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金戈立华夏, 铁马气威玄.  
中国政府走向破产 Chinese government is going bankrupt 2013-04-25 01:34:38


Chinese government is going bankrupt


麦肯锡上海分公司董事Gordon Orr在最新一季《麦肯锡季刊》上对 2013年的中国做了十大预测,其中最后一条是:将有至少一个三线城市破产。

The director of McKinsey's Shanghai office Gordon Orr made 10 predictions about China 2013 on the last publication of The McKinsey Quarterly,  the last one of which is: there will be at least one third-tier city going bankrupt.

那么有没有这种可能呢?Gordon Orr不是神仙,他只不过在重复最年轻的中国财经记者也知道的事实。

Should there be such possibility?   Gordon Orr is not the almighty God,  but he is just repeating the fact that even the youngest Chinese financial journalist knows as well.


But, of course, there will be no cities going bankrupt, like Greece and Spain, there is no bankruptcy.  However, from the accounting point of view, this forecast holds water. Because the Chinese government is getting poorer.


On January 22, the Ministry of Finance announced the situation of  2012 public finance balance of payments.   In the past year, the fiscal revenue obtained by the Chinese government increased by only 12.8%, compared to 24.8% in 2011.   Among it, the central government's fiscal revenue growth was 9.4%, which was the lowest one since 2008;  local government's fiscal revenue growth was 16.2%, which was the second lowest in the past five years, just higher than the most serious situation in 2009 after the global financial crisis.


Experts believe that in 2013, China's fiscal revenue growth may be entering the single-digit era.


In the 10 golden years that have just passed, China's fiscal revenue growth rate was usually higher than 20%, while the year of 2012 is obviously its inflection point.


The problem is that while the fiscal revenue growth is slowing down, the growth rate of fiscal spending is going faster. Over the past few years, China has formed a strong pressure of public opinion, demanding the government to spend more money in education, housing, medical care, and even environment treatment and other public services, instead of wasting money on vanity projects and vanity activities


In August 2011, the 26th Summer Universiade was held in Shenzhen.  In December 2012, Shenzhen Audit Office announced the audit results: there was investment of 14 billion RMB versus revenue of 1.2 billion RMB.  We can believe that from the year of 2013 as the beginning, people will not hear the message about China organizing large-scale international competitions and various international conferences, because there is no money from central government to local governments.


The official explanation from the Ministry of Finance was that the slowdown of fiscal revenue was mainly due to the slowdown in the growth of industrial added value, low increase in profits of industrial enterprises and the implementation of structural tax reduction and other factors.

2012年,中国GDP的增速为7.8%,为13年来最低水平。其中,工业经济的形势尤其不乐观, 2012规模以上工业增加值比上年增长10%,不知不觉间,世界工厂告别了过去十余年间工业增加值同比增速动辄高于20%的时代。

In 2012, China's GDP growth rate was 7.8%, the lowest level in the past 13 years. Among it, the situation of industrial economy was especially not optimistic,  with growth of added value by Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size being 10%.  Unwittingly,  the workshop of the world bade farewell to the past era of more than ten years during which the growth rate of industrial added value was higher than 20% on a year-on-year basis.


This has led to the end of high-growth era of China's fiscal revenue at the same time.


Behind the historic inflection point of the fiscal revenue,  the old contradictions become increasingly deteriorating, with a series of problems beginning to surface after being concealed underwater in the earlier rapid growth.

愈发恶化的问题是收入分配结构。西方发达国家居民收入占GDP比重一般为50%65% 而中国居民收入占40%,政府收入占22.5%2012年)。一句话,国富民穷。

The increasingly deteriorating problem is the structure of income distribution.  In western developed countries, people's income share of GDP is generally 50% to 65%, while Chinese residents' income accounted for 40%, and government revenue accounted for 22.5% of GDP (2012).  In short, the state is wealthy, but the people are poor.



There has been a joke circulating in China, as follows:

In primary school textbooks it's said that "China uses 7% of the world's arable land to feed 22% of the world's population", for which we always felt cool and proud.  After we've grown up, we know that it's not the most blatant thing.  The more blatant thing is that China uses only  1% -2% of the world's educational and medical input to solve educational and medical problems for 22% of the world population!  Even more blatant thing is that China uses 22% of global population to feed 50% of global government officials!  Yet the most blatant thing is that China uses 22% of global population to absorb 99% of the world's toxic gas!


