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My nickel and dime  
A Love Story (8) 2010-11-15 12:50:16

The story presented here is a fiction one may find familiar in the late 1970s and the 80s. The author reserves his copy right to not allow trans posting, publishing, or any other uses for commercial purposes without permission of the author.


A Love Story (8)


Yang’s divorce incident was quite a topic and a much debated subject around the campus, and among the college communities in the city. In the round after round of condemning and ‘moral education’ by different authority functioning branches, Yang got so tired and speechless. He insisted on only one thing as advised by those who tried to save him from being dismissed that he married Jia after he was technically admitted into the graduate school if not so official with a formal admission letter, meaning Yang’s social status had already been changed when he married Jia in regarding to the accusation. That alone put the accusation of Yang being a ChenShiMei kind of figure groundless. As the whole thing rolled along, the authorities found themselves in a very awkward position and dilemma as to what to do with Yang, with all the exposures and voices from the academic communities. So it went to a kind of pause state for a while with Jia’s family still working their way to get Yang.

Jia was in deep pain and regret in fact. The whole thing was developed way out of her initial intention and out of control. She loved Yang, so much even though a little too obsessive and too bossy, and in her aggressive and controlling way. She didn’t want a divorce. In the thick of things starting with the ‘cold war’, along with the family offense to Yang, till the involvement of the authorities, Jia ‘s intention was to intimidate, and to ‘give some colour’ to Yang so that he would come to her knee and be her winning trophy again. She overestimated the foundation of their love and marriage, which were never pure and sound. She didn’t realize what changed was not Yang’s social status but his heart. She should’ve known that abusing of power could back fire on her. She couldn’t even control her own family’s rage of being betrayed by Yang, nor could she alter their determination to bring Yang down. In desperation, Jia decided to see Yang herself.

Jia was never so calm. She apologized to Yang about all the hustles imposed to Yang. And told Yang how much she still loves him and asked if they had a second chance. Yang, mixed with all the love and hate, was very calm too. He thanked Jia for loving him even in a blizzard way. And apologized to Jia about his immaturity and irresponsibility to accept Jia’s proposal for marriage and to any hurt feeling the motion for divorce might’ve caused to Jia. Paused for a bit, Yang decided to be completely honest to Jia. He told Jia that he didn’t think the marriage between them is going to work with all the differences between the two personalities. And the worst of all, he didn’t love her any more. ‘Because of that village girl?’ Jia jumped on right away. Yang nodded, adding it was not her fault, it’s his. By that time, Jia had stormed out of the door already with a big slam.

To be Continued.

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