關於電影《The Theory of Everything》,我和孩兒他爹之間有了一個“走題”的爭論,即:氣管隔開後,霍金和人交流的小板子和後來的說話機器有沒有關係。當時倆人爭執不下,老公掉過頭,“悄悄地”向兒子發出了“救命啦”的Email。求救呼叫已過去一個多月了,上周得重流感的兒子剛剛恢復了精神後,很負責任地回了信。這個短篇“後記”主要的一道菜,就是他們爺倆兒的Emails (按時間前後,由上到下排列):
From: LG
To: Son
CC: NingNingNing
Sent: Tue, 20 Dec 2014 21:20:02
Subject: 救命啊 - Stephen Hawking communication device – 請回答
I watched the movie “The Theory of Everything“ with Mom and then run into a big argument with your always right Mom. Can you watch it and support me with my conclusion that the little board to help Dr. Hawking with his communication with others, after his open trachea surgery, has nothing to do with the voice machine he later used in the movie? I want her to be totally wrong this time. Hahaha.
From: Son
To: Dad; Mom
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 7:02 PM
Subject: Stephen Hawking communication
just finished watching the theory of everything. what was the question you had for me?
this is a sample of the system that he uses to communicate now:
Cranky's Alphabet Board
Stephen Hawking’s Computer
he moves his cheek to confirm a selection
in the movie he still had control of his fingers so he clicks with his fingers
the color board he started with uses the direction of his eyes/eyebrow to select letters, and the listener uses the color to confirm.
From: LG
To: Son
CC: NingNingNing
Sent: Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 7:06 PM
氣管隔開後,那個和人交流的小板子 和後來的說話機器有any 關係?
We have kind of reached an agreement now, but still like to reply your email, to be polite.
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 19:23:46 -0800
Subject: Re: Stephen Hawking communication
From: Son
To: Dad
CC: Mom
the underlying principle is the same: the listener/computer says/highlights a letter/word/phrase in a cycle, and the speaker confirms the letter/word/phrase by some movement.
in the movie the 小板子 is used a bit differently. Stephen is using directions of his eyes to speed up the process and the listener doesn't have to say/highlight the word.
see below the picture.
he moved his eyes to the lower right for the red corner (stuvwx) and then middle up for yellow, which is the letter T.
From: LG
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 7:29 PM
To: Son
Cc: NingNingNing
Subject: RE: Stephen hawking communication
got it. the picture helps.