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让巴维权少女出局 2013-09-28 15:13:28




              顾晓军 2013-2-1 南京



Let Pakistani human rights girl out

- Gu Xiaojun ism: change China's two thousand and sixty-seven

Translator: God has eyes

Hair "iron-fisted anti-corruption" at the Athens
Academy, called chase really seeking constant of
friends came abreast of me around. In fact, I can
understand them - I was the Communist
ideology and the Politics and Law Committee,
and the so-called intellectual elite partner
blocked, the result is more blocked fame the
greater; Therefore, they always want to exchange
blows with me, good to show off to other people.

Not to mention so general users, even the entry-
do my disciples Dan Sansheng, and not also the
article said, semiliterate feel his article, I write

Who better article, followed; This semiliterate
theory article is good or bad, can be operands
do? Is not it?

"Only an iron hand, anti-corruption, Xi Jinping
tigers" or mutation to force the situation ...
"written by friends Red Dust is my sentence,
more simply -" Since ancient times no one dared
to corruption of molecules and corruption Group
rebel "and the truth, right?

The truth of the world, tend to be this or that
reason distorted. For example, the "rights" is the
output of the concept of the free world to the
authoritarian state. The free world should
consider the specific circumstances of the
authoritarian state it?

Should. American elites are not considered. They
only know the "erosion protection of the minority
who lost citizenship" (please refer to United
States foreign policy, "" How to bring democracy
to China ": Yasheng Huang), and forget the
authoritarian regime within most people's
citizenship erosion a.

Accordingly, in such a case, the "protection"
meaningless minority erosion lost citizenship.
Typical American elites tree "rights" Chen
Guangcheng, and the good people of the
Chinese Communist Party tree typical Lei Feng,
What is different? Even not as good! Does good
things, but also the total was granted benefits;
Chen Guangcheng famous, fortune, and the
ordinary people in China what to do with it?

Yasheng Huang, "how to bring democracy to
China" has said "even if the most critical
intellectuals also admitted that the idea Chenof ??
and other dissidents in China's 1.3 billion can
only get a minimal response, self-righteous
Western elites, but also to create a the the
"Pakistan defenders girl malala".

Western elites to build malala, with the Chinese
Communists build Zhang Haidi What's the
difference? Zhang Haidi, "waist", malala "to be
put under the Taliban muzzle bud" - Zhang
Haidi paraplegia was able to drive, malala be
put the bud "has been" the National Peace Prize

Have been approved by the State Peace Prize, "to
be put the bud"? This is clearly not in a show?
In fact, in the care of the dough to the United
States' foreign policy "recommend" one hundred
global thinkers ", recommended to the United
States," the Times "Person of the Year", while
the "Times" to get rid of all the Chinese people,
launched Bavi the right girl " , I have to
understand: Ideology and Politics and Law
Committee of Communist China, and the so-
called intellectual elite who have contact with
the Western elites - and to create the image of a
weak woman, which blocked Gu Xiaojun ban "the
public impartiality".

Proof: the CIBN to be put under the Taliban
muzzle bud: Pakistani human rights activists the
girls malala "International Online reports: a
young girl, but has become the lofty ideals of
the politicians". Ideal can say things? If a child
wanted to be president supposed to do?

The card: Hong Kong China News Agency "Bavi
the right girl to be nominated for the Nobel
Peace Prize. Nobel jury is not clear the
nomination have confidentiality period of 50
years.? How can such bad faith, such a
campaign? Is not in the Western elites, see Gu
dough "Gu Xiaojun (thematic / English / update)
" momentum anxious to recommend to the Nobel
Peace Prize? One step, a fait accompli?

Elites forget: Gu Xiaojun of "the public
impartiality is the first values" constitutes a
system of thought, rather malala only "lofty
ideals become politicians. You can, although
helped popularize a girl, her name into the
Peace Prize winner, however, you will bear the
infamy hinder the development of human
thought. Gu dough will record all of this, and
tell the world to future generations. Keep their
promises - Bavi the right girl out.

Gu Xiaojun 2013-2-1 Nanjing
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