婴儿手语(Baby Sign)摘录:
Object Signs
1.Hat—Pat the top of your hand with your hand open and your palm down
2.Bird—Flap one or both arms out to the side like a bird’s wing
3.Flower—make a sniffing gesture with a wrinkled nose as if smelling a flower
4.Fish—Open and close your lips, smacking like a fish does
5.Airplane—Arms out stiffly or hand swooping
6.Book—Holding hands flat with palms up, opening and closing
7.Bunny—Holding two fingers up in a V
8.Butterfly—Hands together, fingers waving
9.Car—Steering motion
11.Elephant—Finger or back of hand to nose moving up and down
12.Moon—hand high, palm up, circling motion
13.Rain—Wriggling fingertips moving downward
14.Sleep—Palms together to side of cheek
15.Telephone—Fist to ear
16.Toothbrush—Index finger across teeth
17.Water—Palms rubbing together
Request signs
Drink—thumb to mouth, tilting up
Eat—fingertips to lips
Up—Index finger pointing up
More—Index finger tapping opposite palm