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Time the dirty extremely obama the teeth white hea 2012-11-29 06:22:30
Time the dirty extremely obama the teeth white heart black

   "China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu Comments • The one hundred sixty-five
   Translator: God has eyes

   [Former press: unplug the network cable, the fan
   has been exudes nasty noises heard a low cry
   non-stop rotation. QQ bright-line state flag has
   been displayed, the duration has been more
   than one and a half hours. 】
   Chen blind obama make private assessment that
   he is not totally impossible "jailbreak" acts done
   alone, not only self-deception self --- concealing
   assessment report to the world, more persistent
   efforts, Chen blind three fakes sent into the
   TOP100 foreign policy.
   Shyster origin obama act so brain damage. No
   wonder Mr. Gu Xiaojun to doubt the Americans
   are shit growing up.
   Said foreign policy it when obama toe. After all,
   it is known as a government think tank, the
   magazine put it plainly, not that the government
   about the magazine! But the president said to
   the time of Hewei name, but also with a four-
   year, you have to get out of hand in glove. Is
   The Chinese people must feel ridiculous, absurd,
   non can describe a dirty despicable.
   By convention, the Internet must first search "Gu
   Xiaojun" and "Shi Sansheng", then search for
   topics of interest. Or customary ---- first Firefox
   after chrome. Today, they are interested, of
   course, is the time (lowercase time non-slip of
   the pen, but feel that the time has been
   unworthy sneaky with uppercase ").
   Baidu time, Home double row ten list of the
   group's Man of the Year candidate: one large
   and one small two pictures were genuine and
   the upper-right corner. Shi Sansheng my sharp-
   eyed, a Vice President Xi Jinping to see the
   difference in the two figures ---- positive figure;
   thumbnail. Under surprised, hurried to double-
   click, Baidu immediately displays an error;
   hurried to open the Bing, the error still; then
   open Google time goes home really disappeared
   without a trace. Again hit back at Baidu, Bing,
   invariably results with Google.
   Domestic not to see. I over the wall line does
   not? Hangchihangchi turned out, more riding
   horses disgusting. You guessed how? time.com
   home, enlarge also without a trace, only the
   upper right corner of that little chart is still
   heading for the "who should be time's person of
   the year 2012?." Click thumbnail to enlarge the
   photograph on the mainland disappear. The
   large figure, not only an astronaut wearing a
   helmet, the original location of the bird Uncle,
   even replaced by Vice President Xi Jinping. Even
   more incredible, the candidate list of the ten
   groups, whatever you click on who are just
   Sheldon adelson appears. And I want to take a
   look at the aspirations of the candidate list of
   200 people (look at that in the end there is no
   "Gu Xiaojun" in the name), and in any case can
   not do. That is, / dog / day / time is really Mr.
   Gu Xiaojun said --- "foreign policy" one hundred
   global thinkers "sneaky worth mentioning, the
   Times 'Person of the Year' Is also ready sneaky
   engage it? " Time, really is to secretly touch
   touch engage!
   Of course, can not be excluded a possibility, is
   Google's time under the poison. Shi Sansheng
   see my mischief acts, do not rule out the
   possibility of hackers and the mainland of the
   United States jointly combat staring from the
   mainland. While this may be minimal, the name
   of the time, really Home was hacked off No call
   out the truth.
   If time does not call out. Is not that for
   ourselves poison, or willing to be poisoned?
   Vice President Xi Jinping will think I really do
   not know? Few there is no justice at all time
   candidate, why self-worth down with Ai Weiwei
   and his ilk competing against it? Chosen
   inevitably end up under the rule of their own tax
   evasion 7000000 criminals on an equal footing. If
   Xi tax evasion this quasi-criminal offenses have
   fallen on deaf ears, how could on anti-corruption
   as it!
   Premier Wen Jiabao and the same blind Chan
   standings tragedy in the year, not enough to
   quit it? If the temperature is fairly years not
   just for the sake of a catchy title, out today volts
   innocent dead straight "courage, to send a
   statement directly ---- scold the despicable acts
   of the time, refused to accept the time ulterior
   motive of honor. As to which was referred to a
   bucket then a barrel on the New York Times
   poured dirty water?
   Really pitiful ah! Great country the CPC how
   many leaders, the United States under the drug,
   and also had to keep a smile, learned a
   delicious, delicious, really delicious!
   Obama really ride a horse worthy of a black,
   black people, the heart is more black!
   [Shi Sansheng Wednesday, November 28, 2012 4:56 China]

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