湖畔凭眼眺, 薄雾浮远礁; 天水浑无界, 野花岩隙摇。 黄藓明赭石, 玉苔竞风骚; 离离百草奇, 灼灼新叶俏。
有花红胜萱, 婷婷且袅袅, 细瓣迸星火, 灿然岩间笑。 妙哉无名株, 堪比盘中姣!
丰瘦三两支, 高矮勿须挑; 参差当中立, 雪菊俸仙瑶; 晶盆浴纤足, 玄石揽细腰; 草籽笼纱帐, 柏针织睡袍。 清芳润歌喉, 微波荡琴箫; 风鼓衣裙舞, 潮涌长发飘。 忴花不耐渴, 清水漫石浇。
移钵案正中, 赞叹满堂高; 柔艳照顽石, 坚韧映妖娆。
| Flower Arrangement: Beside the Lake
Translated by Tim Bushnell and Hanyan
Beside the lake Far off shore, a jagged trail of rocks partly shrouded in mist Water and sky fused Nearby, wildflowers gently sway between the rocks Scattered lichen in bright jade and bursts of orange Grasses of many statures and hues Shrubs bristling with new tips, tender, in bright green with rosy flushes
A flower of a kind so engrossingly, luminescently red shading to deep orange and just to yellow in the center and almost to black at its edge Each slender petal a lick of fire Its stem a gracefully curved, yet perfectly erect spine The whole, a smiling grace deftly surpassing the rocks from which it emerges A wild beauty that might live and pass unnoticed But you will be my treasure
I pluck several of you, choosing no individual Some in full flower, some still in bud, tall, short, facing this way and that A full and random spectrum of your aspects gathered for the center With an aura of white flowers floating at your waist above an embroidery of spruce needles And all about and through, tiny, quavering grains of feathered grasses hanging in a mist A crystal bowl to bathe your feet and sturdy rocks nestled for your support Your fragrance raises a song in my throat My skirt dances in the wind and my hair is one with the waves
But are you suffering in my gathering and contemplation? I pour water over the rocks and it pools below, slaking your thirst I carry you inside to your place of honor at the table And all now startle in delight giving welcome and praise
Such bright beauty against the iron dark rocks Such delicacy and verve in this place where bitterness yields only tentatively This is strength And this is beauty