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幫助 退出
註冊日期: 2009-07-13
訪問總量: 361,782 次
· 海上雲
· 大鳥 小鳥
· 中國菜單上了美國“讀者文摘”!
· 靜與淨
· 拍與被拍
· 雲紗 霧幔 雨濛濛
· 漫步溫哥華
· Rondo:Rondo的博客
· love陽光:陽光的博客
· 大鳥 小鳥
· 人在旅途
· 高山.流水 ( Yosemite NP )
· 海寶
· 傻瓜機下的阿拉斯加
· 優勝美地小全幅
· 茶鄉 茶舞
· 加州 玻底加灣 Bodega Bay (下)
· 加州 玻底加灣 Bodega Bay (上)
· 溶洞“裸照”
· 桃之夭夭
· 後院桃李花齊開
· 花蕊
· 黃色的秋天
· 另一個王國
· 錯覺
· 如畫蘇州
· 困 獸
· 羊駝 (Alpaca)
· 我和我的祖國
· 口哨:枉凝眉 別亦難
· 棋子 by 王菲
· 流星 by 王菲
· 保管 by 阿桑
· 韓晶:沒有你的日子我真的很孤單
· 魏佳藝:女人如煙
· 于魁智: 中國戲曲
· 周傳雄:靈藥
· 王菲:流年
· 寬恕 --- 王菲
· 文革小提琴齊奏:草原上的紅衛兵
· 不平靜的海洋
· 荷花頌
· 大提琴獨奏:纏綿往事 --- 傑奎
· 尼羅河畔的歌聲
· 火車向着韶山跑 ( 兒歌 )
· 卡沙沙
· 微山湖 by 童麗 廖寰
· 為咱親人補軍裝
· 大紅棗兒甜又香
· 尋找(蘇聯歌曲)
· 歌如潮 花如海
· 向陽花
· 重逢
· 永恆 --- 韓磊/紫薇
· 幻覺 --- 陳坤
· “大丫鬟” 片頭曲: 塵緣
· 捍衛生命 --- 沙寶亮
· 月亮可以代表我的心 --- 楊坤
· 雲不知道雨知道
· 傷心城市 by 雲菲菲
· 一滴淚 by 任東霖/朱樺
· 新年快樂 by 水木年華
· 落葉飄零 by 魏佳藝
· 一朵鮮花鮮又鮮 by 劉歡/宋祖英
· 在路上 by 劉歡
· 愛之無奈 by 劉歡
· 情怨
· Mona Lisa --- Acker Bilk
· 爵士黑管:河岸上的陌生人 Stran
· 爵士樂: Body Language
· 爵士樂欣賞: Ever Up & Onwa
· 你裝作不知道 --- 鄧麗君
· 夕陽問我你在哪裡 --- 鄧麗君
· 心事 --- 鄧麗君
· 假如 --- 鄧麗君
· 把春天留在心中 by 鄧麗君
· 我是你的知音 by 鄧麗君
· 北國の春 by 鄧麗君
· 愛我像花兒一樣 by 鄧麗君
· 每一次 by 張宏聲
· 一見鍾情 by 藍心湄
· 光陰的故事 by 黑鴨子
· 酒紅色的心 by 玉置浩二
· 紅花襟上插 by 蔡幸娟
· 多年以後 by 姜育恆
· 天竺少女
· Headlock --- Imogen Heap
· Love you more than I can say
· 【聖誕歌會】C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S
· 乘車票
· 苦樂參半的信念
· 編織記憶
· 心靈深處
· One Step At A Time( 一步一個腳
· 靜與淨
· 稀客
· 綠世界
· 五月榴花照眼明
· 色彩繽紛的海底世界
· 鴨趣
· 蘭花秀
· 送一曲京戲給父親:借東風 ---
· 《大唐貴妃》選段:蝶戀 --- 李
· 《大唐貴妃》選段:長生殿前七月
· 釵頭鳳 by 于魁智 李勝素
· 經典名段:二進宮
· 月下獨酌 by 于魁智
· 電音伴奏:智斗 by 李維康 耿其
· 京劇名段欣賞:鎖麟囊
· 海上雲
· 拍與被拍
· 雲紗 霧幔 雨濛濛
· 漫步溫哥華
· 剪影
· 靛藍的湖 (Crater lake NP)
· 碧綠的河水(Yukon River,Canada
· 野花和野果
· 偷拍小女孩
· 加州 雷丁日晷橋( Sundial Brid
· 中國菜單上了美國“讀者文摘”!
· 俗話說..., 俗話又說... ( ZT )
· Keys? Kiss? (zt)
· 絕配 (笑話三則)zt
· 怎樣用四句話來概括四大名著 zt
· “茶花女”飲酒歌
· 二胡演奏巴赫a小調協奏曲 by 女
· 月下老人祠的簽詞 --- 作者: 金
· 讀書苦樂 --- 作者:楊絳
· 風 --- 作者:楊絳
· 生命的列車 (ZT)
· 窗簾 --- 作者:楊絳
· “定點跳傘”的小木鴨 (視頻)
· 武警文工團大合唱:菊花台 (視
· 網友惡搞:樓市春晚(視頻)
· 視頻:常見病防治療耳穴保健按摩
· 滑稽錄像
· 你知道什麼是“糾客”嗎?
· 攝影作品欣賞 二(zt )
· Cutie Kitty (zt)
· 難得一見的瞬間 (ZT)
· 鏡頭下的精彩 (ZT)
· 攝影作品欣賞 一(zt)
· 網絡用語掃盲 zt
· 全套清院十二月令圖軸
· 創意象形文字 zt
· 瀟瀟針下
· what is a put/call?
· 幾種鹽美容方法 (ZT)
· 《朱子家訓》 明·朱用純 著
· 攝影雜談 作者:金庸
· 味精vs雞精 (zt)
· 10種人們不常吃的健康食物
· 心想事成
· 《華爾街瘋人日記》連載六十一至
· 《華爾街瘋人日記》連載四十一至
· 《華爾街瘋人日記》連載二十一至
· 《華爾街瘋人日記》連載一至二十
· 巧治關節炎 [食療] zt
· 新史記:山姆本紀 作者:八聲甘
· 輸液:滴滴是血,點點是淚 作
· 魯迅終於“滾蛋”了。(ZT)
· 12個攝影發燒友必知的常識(zt)
07/01/2010 - 07/31/2010
06/01/2010 - 06/30/2010
05/01/2010 - 05/31/2010
04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010
03/01/2010 - 03/31/2010
02/01/2010 - 02/28/2010
01/01/2010 - 01/31/2010
12/01/2009 - 12/31/2009
11/01/2009 - 11/30/2009
10/01/2009 - 10/31/2009
09/01/2009 - 09/30/2009
08/01/2009 - 08/31/2009
07/01/2009 - 07/31/2009
用戶名: 密碼: 您還不是博客/論壇用戶?現在就註冊!

