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Virginia Tech Memorial Website 2007-04-20 07:12:09

Memorial Photos Website:          http://www.vt.edu/remember/photos/index.php

We will continue to invent the future through our blood and tears and through all our sadness ... We will prevail ...

-- Nikki Giovanni, University Distinguished Professor, poet, activist




Life is but a stopping place
A pause in what’s to be
A resting place along the road
To sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant
to learn some things,
But never meant to stay…
Our destination is a place
Far greater than we know.
For some, the journey’s quicker,
For some the journey’s slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We’ll claim a great reward
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the Lord.
Remember that your loss is shared
by many friends who care and that you’re in our thoughts and hearts and in our every prayer. May the Lord who consoles the broken hearted, comfort you in this season of grief and loss.” this is to the family of those who lost there lives in monday tragedy. Though they May Be Gone, but they Will Never Be Forgotten.” May God’s Word Comfort and Uphold You the families, *Amen*

God bless u all

- Oluseyi makynde

April 19, 2007, 9:22pm • toronto ON canada. • #32995


Thank you, God,
for ensuring the safety of my friends, and please continue to watch over them. Give them strength for the forth-coming days. Help them to garner some understanding in this senseless act. Be with the families and friends of the members of the Virginia Tech community that were senselessly taken from this world. Be with the injured and give the strength to recover and live in the face of the man that decided that today he would destroy lives forever. Be with the students on other campuses in Virginia and across the country that cannot be with their friends at Tech. Be with the families that will face a decision of whether to go or stay, and be with the families that don’t have that option. Be with the faculty and staff of Virginia Tech and the counselors that have to deal with the “why’s” that are sure to come. Give them guidance and words of wisdom. Finally be with the rest of the students that are left behind to deal with this tragedy and give them some insight into Your love, though right now it might seem hard for them to believe that. It is in the name of Your Son that I offer this prayer,


April 19, 2007, 10:30pm • Charlottesville, Virginia • #33002


God Bless Virginia Tech.  Students across the country are mourning for you.  Wherever we are from, whatever school we attend, we are all affected by this outrageous tragedy.  College kids are college kids.  Skipping class, staying up all night before a test, having fun with friends.  Let us never again take these things, though seemingly monotonous or ordinary, for granted.
As this tragedy hit home it occurred to many of us that it could have been any campus.  Any school.  Any one of us. 
Our generation.  We mourn with you.
May God forever bless Virginia Tech.

April 19, 2007, 3:07pm • Tampa, FL • #31917


My heart weeps for those who have lost their children, know that as a parent I feel your heartache.  My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of sorrow. 
God Bless

April 19, 2007, 10:20pm • Alexandria, VA • #32997


To all the students and family of the 32 students who lost their lives- i pray for you every chance i get, you are all in my heart…

Shene S.

April 19, 2007, 10:19pm • Chantilly, VA • #32996


May God grant each and every one of you the strength to come out of this tragedy.  Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. 

God Bless

Philippians 1:3

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • Winchester, VA • #31906


To all the hokie nation my hope and prayers are with you, may your teary eyes be dryed, your hardened hearts be softened, and your heavy souls be lifted by the power of are great savior Jesus. May gods speed be with your school and your the families.


“Ye ought to forgive one another,” and then makes it requisite when He says, “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • Beverly Hills, CA • #31905


For the victims, the families and the friends.
We will miss you!
We will honor you!
We will deffend you!
We will pray for you!

We are a nation in morn.
We are a Nation of ONE not of many.
We are a Nation of LIFE not of death.

Forever in our hearts and prayers!  AMEN!

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • Chesapeake VA • #31904


i am so sorry for all the famileys lose my prayers and thoughs r with you,be strong and let god share your lose walk with him and he will lessent the pain.god bless u all.charlotte

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • hillsville VA • #31903


As a university student at UNBC in Prince George, BC, Canada and a mother of 3, I want all to know at VaTech and their families that you are in my thoughts and prayers. i send my deepest sympathies to the Mothers and Fathers of all those that have been lost in this horrible tragedy; those that have been injuried and forever changed by this event. There are no words to express the sorrow you must be feeling but know that as you grieve your losses, the entire world grieves with you because it could have been our children,family members, friends that could have been taken from us so senselessly. A child is the gift that can really never be taken away because they are forever in your hearts and minds. the loss you are all feeling now, i hope will lessen in time because your loved one lives on in you and what rises from this tragedy.  UNBC flyes their flags at half mast for your loss, we all grieve with you.

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • Prince George, BC, Canada • #31902


You will be missed and never forgotten!

God Bless!

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • Lisbon, Ct • #31901


I am very passionate about my school, Virginia Tech.  As most of you can see from the stories told by the people affected by this tragic event, I am not alone.  The Hokie Nation has always been about a wonderful group of people from a wonderful place who all come together for a common goal.  Although most of the time it is about athletics, the recent events have presented a new reason for the Hokie Nation to join together, and that is in support of the families and friends of the victims of the 04-16-07 shootings.  Together we are all Hokies, and I am confident that Virginia Tech and Blacksburg will once again be the great school and the great Town that I have always been so passionate about.

Keep up all the support, We are Virginia Tech, We will prevail....

