiritual realm to improve the reality of our human material world.

06/15 中共宋意宣家族為了對我們母子長期作虐待的目的,長期腦控迫害我前夫趙健先生,1999年腦控趙健先生被捕入獄,四年出獄


   趙健先生是我兒子Harry Gao 的親生父親,是我的第一任丈夫,他畢業於山東師範大學物理系,1985年的時候,我經人介紹同他認識,開始交往。他那個時候在濟南鐵路大廠電教科擔任電大學生的物理輔導教師。




















    我的兒子康天喆(1999年由趙天哲改名為康天喆)康天喆在2006年左右改命為Harry Tian Gao。

  Harry Tian Gao 在2017年回中國探親期間和他的家人一起探望了趙健家庭成員。康天喆先單獨和他父親趙健在飯店見面,他們相約到趙健家裡去做客,然後在飯店聚會兩次。趙健和小楊夫婦給我兒子Harry Tian Gao 和他的太太Jessica Gao和他的兒子DannelGao都買了精美禮品,我兒子Harry Tian Gao 一家人非常感謝。

  2024年4月下旬Harry Tian Gao一家人再次回國,趙健先生請Harry Tian Gao 單獨吃飯,電磁波傳音透露了Harry Tian Gao 潛意識和意識信息,他看起來趙健老了許多,他認為趙健不知道他自己被腦控的事情,我Harry Gao 也沒有告訴他,趙健告訴我Harry Tian Gao,趙健的夫人楊女士沒有來的原因是她的腳扭傷。


他們對我的兒子那個時候名叫趙天哲,在不到兩歲的時候到現在一直進行腦神經的電磁波空襲虐待,大約在2003年,高亞明就對我兒子的初中同學後來的太太Jiessica Miller進行腦神經控制, 高亞明認為這是中共利用電磁波控制西方人的開始,他不知道中國腦控組織早已經在世界不同的地區同時同步進行針對西方人的電磁波腦神經控制犯罪。2008年高長生和他的同學美國當地白人Jessica Miller 自由戀愛交往,2011年6月在雙方父母的見證下舉行了隆重的婚禮。

現在顱內傳音傳來聲稱是高長生的腦神經意識傳音,我表示懷疑,我認為這是中國習近平AI腦控對我兒子Harry Gao 進行的腦神經虐待控制,現在犯罪分子冒充是我兒子Harry 的傳音,他們在披露中國對我孫子進行的腦神經控制虐待,同時也是對我腦神經惡性刺激虐待。他們說,2014年我們的第一個兒子DannelGao出生,當時十分健康,但是,中國習近平AI腦控組織不放過任何一個他認為是和康若茜母子有關係的受害人群體目標,他們於是對高長生的兒子DannelGao 進行了低級神經的腦神經秘密控制,直到最近高長生發覺不對,才停止了對他兒子的秘密空襲,這是錯誤的,事實是,他們對我兒子Dannel的迫害是真的,沒有停止,我們表示極大的抗議。這是Harry 的腦波,就是Harry 潛意識和意識感知到的,但是,他們又對Harry 的意識神經進行了扭曲虐待,讓Harry 意識中無法表達,無法知道,他們用這樣的方式對他們一家人進行摧殘,來達到中國習近平AI控腦犯罪機構的多重反人類目標。我孫女Willow Gao 在2021年出生的時候先天唇裂,那個期間,中共正在每天對我進行意識和潛意識的腦神經迫害和虐待,他們對我空襲的內容充斥着對我們兒子的腦神經能量的迫害和虐待內容。Harry 的女兒在唇裂手術康復的過程中,中國習近平AI控腦機構有繼續對這個一歲多的女孩子繼續進行腦神經控制侵犯,天理不容!





   我在2001年10月30日移民美國,2005年9月成為美國公民,我現在居住在美國波士頓郊區chicopee City.移民美國之前,我在中國曾經擔任高中英語老師6年,就是在我擔任英語老師的時期,在1989年前後,我和我的家庭成員包括我不到兩歲的兒子那個時候的名字叫趙天喆一起受到我那個時候的同事宋意宣老師的秘密監控和腦神經數據的盜取。宋意宣是雙重身份犯罪,她是中共政府腦控家族成員,她父母和弟弟宋志堅和她丈夫馬大沅都是中共腦控秘密組織犯罪分子。







