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註冊日期: 2023-07-31
訪問總量: 2,112,177 次
· 3-12/17/2024 今天請看第10,11
· 3-08/17discus on ideas on figh
· 5-9/08 時間先生的覺醒從今天開
· 6-9/4Moved by the Objective &a
· 7-8/15 Letter to Harry Tian Ga
· 10/17中國腦控製造邪惡能量破壞
· 10-12/21/24時間腦控迫害孫廣成
· 更新中 揭曉中國習近平國家主席
· 整理中 馬雲波是中國習近平極端
· 整理中習近平罪惡電磁波控腦時代
· 2022年4月-8月習近平腦控武器侵
· 更新 2023年2月以前我們被中共習
· 人類不敢面對和反省反抗性幻想惡
· 哈佛效應下篇—— 有道德感的
· 哈佛效應上篇下篇--哈佛符號象徵
· 哈佛效應上篇-- 哈佛符號象徵觸
· 隨時更新 我康若茜作為中國腦控
· 3-12/17/2024 今天請看第10,11
· 3-08/17discus on ideas on figh
· 5-9/08 時間先生的覺醒從今天開
· 6-9/4Moved by the Objective &a
· 7-8/15 Letter to Harry Tian Ga
· 10/17中國腦控製造邪惡能量破壞
· 10-12/21/24時間腦控迫害孫廣成
· 11-12/14/24當我看穿時間腦波妖
· 我的揭露報告出版簡介.英文.腦控
· 13精品 我的揭露報告出版簡介.英
05/01/2024 - 05/31/2024
04/01/2024 - 04/30/2024
03/01/2024 - 03/31/2024
02/01/2024 - 02/29/2024
01/01/2024 - 01/31/2024
12/01/2023 - 12/31/2023
11/01/2023 - 11/30/2023
10/01/2023 - 10/31/2023
09/01/2023 - 09/30/2023
08/01/2023 - 08/31/2023
07/01/2023 - 07/31/2023
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The book I am about to publish is not a fictional novel, but a recollection and report of a real experience that is happening now. It is an objective report on the real news event that is currently happening from the air attack on the American public by AI electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons headed by Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping. As a victim and a survivor, it has been 35 years since I was attacked by the Chinese Communist Party’s AI brain-controlled weapons electromagnetic wave air strikes. In the past three years, they have intensified their use of intracranial sound amplification brain-controlled criminal technology against me. Torture in the brain consciousness, they use brain control attacks and persecutions on target groups of victims as a model, aiming to control and persecute the entire human brain system. This is the horrific feature of the extreme terrorist crimes carried out by President Xi Jinping of China. one. They continue to use AI brain-controlled weapons 24 hours a day to spread the destructive ideas and unsurvivable logic they create through electromagnetic waves, secretly forcing the public to accept it.

  35 years ago, when I was a high school English teacher at Jinan No. 3 Middle School, I was secretly targeted by Song Yixuan, a colleague who worked in an office, and became the subject of a neurological experiment in her father Song Ji’s unit. At that time, my colleague was also the victim when I was less than two years old. My son Zhao Tianzhe and my then husband Zhao Jian. Song Yixuan, her father Song Ji, and her brother Song Zhijian were all involved in this extremely horrific and cruel neurological crime. Her father, Song Ji, was one of the persons in charge of electromagnetic wave brain control of the Communist Party of China at the time. He was working in the Organization Department of the Shandong Provincial Committee, but was about to become a professional. Around 1991, Xi Jinping, who served as a local official in China, saw our mother and child brain control data in the Song Yixuan Brain Control Company through the brain data database, and once again deprived us of our mother and child model brain data, and secretly carried out multiple brain control hostage tortures. In 2015, when I returned to China to visit my parents after graduating from graduate school in the United States, I was once again subjected to more severe persecution by the subconscious brain nervous system. Jack Ma, the president of China’s Ant Group, and President Xi Jinping colluded with each other to premeditate psychological attacks on me, a family of brain-controlled hostages. A plan to eliminate hostages with brain-controlled weapons that uses brain nerve energy to maliciously cause death. In February 2023, Jack Ma, Song Yixuan and Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist criminal gang jointly created the appalling AI computer brain-controlled voice transmission technology and electromagnetic wave multiple terrorist attacks and persecution against me. Through the AI brain system, they forcibly stole the information I studied. Decades of cranial nerve resources and the mature all-round and multi-angle theoretical system concerning the relationship between the nature of human cranial nerves and the material natural world and their applications are being considered, involving the theoretical system of the new evolutionary theory of mindfulness.