Damian Brink ‘00

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • West Palm Beach, Florida • #31900


To the families and students at Va Tech:
You are in my prayers. May God Bless you. I will not forget you. My cousin goes to the school. I a thinking of you always. Karen Hunt

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • Newport News, Va • #31899


There are no words to describe the loss, the anger, the pain…
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
May you all rest in peace.
I send my condolences to the families and friends of the victims.
God bless you all.

Tim B.

April 19, 2007, 3:02pm • Almere, Netherlands • #31898


To all hurting, weeping, and left confused in this unfair act, our hearts and thought and prayers go out to you. May god lead you through this time of sorrow and bless you all.  Keep your heads up and your heart open to god.
Thought for South Carolina

April 19, 2007, 3:01pm • Piedmont, SC • #31897


A todos los padres, hermanos, esposos(as), hijos, compañeros, amigos y profesores que han perdido un ser querido y a los que pudieron despertar de tan espantosa pesadilla, quiero que sepan que nos duele tal y como si lo estuvieramos viviendo en carne propia.  Dios sabe el por qué, el cuando, el cómo y el dónde.  El está a tu lado ofreciéndote consuelo, fortaleza y fe. 

Filipenses 4:13 dice:  “Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortaleze.”

April 19, 2007, 3:01pm • Guaynabo, Puerto Rico • #31896


May God (most high, swt) hold all of us up and remove all sorrow, pain and feelings of helplessness. I pray that God (most high, swt) allows us to attain full knowledge of peace and prosperity, so that this knowledge would wrap around us like a warm secured blanket.

God willing, the parents of the shooters, the victims, and our society find peace within themselves, which ultimately can manifest peace in our world.

Peace (Salaam)

Ayanna LM

April 19, 2007, 3:01pm • Philadelphia, PA • #31895


I am deeply saddened by what has happened.My sympathy goes out to the families and the victims of this great tragedy.

April 19, 2007, 3:01pm • Canada • #31894


TO the Hookie Nation,

I find myself shaking my head in disbelief each time I think of this tragic day and the events that took place. My deepest condolences go out to all the Hookies you are in my heart and in my prayers I am with you in your pain I will be wearing orange and maroon tomorrow 4/20 in participation in Orange and Maroon Effect Day to honor those killed in the this tragic event. Be united, Be one, Stay Strong!



April 19, 2007, 3:01pm • Glendale, CA • #31893


May you all find peace and comfort with each passing day on the loss of your fellow classmates, family and friends and collegues.  Our thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you.
With Deepest Sympathy,
Craig and Jodie Miller and Family

April 19, 2007, 3:01pm • Irvine, California (USA) • #31892


My prayers are with you all. May God watch over and comfort you. There is a place prepared for us all with God and one day we will all see each other again. GOD BLESS YOU!

April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • Mike Fancy Gap VA • #31891


My prayers are with the families, friends, colleagues, and the public that is crying for lives too soon gone.  Please remember, God will never give you more than the heart and soul can’t stand.  Dios los bendiga a todos - God bless you all!!

April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • Boston • #31890


My heart felt prayers to the family and friends. My love to all of you in your town/city and state.
May God bless us all with wisdom,forgiveness, and peace of mind.

The greastest assest: Faith
The most powerful force in life: Love

Pam W.

April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • Greenwood,Indiana • #31889




April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • BROOKLYN NY • #31888


we are really sorry about what happened,

To all of you,
our condolences


Buenos Aires, Argentina

April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • Buenos Aires Argentina • #31887


im so so sorry for everyones loss i just want everyone to know that we here in miami florida are with everyone in va and our prayers will not be unanswered.  god be with all of u. silvia garcia

April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • miami, fl • #31886


To the Virginia Tech students, parents, and professors, I send my deepest symphathies.  Tears formed in my eyes while watching the events unfold at VT and I couldn’t help putting myself in your place - as grieving and shocked students, parents and families.  Losing friends and children in college is too deep a wound to bear, so I pray that the Lord may uphold you and bring good out of evil in the coming days.  I know He can.

April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • Seattle, Washington • #31885


i don’t know how to express my selk with this tragedy that happend but to all thoso who lost a friend or a love one just look deep inside you and you will know that there alive in your hearts and all thoso happy moments that you guys live together they would live forever....GOD BLESS THOSE WHO ARE GONE

April 19, 2007, 3:00pm • LAS VEGAS,NEVADA US • #31884


To the entire community of Virginia Tech please accept my deepest condolances for you loss. The world is praying for each and every one of you and please know your sadness is felt around the globe. You have shown such strength and dignity througout this horrific event and I know the Hokie spirit will endure. May God Bless you all.
Carol F.

April 19, 2007, 2:59pm • Bloomingdale, New Jersey • #31883


A Prayer

Dear God,
Please be with those we have lost and the families they have come from. Please help us all overcome this tragedy. Lord in Heaven, help us not to be afraid of what may come in the future, and be with those who are grieving. Let us all know that You are there for us and that you will be with us and stay with us forever. Please let those who think they know what has happened but who have not experienced this know that they have no idea what others involved are going through. Dear God please remember that we love you and trust in You that you will help us in every way after this terrible tragedy.
In Your name we forever pray, Amen.
----Morgan, Age 11

April 17, 2007, 6:09pm • Houston, TX, USA • #99

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逗逗小屋 ,19岁
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【Virginia Tech 弗吉尼亚理工大学】
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