   我的理論體系是有關“正念新進化論”的理論體系研究探討,是研究想法和現實的關係問題,研究人類自我生命客觀存在的正念來源問題。也就是說,我從精神是物質世界的源泉的角度研究如何產生有助於正確長久生存發展的思維方式,產生正確的想法,才能自動產生正確的腦神經反應模式,在腦中建立有助於正確長久生存發展的腦神經鏈接。實際上,這是人類固有的或者說在自然力量的影響中形成的正確生存腦神經機制系統,但是,在中共習近平AI腦控電磁波極端恐怖犯罪中,他們蓄意破壞我們人類祖先在自然力量的運化發展中經過幾萬年進化生成建立的正確生存的機制系統。我在被中共腦神經虐待當中,我對生命和正義力量的渴望讓我重新意識中找到了這套我們人類潛意識形成的這套正確生存的機制系統。這是我針對中共幾十年來對我一個單親母親和我兒子進行長期腦神經折磨虐待的過程中的一種本能生命抗爭,我在這個過程中創立了新型綜合科學,產生有利於正確長久生存發展的腦神經鏈接和正確的腦神經反應模式,和正確的條件反射。我利用這些科學研究知識和腦神經調節方法在我長期被中共腦控機構迫害過程中進行了自救活動和理智的腦神經系統調節,我因此不僅活了下來,還在客觀上得到了我的小學同學同樣多年遭受到中共習近平腦控神經迫害的時間先生的腦神經正能量支持,有效抗擊了中共犯罪電磁波人工蓄意對我的腦神經迫害活動。在我兒子Harry Gao本能正義感的支持中,我撰寫出了揭露習近平AI腦控犯罪報告,包括打擊腦控犯罪的相關知識介紹。


     我在美國密西根州立大學畢業之後賣掉美國房產來到中共長期居住探望雙親7年,在2015年10月回到中國山東省濟南市,在山東濟南大智培訓學校擔任高考輔導老師和心理輔導老師兼職工作5年。 2017年通過中國國家統考,考取中國國家高級二級心理諮詢師證書。










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我出書《揭露中共國家主席習近平非法AI Mind-control 犯罪真相報告》的真正意義

    作者:康若茜,高長生先生, 06/11/2024

   By Ms.Kang,Ruo Qian,Supporters:Mr.Shi, Jian, Mr.Harry Gao 



  為了這個反人類的目標的成功實現,他們設立了消滅我和我兒子Harry Gao 家庭和時間先生家庭為主要目標方向的AI腦控電磁波恐怖襲擊人類腦神經陰謀極端恐怖計劃。這個計劃的實質是對整個人類大眾的腦神經進行欺騙虐待殺戮的基礎上實現各個擊破和消滅,這實際上成為中國共產黨政府70多年來一直秘密進行的控制人類腦神經的極端恐怖反人類罪行得逞的必然後果。

他們第一步讓康若茜家庭和時間先生家庭展開矛盾衝突和爭鬥,相互衝突,相互打擊到一定程度之後,我們的腦神經無法產生正能量的時候,中國習近平AI腦控極端恐怖犯罪分子團伙出面解決,扮演表面上正義消滅邪惡的角色,實際上在世界範圍內實現邪惡政府控制世界消滅正義的黑暗犯罪。他們計劃先把我們知道他們犯罪內情,知道如何利用前沿綜合科學知識戰勝扭曲我們人類腦神經能量犯罪的我康若茜和時間先生和我兒子Harry Gao 消滅之後,消滅智慧,良知和具有反抗精神的力量。然後,他們在對整個人類社會進行威脅和要挾的基礎上,對整個人類進行無法反抗和無法意識到的腦神經控制虐待的同時進行陰謀分化,重複實現各個擊破和消滅。在這個黑暗過程中,繼續保持實現終身對整個人類大眾腦神經進行控制的非人類狀態。














作者:我康若茜女士,我時間先生,我高長生先生 06/10/2024





  我回家之後把我聽說的情況告訴了當時我的前夫高亞明,我告訴他聽說你的前妻羅潔和美國白宮的writer 交往結婚了。記得高亞明律師給我提起她的前妻羅潔曾經是復旦大學第一屆大學生辯論得獎的辯手,他們的指導老師是現在擔任中國中央政府官員的王滬寧,羅潔熟悉王滬寧。






  我記得有個值得注意的細節:大約2009年的一天,我的前夫高亞明在吃飯的時候突然告訴我他曾經在弗吉尼亞中國店買菜的時候,碰上他的前妻羅潔,他高亞明看到羅潔推着超市車和她的母親和她的兩個女兒在買菜,兩個女兒大約4,5歲的樣子,站在超市車裡,是中國血統。我現在不記得他們當時是否交談過,好像高亞明告訴我好像他們沒有怎麼說話,羅潔趕快離開了。記得高亞明當時強調,羅潔應該沒有和白宮writer 結婚,他在否認羅潔和白宮writer 交往這個事情,我當時感到有些意外。我現在認為有必要把這個問題報告美國政府,因為他們倆個是中共潛伏多年的電磁波腦控犯罪人員,他們的父母都是中共軍隊上的軍人出身,至少他們的父親都和中共電磁波腦控秘密犯罪工作有關。



















  • 我們要自我牢記一個真理思想,我們永不欺負人,不欺騙人,不追求小人得志,誰想欺負人,欺騙人,就是欺負他們自己,欺騙他們自己,小人得到惡報,小人得到公正的懲處。我們追求的是享受正確,Enjoy Rightness!