    I was secretly targeted by Song Yixuan, a colleague who worked in an office, and became the subject of a neurological experiment in her father Song Ji’s unit. At that time, my colleague was also the victim when I was less than two years old. My son Zhao Tianzhe and my then husband Zhao Jian. Song Yixuan, her father Song Ji, and her brother Song Zhijian were all involved in this extremely horrific and cruel neurological crime. Her father, Song Ji, was one of the persons in charge of electromagnetic wave brain control of the Communist Party of China at the time. He was working in the Organization Department of the Shandong Provincial Committee, but was about to become a professional. Around 1991, Xi Jinping, who served as a local official in China, saw our mother and child brain control data in the Song Yixuan Brain Control Company through the brain data database, and once again deprived us of our mother and child model brain data, and secretly carried out multiple brain control hostage tortures. In 2015, when I returned to China to visit my parents after graduating from graduate school in the United States, I was once again subjected to more severe persecution by the subconscious brain nervous system. Jack Ma, the president of China’s Ant Group, and President Xi Jinping colluded with each other to premeditate psychological attacks on me, a family of brain-controlled hostages. A plan to eliminate hostages with brain-controlled weapons that uses brain nerve energy to maliciously cause death. In February 2023, Jack Ma, Song Yixuan and Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist criminal gang jointly created the appalling AI computer brain-controlled voice transmission technology and electromagnetic wave multiple terrorist attacks and persecution against me. Through the AI brain system, they forcibly stole the information I studied. Decades of cranial nerve resources and the mature all-round and multi-angle theoretical system concerning the relationship between the nature of human cranial nerves and the material natural world and their applications are being considered, involving the theoretical system of the new evolutionary theory of mindfulness.

The purpose of my book is to provide an urgent report to the President of the United States Government, to the officials of the United States Government, and to the people of the United States and its people around the world. Reports on China's international extreme terrorist brain neurocrime activities occurring around the world, and reports that U.S. government officials and the President of the United States have been air-strike and controlled by China's dark brain-controlled weapons. This crime has lasted for decades and has become increasingly serious in the past five years. , posing an unprecedented threat to the brains and intelligence of people all over the world. This is a terrorist crime method personally created by Xi Jinping, the top leader of the Communist Party of China, and a content of inhuman destruction of human beings. It is anti-human in nature.

The purpose of my book is to provide an urgent report to the President of the United States Government, to the officials of the United States Government, and to the people of the United States and its people around the world. Reports on China's international extreme terrorist brain neurocrime activities occurring around the world, and reports that U.S. government officials and the President of the United States have been air-strike and controlled by China's dark brain-controlled weapons. This crime has lasted for decades and has become increasingly serious in the past five years. , posing an unprecedented threat to the brains and intelligence of people all over the world. This is a terrorist crime method personally created by Xi Jinping, the top leader of the Communist Party of China, and a content of inhuman destruction of human beings. It is anti-human in nature.


This air attack on the human brain constitutes an infringement and damage to everyone's brain, nervous system and body system. They use non-human and anti-human means to obtain the brain energy required for the supreme power of the Chinese state power, turning people around the world into their docile spiritual slaves, and depriving people of the world of their spiritual and material wealth.For example, they associate the words contained in the Chinese and English names of each of us humans as vulnerable resources with sensitive brain nerves, mistakenly activate and load and stimulate evil brain nerve energy, and force the human public to produce wrong thoughts against their will. Brain energy, they force these erroneous brain energy through electromagnetic waves and AI machines to force conflict interactions and wrong entanglements between people according to evil goals. This actually turns us all into brain nerves. Collective brain neuroterrorism abuse experimental base.

That is to say, in order to achieve their anti-human goals, for their selfish desires and hegemony of the world, they are using our whole human brain nerves as materials for AI brain nerve electromagnetic wave air strike experiments, using AI machines to create different evil ideas, and attack the public brains. Nerve energy carries out different malignant stimulations in the wrong direction that cannot survive, creating different brain nerve energy for processing and utilization of various evil modes. The essence of their evil goal is to destroy the normal working system of our human brain nervous system, destroy the data of our human brain nerve energy, form wrong brain nerve connections, generate corresponding brain nerve energy that is not conducive to survival, and interpret the Chinese Xi Jinping government and the artificial false material world required by individual state power. This world is essentially an unsurvivable world that destroys mankind.


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