Gov-funded R&D Center Boosts Taiwan as One of Four Little Dragons
Frank Li Jan. 23, 2013 in Waterloo, Canada
Key Points
Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) is a Gov-found when Chiang Ching-kuo was in power in 1973 and later self sustained non-profit R&D institution headquartered in Taiwan, with the branches in Tokyo, Berlin, Moscow, Eindhoven and California Silicon Valley. Currently there are 5,777 members with background of 1,392 PhDs and 3,126 Masters.
Its practice is new tech R & D and business incubator by spinning off the matured research achievements with related researchers together as independent enterprises, and to have created more than 228 start-ups and spin-offs with over 140 CEOs in the local high-tech industry, among them many are world-renowned high-tech companies, such as TSMC and UMC. Now, it holds more than 19,890 patents.
The Gov-found non-profit model in enterprise management with no shareholders can ensure the R&Ds future oriented by avoiding the pursuit of short-term profits, and the earnings can be used for new R & D investments rather than to be distributed to the individual hands.
The ITRI has been the essential innovative force and think-tank with openLaboratory to provide full serve for small and medium sized enterprises and drive Taiwan developing as one of The Four Little Dragons.
Now, China and the United States is eagerly replicating the model in a large number of.
I hope that Canada should also establish similar R & D institutes of cities, provinces and national to provide full service both in management and technology with full cover of all busineees and to conduct R & D on cutting-edge huge market potential projects that individual enterprise cannot afford to continuously spin off more and more internationally competitive enterprises.
Today's economic achievement in Taiwan should be grateful to the humanized dictator of Chiang Ching-kuo. After inhuman democracy, the economy in Taiwan has been stagnated in ruining due to partisan players as mad dogs fought for power wthout human brain cells for doing humanized business.
Taiwan must turn to be humanized governance by humanized people by the tech-professionals in Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), universities and outstanding entreprenurs to naturally form non-partisan civil legislature, to dump garbage partisan play into garbage bins.
2012年6月9日,以《台湾在踏步》为名转载今日新闻网的文章《三条战线同决战 马英九发威》,文章说: “20年来,台湾政治的最大麻烦就是:进程缓慢。每一个重大工程、重大决策、重大立法,都可以在政治对抗过程逡巡拖延,5年、10年不算什么,像是证所税、油电价问题,一拖20年以上,司空见贯。" "20年,一个新生儿大学都快毕业,都可以服役、投票了,时空转变有多大?结果,争议还是争议,卡住就是卡住,20年前热腾腾,有前瞻性的案子,也都走味了。事缓则圆,对。但台湾不是,事一直缓,但都没有圆的时候。大家争来争去,卡来卡去,算来算去,都是政权,最后,选举有输赢,但台湾只有输,没有赢。” “工程慢、决策慢、立法慢,国家步伐就慢。越来越慢。慢到这几年近乎停滞。我们到底要把怎么样的台湾愿景交给下一代?太难了。因为下一代都长大了。这属于70、80后的一代人如果就是在这种缓慢、混乱的氛围里长大,这一代人,一整代人,就会以为这个国家的本质就是如此,进程就是如此。他们会习惯。他们不知道台湾曾经生机勃勃,日子苦虽苦,但大家唱“明天会更好”唱得很踏实,因为明天总是更好。”
在我看来,马克思的共产主义思想没有错,卢梭和孟德斯鸠的自由和民主的主张也没有错;都是出于好意,出于人性的初衷,因而都高尚无比的。然而,他们又都犯了错,那就是忽视了人类的动物本性,每个人都是自私自利的,某些人甚至没有人性,只有兽性。 如果忽视了人类的这种本性,任何高尚的社会治理的设想,都注定失败。而自由民主的文明社会盲目推崇的自由,恰恰是在支持没有人性的人危害守法勤劳的好人。 既然,西方的非人性东西如此糟糕,许多国人还在鹦鹉学舌,推崇自由和民主,某些所谓的国内智库里的库人也在鼓吹民主。 都是智障啊。愚已甚亦。 搜集有关徐教授的资料,您会发现,他的依据,都是西方的某某如何说,不理解这些说法都是来自黑暗世纪的非人类文明。中国的文明社会,根本没有产生这些垃圾的土壤。 徐教授只想玩西方东西,不看西方的过去和现实,不计在中国推广这些垃圾的后果。 愚甚,哀甚......
再看看西方的社会精英如何评论西方和中国。 Maybe, due to the unbearable torture of seeing increasingly people are sacrificing to the novel coronavirus simply due to the ignorant social governance; in Apr. 12, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist, Dr. Adrian Wooldridge jointly published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West to despaired sigh: “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.” "Since Hobbes’s time, the world has come full circle. When he wrote “Leviathan,” China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence. China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s biggest city (Beijing had more than a million inhabitants), the world’s mightiest navy and the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.” "Indeed, it was the struggle for mastery in Europe that propelled Western government forward: Europe’s monarchies seized on technological innovations — particularly new ships and weapons — to improve their chances of survival. When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.” "The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul? Asia is catching up with the West, and in some smaller countries has overtaken it, in large part because Confucian Asia in particular has taken government seriously over the past few decades while the West has allowed it to ossify.” Clearly, the two outstanding media professionals angrily pronounced that the civilization of the West is inhuman play of struggle for mastery by blowing one another out of the water. While the self proud of electoral democracy is not acted as that of the "rule of the people" or the "rule of the majority" at all, but it is the typical dictatorship of the inhuman low quality individuals in clown show without sense that how to create a peaceful life for their people; instead made people, themselves and their families of all lost feeling of safety. |