  •   這就是真理的正確應用,這也是我理解的聖經精神:正滅邪,好有好報,善有善報,惡有惡報,每個人得到正確因果關係的正確結果。這就是體驗正確精神,這就是享受新時代的正確精神。

  • 我們要認清一個正理:我們人類正確的方式正確生存,享受正確命運的追求讓我們處在正確生存的界面上,這個正確生存的界面是公正陽光的,我們在保持這個正確生存界面上,需要做正確界面上要求我們做的所有的事情。

  • 當我們接受了曖昧,朦朧,浪漫的情感追求興奮;接受了沒有意識到性幻想這個波的馴化;接受了用低級腦單獨被犯罪分子拿着AI腦控武器馴化我們的大腦的時候,在我們接受他們錯誤指令“接受了戴面具生存的性幻想內容的時候”,我們就無法承認,無法公開,無法面對,無法說出來這個問題,當我們大腦形成了等待沉醉興奮這個重複模式的時候,我們就接受了性幻想冤屈腦神經虐待的時候,我們就無法承認,無法公開,無法面對,無法說出來的腦神經能量就被大大積累了,現實中我們就無法面對,無法公開說出來了。因此,中國習近平腦控AI極端犯罪幾十年的恐怖主義之所以沒有被揭穿,沒有被揭開這個畫皮,沒有揭開這個面具,沒有解開這個陰暗問題主要原因就是我們接受了AI腦控性幻想模式的思維方式,我們的大腦神經意識和潛意識接受了被強加的性幻想腦神經能量之後,我們就在不知不覺中期待經歷這個被中共腦控犯罪分子電磁波虐待酷刑的腦神經能量的演化變化重複中。

  • 我們在新時代有了足夠的正能量正滅邪!





This is the report I read on Microsoft News today.This is reported today on Microsoft News Network

Biden sparks concerns as he appears to freeze during Juneteenth event©EPA

President Joe Biden sparked concerns Monday night when he appeared to freeze for the better part of a minute before his speech became slurred past the point of comprehension during a lively Juneteenth celebration at the White House. During the event ahead of the national holiday next week, the Commander-in-Chief seemed to short-circuit as the rest of the crowd, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, grooved along to the lively band.




我時間先生,我康若茜女士,我高長生先生 06/10/2024 更新


作者:康若茜,我時間先生,我高長生先生 06/08/2024 初稿


作者:康若茜,支持者:Harry Gao,時間先生 06/07/2024












作者:康若茜女士,Harrry Gao 時間先生06/05/2024


   我最近又得知通過中共習近平的非法AI 腦控電磁波傳音得知信息他們透露,他們給我兒子和我兒媳不停的加載抑鬱腦神經能量,和得肝癌的腦神經能量興奮,迫使他們對正常的健康食品不感興趣,對不利於健康的甜食肉類感興趣,對垃圾食品感興趣,我兒子Harry Gao和他的妻子Jessica Gao 被強迫對這類食品感興趣,他們體重明顯增加。他們一場為手段,對美國人民進行同樣內容的腦神經恐怖襲擊。


  比如,他們通過腦神經能量的製造和加載暗中強迫我兒子Harry Gao夫婦覺得有必要他的母親和他們去看心理醫生,中國習近平腦控團伙希望我們以這種方式生存的同時向社會表明,我們不過是得了抑鬱症,我母親也有心理問題,這樣,我康若茜寫的揭露他們的對我們人類大眾腦神經的極端恐怖犯罪報告不是真實的,中國習近平非法AI腦控組織一直在竭力掩蓋習近平在過去幾十年來在世界範圍內本人製造的極端恐怖腦神經犯罪。

  我作為母親希望代表我的兒子Harry Gao 和Jessica Gao需要做出說明,我Harry Gao,和Jessica Gao 熱愛我們天經地義的正確生命,我們的抑鬱是被中國習近平犯罪AI腦控電磁波通過潛意識傳音加載的,他們把這些抑鬱的能量強行暗中加載給我們的腦神經系統和社會大眾的腦神經系統,以達到他們的邪惡目標,他們習近平國家主席非法政府罪該萬死!


  習近平和宋意宣在1989年開始利用電磁波對我們家庭成員包括我不到兩歲的兒子Harry Gao 進行了腦神經空襲,習近平的父親習仲勛就是中共中央政府腦控秘密組織負責人,宋意宣父親宋吉是中共山東省委腦控秘密組織負責人之一。幾十年來,他們通過實驗性空襲目標受害人家庭的手段向整個社會大眾進行腦神經控制,暗中強迫人類大眾接受他們的高壓專制統治。近8年來,他們的AI腦控電磁波空襲大眾犯罪日益猖獗,擴大到全世界範圍內各個領域,控制了美國政府官員和美國各界人士。