This joke tells problems well enough.  It reflects the government's dilemma between choice to continue investment and decision to protect the people's livelihood.  In 2012, China's spending on education accounted for only 4.08% of the total GDP. The increase of spending on the people's livelihood is not large in most cases, even lower than the 15.1% of the overall increase of fiscal spending. Among them, health care spending increased by 12% only; social security and employment spending increased by 12.9% only.


After the sharp drop in the growth rate of fiscal revenue, the spending on people's livelihood and social security was sure to "shrink".


There's one special feature with fiscal spending on Chinese people's livelihood and social security, which is described as: the Central government treats people to dinner while the local governments pay the bill.


For example, the central government required local governments to give exemption of charges for the students' textbooks in the nine-year compulsory education, and, to this end, both the central and local governments should allocate funds.  Shanghai, for example, implemented this policy in 2007, with the central government's funding of more than 23 million RMB, and Shanghai's funding of more than 93 million RMB.


For any policy on people's livelihood,  the central government contributed a small part of funding, while local governments paid the major part.   However, the central government has dominated China's main sources of taxation revenue, and this caused big pressure on the finance of local governments.


Therefore, land sales and infrastructure investment have become the two major sources of income for the local governments.


Land sales for profit are easy to understand.  But how to profit from infrastructure investment?  It's simple, since all major projects must be financed by the central government, with funding done by state-owned banks;  then those big projects will be contracted to state-owned enterprises which are subsidiaries of local governments.   It's spending of money from the left pocket and revenue obtained into the right pocket, with the funding for infrastructure investment used to pay off part of government spending.  It is absurd that local governments' impulse to seek profit leads to the result that China's infrastructure construction is better than most countries.


On January 12, the Minister of Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources disclosed that the contract amount of land grant was  2.69 trillion RMB Yuan in 2012, which was a decrease by 14.6% as compared to 2011, and the negative growth for the first time since 2007.  Land sales are the main source of financial revenue for local governments in the past ten years.


Debt problems for local governments are imminent danger due to the sharp drop in fiscal revenues and the sharp drop in revenue from land sales, which are entangled together.


In 2008, China implemented quantitative easing policy ahead of Europe and the United States, with the central government's direct investment of 1.18 trillion RMB over three years, leading the national investment plans of four trillion RMB in total.


During the implementation period of the four trillion RMB plan, financing platforms for local governments sprang up like mushrooms after rain.  Local governments rapidly obtained their own part of funds in the plan of 4 trillion RMB through these investment and financing platforms,   supplemented by the disguised guarantee by local financial revenues; and the funds were then used for municipal infrastructure, public utilities and other fields.  


It is estimated that the total size of debt for local financing platform in 2013 will increase to 12.77 trillion RMB, a year-on-year growth of 12%. This figure in 2011 was only 10.7 trillion RMB.


Chief economists of many investment banks said that the total amount of debt maturing in 2013 is expected to be nearly 3 trillion RMB, which will account for about 50% of the local fiscal revenue, so local governments are facing heavy pressure on paying off the debts.   The Treasury Department data show that the local government's fiscal revenue growth was 16.2% in 2012, a sharp slowdown compared to 29.1% in 2011.


In this case, extension of the deadlines for debts and new debts used to pay off old debts may be the expedient measure.  According to media reports, 80% of local government bonds issued by two western provinces with approval in 2012 were used to pay off the principal of the matured government bonds issued in 2009.   

目前,地方债务的问题无解,所以说,Gordon Orr的预测有根据。解决这个问题,唯一值得寄予希望的,就是财税体制改革——让地方政府的财权对称于它所承担的事权。

Currently, there's no good solution for local debt problems.  So Gordon Orr's prediction is well based.  The only point that people may pin hope on solution of the problems relies on the reform of fiscal and taxation systems, which is to restrict the financial power of local governments according to their administration responsibilities.





堂堂中华大女人 法医王雪梅 所有男人的榜样!







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薄熙来人权需要”解放”, 共和国的人民需要”解放”



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