六十一、The Jedi mind trick  絕地武士
I only wrote for a year and a half but the process was part of my daily routine. No matter the mood, regardless of circumstance and without interruption, I shared my thoughts each day on TheStreet.com.
    Some days were easier than others, but there was steady consistency. Every move I made and every shift in my outlook was communicated with the world.
    My photo remained on the website above the words 'Todd Harrison's Trading Diary' for weeks after my resignation. It bothered me but I had bigger fish to fry in the form of a bleeding portfolio that suddenly gave back the better part of our year.  我不再發表專欄文章後的數星期,我的照片依然掛在網站上“托德.哈里森交易日記”的標題上面。這讓我感到不快,但自己有更緊急的事要處理,組合還在虧損,侵蝕着我們在好年景時攢下來的利潤。
    I missed writing but there was plenty to keep me occupied. White powder found in a post office, fresh threats of imminent attacks, those damn planes shaking our office every 15 minutes. It was a surreal sequence of events during a dark time for the world.
    My inbox filled with e-mails from concerned readers. I had an unwritten rule that if someone took the time to write, I would give the courtesy of an answer. As it turned out, that was my only connection to the audience, a microcosm of the subscribers that read me daily. I was silenced without so much as an opportunity to say good-bye.
我的郵箱裡滿是關心我的讀者發來的電子郵件。我對自己有個不成文的要求,既然有人花時間給我寫信,我就應該出於禮貌給他們回信。結果,這成了我與讀者之間唯一的溝通方式,有那麼一小撮人,每天能讀到我寫的東西。TheStreet.com給我下的封口令如此徹底, 以至於自己都沒機會跟讀者說再見。
    My readers forwarded me exchanges they had with TheStreet.com, where the editors assured them I was on sabbatical and would soon return.
    After digesting my earlier discussions, I understood why they did what they did. They made decisions they believed to be in the best interest of their company. It's not what I would have done but it wasn't my business and I normally wouldn't get involved.
    But this was different -- these were my readers and I viewed what TheStreet.com did as ethically unacceptable and morally askew. I didn't want to be associated with their brand.
    Not with regard to my name and not when it came to my word.

