| 这个周末的《纽约时报》一个专栏登了一篇关于美国当今高中大学校园流行“一夜情”的文章,题为\"The Demise of Dating\" 大意就是正儿八经的谈恋爱已经过时了,现在的青少年流行\"Hook-up\".作者为Hook-up下的定义就是\"a casual sexual encounter with no expectation of future emotional commitment\",就是和认识的朋友同学的一夜情.
这又让我想起了我又看过的一本书(唉,again,我就是爱看这些乱七八糟的书,尤其我是1.已婚,2.没孩子),叫\"Sex and the Soul: Juggling Sexuality, Spirituality, Romance, and Religion on America\'s College Campuses \".中文要是翻译就是\"性与灵魂:美国校园中性欲,信仰,浪漫,与宗教的平衡\"(翻译的不好,欢迎砸砖)。作者Donna Freitas是波士顿大学的宗教学教授。她的博客地址:http://www.donnafreitas.blogspot.com/ 可能是因为她是大学教授的缘故吧,这本书的结构就象研究生的毕业论文一样,非常正规,长长的Reference list就不用说了,还列出了她的research method, statistical finding等等。读起来挺有意思 - 时时回忆起当年写论文的艰辛。为人父母的不妨读一读,尤其是孩子已经是青少年了,至少可以与孩子有一些共同语言。预先警告:读完了之后会很担心的。唉,可怜天下父母心啊!
From Publishers Weekly Boston University professor Freitas (also an occasional contributor to PW) explores college students\' spiritual and sexual lives in this fascinating, disturbing book. With the exception of evangelical collegians, who are still gunning for marriage and trying to remain chaste until then, almost all of the young people Freitas interviewed were engaged in hookup culture, often exploring their sexuality with near strangers in the hopes of eventually finding someone to date. And with the exception of evangelical students, who allow their religious views to permeate all life choices, including sexual boundaries, most college students don\'t see much connection between their sexual behavior—which, in candid interviews, they often regret—and their spirituality, which is important to them. Freitas\'s tone is engaging and her writing persuasive. Of particular interest is her gender analysis of evangelical purity concepts, which expect young women to be chaste but passive as they wait for Prince Charming. Even more disturbing, the theme parties prevalent in hypersexualized hookup culture (in which young women may dress up as whores, maids or schoolgirls while their male counterparts are powerful CEOs, millionaires or professors) also place all the power in the hands of men. Freitas\'s work chronicles a poignant spiritual loss that students themselves articulate and mourn. (Apr.) |