| A divisive figure 一位备受争议的人物 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b4e0e980102e7xj.html (环球时报英文版对20121226毛泽东主席诞辰119周年纪念活动的一篇访文) 一位备受争议的人物 - 毛泽东诞辰119周年纪念 - 中文版 环球时报英文版专访司马南:如何看待毛泽东的错误? On Wednesday, a convention was held in Beijing in memory of Mao’s 119th birthday by the patriotic group Wuyouzhixiang. Sima Nan, a renowned Maoist scholar, hosted the convention which included the attendance of former government officials, army generals and other Maoist scholars, Hong Kong based newspaper Ming Pao reported on Wednesday. 周三爱国团体乌有之乡在北京举行了一场纪念毛泽东诞辰119周年的大会. 著名的毛派学者司马南主持会议, 与会者包括前政府官员,军队将领和其他毛派学者. 香港明报星期三报道. “In celebrating Chairman Mao’s birthday people are pursuing the ideal of social justice Mao represented,” Sima Nan told the Global Times on Thursday. “Our celebration showed our disapproval with the polarization within current society and our dissatisfaction caused by corruption.” “在庆祝毛主席诞辰中, 人们在追求毛泽东所代表的社会公正理想", 司马南周四对“环球时报”说, "我们的庆祝活动表达了对当前社会两极分化的反对, 以及对腐败的不满". Sima believes that Mao Zedong is China’s national hero and it was Mao who reshaped the Chinese spirit when China was both poor and defeated. His mistakes do not change the fact that he helped lay down the groundwork for China’s reform and opening up, Sima wrote in one of his essays. 司马先生认为, 毛泽东是中国的民族英雄,在中国贫穷又挨打的年代, 是毛泽东重塑了中国人的精神. 他虽有过错误, 但这不足以改变他为改革开放奠定基础的事实. 司马南在他的文章中如此强调. Despite the high spirits of the patriotic groups and people at grass-root level, the ceremonies are not held in esteem by many intellectuals who believe Mao was responsible for tragedies such as the Great Leap Forward (1958-60) and the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). 尽管爱国团体和草根阶层情绪激昂, 很多知识份子对这些活动却并不尊重, 他们认为毛对一些悲剧须负责, 比如大跃进(1958年至1960年)和“文革”(1966年-76). Mao Yushi, an 83-year-old economist who lived through the Cultural Revolution, wrote on his Sina Weibo that despite the fact Mao Zedong established People’s Republic of China, he failed to provide people with decent lives. 83岁的经济学家、经历文革的茅于轼在新浪微博上写道,尽管事实上毛泽东建立了中华人民共和国,但他没有给人们提供体面的生活。 Mao Yushi also called for the Great Helmsman to be viewed as just a man rather than an idol, and for official recognition of Mao’s mistakes. 茅于轼还呼吁把伟大的舵手视为普通人,而不是当偶像崇拜,并让官方正式承认毛泽东的错误。 “People make mistakes and so it is with Chairman Mao,” said Sima, who quoted a poem on his Weibo saying that “even if Qomolangma contracts by three inches, it is still the highest mountain in the world.” Qomolangma is known in the West as Mount Everest. “人们会犯错误,毛主席也一样,” 司马南引用他微博上的诗说,“珠峰即便退三尺,也为天下第一峰。” 珠穆朗玛峰在西方也称之为埃佛勒斯峰。 Supporters of Sima Nan and Mao Yushi vehemently debate Mao’s legacy online. 司马南和茅于轼的支持者在网络上激烈辩论毛泽东的生前身后事。 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 东方文明--阴阳平衡之谓道w The balance of two types of energy 民族文化传承之一 民族文化传承之二 本草纲目-中医精华--中华文明的一部分w 中国处于十字路口 China’s modernization hesitates at the crossroad Mailbox: 824693961@qq.com; easternculture88@gmail.com; |