六十二、True colors  知人知面不知心
 I called Dave Morrow to vent my frustration and found a new attitude on the other end of the line. 'You just need some time to relax,' he told me, 'take that time and come back when you're ready.'
    'I told you Dave, I don't work with people I don't trust.' I left it at that, despite the nagging realization that my readers were getting the short end of the stick. “我告訴你戴夫,我從不跟自己不信任的人共事。”我留下這句話就掛斷電話,但心裡總有些不安,畢竟讀者才是這場爭鬥的受害者。
    Jim was still a central player in our fund, which continued to struggle in the wake of 9/11. Not once during this period did he and I connect. We were still up for the year but the slow, steady grind of the fourth quarter took its toll, both on the fund and its stewards.
    I didn't discuss TheStreet.com with my partners. They, like I, had more pressing responsibilities. I tried to let the situation settle despite my growing unease with the way it was being handled. 我沒跟合伙人討論TheStreet.com的事。他們和我一樣,都有更緊急的職責要履行。我想等局面自己平息下來,但對這件事的處理方式,心裡越來越感到不安。
    Each time I saw an advertisement that promoted 'Todd Harrison's Trading Diary,' I looked the other way. 每次我看到網頁上跳出“托德.哈里森交易日記”的廣告窗口,就會把頭扭過去不看。
    With every e-mail I got an e-mail from a concerned reader who asked for the date of my promised return, I internalized the aggravation.
    I actually convinced myself that I had put the entire experience behind me until I dialed into TheStreet.com conference call after they reported earnings.
    While discussing top-line results, CEO Tom Clarke fielded questions from the audience. Marc Cohodes, a well-known hedge-fund manager and a large holder of TheStreet.com stock, finally asked, 'What happened to Todd Harrison and is he ever coming back?' 在交流公司業績情況後,TheStreet.com的首席執行官湯姆.克拉克(Tom Clarke)接受聽眾的提問。馬克.科蒂斯(Marc Cohodes)是一位知名的對沖基金經理,同時也是Marc Cohodes的大股東。他提出一個問題:“托德.哈里森是怎麼回事?他還會回來寫專欄嗎?”
    Tom paused before answering as I sat up in my seat and pressed the phone to my ear. 湯姆停頓了一下,沒有馬上回答,我在椅子上坐直,把話筒緊緊靠在自己的耳朵上。 
    'Todd, like all of us, went through a lot and is experiencing emotional difficulties. We hope to have him back soon,' he said. “托德,和我們大家一樣,最近經歷了很多事情,情緒上有些波動,我們希望他不久後就能回來。”他說道。
    I was managing a $400 million portfolio through a tsunami of terrorism. The last thing I needed was the CEO of a publicly traded company telling the world I was emotionally unstable.   在恐怖主義的狂風驟雨中,我依然堅持管理着四億美元的組合。我最不需要的就是一個上市公司的首席執行官當着整個世界的面說,我的情緒不太穩定。

