Grade: K-1: Learning Outcomes
(I) Number
Use numbers to describe quantities. Represent numbers in multiple ways.
l Count orally by 1 s, 2s, Ss, and 10s to 10.
l estimate and count objects in a set (0 to 50) and compare estimates to the actual number
l recognize, build, compare, and order sets of objects (0 to 50) using both comparative and numerical terms
l read number words up to 10
l explore, represent, and describe numbers up to 50 in a variety of ways .
l use a calculator or computer to explore and represent numbers up to 100
l demonstrate and explain orally an understanding of \"half\" as part of a whole
l demonstrate and orally describe the process of addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 18 using role-play, manipulatives, and diagrams (Memorization is not intended.)
(II)Patterns and Relations
Use patterns to describe the world around them and to solve problems.
l identify, reproduce, extend, create, and compare patterns using actions, manipulatives, diagrams, and spoken terms
l recognize patterns in the environment
Shape and Space
Describe and compare real-world phenomena using either direct or Indirect measurement.
l classify, describe, and arrange objects using comparative language to compare length, size, area, weight,and volume
l use comparative terms to describe time and temperature
l compare the relative sizes of non-standard units by measuring the same object using different units of measurement, and recognize that different objects may have the same mass
l select an appropriate non-standard unit to estimate, measure, record, compare, and order objects and containers
l estimate the number of uniform objects and irregular shapes that will cover a given area and verify their
l estimates by covering and counting
l compare and sequence events according to the duration of time (using non-standard units), time of day, days of the week, and the seasons
l recognize and name the value of pennies, nickels, and dimes . use money as a form of exchange
l create equivalent sets of coins up to 10¢ in value
l explore and describe real- world and three-dimensional objects using descriptive attributes such as big,little, like a box, and like a can
l explore, identify, and classify three-dimensional objects in the environment according to their properties .
l construct three-dimensional objects using materials such as plasticine, blocks, and boxes
l identify and describe specific two-dimensional shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, or rectangles .
l construct and rearrange a design using a set of two-dimensional shapes
l compare, sort, classify, and pattern two-dimensional shapes
l use directional terms such as over, under, beside, near, far, left, and right to describe the relative position of objects and shapes
l match the size and shape of figures by superimposing one on top of another
l identify and fit pieces of puzzles or shapes that go together (part-:to-whole relationship) .
l explore and describe reflection in mirrors
(IV)Statistics and Probabilitv
Collect, display, and analyze data to make predictions about a population.
l collect first-hand information by counting objects, conducting surveys, measuring, and performing simple experiments .
l sort objects to one attribute chosen by themselves or the teacher
l construct a pictograph using one-to-one correspondence
l compare data using appropriate language, including quantitative terms
l pose oral questions in relation to the data gathered
l predict the chance of an event happening using the terms never, sometimes, and always |