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阴阳平衡之谓道 - The balance of two types of energy - Yin and Yang  
沟通是思想交流的通道 2012-06-13 23:26:57


Communication is exchange of different opinions


For some document translation in specific fields, such as operating instructions of special equipment or software,or otherhighly-technical or professional documents, evaluation should be done according to the overall project.


Here is the reason. Because forcommon document translation, the translated products by common translators may not differ much. But for the special technical documents, they require attentive andenergetic minds to specially focus on research of it for quite some time, before the whole spirit of document is mastered by the translator. After this process of grasping the spirit, then the produced translation work should keephigh degree of consistency with the soul of the original idea.


To do any mental work well requires peopleto put heart and soul into the work. If you have certain sensitivity tolanguage, you should feel that, the language in this text of description itself is full of reason and passion. Similarly, for the translation product you need -- which is a productby deep processing of human's mental thinking, we will putequalreason and passion into it,to keephigh consistency with the soul of the original idea.

从相对静止的角度看,每一个事物都有着它自身的属性与特点,对这些属性与特点从人类思维的角度去分析,并用文字表述出来,即是创作,而翻译则是用不同的语言表达人类思维,因此翻译的作品有些时候会带有译者的个性. 从绝对运动的哲学角度看,世间万事万物都处于不断的运动变化之中,因此不同的人在不同的时间对同一个事物的认识可能会有些许差异.在出现异议时相关各方当及时交流,避免轻易就给中评或差评,以务实积极的态度解决好问题,应当是合作各方共同遵守的原则. 买家作为委托方在正式确认进行翻译合作的时候,即表示愿意遵守此项积极务实的合作原则.

To view from the relatively static point ofstanding, everything in the world has its own attributes and characteristics. To grasp these properties and characteristicsfromhuman thinking perspective, and thenrepresent it in language expression -- this is the process of creation. Translation is to use a different language to express the original idea, sometimes the translation work may have some particular features attached with the translator's personality.

To view from the perspective of the philosophy of absolute motion, everything in theworldisin constant motion and change, so people at different times may have differentunderstanding even on the same one thing. In the event of some minor deviation of opinions, it's suggested that timely exchange of opinions be made by the relevant parties instead ofanxiously giving the conclusion of medium-or-poor rating. This principle of keepingpositive and pragmatic attitude to move forward, should be a common principle observed by all the parties in the cooperation.

The buyer, as the principal, clearly recognizes the above terms, and at the time of confirming the project of translation, accepts these principles aiming for moving forward positive and pragmatic cooperation.




Other principles:

1) All information provided by the Principal will be kept confidential.

2) The trustee as the translation provider, should make all efforts to make the original idea be expressed efficiently in the translated work with similar power of language and conciseness of thought (if not to exceed).


For some special project of translation, the principal may be asked to confirm the style of language expression and the patterns of words organization being used for representation of the thoughts conveyed by the original author, by confirming part of the paragraphs, which will be chosen by our professionals from the original work, as a way of confirming sample translation, before the whole project of translation is processed.

上述内容本身只是对沟通的一些粗浅见解, 有待于实践中进一步提高. 如有不同意见, 欢迎交流.
The above content is only part of opinions on communication, and should be further improved in practice. If there's any different opinion, welcome to further communication.

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The balance of two types of energy






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