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To fawn on the public 2012-11-29 06:35:08
To fawn on the public

   To fawn on the public

   - Gu Xiaojun ism: change China's one thousand nine hundred seventy-one    

   Translator:God has eyes   

   Yesterday, the prospects for China after theissue is on the network for the detailed changes,clouds and waves Gu dough heart they fight;Then, I would have simply said: "clouds, do notfight , you have elitism gene ".

    Change made article, on an overseas websiteto see the headline - Mo Yan's "hypocrisyEducation, we look at the summary:" Lu Xun byAh Q reveals part of the 'national character', LuXun with his those dagger-like essays reveal thehypocrisy of the Chinese people, which is themore common 'national character' ...... "

    At this point you do not have to look down,the feeling wells: Mo Yan block "Zhu Tourouforever. The (to see Gu Xiaojun novel "ZhuTourou winning in mind").

    Lu Xun's sin is to carry unclear - the elite andthe people, each with different responsibilities.

    In the novel "paradox", I said "social changeon the the intellectual elite dignitaries bucketagainst aggression, it is the people's things. Thesociety is not good, the Lu Xun complain"national character" and "evil"; then theJapanese call came in, people did not complainyou hide in the Concession? Old people did notforce you on the battlefield? No, the peoplerushed to.

    This is the elites are not authentic! This is theChinese elite are too authentic! People will notask you to charge forward, is to understand thistruth: the nation, there will be tomorrow! Elites,not all die out.

    People never strong elite hard, why elitesalways stronger people difficult? This is not theelite is not authentic? This is not the elite toowicked?

    Mo Yan's "hypocrisy education as his finger ofblame should be directed at the ChineseCommunist Party, blame the formation of the"hypocritical education system, rather than with"hypocrisy, we duplicity;, we also ghost becausehypocrisy ..." Such Zhu Tourou language,seemingly self-blame, actually get rid ofstakeholders for the Chinese Communist Party.

    CPC "a great chess" Mo Yan won the Nobelprize in the conspiracy, to succeed - Mo Yan hasto start out by mistake to replace Han people(believe it or not? Mo Yan or give up novelwriting, CPC site , published a series of fallacies).

    In fact, take Lu Xun scary or take Zhu Tourouthe Mo Yan scary mentioning, are useless! Thereason is simple: there is the responsibility ofthe elite of the elite, intellectuals have theresponsibility of intellectuals, people have theresponsibility of the people ... who do not try toshift their own responsibility, hope to thisnation.

    For example, after eighteen major strong anti-corruption and "equality" plus "reform dividend"This is the Chinese communists do.

    Strong anti-corruption and "equality" plus"reform dividend" strict control network (ourpersonal experience overseas has been reported)is not right. Why? Due to -

    Strong anti-corruption, because of thepervasive corruption, serious;, from the point ofview of political science to elegant: a strong anti-corruption, that is - to curry favor with thepublic.

    "Equality" plus "reform dividend", not tomention the obvious to - to appease voters.Therefore, strict control network, which does notrun counter to the big theme of the New Deal?This does not become objectively deliberatelycause trouble?

    Mo Yan, Zhu Tourou really like to block. Farenfor my "Down with Lu Xun" - expelled from theLu Xun mainland textbooks and "Down with LuXun" is the vision of the "little people", "Lu Xunerror," the public is for us to love, rather thanfor us to criticize, "... this Zhu Tourou actuallyignorant to the point where, really sad!

    Childhood, I see that Lu Xun treat theproblem of people's attitude, overseas mediathis interview with me those words. Someone sawthe video do not believe that, so what do notbelieve it? Mao Zedong know best how to pleasethe people (just installed). I grew up in that era,can not understand a truth?

    Curry favor with the public, the universityasked. Democratic institutions, is a kind of curryfavor with the public system. Bipartisancompetition, the two presidential candidates tocompete competition? In essence, that is,competition - to curry favor with the public.Romney, the United States lose lose people donot know, not good curry favor.

   Democratic system not only to please thepeople, authoritarian regime but also to pleasethe people. To curry favor with the people, toplease the people tomorrow, also in yesterdaynot to curry favor with the public? Chinathousands of years of history (including thehistory of the world), all new power, all of theNew Deal, which one, which one is not courtingthe people do?

    All the downfall of the regime, all becausethey have forgotten - to curry favor with thepublic.

    I created Gu Xiaojun "populist democracy", inessence is to curry favor with the people;"populist democracy" I created Gu Xiaojunlearned, is to please the people of knowledge.

    Appease voters Hooray! Not to curry favor withthe people, get out!


   Gu Xiaojun 2012-11-29 Nanjing

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