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Times influential man - the world's top thinkers G 2012-11-29 06:27:11
Times influential man - the world's top thinkers Gu Xiaojun

   "China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu comments • one hundred sixty-six

   Translator: God has eyes
   Overseas friends in Germany"With the like
   argue's U.S.Foreign Policy experts to talk "after the
   message:" What web host are you the usage of?
   Can I get affiliate hyperlink to your host? ...
   Because by the Central Propaganda conviction,
   has been suffering from post-phobia. Particular
   answer had to in the text:
    First of all, I am grateful to the good faith of
   the German users: your new web host empty,
   seems specifically for Shi Sansheng I apply. So
   warm, I'm afraid the world of blog authors are
   very difficult to enjoy it? But, I am nothing
   special web host. Chinese world has always been
   the case - writing right. And can not be
   published, on the whole of the Central
   Propaganda Department adults face sub
   continent and overseas, are a few of the kind of
    Users keep abreast of reminds me of My
   teacher Mr. Gu Xiaojun / dog / day / time with
   foreign policy refused to inclusion the top100
   and time 100. Could not help but think: and
   since Mr. Gu Xiaojun ever to care Baida China
   known "to the Department of the South known to
   engage in Xiecai. Why it is impossible to engage
   in a version of the TOP thinker Gu and Time
   Person of the Year, and I like to pretend blind
   fool the Yankees rival it?
   The write the "Kyushu comment" one hundred
   sixty-five their own, there is a feeling:
   overwhelmed by Chinese Communists do not
   want to follow the trend of the candidate list of
   the speculation in the foreign policy thinkers
   Times. I am afraid that there is an important
   reason, is reluctant to Mr. Gu Xiaojun excuse me
   now! Multi suck ah! You search the "foreign
   policy" or "Times", full of love for people in the
   public impartiality recommended Mr. Gu
   Xiaojun. Looking at the world at all times, did
   they have more than a hundred articles Xiong
   Wen heartfelt preaching one of great ideas? The
   country, the Central Propaganda Department
   since a deletion trouble; overseas, even if it is in
   order to make it look good, not good all deleted.
   That is not a bluntly Central Propaganda
   Department and adults of all overseas Chinese
   media gold master it?
   But, he also thought: and that 100 Archduke
   know, Mr. Gu Xiaojun completely alone can
   Lanzhong the mountain, pointing Geluyinghao.
   This thinker and man of the hour, but it is not
   good by his old came forward of their own. Why?
   Mr. Gu has boasted that "big thinkers". Thought,
   Shi Sansheng more "Communist China does not
   ideological and not the fault of the people".
   Regardless of individual countries. The
   coauthored Zanzhe China, would not only Mr. Gu
   Xiaojun called "thinkers" you! If Mr. Gu Gu
   version then get hold of global TOP thinkers,
   telling their own stories themselves classified as
   TOP or unique. So do not understand
   volunteered the foreign devils jokes we not?
    So, Shi Sansheng I think, when you can carry
   forward the influence of the "China Network
   China assessment officer. Say, "Man Rating
   officials" really is not a vegetarian. Just a start,
   it was directly from the Central Propaganda
   Department of the raids. Almost is
   Manmenchaozhan to disaster ah! Thanks to the
   Chinese Communist glimmer of good thoughts
   flash memory, not to make the ruthlessly juehu
   thing. "Man assessment officer finally"
   Kujinganlai "coming to the General Secretary Xi
   Jinping called on to be the great era of"
   emancipating the mind ".
    "Emancipating the mind, it does not matter.
   "China Network China Rating officials" simply as
   spring rain, energy doubled, only good words
   good words to Time magazine, Foreign Policy
   recommended Gu Xiaojun doctrine, let the
   American devils on pins and needles, the spirit
   is deeply divided, that foreign policy borrow
   Yasheng Huang's mouth, scolded his own blind,
   holding an influence "minimal" dead blind do
   thinkers. Foreign policy move, not the love of the
   public impartiality clearly telling people: "We
   also look at the face of Oba Ma Xiaozi
   involuntarily ah!"
    Since the foreign policy of the powerful can be
   holding a influence "minimal" dead blind
   thinkers. "China Network China assessment
   officer, although vulnerable, why can not enjoy
   the Acura is a truly rare in the world of big
   thinkers too!
    Yes, I do!
   Shi Sansheng I respected declared to the
   world: the advent of "network people rated
   version of" TOP 1 thinker with Time Person of the
   Year. Winner of the year 2012, for three
   thousand, five hundred years, China's big
   thinkers, writers, political economist - Mr. Gu
    Selection is different from the American devils.
   "Network people rated version of" the thinkers
   take the Challenge Cup, Mr. Gu Xiaojun first
   winner Leizhu. Chinese the network people rated
   version of "open-minded hero in the world,
   warmly welcome to come to attack Challenge Gu
   Xiaojun doctrine can batch smelly, it will
   naturally become The next version of" network
   people rated TOP thinkers! Time Person of the
   Year "title, and will at the same time
    Especially welcome the the Chinese nationality
   Time100 thinkers and foreign policy thinkers to
   come attack Challenge. Limited to large stay,
   Chen blind low level of literary expression of
   ideas is mentally handicapped. The Chinese the
   network people rated version of "special spared
   edition only competition ideological attack
   Challenge works do not count beauty and
   ugliness, typos, Daisha theory nonsense can. But
   [Shi Sansheng Thursday, November 29, 2012 04:39 China]

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