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My nickel and dime  
Nobel Price of Peace - Big deal or no big deal 2010-10-10 05:06:14

The author fully understands that his English writing is not nearly as good as those native writers  and far from perfection, and is intended to accept  criticism, suggestions and corrections; but is not intended for showing off in anyways, nor intended to take any personal attack, foul languages, and name calling in the name of free speech. This is a due proactive acknowledgement.

Nobel Price of Peace - Big deal or no big deal

Nobel Prize has been in existence for over 100 years. For ordinary people in the western world, it’s really not a big deal, no more than a Oscar, or Pulitzer Prize, and it’s definitely not nearly as famous as Super Bowl, NBA Championship, or UEFA Championship. It shows a kind of mentality that I don’t know and I don’t care, which reflect a healthy and secure society that whoever wins won’t change people or the system too much.

Nobel Prize is always a big deal for many Chinese. It’s so well known and so authoritative. The winners of any Nobel Prize are always people’s idols and so well respected if not worshiped. People longed so much for a Nobel Prize winning Chinese citizen, because there has not been a one ever. It seems that no one ever question the privilege, standard and authority of the selection process, or question the eligibility and merit of the winners. This is true only until the recent Peace prize won by the first ever Chinese citizen Mr. Liu Xiaobo.

A monumental moment you would think it would be, but because it’s a Peace prize won by a inmate persecuted by the Communist government, it’s not even a news in Chinese media, let alone a national glory. It’s not a surprise given the political sensitivity and nervousness of the CCP in fear of people’s resentment or rebelling , and in their effort to fabricating a so called harmonious society which is far from existence. What’s surprising is the responses and reactions from some of the enlightened overseas Chinese who even though are not representing the majority, but for sure reflecting the success of years brain washing by the CCP. All the sudden, they start questioning the privilege, standard and authority of the selecting committee and process, questioning the eligibility and merit of the winner. In short, nothing seems so right simply because Mr. Liu’s winning of the peace prize embarrassed the face of Chinese government, or to some simply because winner is not them or any one they like.

In a country that brain washing, free thought and speech forbidden, and unilateral value are dominantly prevalent, people eventually lost their way or right to judge what is right and what is wrong. The damage can be sometimes permanent as one may find among the supposedly enlightened Chinese overseas. Simple things like black and white, right and wrong , good and bad, are never so simple in China now and then or may be in a long future if Mr. Liu can be so wrongly accused and persecuted. It all depends on political need, the need to beautify the face of communist government, that one thing can be called right or wrong, black or white, good or evil; A definitely evil for this first ever Nobel Prize won by a Chinese Citizen in the eyes of Chinese government and some brain washed narrow minds even among the overseas Chinese community.

Salute Mr.Liu Xiaobo the deserving winner for his courage and sacrifice. The fundamentals of modern civilization, peace, human right, freedom will prevail.

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作者:Blossom 留言时间:2010-10-11 13:17:58
Please advise which words belong to the category of foul or obscene language. As you know, this is a Chinese forum and people get used to read and write in Chinese here. I wonder if someone would have some problems to install the Chinese writing software on his/her computer; if so, he or she should ask for a help. If someone could write in Chinese and intentionally write in English(Chinglish) instead of Chinese (the mother tongue) at such a Chinese forum, he or she has to be regarded as a show-off.

I am sorry that someone is somehow rude, cranky, nasty, aggressive, illogical, wordy, confused, shallow, and narrow-minded.

By the way, besides making a lot of grammatical and punctuative mistakes, you also mistook “let alone” for “let along”; the word “rebelling” should be corrected to “rebellion”. Please be advised that you had better write in Chinese for all our sakes.
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作者:beny 留言时间:2010-10-11 05:58:30
Dear Blossom,

I agree with you except your foul language and evil attitude.

But I’ll disappoint you on two things before you get too full of yourself or too elated, For one, I know that I suck on my English writing, so do all the English Natives and many educated Chinese. Secondly, I’ll write whatever I like in whatever language I choose.

Can’t help but noticed that you’ve been barking and attacking at so many places, and also over heard that your troops are all proud American Citizen. Here is my suggestion to you:

1, the best option, write something yourself in either languages instead of barking and attacking others.

2. Write in English to share your story about how your family give up China (or are forced out yet?) to become Americans in a English Forum.

3. Get a life, or get lost
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作者:Blossom 留言时间:2010-10-10 22:54:27
I wonder if you could write in Chinese or not. Are you able to install a Chinese writing software on your computer? You had better write in Chinese because this is a Chinese forum.
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作者:Blossom 留言时间:2010-10-10 21:24:35
You made a lot of grammatical and punctuative mistakes! Your English sucks!
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