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To the world's Nobel Peace Prize laureate's third 2013-01-28 12:52:43

To the world's Nobel Peace Prize laureate's third letter

"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu
Comments•two hundred forty-seven

Translator: God has eyes

The first two letters, roughly with you for the
Nobel Peace Prize Messengers talked about Mr.
Gu Xiaojun greatest contribution in the past
year, the game's modern political with CPC
vested interests do. This one, I want to focus on
to talk about Gu Xiaojun ism Dacheng ---- elite
capitalist authoritarian socialist contend

As we all know, about the the human
sociological theory, should have at least
practical, logical. Marx, Germany fails, because it
does not have the possibility of practice, but
also not to mention what kind of logic. The
results of the practice of "socialism" from the
Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China, North Korea,
and both left the country exhausted nation
suffered from being trampled. Mr. Gu Xiaojun
"primitive communism lies," scientific
communism balderdash "the article describes
communism implemented more self-
contradictory, no logic at all.

Before the plebs ism democratic talking about
Mr. Gu Xiaojun, let's take a look at the Central
Compilation and Translation Bureau of Marxism
in Germany in recent failure, traumatic wind and
rain all over the world Yi Jun mistress often
brilliant toppled event. Through the Yi Jun
authoritative study of Chinese Communist
Marxist Yiguanqinshou, reflects, of course, is the
failure of Marxism and incompetence.

Admittedly, from Yi Jun failure attributed to the
failure of the German horse, not be able to
directly prove Gu Xiaojun ism, "the plebs ism
democratic" is correct. However, the failure of
the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau,
at least you can prove that Marxism in China has
come to a dead - end, very difficult to continue
to flicker anymore. The occasion of the "three
years have seen the greatest changes in" period,
China's urgent need to fill vacancies poured out
of the failure of the German horse. And to fill
the vacancy, I think that the the only Mr. Gu
Xiaojun of the plebs ism democratic.

To you the wisdom of the Nobel Peace Prize
Messengers, of course, you can see the state of
the world today has become the poles side by
side adhesive --- Western elites capitalism and
authoritarian socialism in China who can do
without, but mutually exclusive each other. The
root cause of each other so, it not because the
two sides who can not prove that from the point
of view of the leaders than the other, okay?
Western elite capitalist society all these years of
economic recession, the more thriving
authoritarian China booster injection. It has also
become a CPC vested interest groups clamor
"never" best excuse. Despite the world needs the
diversity of the species. But as a human society
is allowed to the undemocratic countries lord it
over the harmful effects of World War II has
been the interpretation of the head. Sooner or
later in the total economy surpassed the U.S. as
the world's largest economies, China, seriously to
ensure continued peace, does not constitute a
threat to world civilization, they are bound to
abandon the goal to achieve communism German
Marxism. Obviously, the communist abolition of
classes and the state as a precondition. And in
order to destroy the country, only by means of

From avoid future occurrence tragic war "destroy
the country" to take precautions Do you also
think that China must move towards democracy?
, Away from the wish of the war is not only you
peacemakers in the world of all peace-loving
people of the common aspiration. Can induce
the CPC toward democracy, non-none other than
Mr. Gu Xiaojun "the plebs ism democratic".
Especially to the Western elite capitalist decades
after the impact of China's transition to a
democratic society.

So, the plebs ism democratic in the end what
good is it? "The plebs ism democratic society",
Mr. Gu Xiaojun is interpreted this way:

"1, said the plebs ism democratic than elitism
democracy more advanced due to the plebs ism
democratic core values, determined by three
values "- the public impartiality, freedom,
democracy and the public impartiality, both to
find the origin and development of human
society, the fundamental, is the only means to
solve today's society and the international
community contradiction.
2, that the plebs ism democratic than elitism
democracy more care for the majority of human
society, because the plebs ism democratic the
clear 'go elitism, go elite' democracy ".
Democracy, better care for the majority of human
society. "

Of course, the about the plebs ism democratic,
Mr. Gu Xiaojun "the plebs ism democratic is the
way out for China's" populist democracy has
nothing to do with you and me, "as well as" the
plebs ism democratic "populism," the plebs how
ism democratic arrival "," Why do I need the
plebs ism democratic? "Text elaboration. Its
superiority first reading at a glance. How in the
world today, there was a theory, can break the
deadlock elite capitalism and socialism hung
side by side, provide a better path for the
peaceful evolution of human civilization? In
addition to "the plebs ism democratic", there are
other options you!

Messengers you for the Nobel Peace Prize,
recommended Mr. Gu Xiaojun! Because in
today's world, only Gu Xiaojun ism can change
China, and is changing China. If populism to the
westerly blowing believe Gu Xiaojun ism will
change the world and make a greater
contribution to the peace of all mankind by the
Nobel Prize!

[Shi Sansheng Monday, January 21, 2013 5:59 china]

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