六十三、Trading places  交易場所
I tried to focus my energy on trading which was a battle unto itself; the frustration was palpable as we clung on to single-digit returns. After 11 months, we had little to show for our efforts. I still had a hefty base salary to fall back on but that was supposed to be a buffer.
    That's the fatal flaw to the Wall Street persona, the personal high-water mark. Once you make $5 million, anything less feels like a failure.
    It's outrageously silly with the benefit of hindsight and the wisdom of experience, but at the time the mindset consumed me.   回過頭來,以一種過來人的心態來看,這種想法簡直荒唐透頂,但當時我就沉浸在那種思維定式中不可自拔。
    The junior staffers on our desk weren't as secure with their financial standing. I took that personally, and promised them they would be taken care of.    交易席位上中低層員工在經濟上還沒那麼穩固,我對此感到難受,我對他們承諾,我會照顧他們的。
    Insiders at TheStreet.com whispered to me that subscriptions were considerably lower after Sept. 11. I felt guilty: not happy, not validated, not vindicated but guilty. The welfare of those around me -- my traders, my readers and my family -- weighed heavily on my psyche.
    I missed my column but didn't admit that to anyone. I set out to explore alternatives, another venue that would take the place of my once-stable stage.
    I was in need of a solution, a new beginning, something to stop the intense pain. I wanted to create an alternative reality as an escape from the pain that seemed to saturate my spirit. 


   進入9月份的前幾個月,我跟一個名叫凱茜.加農(Casey Cannon)的女人成為朋友。她給我發來電子郵件,而我和以往一樣,對花時間寫信過來的人總是儘可能地回復。從一開始,我們之間就很有感覺,她說的話和問的問題都正對我的脾氣。
   她在娛樂圈取得不俗的成就,以前在喬治.盧卡斯(George Lucas)的工業光魔公司(Industrial Light and Magic)工作,後來自立門戶。互聯網電影數據庫(Internet Movie Database)的檔案顯示,她曾參與30多部電影的製作,和該行業的頂尖人才一起共事過。
   勞動節的時候,我去毛伊島看望父親,凱茜建議我在洛杉磯停留一下,彼此見個面。當時她正在負責卡梅倫•克羅(Cameron Crowe)導演的電影“香草的天空”(Vanilla Sky)的開場部分,問我想不想客串出演個小角色。我從沒演過電影,因此一口答應下來。
   “既然沃特.迪斯尼(Walt Disney)能把兩隻小老鼠變成一種文化的象徵,”我對凱茜說,“我們也能把華爾街的牛和熊演繹成卡通角色,用它們來傳遞金融觀點,影響人們對市場的看法。”

In the months leading into September, I developed a friendship with a woman named Casey Cannon. She reached out through e-mail and I responded, as I always did to those who took the time to write. Our connection was unique from the beginning; she asked the right questions and said the right things.
She was an accomplished player in the entertainment arena, having worked for Industrial Light and Magic with George Lucas before venturing out on her own. Her profile on Internet Movie Database featured more than 30 films in which she worked with the best and the brightest in that industry.
Casey knew Jim and his family well; she produced his retirement video. That caught my attention for the high production quality of the work.
During my Labor Day trip to Maui to see my father, Casey suggested I stop in Los Angeles so we could meet. She was directing the opening sequence on Cameron Crowe's 'Vanilla Sky' and asked if I wanted a cameo role. Having never been in a feature film, I jumped at the chance.
The split-second shot took 10 hours to produce, which pushed my flight to the next day and gave us time to get acquainted. I mused that nobody ever bridged finance and entertainment; as most people on Wall Street want to be famous and many in Hollywood want Wall Street's money, it seemed like an intuitive fit.

I introduced the notion of Hoofy and Boo as vehicles of information. While the Wall Street bull and bear played globally, nobody ever put faces or names to them. Animation is a generationally neutral genre that has an audience throughout the societal spectrum.

'If Walt Disney can brand two rodents as cultural icons,' I told Casey, 'we can take the Wall Street bull and bear, and affect position change through financial understanding.'

