窗外的风景心中的画 Scenery Outside Window, A Painting in My Heart 作者:林贝卡/翻译:Lucidus/朗诵:叶子 Author: Rebecca Lin/Reading: Leave 窗外的风景, The scenery outside my window 是推窗而望的大海,湛蓝湛蓝; A sea outside the house, azure and blue 是巍峨耸立的大山,坚实挺拔; A towering mountain, solid and upright; 是车水马龙的闹市,生活的节奏; A busy downtown, echoing the pace of life 是孩子们绿草上嬉戏,灿烂的笑靥; A green lawn on which kids are playing, with bright smile 是图书馆摇曳的树枝,柯罗的风景画; The swaying branches outside the library, Corot's landscapes 是李白的那轮明月光,洒在游子梦里; Li Bai’s bright moonlight, sprinkling in dream of wanderers; 是欧•亨利的那片生命之叶,晶莹翠绿; Owen Henry's leaves of life, crystal green 是你是我是他,人文风景线。 You, me and him, the landscape of mankind 窗外的风景是心中的画,恒久悠远。 Ah, the scenery in my window, an ever-lasting painting in my heart |
文章评论 |
作者:Leaf12 |
留言时间:2013-03-16 01:04:39 |
作者:Leaf12 |
留言时间:2013-03-16 01:03:20 |
作者:安博 |
留言时间:2013-03-15 17:06:44 |
作者:谷语草鸣 |
留言时间:2013-03-15 08:44:36 |