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Gu Xiaojun''s undertake 2013-04-05 12:20:16

Gu Xiaojun''s undertake

          —— A letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee (10)

Translator: God has eyes

Recently busy working, no idle time to surf news. However, as Mr. Gu Xiaojun gossip reports said: party Fudge, West Fudge, full Fudge, you quit get down to business. Worth looking at.

Do not watch the news, but the thought of writing news intellectuals, think of the intellectuals. So think: what kind of talent count intellectuals, intellectuals play what? Thousands of blog posts click on the network, microblogging has tens of thousands of fans counted for intellectuals?

Do not know what others think of these people? In my opinion, they are at best only be counted as text workers! They really can not intellectuals equate! Because intellectuals, not just knowledge, should also be concerned about the value of human culture, concerned about living in social conscience play, powerful and unambiguous secular language writing for readers!

As a network of people, regardless of what position, had to admit, Mr. Gu Xiaojun is undoubtedly a social responsibility of intellectuals, the literary world leaders! In fact, with a prime analogy that is not enough, In today''s China and the world, Mr. Gu Xiaojun play and

Many of the works of the early years, we''ve not easy to see, but you can still search to "5000000 Wen Qing today as in? ! "," Picking up the revival of Chinese literature banner! Network Xiongqi! "," China''s literary strange phenomenon calls for the revitalization of the Chinese literary articles. Reading down a sense of responsibility, responsible Gu Xiaojun vividly before us, even if it is not a sentimental person, little will be tears.

Lu Xun, everyone is familiar with it! You dare with him than fiction? Even if you dare, dare to overthrow Lu Xun''s this? Mr. Gu Xiaojun dare "Down with Lu Xun, with reason, point of view, with the argument, put Lu Xun cast out from our textbooks. Interested, looking through the language textbooks, compare his childhood. Again refuses to accept the the search "Gu Xiaojun novel to read several articles!

Marx, you dare approved it? A few years ago you dare approved it? Will be awarded orderly? Dissatisfied and went into the lie of "primitive communism", "scientific communism balderdash" to search "Gu Xiaojun and Marx ''to say!

As for the "expose and criticize Han, revealed that the" Ai Weiwei, "questioned Chen Guangcheng" and both abide rational, was his bounden duty, as to reveal the nature of the pursuit of the objective and the public impartiality, restore the character as it is. Who does not know that Han is holding up ghostwriter Chief Culture undercover? Ai Weiwei cottage Who does not know the works of others in the play fake fines, false missing is a pseudo-activist, political informer? Who unclear barefoot lawyer Chen Guangcheng is a fake blind escape false, false the three false rights liar?

Above, it is not enough to prove the greatness of Mr. Gu Xiaojun? In the event of dubious authenticity, which intellectuals have made such an in-depth thinking, figured out these problems, and made to share with everyone, and persevere in the environment of the network blocked? In addition to Mr. Gu Xiaojun, who else? Media reports putting the cart before the horse actually is not terrible, intellectuals or intellectuals uncontrollably is to subvert the truly hopeless!

Here, we would like to thank Mr. Gu Xiaojun has indomitable spirit! As a have to play the intellectuals in the network walls both inside and outside the dogged unscrupulous sorts of seal kill the writing "Gu Xiaojun ''democratic values" classic "the plebs ism democratic values", "questioned the school" to curry favor with the public. " article, influence and guide the people of the loss or flawless learn to identify and learn to question, learn to think.

We are fortunate that, exactly whom to support political reform in Mr. Gu Xiaojun, who starts "cries many passionate young people in mass incidents, frequent ups and downs in 2012, no longer rashness, but also to the peace-loving, democratic people. pick up the enthusiasm and confidence to avoid a multi-ethnic, a large country with a population of 1.3 billion towards the unrest.

This is Mr. Gu Xiaojun, intellectuals of the early years of a play, from the human, from society, from life ... from all aspects to mention practice out of "the plebs ism democratic ideology," the public impartiality is values " "the public the impartiality the first" theory deserved thinkers, writers, populist politicians, Nobel judges are not elected, but also whom to do?

   --- No democracy 2013-03-20 Chongqing

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