When I wasn't trading, my focus shifted from TheStreet.com to the concept of this new platform -- one where metaphorical representations of financial dynamics could live in harmony, away from the pitfalls and pain in the real world. I wanted to build this world and Casey possessed the skills to facilitate my dream.

'How much do you think we can do it for?' I asked her before finally boarding my flight.

'Thirty grand, tops,' she replied, which sounded reasonable enough. With experience in tow, Wall Street as a stable foundation and Hollywood in my sights, I headed to Maui to see my father.

'It'll be a place where Hoofy and Boo will gather to debate the merits of the financial markets.' I said as I readied to board the plane, 'A platform for thought, a collection of opinions, a community...'

I paused to think and drew a veiled analogy to a quorum necessary for prayer: 'We'll call it Minyanville.'


   吉姆作為電視人正在煥發第二春,和萊瑞.科德羅(Larry Kudlow) 共同主持“今日美國”(America Now)節目。
   好幾年後,公開討論美國政府“跌市保護組” (Plunge Protection Team)的是非利弊才不至於被冠以“陰謀論”的帽子。雖然我們在911恐怖襲擊後最初制定的交易策略是對的,但基金的表現沒能跟上股市大漲的步伐。

六十六、The morning after  次日早上
I settled into my turret at 6 a.m. the next day, powered up my systems and found six e-mails waiting from Jim. They began early in the morning and I read them in chronological order. The first was innocent enough, something along the lines of 'Hey man, thanks for doing the show.'
    As I scrolled through the correspondence, his stream of consciousness began to shift. He became increasingly agitated and, by the sixth e-mail, outright rude. I read his final e-mail a few times.
    'I had you on my show, the least you can do is write a column for TheStreet.com. If you don't want to respond to me, then FINE!'
    I didn't know if the invitation to be on his show was a trap. I was at a crossroads; I wasn't concerned that his internal fires were ablaze but I didn't want to bite his hand. He still had money in the fund and he had our investor's ears.
    I spoke to Jeff and told him I would write a column if it would calm the furor. Maybe it was a legal thing, given TheStreet.com told my readers I was coming back. I don't know and I really didn't care. I wanted to make peace with the man and move on with my career.
    I agreed to write a year-end piece chronicling what was, what is and what would be. It was a strong column, as I wanted to represent my voice in a manner consistent with what was built. While I wrote with the intention of it being one and done, it reminded me of how much I loved to write and how much I missed the forum.
    After the column posted, Dave Morrow called and asked if we could talk. 'Sure,' I replied. 'Swing by tomorrow after the bell.'
    When he got to my office, I left my traders on the desk and ushered Dave to a conference room. Once there, he expressed his regret over what happened, apologized with sincerity and asked me to come back to TheStreet.com.
    I told him that I needed a few days. I knew why he was there and it had nothing to do with my best interests. Still, it was something that I wanted, perhaps needed.   我告訴他自己需要幾天考慮一下。我知道他為什麼來,也知道他並非在為我的利益考慮。不過,這個結果是我想要的,可能也是自己需要的。

