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人不可貌相 诬陷台湾前总统马英九杀人 2020-09-15 05:27:50

Reads 3446-28,July 2024


作者:风潇潇 回复 talkswitch1
留言时间:2020-10-31 09:45:57



作者:风潇潇 回复 talkswitch1
留言时间:2020-09-15 10:45:05


作者:talkswitch1屏蔽该用户留言时间:2020-09-15 10:13:02


人不可貌相 诬陷台湾前总统马英九杀人


2020-9-15 07:19 个人分类:Politics 政治 法律

马英九被“太阳花”控告杀人未遂 获判无罪

2020年09月15日 16:56:40 来源:海外网



海外网9月15日电 2014年台湾“太阳花学运”期间,突袭台“行政院”的抗议人群被警方强制驱离,周姓民众等25人受伤。伤者自诉台湾地区前领导人马英九、时任“行政院长”江宜桦、时任“警政署长”王卓钧、时任“中正一分局长”方仰宁等人杀人未遂罪,台北地方法院15日判4人无罪,可上诉。




时任台“行政院长”江宜桦也表示,人群当天侵入“行政院”破坏门窗,搜刮院内物品,王卓钧回报无法劝离,准备驱离,因他也希望行政机关可以正常运作,故表达全力支持;学生没能成功瘫痪台湾当局,就改滥告他们杀人未遂,但他相信“政治角力无法扭曲司法正义”。(海外网 杨佳)

Ma Ying-jeou was accused of attempted murder by”Sunflower” and found not guilty



                   Ma Ying-jeou  (Taiwan media)

Overseas Network, Sept 15th 2014, the protesters of  Taiwan’s ”Sunflower Student Movement” raided the”Executive Yuan” of Taiwan were forcibly driven away by the police, there 25 people, including Zhou, were injured. The injured personally prosecuted Ma Ying-jeou, the former leader of the Taiwan region, the ”President of the Executive Yuan” Jiang Yihua, the ”Chief of Police” Wang Zhuojun, Fang Yangning, the ”Chief Chief of the First Branch of Zhongzheng”, and others were convicted of attempted homicide. The Taipei District Court sentenced four people to not guilty on the 15th and can appeal.

According to China News Agency, the complainant claimed that on March 23, 2014, Ma Ying-jeou learned that the masses were sitting in front of the”Executive Yuan” and told Jiang Yihua that he would go to work the next day. Jiang transferred the order. 

Wang Zhuojun and Fang Yangning”purified the tasks of administrative agencies,” causing frontline police to forcibly drive away the crowd by force, causing injuries, and committing crimes such as attempted homicide, injury, and coercion.

In this regard, Ma Ying-jeou said that the”Executive Yuan” in Taiwan restricts the areas for gatherings and parades. It is not a place where people can gather, drink coffee and sing at will. At that time, there was even news that the crowd wanted to”take down the Legislative Yuan.” , Take down the’Executive Yuan’, and the next one is the leadership office, which has affected overall security. At that time, the student thought that the service trade was a black box, but he invited the student to the leader’s office to talk, but the student said that he was not interested and questioned that the student simply wanted to bring down the Taiwan authorities.

On August 30, Ma Ying-jeou stated in this case that thousands of people broke into the”Executive Yuan” in a violent manner, preparing to prevent civil servants from going to work the next day after the occupation, in order to paralyze the Taiwan authorities. No society under the rule of law in the world can tolerate it. The Taiwan authorities have the absolute obligation and responsibility to eliminate their interference in order to maintain the safety and operation of the Taiwan authorities’ administrative organs. This is a legitimate necessity and conforms to the expectations of most people.

The ”Executive Yuan” Jiang Yihua also said that the crowd invaded the”Executive Yuan” in that day, destroyed doors and windows, and searched for items in the courtyard. Wang Zhuojun reported that he could not persuade him to leave and was prepared to leave because he also hoped that the administrative organs could Normal operation, so he expressed his full support; the students failed to paralyze the Taiwan authorities, and instead accused them of attempted murder, but he believed that”political struggle cannot distort judicial justice.” (Overseas website Yang Jia)

This article is a copyrighted work, unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. For overseas vision and China’s position, visit the official website of the Overseas Edition of People’s Daily-www.haiwainet.cn or the”Haike” client to get authoritative information one step ahead.

浏览(3623) (9) 评论(3)
作者:风潇潇 回复 talkswitch1 留言时间:2020-10-31 06:45:57



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作者:风潇潇 回复 talkswitch1 留言时间:2020-09-15 07:45:05


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作者:talkswitch1 留言时间:2020-09-15 07:13:02


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