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Ghost scholar(excerpts) 2020-10-16 22:32:30

Long historical novels of

the Cultural Revolution

《Ghost scholar》(excerpts)

author: Huang Xuezhang

Content introduction

In the mid 1960s, the "proletarian cultural revolution" in China was undoubtedly a great exposure of the ugly side of human nature, a great tragedy of society, and a great disaster of the whole people. However, in that dark era, the eternal flash of human nature is everywhere, and the unyielding struggle of Chinese excellent values has never stopped. Therefore, the cultural revolution period is also a magnificent, colorful and lamentable era.

Colleges and universities were the main battlefield and disaster area of the cultural revolution. This book takes Jiangdong Institute of Technology campus as the background, through the thrilling, joyous and sorrowful stories of the cultural revolution that happened among a group of college students, this book truly presents the readers with that terrible and haunting time.

Liu Zhiyuan is a graduate student with excellent character and learning and brilliant talents. He was influenced by Confucianism since childhood, and instilled with communism and Mao Zedong thought. In him, there is a common contradiction in the thought of the intellectuals in the Mao Zedong era, that is, the deep-rooted contradiction between the Chinese traditional thought of human nature, humanity and humanism, and the thought of communism and class struggle.

Liu Zhiyuan was not interested in politics. He called himself a "carefree group". Because of his integrity, dissatisfaction with reality, and no cover up, he was regarded as a "political reactionary" by the Party committee and working group of the Academy, and was classified as a "rightist student".

After learning about it, Liu Zhiyuan joined the red guards of the rebel faction. He took an active part in the fierce confrontation with the Party committee, the working group, the millitary control commission, the municipal Party committee and the provincial Party committee. He performed "persecution - rebellion - suppression - rehabilitation - re suppression……" until the tragic failure, scenes of shocking campus tragicomedy.

The love between Liu Zhiyuan and Zhou Jingru is the love between the "rightist students" and the "red men of the college Party committee", and between the members of the two opposing red guards. Different from the general romance novels, the sentimental and pure love, under the interference of the so-called "class struggle", in the baptism of blood and fire of fighting, releases a different and more gorgeous glory.

Zhou jingru mistakenly thought that Liu Zhiyuan had been beaten and killed in the fight, so they finally missed the opportunity to combine. Unexpectedly, Liu Zhiyuan did not die. Thirty years later, Zhou Jingru returned from Taiwan. They met in Jiangdong City Red Guards cemetery, tears eye to eye, grief stricken. However, the time is merciless, the past has not been able to trace, so it has become a lifelong regret.

This book focuses on the description of the social ecology during the cultural revolution and creates hundreds of vivid characters. Whether it is the tragic death of a professor, the premature death of a college girl, the suffering of a dean, the imprisonment of a master worker, the punishment of a scholar, the madness of the biglink-up of Red Guards, the tragic fighting, the rampant evil, and the rampant ignorance, they all have the true original form. Therefore, they are vivid and flesh-and-blood, which makes people breathtaking and sigh deeply.

The book also gives a vivid description of how the wrestling between high-ranking power mans caused the struggle among the masses, thus controlling the movement's direction, and the ugly performances of some influential mans at that time. Thus it can be seen that "gods fight, mortals suffer".

At the end of the book, the author puts forward the question of how to frustrate Mao Zedong's appalling last words about "the cultural revolution will be carried out many times" through the mouth of the hero Liu Zhiyuan thirty years later cultural revolution. This shocking question , cannot drive off, and leave a deep thought.

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