六十七、Idea man  絕妙主意
I spent some time chewing through his offer and asked for another meeting, this one at a restaurant. Over a Grey Goose martini, I laid out my thoughts to the top brass of TheStreet.com. 我花時間考慮戴夫的邀請,並要求再次會面,這次安排在一個餐廳。喝上一杯灰雁(Grey Goose)馬提尼後,我把自己的想法向TheStreet.com的高管們和盤托出。
    'Why don't we partner on a professional product, one that's geared to the hedge-fund audience? I'll provide content, you guys run the back end and we'll whack up the revenue.'      “我們何不聯手推出一個專業產品,為對沖基金的投資者量身定做。我來提供內容,你們負責後台工作,賺的錢大家分。”
    'Great idea!' they exclaimed while huddling and conferring, 'Let us put our heads together and we'll get back to you in a few days.'    “好主意!”他們湊在一起商量了會兒,說,“我們內部碰個頭,過幾天跟你聯繫。”
    Later that week, we again met and they laid their cards on the table. 'Three percent of the gross revenue,' they said, 'We'll give you 3% of the gross revenue.' I'm not sure what I was expecting but I was clearly underwhelmed.
    'I don't think so,' I answered before realizing I was speaking, 'That's not going to work.' They asked what it would take to get the deal done and I told them I would need to think about it. I returned to my office, where 200 positions awaited, and tried to focus on the task at hand.
    While I was surprised by their opening offer, I knew that was how the game was played. I spent the rest of the week asking myself difficult questions and weighing past transgressions against my desire to write again. When push came to shove, I knew what I had to do and was willing to swallow my pride.
    I called Dave the next morning and told him that it wasn't about the money, and that I was willing to move forward. I told him I didn't want to write for a professional audience on the new site and preferred my regular column.
    I wanted to write for those who wrote my grandfather letters on his deathbed. I wanted to write for myself and release the hurricane in my heart. 我想為那些給我病榻上的祖父寫信的人寫文章,我想為自己寫文章,把內心狂風驟雨的情緒發泄出去。
    'We can't do that,' he suddenly said, 'We can't have our best writer on the old site while we're launching a professional product aimed at hedge funds.'
    I was prepared for many things but I was shocked by that latest twist. 'We have nothing left to discuss,' I said as I hung up the phone, disgusted at myself for being so vulnerable. 我已經有應對各種可能性的心理準備,但這種說法還是讓我十分震驚。“那就沒什麼好談的了。”我說,並掛斷了電話,心裡非常鬱悶,自己怎麼老是被人算計。
    It was a good idea and they knew it. They were going to launch it, with or without me.


   2002年是一個全新的開始,我張開雙臂迎接它的到來,並有信心駕馭市場的起伏並有所斬獲。我知道TheStreet.com請基金經理道格.卡斯(Doug Kass)來做我原來在新產品中的工作。道格是我的朋友,在接受這份工作前,跟我談了這件事。
   我希望建立一個把華爾街市場(Wall Street)和平民百姓(Main Street)對接起來的社區,一個世界一流的平台,既有教育和娛樂功能,又讓人願意投入其中。我想改變世界,什麼也無法阻止我,吉姆.克萊默不行,TheStreet.com不行,金錢當然也不行。
   我手頭不缺錢,因此不惜工本地打造Minyanville。我們請到了曾經獲得奧斯卡最佳特效獎的動畫大師約翰.貝爾(John Bell)來設計“呼呼”和“噓噓”的人物造型。凱茜在加州Santa Monica的家中辦公,建設Minyanville網站。

Full steam ahead

As 2001 ended, my relationship with TheStreet.com died with it. They came back a few times with lucrative offers -- a lofty six-figure salary and multiple six-figure stock options -- but the numbers didn't register. I told them that I don't associate with people I didn't trust and knew if I worked with them again, I would only have myself to blame.
Our fund finished the year slightly above the flat line and I breathed a heavy sigh of relief that my performance anxiety had a new shelf life. That was the way it worked on Wall Street -- the registers were cleared at the end of Dec. 31 and everyone started from scratch.
I was emotionally spent after Sept. 11, battling the market and discovering the ugly truth behind the media landscape. I was also fighting the demon of depression, although I wouldn't realize that for a few more years. Seeing what I saw -- the jumpers, the impact and the fireball -- took a heavy, subconscious toll on me.
The year 2002 was a new beginning and I embraced it with open arms and confidence that I could shoulder the load and shed the baggage. I knew TheStreet.com gave my position in their new product to fund manager Doug Kass. Doug and I were friends and spoke about the offer before he accepted it.
I had bigger fish to fry as I eyed my immediate future. My primary focus was the fund, where I was entering the second year of a two-year deal. The other was Minyanville, which encapsulated my hopes and dreams. It was more of a mission than a business venture; it was entirely personal and very much an escape.
On weekends and at night, we worked incessantly on building wire frames that would bring Hoofy and Boo to life. I told Casey I would spend $30,000 on the project but that quickly proved conservative. My intention wasn't to build TheStreet.com -- the ambition was much larger than that, perhaps even grandiose.
I envisioned a community that bridged Wall Street and Main Street, a world-class platform that educated, entertained and engaged. I wanted to change the world and nothing was going to stop me. Not Jim Cramer, not TheStreet.com and certainly not money.
I had a stash of cash and spared no expense. We enlisted the help of John Bell, an animator once nominated for an Academy Award for special effects, to illustrate Hoofy and Boo. Casey worked from her Santa Monica home office and created the Minyanville platform.


