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金戈立华夏, 铁马气威玄.  
日本所做的一切,都是为了制约中国的影响力 2013-02-11 01:02:00


All things by Japan are to contain  China



There have been two "lost decades"  by now since Japan's economy fell from the peak in the early 1990's.  In the past 20 years, the Japanese government used all resources to get out of predicaments, but there's only one thing proved in the end, that is, their efforts can only help prevent too rapid slowing-down of economy, but it can do nothing with driving economic recovery.



In 2004, the Economic and Fiscal Policy White Paper released by Japan claimed that Japan's economy was finally recovering from a long period of stagnation since the bubble burst in the 1990's!  After perennial slowdown for more than 10 years, this was the first optimistic statement by Japanese government.  In the subsequent few years, Japan indeed achieved a compound annual growth rate of more than 2%.  But the sudden outbreak of financial crisis in 2008 dragged Japanese economy back to slowing down.  



After struggling for more than 10 years,  why was there a warm recovery  at the beginning of this century?


It was mainly because of Japan's rapid growth in exports to Asia, which boosted the economic recovery.   While China played an important role for Japan's exports to Asia.  In the last 10 years,  there was a dramatic reversal of Sino-Japan trade relations, with China gradually taking the place of the U.S. to become Japan's largest trading partner.  From 2002 to 2011, the proportion of Japan's exports to China jumped from 8% to more than 20% of its total exports, which created 10-year consecutive trade surplus with China.  The scale of trade surplus expanded rapidly from 5 billion to more than 55 billion U.S. dollars.



Japan has made the most vivid demonstration to the world on what a country should do to get out of economic slowdown.  For example, Japan was the first country in the world who adopted quantitative easing monetary policy of Japanese Yen,  implemented radical fiscal policy, and expanded government investment.  On the one hand, these means helped reserve Japan's status as the world's third largest economy;  on the other hand, it made Japan's debt soar up to 230% of its GDP.



In the late 1970's, professor Ezra Vogel of Harvard University published a best-selling book with the title Japan as Number One, in which high comments were given on the Japanese economic model, which resulted in the worship of Japanese economy by Americans and even the whole globe.  Although 10 years later, the Japanese economy has begun to step down from the altar, but the pride of Japan as Number One is still flowing in the blood of Japanese.  For Japan might not have the ambition to overtake the Number One position of the United States in the world, but the Number One position in Asia had been kept by Japan for a hundred years.  Japanese economists once proposed a famous model of flying geese, in which Japan was described to be the leading goose driving up Asia's economic growth, with other Asian countries following Japan in the team of flying geese.   But with the rise of the Chinese economy, Japan's Number One position in Asia gradually faded out. Eventually, in 2010, China's GDP surpassed Japan to become the world's second-largest economy.




Japan had been psychologically prepared to see the transcendence of China's economy, but the preparation was not to calm down, adapt to the new situation, and find a new position for itself; instead, various efforts were made to dilute the influence of the Chinese economy in Asia.



For example, Japan always wanted to build up economic partnership with the so-called common values, in order to isolate China, such as the EPA (Economic Cooperation Strategy partners) program vigorously promulgated by Japan in 2004,  "EPA is to make friends", "Japan's EPA program is to expand partnership with common values based on national interests".   But no significant results were achieved.  After the establishment of a free trade zone in 2010 between China and ASEAN,  ASEAN quickly replaced Japan to become China's third largest trading partner,  while China has become ASEAN's largest trading partner and the largest destination of exports.



After subprime mortgage crisis, the United States launched the Trans-Pacific Strategic Partnership Agreement (TPP), in order to expand their economic influence in the Asia-Pacific region.   For Japan, this was another chance to check China's influence in Asia, so they showed strong interest.  But in fact, the cost of Japan to join TPP was much higher than the benefits it could get, since TPP was an upgraded version of the Free Trade Agreement, which emphasized zero tariffs for any industry;  while Japan always applied strict protection for agriculture, so very high price was paid for just one industry of agriculture.



It's the transposition of economic strength between China and Japan that caused confusion of values on Japan.  Japan didn't want to give up its status as leading goose in Asian economy, and Japan feared of becoming an affiliate of the Chinese economy, so all things done by Japan were to restrain China's influence. 



But Japanese entrepreneurs know well that their own economic development can not be separated from China, so they tried to seek cooperation upgrade with China, hoping to take the ride of economic growth in China.



Unfortunately, the Japanese economy is always influenced by politics.  This nation are too proud of themselves.  The Japanese right-wing politicians do not care about the cost of economy at all when seeking to satisfy their own pride.  Or, the Japanese right-wing may always think that if a political victory is won over China, there can be an economic victory for the 2nd time. 



Frankly speaking, if Japan always holds the "victim" mentality, the Japanese economy may face another lost decade.



In his book "the lost two decades of Japanese economy" which probed the actual causes of Japan's long-term economic stagnation, Japanese economist Nobuo Ikeda says, "Is there anyone who cares that Portugal was once the world's overlord of the Seas?  Will people listening to Mozart's music care that Vienna was once the center of Europe?  In the long history, a small country such as Japan will eventually be quickly forgotten despite their short-lived glory."


事实上,在今年的达沃斯论坛上,日本已经“消失”了。甚至在“全球防卫大势”论坛上,一个日本记者忍不住向嘉宾放炮:“为何不讨论日本?! 一个虚弱的日本对亚洲是有害的!”

In fact, in this year's Davos forum, Japan had "disappeared".   In the forum of the "general trend of global defense ", a Japanese journalist even could not help shouting at the guests, " Why not discuss Japan?!  A weak Japan is harmful to Asia!"



It may be cruel when people stop talking about Japan.









China’s modernization hesitates at the crossroad




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