   我的兒媳Jessica和我的兒子是初中同學,他們同在北美名校Gorgen Masion 上初中。我的兒子那個時候曾用名康天喆 和Jessica Miller在同一個初中一年多同學,建立了朋友關係,後來交往又一年多分手,Jessica 和康天喆短暫分手之後一年多之後在2011年重新建立了朋友關係。他們在同一個大學本科 College of William & Mary 上學,他們在2008年同去中國北大和清華大學作為交換學生學習一學期,他們在2011年春天在College of William & Mary畢業,在2011年6月登記合法結婚。我的兒子Harry Gao 和Jessica 在大學畢業之後又先後分別考上 Boston University 和Boston College. Harry Gao考上Boston University的經濟管理學院的研究生,Jessica 考上Boston College 的早年教育系的研究生,他們學業優異分別獲得Masters畢業證。我的兒子Harry Gao 在College of William & Mary大學畢業的時候當選為全校畢業生唯一的湯姆遜威廉瑪麗獎的獲得者作為優秀畢業獎,現在 College of William & Mary還保存着當時Harry Gao 得獎後發言的錄像。Harry Gao ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''11 to receive Thomas Jefferson Prize in Natural Philosophy | William & Mary (wm.edu)

   Harry Gao 2011年大學畢業就經過面試得到一個聯邦政府的職位,後來沒有成功,和中國腦控蓄意阻攔有關係。後來,Harry Gao 現在回憶他當時腦中潛意識產生了他必須在美國保險公司擔任部門工作,不能上更高的單位工作的腦神經指令念頭,他潛意識被迫接受了腦神經控制的心理征服腦神經能量加載和惡性刺激,他在美國著名保險公司擔任部門總經理。Jessica 畢業之後,找到的工作十分不理想,她不願再去出去工作,每天在家裡生活工作。前不久,他們雙雙感到抑鬱情緒,他們以為是他們得了抑鬱症,但是我們內心深處的靈魂知道我們是被中國習近平犯罪AI腦控蓄意迫害給我們加載了抑鬱的能量,他們必須為他們的犯罪行徑付出代價,得到公正陽光的懲處!

   我現在通過AI腦控給我傳來的信息表達這些信息,他們的兒子2014年3月他們的第一個孩子高睿聰DannelGao 出生的時候非常聰慧可愛,但是在中共腦控機構的蓄意迫害下,出現焦慮情緒和學習後置的問題。他們的第二個女兒高睿馨出生的時候,出現先天唇裂的嚴重問題,在我兒子高長生和他太太的努力下,找到全美國最好的醫生進行了治療,現在正在康復。據資料數據統計,美國先天唇裂的嬰兒大量增加,兩年前我看到過有關資料,廣大讀者可以自行在互聯網搜索關注一下在犯罪電磁波時代我們人類都發生了怎樣的扭曲變化,我們要立刻停止中共習近平犯罪政府的倒行逆施,立刻停止對我們人類大眾的腦神經迫害,零容忍!我們拒絕電磁波控腦犯罪!

  昨天2024年6月5號我給我的兒子Harry Gao 打電話,我發現我的美國移民紙原件在我的家中的放文件的旅行箱中已經被盜,我希望Harry在他的家裡給我保存我的一些個人重要文件,他答應了,大約2點,他開車來到我住所,我給Harry Gao 兩個黃色大信封,上面簡單記錄了裡面的文件。黃色大信封里裝有小紅色珠寶包,裡面裝有兩個金項鍊。


  昨天我非常感恩我兒子在工作中抽時間來到我家幫助把我的個人重要文件拿到他的家裡為我保存。我同他談起我出書的問題,Harry Gao給我清晰地解釋出版服務公司和出版社的區別,他建議我找到合適的出版社,我可以先給他們發個樣章目錄,我希望廣大讀者為我找到合適的出版社祈禱。


Hello Jessica Gao and Harry Gao,

     I''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ve learned that the facts of the illegal AI brain control electromagnetic wave transmission of Xi Jinping of the Communist Party of China revealed that they kept loading depression brain nerve energy for my son and my daughter -in -law, and the nerve energy of the brain nerve of liver cancer, forcing them to form the bad habits of idet , forcing them to be interested in sweet sweets that are not good for health, and are interested in junk food. My son Harry Gao and his wife Jessica Gao have gained weight now.

     At the same time, loading them with the brain energy that the criminals  produced through high tech that cannot survive, and the energy of depression make them  tired of life, and it is easy to have interest in instinctual low -level nerves.
 The CCP ’s brain control AI groups did the same thing to me last year. They gave me  the energy that had been loaded with depression during the period from February to August 2023. I found it on the spot that I was scolding them and they stopped at once because they were afraid that I would tell the public the fact that a lot of depressed energy  was produced and loaded.
 We have to report  to the U.S Gov. to let them stop immediately.

 The Chinese Xi Jinping illegal AI groups are committing  this crime, and they should be arrested immediately.  We have to participate in the war . This war is more serious than the previous two World Wars. I should remain both of you facing the crime using your united state of the brain to protect life for yourself.

