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We may remember the satirical short story by French writer Emile Zola (1840-1902) called ¡°Rentafoil¡±: a French entrepreneur called Durandeau started a rental agency of ugly women for wealthy women to accentuate their beauty by contrast. The rental business did not fly at beginning, because odd enough, the job applicants were not ugly at all. Durandeau realized that only the pretty ones had the courage to say that they¡¯re ugly for egoistic assurance of ¡°you are beautiful.¡± Durandeau then walked the streets of Paris to finally gather enough ¡°ugly¡± women to act as foils to the high-society ladies. The rental business was a huge success and Durandeau made a fortune by providing an otherwise inaccessible commodity to the affluent customers. In the end, Zola writes: ¡°Mankind marches on. Durandeau will be blessed by future generations because he created a market for a hitherto unsalable commodity and invented a fashion article which makes love easier. ¡±

If Zola¡¯s story makes you cringe, take a look at this: two hundred years later, Chinese Schumpeterian entrepreneurs are taking the Chinese culture to the market, not as a civilization of 5000 years, but as a cheap foil for those who need to depict Christendom as a higher civilization by comparison, more enlightening and of less literary discourse. These Davy Crockett wannabes are hungry and creative, trained by the westerners as self-serving and self-penetrating Faustian deal brokers, capable of making anything a commodity. Disgruntled by their humble background, they are cut to the quick by the culture that, in their mind, is a colossal failure, a feeding ground for parasites like oppressive dictators and brain-dead dummies. Their admiration and passion for the western culture, on the other hand, run so deep that even their burps smell Parmesan cheese and Salami only, no vestige of Chinese leek. They are like little cute-looking Chihuahua puppies, male and female, standing on their rear legs huffing and puffing, Pavlovianly responding to alphabetically spelled commands, but dumbfounded at pictographic characters, well, literally.

For the Durandeau-minded merchants, the Chinese culture is a hodgepodge of pretentiousness, fallacy and subcultures. It has two facets (some claim more than two), one is the spirit of truthfulness, righteousness and forbearance only upheld by the emasculated intellectual elites whose guts are comparable to their dicks in size. Ruling oligarch advocates these principles conveniently to their benefit, exempting themselves from the derived obligations and duties. Another facet consists of subcultures and countercultures summarily named deceit, vengeance and jungle rules, embraced by the barbaric masses with crooked wisdom. Greed and coercion are adhesives of the formidable force dictating directions of the society, revolutionary or reactionary, depending who the manipulator is. The two-faceted Chinese culture has pathologically dominated a not so physically fit race with a population of 1.3B to date and mounting. Genetic deficiency of the race is visible by naked eyes, jaundiced skin complexion and mummified smile and herniated spinal disc caused by too many bows. Petty crimes like picking nose snot or scooping earwax are rampant and the ultimate crime, spitting on the street, is witnessed by the world. Political asphyxiation, cultural atavism and ideological autism are, among other feces, the hazards produced by the culture indigenous to China. Filial piety symbolizes mere knee jerking obedience to the senior. Mascot of panda resembles sluty femme fatal, slavishly seductive. Tolerance is no more than an antonym of courage, a retreat from confrontation. Economic progression under the evil totalitarian rule is as delusional as depression under the democratic system. Demagogues, Communists in particular, have turned the pioneering elites into intellectually demented knaves and dumbified the populace. Individual ability to string together the required number of cogent thoughts to derive cognizance is permanently paralyzed, collective wisdom coherently compromised and the paths to enlightenment hopelessly jammed.

Feel offended? I do.

