本人在识字而已的 站好右派的岗:为什么会有人害怕自由和民主?一文下对识字而已引用的这句话提出纠正: “ 看到farm animal时,我想通了这个问题 ,动物那么多,为什么会有一些动物被人类驯化养,为什么一些不会…” 告诉她所谓的farm animals 意指家畜,没有野生的。 这是个常识问题。可这位小姐居然死不认错。即使在字典的解释面前,负隅顽抗,呵呵。 不得不出她的丑。把法律定义搬出来: 以下是美国农业部对farm animal 的法律定义: According to 9 CFR 1.1 [Title 9 -- Animals and Animal Products; Chapter I -- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture], farm animal means “any domestic species of cattle, sheep, swine, goats, llamas, or horses, which are normally and have historically, been kept and raised on farms in the U.S., and used or intended for use as food or fiber, or for improving animal nutrition, breeding, management, or production efficiency, or for improving the quality of food or fiber. This term also includes animals such as rabbits, mink, and chinchilla, when they are used solely for purposes of meat or fur, and animals such as horses and llamas when used solely as work and pack 要是本人换成识字,定会承认错误,无论谁在旁边为我加油。这个简单的事实无法改变: farm animal 是个组合词,固定用法,意指家畜。猪马牛羊等。把这个词理解成了生活在农场里的所有动物,野生和驯养的,是典型的望文生义。已经把字典的解释抄给你了,还不认输。至于旁边加油的两个无赖E老婆子和那个G大傻。如果对事实的对错都不敢承认,喧嚣的声音再大,也改变不这三个男女愚蠢的结论: 无知就是无知,呵呵 字典解释: 来源: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/farm+animal Noun 1. farm animal - any animals kept for use or profit。 farm animal 就是家畜 livestock |