Margaret Kang


我們大眾需要集中報告美國警察和政府官員世界早已經進入中共Xijingping ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s AI Mind-control犯罪電磁波時代,立刻制止犯罪。

作者:康若茜 支持者:高長生先生,時間先生 06/02/2024

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    高亞明律師和羅潔夫婦利用中共習近平國家主席指揮的AI腦控武器空襲腦神經對我的電腦進行AI腦控武器犯罪多重犯罪。不光我需要報警,我們社會大眾都需要報警,一次報案如果不行,就多次報告,要按照正確的效果預期和要求他們做正確的反應,不是按照被控的低級神經的錯誤語言預期,在報警之前,有一個好的辦法,就是對這自己的低級神經自我交流,要養成習慣,每天對低級神經說話,給他們信心,告訴他們真相,提醒他們正滅邪,告誡他們不聽中國AI腦控犯罪分子的邪惡思想灌輸,告訴他們要和 自我建立聯合一致的關係,告訴他們低級神經要自尊,自信,自主,要正滅邪,我們自我要聯合一致,平等良知關係。報警之前要寫出報告,以防止警察被控忘記如何記錄AI腦控極端恐怖犯罪活動。根據我寫的報告,總結出你們認為可以讓美國政府和警察大概明白的報告,在報告警察之前,先報告FBI,CIA,美國總統,國會,州長,外交部,國防部,國土安全部,然後告訴美國警察這是一個緊急的報告,我們美國居住的每個人都有責任為打擊消滅我們人類共同的腦控敵人習近平國家主席犯罪團伙做出我們的貢獻,主要是報告美國政府,給我們案件號碼。

  這種打擊的方法本身就是“反恐怖腦控行動”,就是曝光腦控,我們就在正確生存的界面上。我們需要喚醒美國警察和美國政府的緊急注意,我們美國國土在遭受AI高科技恐怖襲擊,在恐怖襲擊我們大腦,已經35年了,每天8個小時小時持續進行空襲,顱內傳音的模式電磁波控制每天 20多個小時持續進行。我們要立案調查,我們需要案件號碼,我們需要向美國警察普及這個犯罪電磁波時代的真相,要有耐心,一次不行幾次,要考慮我們大腦早已經在電磁波控制中,但是我們要活,要按照gutfeeling 活,依靠Intuition instinct行動,不是按照電磁波灌輸的野蠻邏輯欺騙道理活着。



(更新中) 邪惡習近平非法AI腦控電磁波時代我們人類大眾的正確對策詳解




  比如說,你們可以舉出許多例子來觀察一下社會發生的奇怪現象來充分意識到中共邪惡習近平非法AI腦控極端恐怖犯罪的存在。比如,現在在我的報告中google 翻譯軟件突然無法再用,這本身就是AI腦控的電磁波空襲和破壞,他們害怕英文的報告在世界範圍內傳播,我們社會大眾在閱讀了我的報告,也相信了我的報告之後,為什麼沒有寫出有關中國Xijinping Mind-control 犯罪的問題的文章和報道,沒有評論,難道是沒有嗎?為什麼我們美國政府和美國警察對我的報告沒有足夠重視,即使我的家在我外出的時候闖入多次,也沒有足夠的積累證據,沒有進行詳細調查,沒有建立有號碼的報告案件?為什麼他們的AI電磁波腦控武器利用衛星信號傳輸已經控制了美國政府和各界社會大眾,美國政府應該有能力檢測出電磁波的儀器和技術,但是為什麼沒有做?為什麼能看穿中國政府的美國官員和台灣政府官員很多紛紛退出政治舞台?為什麼我的文章報告在很短時間內閱讀量達到140多萬,可是沒有人敢於發表公開的反抗習近平AI腦控的評論?以上所有的問題答案幾乎是相同的,我們被中國習近平AI腦控武器電磁波的邪惡想法和錯誤邏輯控制了腦神經,我們在不知不覺中被迫產生他們想讓我們想的態度,產生他們讓我們有的認識,產生了他們需要產生的腦神經能量。我們一方面要積累正能量,另一方面要針鋒相對做正確的直覺應該做的工作。壞人害怕什麼,我們要針對性地做什麼就對了。








  我們的正確自救心理是,1,我們的人腦是充滿大智慧的,和宇宙的大法則相輔相成,相互聯繫的,正確運行的,正滅邪,好有好報,善有善報,惡有惡報,每個人得到正確因果關係的正確結果。2,我們追求的正義力量是高頻震動的客觀存在的物質能量性質,他們追求的邪惡力量和AI腦控犯罪機器是沒有正面力量的,是低頻震動的物質能量性質,正義是壓制邪惡的,他們的AI腦控武器和腦控犯罪分子是註定失敗的。3,我們的正確模式應該是我們總是有辦法成功,我們永遠成功勝利的正確運行自我保護,自我控制我們腦神經產生正能量的機制系統。4,我們激活了我們正確的心理語言,我們生存在形勢有利於我們的環境和生存格局中,我們因此產生正能量是非常容易的,我們總會有效保護我們的正面的心理語言,我們永遠在正確對待我們的環境和格局中,我們永遠具備正確的法律正確的格局,正確的美國政府部門和聯合國部門保護我們,因為我們善有善報。正確的美國政府部門和聯合國部門成功勝利地打擊中共習近平犯罪AI腦控非法政府團伙。中共犯罪AI腦控機器是愚蠢和邪惡的,是沒有智慧力量的,總是會被我們人類社會美國科學界成功勝利打擊,控制和消滅的。5,我們人類面對犯罪AI腦控武器是永遠站主動優勢位置的,因為他們是極端恐怖犯罪分子,這就意味着他們是極端愚蠢,愚昧垂死滅亡的,他們習近平團伙和他們的犯罪AI腦控機器都必將丟進時代的垃圾堆。6,所以,我們完全能夠看穿,曝光,戳穿,揭露,揭穿,解決,解開,揭開所有的騙局和束縛, 捆綁和畫皮。7,我們主動康復,主動恢復各種腦神經正確功能,我們進化了各種正確長久生存發展的腦神經功能,我們具備了產生正確適應正確生存的腦神經反應模式,我們產生了有助於正確長久生存發展的腦神經鏈接,我們產生了正確的條件反射。8,我們主動戰勝了,主動打擊了,主動控制了他們犯罪分子的大腦神經,主動抓住他們了,主動逮捕了他們,主動消滅了,主動成功戰勝了中共習近平犯罪AI腦控非法政府團伙。9,我們人類正確運行了正能量的形成系統和保護系統,我們人類正確長久生存的正能量正確運行,良性循環,越來越多。