¡°The cute-looking Chihuahua puppies¡± are the politest term to refer those willful minds that woefully bash their nurturing mother for their self-inflicted wounds. She may be forgiving, but we the siblings feel deeply disturbed by those merciless bastards, to be analogously accurate, ¡°mother-fxxx.¡± The only common ground between us and those haters is that we both admit our mother is not a glamorous woman. Age has taken a toll on her, sad and tired with lines of sorrow carved deep in her face, dried tear traces visible, eyes filled with despair and hair grayed and raggedly clothed. She could by no means stand the comparison with haughty Arian blonds, lusty Mediterranean bikini girls or flirting French mistresses. She is too old, too plain and too stoic. Her breasts are saggy for milking her hungry offsprings, young, handsome and ambitious, some of them will fly high and away, looking for Gothic style roofs to build their nests, singing ¡°ÐÄ°²Ö®´¦¼´Îª¼Ò¡±;  some will go aberrant and pimp her for a few $, £¤, € or whatever confetti in circulation; but some, Hoi polloi, would stand by her side, cherishing the tenacity, perseverance and resilience inherited from her for generations. She is a longlasting civilization, certified by history that she has pulled through 5000 years of more exploitation, humiliation and abuse than joyfulness, prosperity and peace, nonetheless still alive, as a matter of fact, full of life, long after the mighty Roman Empire demised, invincible Mongolian Khan cavalry relinquished, Anglo-Saxon¡¯s glamour faded, Jurchen clans (Qing Dynasty) assimilated, and haiku-singing Kabuki bowed. She is cultivation of harmonious relationships within social ambiance, a culture derived from a single language, a distinctive philosophy of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism, an essence embracing all merits, regardless their origin or intent, less parabolic and predatory, more convergent and tolerant than any other civilizations; an existence attested to be destruction proof, an uncompromised, self-sustaining and self-cleansing spirit that would not diverge, falter or dissipate. Linguistic borrowings from foreign languages are the manifesto of her openness. Religious persecution is unheard in her long history while crusaders killed millions of infidels in Europe and people are still exposed to lethal religious acrimony nowadays. She gives her children the options to choose, Jesus, Allah, Buddha or whatever the super beings are named after in belief that no god of any choosing would condemn those living in symbiosis under her wings. She have lost battles or even wars, but never lost her cultural pride. She is entertaining when visited; she enslaves nobody when empowered; commits to help when requested. She was molested when weakened by lethargy and ailments but she never surrendered her nobility. She witnessed her children being slaughtered and her land usurped by the conquerors, but did not seek vengeance when she regained her might and conquered the conquerors, just slapped on their wrists for a ¡°this time only¡± warning and sent them home unharmed. These are her inner beauty and spiritual strength unmatched in the human history.

I love this ugly and old woman!

ä¯ÀÀ(1805) (0) ÆÀÂÛ(10)
×÷ÕߣºÂ«º× ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-11 21:29:48
»Ø¸´ | 0
×÷ÕߣºËæ±Ê¹éÀ´ ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-11 16:10:32
See, when you think you have a good piece, there will be some errors for sharp eyes to catch.
¡°of" is indeed missing
Gracias !
»Ø¸´ | 0
×÷Õߣº¼á¾öÖ§³Ö ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-11 15:06:36
Politically correct or not, one thing is clear about this piece: it is elegantly written. Students of the English language, regardless of their political leanings, should study it, even if just for its discourse benefits. By the way, you missed an"of" after "regardless."
»Ø¸´ | 0
×÷ÕߣºËæ±Ê¹éÀ´ ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-11 06:00:34

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×÷ÕߣºÉú²ËÏÈÉú ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-11 04:01:38

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×÷Õߣº»¨ÃÛ·ä ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-10 19:12:46
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×÷ÕߣºËæ±Ê¹éÀ´ ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-10 15:17:03
The feeling is mutual, glad to have some readers like you, capable of making intelligent arguments¡£ I am looking for wisdom, not necessarily consent. I think we are the same page.
Looking forward to your enlightening comments!
»Ø¸´ | 0
×÷Õߣºshengcaixiansheng ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-10 14:34:25
I have to say this is a highly emotionally charged piece of writing, which requires a great pinch, perhaps a fistful, of salt when reading it.

I am going to write a proper response to your blog in my own space.

It is an absolute delight to have someone like you to learn from.
»Ø¸´ | 0
×÷ÕߣºËæ±Ê¹éÀ´ ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-10 06:48:31

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×÷ÕߣºÐÅÌìÎÌ ÁôÑÔʱ¼ä£º2012-12-09 23:21:47
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