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To discuss "the public impartiality" and freedom 2013-04-05 12:37:01

To discuss "the public impartiality" and freedom

--- A letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee (8)

Translator: God has eyes

The respected Nobel Committee judges: Happy New Year!

Responding to Mr. Gu Xiaojun Sina, End of the
World and blog China blog is simultaneously
blocked, think of the ban and the public impartiality, think of the relationship between
these three values of the public impartiality,
freedom, democracy, and also cite other
examples, the letter to kill not to prove the
importance of "the public impartiality first"!

As we all know, to the Norwegian Nobel
Committee recommended candidates move
netizens recommend who is our freedom. In the
recommendation process, adhering to the public
impartiality, cite Mr. Gu Xiaojun the tireless
wrote more than 3,000 articles facts; adhere to
its objective, the column "the public
impartiality" thinking of the Chinese elite
politics, people, ideas and human society
development a huge role. Contingent, is this
recommended by freedom, the major site
"because it involves politically sensitive content
has been shielded by the system" to interfere.

Websites and media make the deleted text
Shantie move, you the public impartiality in the
wrong? Face of the defenders blind Chen
Guangcheng hand over four meters high walls,
the cottage works of others pseudo-activist Ai
Weiwei, the head shot but could not see the
scars of malala, where you the public
impartiality or conscience? Because you do not
impartiality, our freedoms are trampled upon.
Because you do not impartiality, the stagnation
of democracy in China.

"Malala scandal, I said: become an obligation of
the whole society to love" the public impartiality
"of the people to write to you. Maybe some
people do not understand that, then please go
to the network search and peruse Mr. Gu Xiaojun
three values ". Saying: the public impartiality,
social orientation about everyone on the social
attitudes of others should be held to talk about
the relationship between people, but also

Impartiality for Internet users to write letters of
recommendation, is it not treated Mr. Gu
Xiaojun manifestation of it! The relevant
departments and who recommended Chen
Guangcheng, Ai Weiwei, the crook named Person
of the Year malala and Peace Prize, the neglect
of the pseudo-activist, pseudo-democracy, in
essence, is not impartiality. As recommended
selection of Nobel Prize missing in the large and
small things "the public impartiality", not "the
public impartiality is the first values", the final
the beleaguered groups only appeared one after
another event! We write letters of recommendation spontaneous face of impartiality, the love of the public impartiality
desire for democracy, the public impartiality is
to be returned to Mr. Gu Xiaojun!

The respected Nobel judges, you must write a
letter of recommendation will not deny freedom
of Chinese netizens! Look at it, and letters of
recommendation to be deleted, not by Zhuantie,
the blog is blocked, these do not clearly prove:
the public impartiality, freedom does not rely on
(Gu Xiaojun language), a society without
freedom, but also to talk about democracy it.

Judges of the Nobel Prize, China''s netizens wish
you make the selection of the impartiality of
hope that by Nobel this platform, better
dissemination of "the public impartiality",
because in today''s disputes frequently human
society, only "the public impartiality first
realization to the peace and harmony!

This, I again recommend: Recommended election
Mr. Gu Xiaojun now!

--- No democracy 2013-02-18 Chongqing

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