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parenting tips 2007-03-19 22:30:46


1.Make rules together

Highlight a problem,draw up positive rules rather than negativeones,make rules simple and repeat when approriate.

2.Enforce the rules together

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.Before your child is able to observe the rules on his own, you have to remind him constantly.

3.Decide together what happens when rules are broken

try to remember that you are rejecting your child\'s misbehaviour,not your child. Act in love, not in angry.

list of possible punishments:

stern reminding;short,strong phrases;count from ont to five in front of your child;time out in the corner;deprivation of privileges like reduced computer or play time, no ice-cream;behaviour chart.

4.Reward for good behaviour

Good words are worth much,and cost little.Bad behaviourbringa about disciplinaryactions while good behaviour like generosity, helpfulness and industry brings about rewards. Behaviour is linked to consequences.

Be in control;Be aware of your child\'s soft spots;Be generous in your praise;

List of possible rewards:

a pat on the back, a hug;words of praise,a star sticker;reading his favourite bedtime story;give a small treat;telling your spouse about your child\'s deed;giving a new coloring book...

5.Be the role model for your child, remember he mimics your actions. 


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作者:Brendon 留言时间:2007-04-16 02:56:08
http://e9e7eb66a856a1d7f5c1e79421475f82-t.gf7tiuy9.info <a href="http://e9e7eb66a856a1d7f5c1e79421475f82-h.gf7tiuy9.info">e9e7eb66a856a1d7f5c1e79421475f82</a> [url]http://e9e7eb66a856a1d7f5c1e79421475f82-b1.gf7tiuy9.info[/url] [url=http://e9e7eb66a856a1d7f5c1e79421475f82-b2.gf7tiuy9.info]e9e7eb66a856a1d7f5c1e79421475f82[/url] [u]http://e9e7eb66a856a1d7f5c1e79421475f82-b3.gf7tiuy9.info[/u] b8c211221d19f4c8bbabc2332ed541f5
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