《太阳报》27日的报道是:“NO WAY OUT China BLOCKS UK from airlifting hundreds of Brits trapped in coronavirus-plagued Wuhan” 报道中说: HUNDREDS of Brits are stranded at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak after China blocked attempts to airlift them home. Officials have told all countries its lockdown in Wuhan, where the coronavirus was first reported, will not be lifted for repatriation flights, a Foreign Office source revealed. And yesterday worried Brits in the city of Wuhan — the source of the deadly illness — said they had been left without any information. The Foreign Office has been criticised for its response to the crisis as it emerged the British embassy in Wuhan was closed over the weekend. The city is under quarantine with air and rail departures suspended and roads closed. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab had been in tense negotiations with the Chinese government to send a rescue plane for expats. A source close to Mr Raab said: “These discussions are very complex. Hopefully an agreement will be reached soon. “We are keen to get this done as soon as possible, but a number of things need to happen on the Chinese side before we can make any firm promises. “Their position is understandable but we have been very clear that time is of the essence.”
这报道的前半部分说的是当时的情况:因为封城令,中国不允许外国派遣撤侨飞机。 但该文并没有到此结束。而是紧接着报道中英双方正在谈判,还没有结果: 外交大臣多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)一直在与中国政府进行紧张的谈判,以派遣一架救援飞机前往。
接近拉布先生的消息人士说:“这些讨论非常复杂。希望很快能达成协议。 “我们渴望尽快完成这项工作,但是中方还需要做很多事才能给确切口信。 “他们的处境可以理解,但是我们已经清楚表明抓紧时间至关重要。” 《太阳报》既报道了禁令尚未解除英方人员不得离开的状态。也报道了谈判仍在进行的事实。任何人读完这些就会清楚,救援英国人的请求并没有遭到中方否决。而是还在谈判中。 可见,《太阳报》报道全面完整,符合事实。哪里有“造谣”?
真正造谣的是中方。中方别有用心,故意只提供前半部分报道,不提还有后半部分。 不看《太阳报》原文而只看中国驻英国大使馆说法的人就会以为是《太阳报》光讲中方“不允许”,没提两方还在谈。这样一来,《太阳报》就“造谣”了。 我们都知道,“最恶谎言就是只给出部分事实”。中国驻英国大使馆就用这手法先造谣,然后栽给别人,然后煞有介事“辟谣”。手段堪称狡猾老辣,卑鄙无耻。