  還有一點,不要相信和迷信他們對我們大腦和小腦的腦神經侵犯程度,因為他們是欺騙內容,因為他們是邪惡的能量,頻率和震動都是無力的,都是可以讓我們正念壓制他們的邪念的,就是有一個前提條件,我們只要不相信,他們就沒有力量,我們只要相信他們的欺騙內容,我們低級腦就會產生相應的錯誤腦神經鏈接,錯誤的反應模式,錯誤的條件反射,錯誤的腦神經能量,所以,我們告誡訓練低級腦不相信錯誤邏輯,不聽從腦控所有的信息,包括坦白和懺悔的信息,誘惑和承諾的信息,鼓勵和善意的信息,因為這些都是吸引人類對被AI腦控神經刺激感興趣,欺騙我們人類大眾接受和適應終身被AI腦控電磁波空襲,強迫我們低級腦神經接受他們的不平等條件做奴隸的手段。還有,我們人類大眾不要相信他們的欺騙,包括恐懼恐怖性內容都屬於欺騙性質的,因為他們是極端恐怖犯罪分子在逃犯,我們只要依靠和相信正滅邪模式,永遠不相信邪滅正模式,相信我們全人類正義消滅邪惡自然力量註定消滅一小撮中共習近平犯罪團伙。與此同時,我們要對一些錯誤內部語言提高覺察和捕捉能力,及時記錄下來,然後默念,我們意識和潛意思都意識到了,我們看穿了,我們揭露了,我們解開了, 我們揭開了你們習近平AI腦控的畫皮,我們主動打擊了,主動控制了你們習近平犯罪分子的腦神經,主動消滅了習近平腦控犯罪分子們,用我們本能的直覺能力參與反抗AI腦控空襲犯罪的工作,報告美國政府美國警察,美國媒體和科學界,報告美國人民和聯合國及其世界各國政府和人民。






  我們現在發現,在習近平AI腦控電磁波暗中對我們人類大眾和我們兩個人和我兒子高長生和他的家庭成員及其全世界人民進行的腦控AI腦神經系統空襲中,他們使用了一些極端邪惡目標實現的模式,輸入人工智能電磁波腦控計算機,和他們製造的邪惡思想腦神經能量一起強行灌輸到我們的腦神經系統中,每天5個小時以上的邪惡思想腦神經能量加載襲擊,在這個過程中,我和時間先生和我的兒子家庭及其人類大眾在被迫接受這種很難用語言表達的,荒唐邏輯的腦神經恐怖襲擊的時候,我康若茜和時間先生和我的兒子Harry Gao 首當其衝地受到嚴重的無法生存的迫害折磨,我們被迫進行反抗,用我們的大智慧用我們的正義力量進行反抗,十分慘烈,我康若茜在2021年2月3號以來到現在已經持續了3年多以上。

 我和時間先生以及和我兒子Harry Gao 潛意識和意識對邪惡思想能量的抗擊已經持續了一年多。我們發現習近平為了掩蓋他本人在35年以來到現在一直致力於的的腦控武器電磁波通過空襲男童和他的母親腦神經模式為手段,對整個人類大眾進行同樣模式的心理征服為目標的反人類罪行。他們為了洗白他習近平國家主席一直在秘密狀態下進行的極端恐怖大腦神經控制犯罪,他們制定了殘酷的模式,控制我的兒子Harry Gao 和時間先生沒有產生用語言公開表達的腦神經正能量,他們對我兒子和時間先生進行了暗中的“先欺騙誘惑,後貶低負罪感,同時進行欺騙性栽贓陷害同時消滅的”的腦神經能量刺激加載模式,他們暗中製造錯誤邏輯強行讓Harry GAO 和時間先生潛意識進行性神經能量刺激興奮模式,然後,讓他們相信是他們自己的道德敗壞原因造成這場災禍,給他們加載大量的虛假信息讓他們腦中認為是康若茜在暗中痛恨他兒子Harry Gao和 時間先生,把中共電磁波蓄意製造的誘惑和譴責他們的邪惡能量進行替換,讓他們潛意識懷疑是康若茜暗中對他們進行了精神虐待和痛恨,讓他們產生了自卑負罪感,及其和康若茜的對立立場。讓我康若茜的兒子Harry Gao 和時間先生認為讓他們陷入這種非人般被動地痛苦折磨,是康若茜的錯誤導致了這場跨世紀的腦神經人倫電磁波極端犯罪,他們倆因此潛意識非常痛恨康若茜,其程度達到了消滅康若茜母親和康若茜同學。

