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Analysis of China's future 2012-11-29 06:31:40
Analysis of China's future

   Analysis of China's future

   - Gu Xiaojun ism: change China's one thousand nine hundred seventy   

   Translator:God has eyes


   1, the analysis of social symptoms

    China, but also to those days mimicking MaoZedong died. Characteristics of those days, afterthe death of Mao Zedong: People anxious, I donot know the Chinese go?

   China will whither it? Year, Wang Jiang ZhangYao, with Hua Ye Li Wang. Later things, we allknow that. The descendants and outsiders say itis a power struggle. I was over the people, I saythat this is actually a what the people want, itis a historical necessity.

   Resolved Wang Jiang Zhang Yao, Chinaproposed the "two whatevers", Deng proposedthe "realism".

   Then, they go from here? Today, it is obviousthat: "seeking truth from facts" is clearly more inline with the laws of social development.

   In other words: no matter how conservativeforces struggling, the final total to beeliminated. This is the desire of the people inany society, it is the law and historical necessity.

   2, political and ideological analysis

   Today's social, political and ideological thaninextricably. Here, I combined: China, there arefour forces -[1], conservative forces:

   Conservative forces, divided into twocategories: one, on the upper level, the vestedinterests of the reform and opening up, they donot want any change, and hope to maintain theyare superior and privileged life. Another, at thebottom of society, the reform and opening up ofboth lost profits; in the past 30 years, they getvery little, and the ownership status of lostreputation, so they miss the Mao era, supportany name hair under the banner of politicalforces.[2], the middle forces:

   Middle forces are very large, they are basicallydivided into two categories. The first categorywas divided into two tendencies: the first one,they want social structure do not change, butChina toward the good, such as anti-corruption.Most of them are in the party people, comparedwith the conservative forces of vested interests,they just live relatively stable itself is a tool ofthe party. Second, they want social change andprogressive democratic change. This is what weusually say that democrats within the party. Theother type is not interested in politics, sayobedient citizens.[3], the revolutionary forces:

   Revolutionary forces are relatively complex, andgenerally can be divided into: a true revolutionwith false revolution. The true revolution, manyof the bottom of society, politics play a hopethat China will achieve change. Fake revolution,most of them spies or spy equivalent earner, hasa different political forces in its wake, and evenoverseas.

   [4], the public impartiality ideas:

   The public impartiality thinking, can bedivided into two categories: one is Gu Xiaojunextracted from the history of social developmentand their development, "the public impartiality"thinking, and their followers and supporters.Another, encountered in real life, the obviousinjustice awakening.

   Of course, today's China, the various politicalforces and ideology and their classification areapproximate. Transformation period, all kinds ofideas, interests and forces in today's society arecomplex, was deadlocked shape with its own role,but also with social change and changes in thespecific scenarios and then unconsciouslyconverted, changed or free.3, external forces

   Now, "overseas hostile forces" has become thepeople's ridicule. But external forces is in factexist; any change can be found in its shadow.

   Such as: square. I thought he was a scientist,not a politician and thinker more missed. Alsorepeatedly complained in his memoir, he head-on with the social reality that there is no directrelationship. However, he had no political play,did not stand up when he see dangerous toresolve, but into the embassy. Eventually, he wasout. No matter how explain, objectively, he hasbecome a pawn in a spy (which he wanted, andwilling when the secret service has nothing todo).

   Another example:. I thought he was just apushy young up to be a pushy young scholars. Insubsequent years, he has been the long-termoverseas funds, and vigorously support. If so,how he can not count external forces?

    Today the external forces - up by overseasnames media hype, by overseas advertising hasbeen feeding Han cheat; by overseas namesmedia hype, and has been issued so-calledactivist fiscal Ai stayed Chen blind them.

   The Korean cheated economic benefitsdelivered by the Advertising chain, can only beconsidered a cultural spy. Ai stayed economicinterests, by his homemade fake artwork falsebuy and sell transported, This Is not the secretservice? Chen blind economic interests, not tomention the money directly Award issued byoverseas funds and their manipulation.

   4, the prospects for China

   China to days like after the death of Mao. Lookback: the early 1980s, quiz hero Zhang Tieshengwaste, youth their school; various historicalproblems corrected, people feel comfortable ...the community as a whole, there is an upwardforce. Is it not a to Daiji do?

   The current political democratic changedifficult, and if you want to reproduce the scenein the early eighties of the last century, it is notdifficult. The approach is: to the truth to thepeople (equivalent to Deng's "realism"), destroyHan cheat, Korea is doing it, destroy rely rightsfortune Ai stay with Chen blind them, the wholesociety will naturally pragmatic and practicallearning and work. Again, the anti-corruptionbegan by Chongqing, gradually push alsoinnocent black people play to the publicimpartiality; across the country to gainexperience.

   And so on, the political situation is completelyopen. Economy, we have heard the bonus of"equality" and "reform."

   "Equality" is actually the slogan, humansociety has never been no equal. Reformdividend "without direction, even bonus will fallinto the pockets of the rich, widening the gapbetween rich and poor in China. However, if the"equality" and "reform dividend" on it together,and in the eighteen large after the first publicoccasions to talk about a person in charge ofeconomic, which may be the equivalent of "GuXiaojun doctrine democracy Economic Thought"said" giving away money "for at least the nextHsu efforts toward this direction, not unlike the"four trillion to stimulate domestic demand ".

   Then how to face the financial crisis, I said it?I do not know, I do not manage by. I know that:[1], after the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, theUnited States still. China, should and will notdisappear from the earth, right? [2], after thefinancial crisis, bound to be a period ofdownturn for some price. The price downturn, for1.3 billion Chinese people, can never be a badthing.

    Political and economic prospects, then, otherprospects also can be expected.

   5, Gu Xiaojun attitude

   I founded both "the public impartiality", theimpartiality of the public, freedom, democracy, ""three values "and" populist democracy ", Icertainly hope: China, moving in this direction;final able to lead the world. But this is a bigtarget, difficult, then, by the Chinese governmentto achieve great order, then go to theprogressive democratic way, I can accept.In addition, the founder of the publicimpartiality thinking and follow with supporters,are no official position attempt with intention.We just want to make people talk, we also havethe right to criticize the Chinese CommunistParty; Therefore, we hope that the overseasmedia to amplify our voice. But our hope wasblocking, we will unceremoniously, and now alsoto color.


   Gu Xiaojun 2012-11-28 Nanjing

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