转载: 预测薄案开庭的准确时间 --顾晓军主义:改变中国·之二千零八十九 预测薄熙来一案的准确开庭时间,为:2013年2月25日。官方发布此消息的时间,为:2013年2月20日至22日之间。 预计:2013年3月1日前庭审结束。2013年3月20日左右公布判决结果。 本预测由顾晓军独立完成,不具有官方背景。 本预测拥有完整的知识产权。转贴者敬请注明“源于中国著名作家、大思想家顾晓军处”。 本预测具有娱乐性。因今年春节期间严重缺少政治娱乐素材,与2012年同期之王立军同志勇闯美国驻成都领事馆不可同日而语;为娱乐人民群众,特发布此预测。 另,请薄党、毛左稍安,薄熙来同志反正要判的,不可能不了了之。 在薄熙来一案之中陷的较深的同志,要向赵本山同志学习、渲染“太阳穴处做过微创”、“脑部11根钉子”、“一动脑就头疼缺氧”、“坐着演小品”等等,以便博取善良人们的同情。 千万别学薄党百度,常在夜里偷放给薄熙来翻案的言论等的搜索,还删贴、封杀支持小习同志的文章与“吧”。这实为垂死挣扎,不可去。 谨祝愿意看到薄熙来案早判、重判的网友们,看到本预测后心情舒畅、多喝两口;但,请注意:酒后千万别开车! 顾晓军 2013-2-16 南京 Predict the accurate time of Bo Xilai case hearing - Gu Xiaojun ism: change China's two thousand and eighty-nine Translator: God has eyes The forecast of Bo Xilai case accurate court time for: 2013 February 25. The official release of this news Time: February 20, 2013 to 22 days. Expected: March 1, 2013 the trial ended. March 20, 2013 announced around verdict. The predicted independently by Gu Xiaojun, does not have an official background. This prediction has full intellectual property rights. Posted please indicate "originated from a famous Chinese writer, a great thinker Gu Xiaojun Department". This prediction has entertaining. Entertainment the masses, especially during the Spring Festival this year, a serious lack of political entertainment material, Dawn of the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu is quite different with the same period in 2012, Wang Lijun comrades; publish this prediction. The other, the thin party, hair left just sit, the Bo Xilai comrades anyway to sentence, can not be nothing. Bo Xilai, a case of being trapped deep comrades, to the the Zhao Benshan comrades learning, rendering the temple did minimally invasive "," brain 11 nails ", the" brains on headache hypoxia, sit and play pieces, "and so on, in order to win the sympathy of the people of goodwill. Do not learn thin party Baidu, often at night snuck search for Bo reverse the verdict remarks also Shantie, support small learning comrades blocked article and "right". This is indeed dying, not to go. Wish the would like to see the the Bo Xilai case early-contracting, a heavy sentence netizens, after seeing the forecast ease of mind, drink two; Note: Do not drive after drinking! Gu Xiaojun 2013-2-16 Nanjing http://blog.boxun.com/hero/201302/guxiaojun/99_1.shtml |