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My nickel and dime  
I AM A LOSER 2010-09-28 13:38:49

Reading some of the articles about success, I feel my face getting flushed and I look around as if someone else find out what I just realised that I AM A LOSER. I’d dive right in should there be tiny crevices on the ground to hide myself.

How can I not be a loser? After spent 20+ years in school, a PhD graduate couldn’t even secure a research position as Post Doc, or research associate to say the least. With only a meagre number of publications, I am nobody in my research area. The worst of all, I give up my research career after all these years of school to get this far. Loser is the only word to describe me.

How can I not be a loser? Here is me, still making a 5 figure income as a mid-aged husband and father; who has no interest to start a business adventure; who has no great expectations but enjoy simple things like junk food and sports; who has broad interests and good at lot of things but never good enough at anything to be famous or to make a living; who’s, even though decently handsome, never able to attract any lady besides my wife into an affair; Who’s absolutely a loser when in China and still a loser against Chinese standard.

I am a loser, a loser by many standards. But I am a happy loser who doesn’t mind losing all that doesn’t belong to me. A loser who loses his career as a researcher, a career picked up by chance not by choice. A loser who loses his homeland to live here to be himself.  A loser who loses his ‘face’ and all the pretentious stuff but live in truth and dignity, A loser who loses a way of life envisioned by others, but find something he loves to do and done well. A loser who loses his desire for more (greediness?) when he has enough. Even a loser who loses his weight but not his sleep.

Reading about success, I feel my face getting flushed and I look around see if someone else find out that I am a loser based on the articles. I almost want to hide into any possible crevices around. But when I take another look around, I find so many ordinary people who are far from success according to certain standard, but succeeded in so many different ways of their life. In that split moment, I am convinced that just like all the ordinary people, I am a successful man in my unique way.

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作者:beny 留言时间:2010-09-29 19:39:28
Hey you all,
I am flattered to have some of the best veteran writers to comment on my little article. I am so glad that I have at least 4 of us to share the same concept of success and happiness. All your points are well taken. You are all more than welcome to comment on my humble writings in the future. Thanks.
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作者:多思 留言时间:2010-09-29 12:27:57
中国有句古语,说是“将欲取之,必先予之”。意思是说,得到之前总要付出。比如说,你购买了自己喜欢的物件,你先付出了金钱;你从阅读中获得了知识,你先付出了时间。从这一角度来看,任何“赢得者”似乎也都是“失去者”。所以说,I guess that makes me as "the four of us":)
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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-09-29 09:12:44
Love this paragraph from Lao Niu's comment - He always cracks me up with his wit and sense of humor:

"In fact, big shots never visit the creaders blog, for they have more important things to do, even when they cannot fall sleep at night. Thus, all we see herein are little peanuts, including those who are happy about what and who they are (just like me), and those who dream of and strive to success."

I remember someone once said in a famous sitcome: "别把自己太当回事,也别把别人太不当回事”. Unfortunately a lot of us do just the opposite -- 太把自己当回事,却太不把别人当回事了,呵呵

Even though "success" is indeed a socially determined construct, "happiness" is a purely individual perception. As long as you are happy with what you have and done in life, why does it matter whether others consider you a "success" or "loser" anyways?

I guess that makes "the three of us":)
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作者:beny 留言时间:2010-09-28 19:08:25
Thank u buddy. Guess that will make two of us.
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作者:牛北村 留言时间:2010-09-28 18:27:29
Excellent writing!

I like your saying "Even a loser who loses his weight but not his sleep" most.

In fact, big shots never visit the creaders blog, for they have more important things to do, even when they cannot fall sleep at night. Thus, all we see herein are little peanuts, including those who are happy about what and who they are (just like me), and those who dream of and strive to success.
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作者:beny 留言时间:2010-09-28 18:00:14
Thank you for stopping by again. I am a little guy who tries to keep a low profile here, and voices my views of the world on little things like nickels and dime, without to much confrontation with the mainstream voices and big time writers here. I appreciate your suggestion on writing in Chinese, but will only disappoint you for some reasons: 1. I am a very lousy writer who failed so many assignments on essays in high school; 2. I am so clumsy and so slow when typing Chinese pinying, 3 my Chinese program just quit on me while ago, can’t make it run (guess not a legit excuse ). Thanks again for your attention.
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作者:白凡 留言时间:2010-09-28 15:19:16
Some great guy once said: God must love the little guys because he created so many of them.
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