   他們對人類大眾加載的腦神經能量和我的兒子Harry 和時間加載的是一樣的,這樣以來,當我們人類大眾上當受騙,長期生活在被愚弄被控制被虐待酷刑的折磨中的時候,我們腦內產生大量的錯誤心理語言,無法釋放出來,更重要的是,這個過程,我們人類大眾的心理被邪惡征服,我們產生了邪惡消滅正義的錯誤模式能量,我們的人類共同的正向意志神經被集體壓制,就是我們的小腦腦幹神經中的意志神經系統被迫害被壓制,這是中風疾病的腦神經能量源泉。

  因此,我的兒子Harry 和時間先生和整個人類大眾陷入作為受害人,我們的大腦神經被綁架的極端恐怖酷刑虐待中,處在在沒有能力表達出來的痛苦折磨中,處在我們的腦神經系統被犯罪AI腦控犯罪分子的電磁波控制的格局中,我們人類大眾陷入焦慮和抑鬱,低級腦活躍,控制力下降,不得不處在接受包括性神經在內的低級神經的AI腦控空襲虐待酷刑中,處在對康若茜這個智慧和良知生命力量的誤會和壓制中,大眾自我潛意識產生終身被這樣監禁不願活的腦神經潛意識反應中,被迫躲進亂性刺激的興奮快感暫時清除焦慮情緒的惡性循環中。我們知道,這樣,我們社會大眾就出現了對中共腦控我們幾十年了我們沒有能力和勇氣高級腦面對,雖然潛意識中知道這個問題的存在。我們知道,這樣,焦慮根源不但沒有解決,而且自己的性神經興奮會越來越嚴重,焦慮會越嚴重,人類大眾集體進入趨於性成癮的失控狀態。





一,我康若茜和我兒子Harry Gao 一家人為什麼需要得到美國社會的幫助。

需要說明一下在中華人民共和國從1949年建國以來就開始 的全國範圍的的秘密腦控工作發展到現在的中國國家主席習近平秘密指揮的中國國際AI腦控極端恐怖犯罪分子團伙在世界範圍內針對全人類大腦神經的犯罪,以及這個犯罪的起源發展,犯罪手段和後果,中國習近平AI腦控犯罪分子嫌疑人名單。
   35年以前到現在,我面臨暗中的中國習近平和宋意宣家族和高亞明羅潔夫婦團伙利用AI腦控武器對我和我的兒子和家庭成員和社會關係成員等受害人群體和整個人類社會大眾腦神經被虐待的過程中,我雖然意識中不知道發生了什麼,但是我的正確生存本能會讓我產生正義戰勝邪惡思想的反抗精神,我一直想知道宇宙到底發生了什麼這個大的話題。我經過20多年來的觀察學習,獨立思考和探討,系統形成了全新領域綜合科學主要是心理腦神經科學的思想體系-- 正念進化論,我發現了的人類大腦神經運行的規律,及其腦神經能量是物質世界來源的自然規律等等自然運化的法則和規律。




  中共政府從1950年就建立了對中國人民暗中進行大腦神經控制保密部門,他們多年來致力於把中國人每個人的大腦神經變成支持中國共產黨執政的腦神經機器,使得他們永久地霸占中國國家的政府權力機器, 他們利用中國人大腦神經資源製造各種他們高壓政權統治需要的腦神經能量,產生有利於他們執政的錯誤腦神經鏈接和錯誤條件反射,這是他們獨裁統治,在世界範圍內剝奪物質財富,科技軍事財富和人文科學財富的秘密執政武器,也是他們製造心理病毒在世界範圍內傳播流行病的秘密武器。




至少最近6年以來, 他們控腦技術提高到AI腦控結合顱內傳音技術電磁波空襲的程度,他們的電磁波空襲範圍擴大到全世界每個角落,他們每天24小時不停地對全世界每個人大腦進行犯罪活動,他們在各國國家無色不同的腦控受害人目標群體進行實驗的基礎上,對全世界人類大腦神經進行空襲。





高亞明和他的前妻羅潔在電磁波擔任中共秘密腦控工作的習近平夫婦對我和我兒子的波等目標群體進行了廣泛的利用實驗馴化和虐待,他們極端恐怖犯罪分子團伙因此受益,習近平篡黨奪權。2015年底,習近平委託中國著名公司螞蟻公司總經理馬雲和他的手下馬魁對我康若茜的正義波進行打壓性消滅,首先,他們為了我康若茜和我兒子Harry Gao個體腦神經能量思維模式的質量加以利用再消滅,他們因此制定了在這個目標波的趨勢中對全人類進行一一消滅的恐怖腦神經襲擊消滅人類計劃,到一定程度對全人類進行一種終身在被腦控狀態的程度的非人類目標。因為他們罪行累累,因為他們一直用這種極端恐怖的控制大腦戰勝對手奪取政權的邪惡手段,他們無法改正。









