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九问姜维平(七) 2012-03-24 19:38:15

Massey College at the University of Toronto意思是梅西学院坐落于或位于多伦多大学Massey College of the University of Toronto意思是多伦多大学的梅西学院。事实上,梅西学院与多伦多大学没什么关系的!在梅西学院的官方网站的关于我们http://www.masseycollege.ca/)中的第一行就是这样的话:Massey College is a graduate student residential community affiliated with, but independent from, the University of Toronto. 翻译成中国话是:梅西学院是与多伦多大学有交往或关联,但独立于多伦多大学的一个研究生居住区。我想,姜维平先生不可能不知道梅西学院与多伦多大学的关系。那我的问题是:为什么姜维平用多伦多大学梅西学院驻校作家误导或忽悠读者啊?恳请姜维平先生给出合理的解释。

昨天,我特意拜访了梅西学院并偶遇在多伦多大学留学的一个叫戴西芽的小姑娘。据梅西学院的主任管理员Elizabeth Hope女士介绍,所谓的“驻校作家”,就是利用梅西学院的设施(facility)进行写作的作家。当我欲了解更多情况时,Elizabeth Hope女士把我介绍给了两个男士,一看就知道是梅西学院的学员,其中一个是日本人。当我和他们讲“咖啡故事”时,那个日本人用蹩脚的中国话说:“你因为姜先生不给你买咖啡而不高兴吗?你为什么不喜欢姜先生啊?”----我强烈要求这位日本年轻人讲英语,他说他的英语更糟。当我准备与这两位进一步交流时,Elizabeth Hope女士请我离开梅西学院的领地,理由是我打搅了梅西学院的居住者----她轻易地为我设了一个陷阱!此时,我必须离开,否则Elizabeth Hope女士有权利报警找警察的。在我离开前,我给姜先生打了一个电话,我知道此时他就在梅西学院。我说:姜先生,我就在梅西学院的门口那。他说:我正忙于写作那不能到外面见你。我说:我也没有见你的意思,咱们博客上见吧。我想去“中国城”(Chinatown)买书,向一个貌似中国人的小姑娘打听“中国城”怎么走----这个小姑娘就是戴西芽,她父亲与我同年,小我5天出生,在中国是一个小有名气的作家,告诉我她父亲的名字来着,但老夫给忘啦!。。。真是年龄大啦啊!


Massey College, Toronto

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump

Massey College is a postgraduate residential college at the University of Toronto, established in 1963 with an endowment by the Massey Foundation. Similar to All Souls College, Oxford, members of Massey College are nominated from the university community, and are elected by and as fellows of the college. The president of the University of Toronto and the dean of graduate studies are ex officio members of the elected governing corporation, headed by the master of the college.

The college is well-connected with prominent figures of the national establishment, and is the sponsor and host of the annual Massey Lectures. It hosted the Man Booker International Prize of 2007.


Massey College was conceived by Vincent Massey, the 18th Governor General of Canada who attended University College as an undergraduate. Of the establishment of a new graduate college, Massey wrote, "It is of great importance that it should, in its form, reflect the life which will go on inside it and should possess certain qualities—dignity, grace, beauty, and warmth."[1] The Massey Foundation, for which Vincent Massey served as a trustee, provided the financial endowment.

Opened in 1963, the college was designed by Canadian architect Ron Thom, who subsequently designed the master plan for Trent University. Alan Beddoe designed the Massey College coats of arms.[2]

The founding Master of Massey College (1963–1981) was the celebrated Canadian journalist and author Robertson Davies, CC. Professor J. N. Patterson Hume, CM, was the second Master (1981–1988) and Professor Ann Saddlemyer, OC, the third (1988–1995). The fourth and current Master (1995– ) is the distinguished journalist John Fraser, CM.

During the 2006-2007 academic year, the College hosted the King and Queen of Sweden, held a special tribute in honour of its Founding Master, Robertson Davies, and was the host of the Man Booker International Prize in April 2007.[3]。。。


Junior Fellows are postgraduate students of the University of Toronto, either in the study of art and sciences subjects or a professional discipline such as law or medicine. Resident Junior Fellows generally live in the college for up to three years before becoming non-resident Junior Fellows for another two years. Typically, about sixty Junior Fellows are resident and another sixty are non-resident. Each year, new prospective Junior Fellows apply to the college to be elected by the governing corporation.

Journalism Fellows are distinguished Canadian and international journalists in mid-career who are selected annually by a special committee that includes the president of the University of Toronto, the master of Massey College, and other members appointed by them. Journalism Fellows stay at the college for one academic year from September to May. The college participates in the Canadian Journalism Fellowship Program (formerly known as the Southam Fellowship) and the Scholar-at-Risk program for international scholars caught in sectarian, political or religious intolerance. Additionally, the college hosts a writer-in-residence chosen each year by the college and the University of Toronto's department of English.。。。

As of 2012, notable Senior Fellows of the college include John Polanyi, Ursula Franklin, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Margaret Atwood, Sir Christopher Ondaatje, James Orbinski, Michael Valpy, Jiang Weiping, Peter H. Russell, Janice Stein, Michael Ignatieff, Adrienne Clarkson, Stephen Clarkson, Hal Jackman, Nadine Gordimer, John Ralston Saul, Michael Bliss, John Fraser, Anthony Pawson, Chantal Hébert, Justice Rosalie Abella and Bob Rae.

Massey College operates as a charity that is legally registered with the Canada Revenue Agency charities directorate as The Master and Fellows of Massey College(请见:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massey_College,_Toronto



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· 在胡耀邦墓碑前,我没有鞠躬。。
· 九问姜维平(二十七)
· 九问“半丧家的疯狗”姜维平(二十
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