| 食品卫生领域里的一位英雄不幸病逝
这则消息对于大多数人不算个什么了不起的新闻,因为这世界上每天病故的人数很多,但对于我来说确实是个天大的噩耗。今天一天我沉浸在悲痛中,我想用这篇文章来纪念他,纪念这位英雄,因为他在这个领域里的杰出贡献让无数个食源性疾病爆发的病因水落石出,切断传染源,避免了我们身边无数个人的疾病的发生,甚至避免了很多不必要的死亡,他是一位不折不扣的英雄。可是他,一位杰出的科学家,一位在食品卫生领域里的福尔摩斯,最终却因胰腺炎及其并发症夺去了他那宝贵生命,他于12月1日下午离开了这个世界,终年56岁。 他,就是享誉全美国并就职于Oregon州的高级流行病学家William (Bill) Kneene 博士。
在度完四天的长周末后,我早上兴匆匆地去上班,打开邮箱,看到一位从Oregon州的同行发给我的一则Email,题目是Very difficult news, 打开一看,我不敢相信我的眼睛,Dr. Bill Kneene去世了?什么?死于胰腺炎?!我不敢相信这是真的,读了又读,虽然我不在那个州工作,但是以前和这些同事合作过一些跨州的食源性疾病爆发的调查,还有每年的年会和地区会议我们都能见面并聊天,在我的心目中,Bill是一位集智慧,勤奋,认真,耿直,幽默于一身的天才科学家,是我从心底里佩服的模范榜样,他怎么会突然就走了呢?可是,这则消息千真万确啊。
Bill毕业于耶鲁大学取得本科学位,后来分别在John Hopkins和U C Berkeley取得了公共卫生学硕士和微生物学的博士学位,过去的二十多年一直就职于俄罗岗州,俄州和明州在食源性疾病爆发调查一直是全美国的模范州,俄州就是因为有Bill在,有他率领的高素质的队伍在使得俄州名列前茅。
几年前,有幸和Bill一起合作调查一个跨西部几个州的食源性沙门氏肠炎的爆发,和他在一起工作,学到了很多东西,不仅是方法上,更重要的是学到了那种忘我的一种精神,也许你会说我有些夸张,但不是的,他曾经对我说,如果需要他的指导,他是24/7available。他不是说说的,有一次我真得遇到了疑难问题,周末晚上九点多给他发Email谈了我的thought process and my next plan,不久就收到了他的回复。他不仅对他的手下是这样如此关照,对我们这些不在一起天天工作的同行也一样辛勤付出,他还经常代表美国去别的国家参加一些复杂的调查工作,他的业务能力无人怀疑。可他对工作的热爱不是像那种工作起来不要命的人,他把对这份工作的热情溶于他的生活中,比如他自己创办了一个“食物中毒博物馆”,这个博物馆就设立在他的办公室一隅,有实样也有图片也有纪念品,从全国各地收集与食物中毒有关的物品。那次和他合作的那个调查结束后应他的要求我自己花了20美刀买了个纪念品寄到他的“博物馆”中作为收藏之一,按照他的话说,看到这些纪念物品,他就能想起相关的疾病爆发调查,不用再去翻档案了。他的车牌号码也很特殊,是O157:H7,这是引起食物中毒最常见的病菌之一致病性大肠杆菌。和他Email交流还有一个最大的benefit,尤其对我这样的non-native English speaker, 学到很多自己vocabulary 里没有的词汇和短语,在地区的年会上,他总是能找到一些“古董”黑白而又有观赏价值的老电影作为一个例行活动深受与会者的好评,听他演讲从不枯燥,因为他有很多笑话幽默参在其中。。。
今天我用这篇文章来纪念我尊敬的师长,Bill, 天堂里有了你,一定不会有食物中毒了!因为那些病菌见了你会躲得远远的!
安息吧, Dr. Keene, 我们的英雄!!!
What is foodborne illness (disease, infection)? (Source: CDC)Foodborne illness (sometimes called "foodborne disease," "foodborne infection," or "food poisoning) is a common, costly—yet preventable—public health problem. Each year, 1 in 6 Americans gets sick by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. Many different disease-causing microbes, or pathogens, can contaminate foods, so there are many different foodborne infections. In addition, poisonous chemicals, or other harmful substances can cause foodborne diseases if they are present in food.
- More than 250 different foodborne diseases have been described. Most of these diseases are infections, caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be foodborne.
- Other diseases are poisonings, caused by harmful toxins or chemicals that have contaminated the food, for example, poisonous mushrooms.
- These different diseases have many different symptoms, so there is no one "syndrome" that is foodborne illness. However, the microbe or toxin enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract, and often causes the first symptoms there, so nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea are common symptoms in many foodborne diseases.
Many microbes can spread in more than one way, so we cannot always know that a disease is foodborne. The distinction matters, because public health authorities need to know how a particular disease is spreading to take the appropriate steps to stop it.
- For example, Escherichia coliO157:H7 infections can spread through contaminated food, contaminated drinking water, contaminated swimming water, and from toddler to toddler at a day care center. Depending on which means of spread caused a case, the measures to stop other cases from occurring could range from removing contaminated food from stores, chlorinating a swimming pool, or closing a child day care center.