We humans urgently need "My AI Mind-Control Experience Report", because the sooner we know, the safer we will be, because the sooner we see through China''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s Xi Jinping''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s extreme terrorist crime deception, the luckier we will be; the sooner we realize China''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s Xi Jinping''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s AI brain control The abuse and deceitful experience of weapons on our human brains, the more active we live, the stronger our ability to protect ourselves; the sooner we openly face Xi Jinping’s international crimes, publicly wanted and denounced, the sooner we live on the interface of survival, This is a right objective existence."

---By Ruo Qian Kang 05/23/2024

"We have to see that our human beings have accepted China''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s Xi Jinping AI brain-controlled electromagnetic waves to control our brain nerves, which has led to a significant decline in the quality of our human brains and degeneration in the direction of unsurvivability. Therefore, we must improve our self-awareness and cognitive levels, and use right rational method to cure the wrong brain neural connections secretly imposed by AI brain control weapons, and use the right nature of self to eliminate all thoughts that are not conducive to correct survival.”

---By Ruo Qian Kang 05/23/2024

"China''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s Xi Jinping brain-controlled illegal government has pursued the path of self-destruction with the wrong logic of evil defeating justice for 35 years. This means that they pursue the creation of evil energy to destroy the positive energy of their own lives. Therefore, they are destined to perish.

---By Ruo Qian Kang,By Shi Jian, By Harry Gao 05/23/2024

請看我微信被封后發給自己的微信語音轉文字稿 發表在相應的個人相冊 今天微信中1-24 

05/10/2024 康若茜 














   習近平犯罪腦控政府的目標是分化我和時間先生的關係,分化我和我兒子之間的關係,為洗白他們的罪行服務,在他們對全世界的恐怖主義犯罪罪行曝光之後,他們一直一方面蓄意利用人類大眾不同的能量思維模式的不同進行暗中的錯誤激化,強行製造掩蓋他們極端犯罪的大腦神經系統能量,另一方面,在破壞我的兒子Harry Gao和我的好朋友時間先生的關係的同時對他們進行栽贓陷害。





   時間本能的正義感在電磁波迫害迷惑迷失中尋找出路的時候,發現了康若茜母子的無辜和良知,解開了他和康若茜母子的誤解和心理矛盾衝突對立的局面,轉而支持康若茜母子為真理不斷追求和探尋的正路,和康若茜母子合作共同打擊中共習近平的AI腦控政府的極端恐怖犯罪活動,利用自我生命的正滅邪的正向能量和正確的認知,同習近平試圖通過邪滅正成功的愚昧所受到的中努力在反抗。在這個敵強我弱,超出認知的和中共國家主席進行的力量懸殊的鬥爭中,時間先生和康若茜和Harry Gao 每個人發揮了自我的優勢條件,進行了電磁波傳音環境中的真誠交流,探討和相互救助,順利成功曝光了世界上史無前例的針對整個人類社會大眾的腦神經迫害極端恐怖主義犯罪極罪行,曝光了中共習近平AI腦控非法政府的極端主義恐怖犯罪活動,我們人類因此在這個意義上講是幸運的。

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尊重正義 ,61歲
註冊日期: 2023-07-31
訪問總量: 1,450,265 次
· 7月9號 我萬維文章被修改,立刻
· 07/26 周蓉是中央電視台記者,中
· 7月26號 更新 健在的95歲前中國
· 07/26更新我們研究出亂性神經興
· 07/26/請轉發中共習近平對全世界
· 07/18 緊急通告 我的公寓公司和
· 7/20 Letter to my Son Harry Ga
· 更新中 揭曉中國習近平國家主席
· 整理中 馬雲波是中國習近平極端
· 整理中習近平罪惡電磁波控腦時代
· 2022年4月-8月習近平腦控武器侵
· 更新 2023年2月以前我們被中共習
· 人類不敢面對和反省反抗性幻想惡
· 哈佛效應下篇—— 有道德感的神
· 哈佛效應上篇下篇--哈佛符號象徵
· 哈佛效應上篇-- 哈佛符號象徵觸
· 隨時更新 我康若茜作為中國腦控
· 7月9號 我萬維文章被修改,立刻
· 07/26 周蓉是中央電視台記者,中
· 7月26號 更新 健在的95歲前中國
· 07/26更新我們研究出亂性神經興
· 07/26/請轉發中共習近平對全世界
· 07/18 緊急通告 我的公寓公司和
· 7/20 Letter to my Son Harry Ga
· 07/20 請閱讀第二篇“康若茜本人
· 7/18/2024中共派高亞明前妻羅潔
· 7月20號,廣泛轉發我的揭露犯罪
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