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The world to act depends our a facial expression 2012-12-20 11:41:35
 The world to act depends our a facial expression

   - Gu Xiaojun ism: change China''s one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five

   Translator:God has eyes

    If you do not believe - is one of the ShiSansheng open letter "To the Nobel Prize jury, oftwo, three, Nobel Prize Jury original promise ofthe Peace Prize to Chinese EU, then, you alwaysbelieve - Shi Sansheng, and Gu disciples with Gudough, U.S. foreign policy named 2012 the yearof the "one hundred global thinkers" but did notdare publicly, also do not have a global media tojoin in, right?

    If you say you do not believe - Shi SanshengGu disciples, with Gu dough, U.S. foreign policynamed 2012 the year of the "one hundred globalthinkers" but did not dare publicly, the worldwithout a media cheer , you always believe - isthe Shi Sansheng care Disciples with Gu dough,make the United States "Times" gingerly,Liushenwuzhu manners stricken, not evenChina''s Xi Jinping, Bo failed to become the 2012"Man of the Year."

    Obama was elected to the United States"Times" 2012''s "Person of the Year". Obama whatelected? With his win in the recent U.S.presidential election, re-elected the lower boundof the President of the United States; while theUnited States is the largest economy in theworld. Well, as the world''s second largesteconomy, China''s newly appointed generalsecretary of Xi Jinping, why not be able to occupythe United States, "Time magazine''s" Person ofthe Year 2012, "the number two it? Alsoridiculous, right? Times gingerly, Liushenwuzhu,behavior-stricken, right?Year 2012, anyone can than Wang Lijun, Bo Xilaimore appealing to the eye it? China as a whole,the entire world, almost the year are aroundThey turn, then, Bo Xilai, why not be able tooccupy the chair of the United States, "Timemagazine''s" Person of the Year in 2012 "it? Doesnot make sense, right?

    This year, consultants led by Shi Sanshengdisciples Gu dough, recommended Gu Xiaojunparticipate in the competition for the NobelPeace Prize, "one hundred global thinkers" ofU.S. foreign policy, the United States "Times"Person of the Year " completely disrupted thealways opinionated world-famous awards and thefamous Western media inch, so panic, we have tolook at the face to act.

    Recommended activities the the Gu ShiSansheng led the disciples Gu dough, breakthrough all the blocked and blocked, won theright to speak on this blue planet; Shi Sansheng,nor loss for the Sino-US commentary home .

    Nobel Peace Prize with one hundred globalthinkers "and" Man of the Year ", have beenconcluded, Shi Sansheng, and Gu disciples withGu dough will be fought in the other party;future, will still be recommended inCommentary, recommended in the commentary,"the public impartiality spread in the fight forthe right to speak first" "Civilian ism Democracy""the challenged school" speak for the people inthe dissemination Gu Xiaojun doctrine.

    We are proud, very proud - Shi Sansheng andGu disciples Gu dough members have the rightto be proud: this world we have to look at theface to act!

    We believe: all the blocked and blocked andwill eventually end. China will open a new era;each morning, there is sun, there areflowers ...... "Civilian ism Democracy" and "thepublic impartiality", also sailing to the world.

    Gu Xiaojun 2012-12-20 Nanjing


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