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Trump’s Return to Power and the Halt of Neo-Darwin 2024-09-02 21:47:18

Trump’s Return to Power and the Halt of Neo-Darwinism


My fellow Americans, if you agree with me that MONEY earned by American should be spent by American, you should read my following topic.  I am going to talk something about Trump’s return to power and the halt of Neo-Darwinism.

Some people say that America's top talents are in the industry, while second- and third-tier talents go to government positions or teach in schools. A retired top talent, who could have enjoyed a peaceful life at home, decided to run for public office and serve the country to save the United States and stop or reverse the neo-Darwinian policies that have been in America place since the end of World War II. However, this person is facing fierce attacks from these second- and third-tier individuals, or even those who are not talented at all. They falsely have accused this top talent of being like Hitler; they’ve falsely labeled this person as a social Darwinist. They’ve also falsely accused this "Hitler" of being a rapist who discriminates against women. They used various means to try to prevent this person from running for office and to ruin his reputation.

However, these so-called well-educated second- and third-tier individuals know little about the history of how the "Hitler" they mention rose to power as the Chancellor of Germany. Some of them even think that Hitler came to power through elections, not knowing that he was appointed by Germany's President, Paul von Hindenburg. These people, who consider themselves knowledgeable, but use ignorant excuses to display extreme contempt towards the top talent they slander, calling him a social Darwinist but without fully understanding the meaning of the term. Many of them are university professors or journalists in the media, yet their knowledge and intellectual level are insufficient to comprehend Trump. When Trump wants to lead America to take a step or two to the right, they imagine, with their ignorant minds, that he will crazily take ten steps to the right. Why are they so incapable of understanding Trump's thought process and style of governance? Is it because Trump's desire to halt the neo-Darwinian national policies that have been in place since World War II triggers the little knowledge they have about social Darwinism and related ideologies?

The core of social Darwinism lies in the concept of "survival of the fittest," emphasizing competition in nature. This phrase, coined by Herbert Spencer, summarizes the ideas presented after Darwin's publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859. Neo-Darwinism, a term first introduced by George Romanes in 1895, following Gregor Mendel's 1866 publication of Experiments on Plant Hybridization.  It has evolved with deeper understanding of Darwin and Mendel's theories along time. This term has been given versions like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 to represent various comprehensive meanings in modern biology. Neo-Darwinism 1.0 symbolizes the reductionist view of genes in biological terms, while 4.0 represents the holistic theory of cooperation and collaboration among individuals and nations in a biological and sociological context. When I refer to the ignorance of those who oppose and criticize Trump, I am pointing to their ignorance in philosophical, cognitive, and methodological aspects.

When Rousseau wrote Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men, he mistakenly believed that the origin of human inequality was due to private property, failing to recognize that it actually stems from individual differences leading to a "pecking order." This misunderstanding made Rousseau lean towards leftist ideology. Similarly, today's leftists have exaggerated fears and imaginations about Trump, stemming from their lack of understanding that competition can be divided into different levels.  Even when escalated to conflict, these conflicts can still vary in intensity, such as ritualized combat. These professors and media personnel lack the relevant knowledge of behavioral science.

Social Darwinism emphasizes competition, which can be categorized into distributed competition and adversarial competition. When competition escalates, it can be further classified into ritualized combat or fight and lethal combat or fight. These second- and third-tier university professors and leftist media figures lack the knowledge and intellectual framework that should have been acquired after obtaining their PhDs. When they see Trump escalates the adversarial competition for the presidency into ritualized combat, they quickly associate it with the propaganda techniques and fascist ideologies of social Darwinist Hitler. Consequently, they use extreme fascist propaganda methods to smear and discredit Trump's character and business achievements.

Since World War II, the United States' neo-Darwinian national strategy has been reflected in initiatives such as the Marshall Plan during the Cold War and its extension to Asia. This strategy involved providing aid to allies to counter the Soviet Union, resulting in an industrial division of labor among friendly nations. This approach to supporting allied countries and fostering economic interdependence came to be, what they are calling, globalization. 

To win the Cold War, the U.S. government has sacrificed American interests to assist countries in Europe and Asia, helping to develop their economies and promote their industrialization. Left Professors and journalists view this assistance as a natural part of the globalization process. However, they do not distinguish that the Marshall Plan was specifically targeted against the USSR and its Eastern European countries. The industrial division of labor was not global but has been limited to allied nations. Additionally, they treated the Communist-led mainland China as an ally, assisting in her industrialization efforts.

The extension of the Marshall Plan into Asia ultimately nurtured and raised up a devil, the Communist Party of China, which they become a significant threat against our civilization. If the U.S. had halted such initiatives, including the WTO tailored to China's industrialization during the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, the U.S. might have had not one powerful adversary today. Additionally, the global spread of the Wuhan virus might have been omitted if Fauci hadn’t funded them. However, they did not take such actions.

I have a friend whose grandpa opened a business manufacturing gears for automobiles during World War II. However, due to the extension of the Marshall Plan into Asia, the factory went out of business in the 1960s because it could not compete with imported gears produced in Japan.

Today, when Trump seeks to halt this neo-Darwinian national strategy, he threatens the interests of some people. They use their control of the media to furiously discredit Trump and deceive the public who are unaware of the true situation.

If you believe that the money earned by Americans should be spent by Americans, then vote for Trump.  If you support using American funds to upgrade American industries, then vote for Trump. If you agree with Trump's MAGA policies, which focus on investing in increasing the environmental carrying capacity (K value) in the population growth equation, then vote for Trump.


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作者:天雅 留言时间:2024-09-09 20:51:27

---- 推荐全场(比较长),JD Vance 做客 All-in podcast。~20分起,谈到切尼 和 RFK Jr.

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作者:天雅 留言时间:2024-09-04 08:13:21


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作者:天雅 留言时间:2024-09-04 08:13:00

Transtated by google. 供"二三流人士"参考。


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作者:天雅 回复 天雅 留言时间:2024-09-04 08:09:16




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作者:天雅 回复 天雅 留言时间:2024-09-04 08:07:39




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作者:天雅 回复 天雅 留言时间:2024-09-04 08:05:58



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作者:天雅 回复 天雅 留言时间:2024-09-04 08:04:11



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作者:天雅 留言时间:2024-09-04 08:01:26



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