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The Definition of Freedom/自由的定义 2012-06-13 23:25:16
The Definition of Freedom/自由的定义

不侵犯别人的同等权利的自由 -- 是适合全人类的自由.

Rightful liberty that doesn’t violate the equal rights of other people is a freedom for all people.

孔子曰 : 己所不欲,勿施于人 . 这是有自省能力的君子垂范于后世的立德之言 .如果多数人都能践行这一道德标准 , 则自由民主文明创新的社会风气与规范的法治秩序将得到长久的维持 . 这是数千年前的中华祖先即拥有的对自由文明社会的追求 .

Confucius said: What is hateful to thyself do not unto thy neighbour. This saying is still famous for so many generations since then, for Confucius indeed set a good example in certain aspects of morality for gentlemen to make deep self-reflection on words and deeds at ancient time.

If most people can practice this moral standard, then a free, democratic and civilized society with constant innovation and good enforcement of law and justice can be established, and to sustain for long time. This persistent pursuit of civilized society with freedom and prosperity started with Chinese ancestors since thousands of years ago.

然而, 实践证明要让精英阶层不过度背离这一道德标准是不容易的. 因而, 有朝代更迭, 治乱循环.

However, facts prove that it’s difficult to let the elite class observe these ethical standards. So there’s changing of dynasties one after another, and disorder of society often occurs after certain period of order and peace.

Maybe God has some mercy on mankind. Two hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson, a man famous for drafting the Declaration of Independence for the United States, also makes a breakthrough in the concept of freedom, giving it a classic definition, that is "rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add within the limits of the law, because law is often but the tyrants will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual".

或许是上帝垂怜人类 , 两百多年前起草了著名的美国独立宣言的杰弗逊给自由概念赋予了一个经典定义 , 即“ 正当的自由为,在其他人据相同权利划定之范围内,依我等之意愿畅行无碍。在此 , 我并未加述'合法范围内',因律法通常不过是专制独裁者之意图,而律法的确就是这样侵犯个人权利 , 这种相信人性之善而确认民主自由乃可行的高尚理念 , 进而努力推动民主法治以遏制永恒存在的专制独裁意图的人性之恶的务实精神 , 缔造了让美国一直引领世界潮流的民主创新机制 . 这个经典定义的伟大意义在于 , 它不但包含了古中华文明提倡的 己所不欲 , 勿施于人 的道德信条 , 更进一步从法律是统治阶级的工具这一本质属性出发 , 揭示了自由 , 法律与民主文明的矛盾统一规律 , 让觉悟水平在千年历史长河中逐步提高的人类更清楚地知道治乱循环的根本原因.

Such kind of firm belief in the positive and constructive aspect of human nature which may help establish a system of democracy and freedom, together with practical efforts to curb the eternal existence of evil aspect of human nature which may lead to dictatorship, has set down a good mechanism of democratic system innovation for the United States to keep going ahead among all nations.

Jefferson’s classic definition of freedom has great significance in that it not only contains the ancient Chinese morality as in Confucius’ saying “what people don’t want on themselves should not be imposed upon others”, but also reveals the contradictions between freedom, democracy and maintenance of order, just by simply reminding people that law is often just the tyrants tool. Therefore, people get a much clearer understanding of the fundamental cause of cycles of social disorder going after certain periods of prosperity in the thousands of years of history.

自由民主文明创新 , 这种朝气蓬勃的社会风气 , 是每一个时代的英明统治者都竭力追求的境界 . 自由的内涵 , 在不同的时代可能有些许微妙的差别 , 但宏扬自由民主文明创新这一举措本身所包含的积极向上的执着追求之精神 , 将被所有时代的人共同认可 .

To create a society of free, democratic, civilized development with constant innovation, is what the wise rulers always pursue for despite the differences at various eras. The concept of freedom may have subtle difference at different times, but the constructive efforts to firmly pursue a free, democratic and civilized development of society will be highly recognized and appraised by peoples of all eras.

因此 , 人们虽然对孔夫子数千年前的时代局限性而导致的封建礼教有不少意见 , 己所不欲 , 勿施于人 这一积极向上的传统道德观世世代代都得到宏扬与传承 .

Therefore, people may disagree with some of Confucius’ own deeds and words marked with characteristics of the feudal ethical code, which were limited by the historic conditions at ancient time, most people agree to Confucius’ moral values in his saying that “What is hateful to thyself do not unto thy neighbour“. So these traditional moral values have passed on for many generations till now and certainly will go on into the future.

青年是国家的未来和希望. 依靠人民武装力量在 20 世纪的乱世中脱颖而出的奇才毛泽东 , 一些言行虽然广受争议 , 但他鼓励青年上进的话语将是永恒经典 . 是的 , 世界是属于青年的 , 也属于老一辈 , 但归根结底是属于青年的 . 青年人如同早上初升的太阳 , 朝气蓬勃 , 奋发向上而有为 .

Young people are the future and hope of a nation. Mao Zedong, a legendary Chinese national hero who brilliantly stood out in the turbulent times of 20th century by excellently motivating the armed forces of the whole people, also gets controversial argument on his words and deeds. But he has some eternally-famous remarks which encourage young people to make progress. That is, the world belongs to the young generation, and the old as well, but in the final analysis it belongs to the young people. Young people are like the rising sun in the early morning, energetic, progressive and promising.

梁启超的 少年中国说 则更将流芳千古 , 因为 , 少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球 . 的确如此 , 少年崇尚民主自由 , 则国家必然兴旺于文明创新之中 .

The famous essay “Young China and Young people” by Mr LiangQiChao will certainly keep eternally glorious. For, it’s indeed the truth that national independence relies on the independence of young people, the freedom of the nation relies on the freedom of young people, the progress of the country relies on the progress of youths, and the strength of the whole Greater China relies on the strength of the whole generation of the young Chinese people. So long as the young generation keeps persistent aspiration for freedom and democracy, the whole nation will certainly keep prosperous development of civilization and innovation.

长江后浪推前浪 , 历史潮流永向前 . 试看未来九州 , 必是三民主义自由精神畅行无碍的国土!

The waves in the Yangtze River move forward by one pushing forward another, the tide of history goes forward and never retreats. Take a look at the future of China, there’s certainly a democratic and civilized land as described by Three Principles of the People!

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