   晚餐可以隨便對付,周末的朋友聚會可以延期。我每天工作20個小時,把自己關在家裡,拔掉電話線,拉上窗簾。當時,我並不知道自己患有“創傷後壓力心理障礙症”(post-traumatic stress disorder)和抑鬱症,而是下意識地埋頭於Minyanville的建設當中,那是一個脫離現實、由卡通人物唱主角的平行空間。
   Cramer Berkowitz公司在試圖穩步前進,但內部的氣氛有些緊張。我不清楚傑夫和吉姆在私下談什麼,但覺得他們的態度都有些微妙。吉姆知道我在創建Minyanville網站,非常不高興。
   我並不害怕,這似乎讓他有些困惑;但我清楚,他對公司基金的投資者是有影響力的。我們的員工情緒低落,畢竟他們經歷了根本不該經歷的恐怖事件。Cramer Berkowitz那種特有的無拘無束的輕鬆氛圍基本消失了,因為我們不再能夠戰勝市場。

Dividing time

Profits at the fund were elusive, due in equal parts to the new market dynamic and our admittedly frazzled psyche. I awoke at 5 a.m. each day and managed the fund with Jeff, Matt and our shaken but steady crew before returning home at night to brainstorm on my newfound passion.
Dinners and weekends with friends had to wait. I worked 20-hour days and locked myself in my apartment, turning off the phone and closing the curtains. I wasn't aware I suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. I hid from it in Minyanville, a parallel universe with animated critters.
It sounds strange, I know, but it saved my life.
The mood within Cramer Berkowitz was strained as we attempted to forge ahead. I wasn't privy to conversations between Jeff and Jim but assumed they were tenuous. Jim understood I was creating Minyanville and was entirely displeased.
Cramer needed an enemy to motivate him and would create one if necessary.
I wasn't intimidated, which seemed to bother him, but I was aware that he had influence with our investors. It took a toll on our staff, particularly after experiencing horrors that nobody should be forced to endure. The freewheeling fun that was the hallmark of our corporate culture was gone in no small part because we were no longer beating the street.
Our sudden mediocrity wasn't a function of Jim's absence. In fact, I would argue that the firm was more functional without his wild, emotional swings. It was simply a new world and we were in the middle of a confused conduit of emotions, alliances and geopolitical agendas.
Our innocence was gone and our country was preparing for war.
Internally, I readied for the exact same thing.


   我創建了魯比派克兒童教育基金會(Ruby Peck Foundation for Children's Education),以此表達對祖父的敬意,他的智慧仍在不斷指引着我前行。這個基金會是我對祖父深切之愛的具體表現,也是在這個突然變得陌生的世界裡傳遞關愛的一個渠道。

My grandfather Ruby once told me that time is the most precious commodity; I never understood what he meant until 2002.
I worked furious 20-hour days, trying to create profits by day and Minyanville at nights and during weekends. I wasn't motivated by conventional measures of success; it was an internal need to channel energy in a positive way.
I knew 9/11 affected me. Subconscious seeds were planted that day, and they remained buried for years. At the time, I thought that if I could just burrow through, I would eventually arrive at a better place.
I reflected on losing Ruby, on finding out my father and business partner were both bipolar and on being at the epicenter of a massive terrorist attack. I thought to myself that nothing would ever stop me if I could just power though that period. If I could just power through...
My soul and spirit were damaged goods, an unavoidable fact that pounded home with each beat of my heavy heart. I didn't go out much, a rapid departure from the life I once lived.
My friends reached out, but who had time for that? There was too much to do, or that was my internal rationalization for stealing a few hours of sleep when I wasn't working. Eventually my phone stopped ringing and social invitations dried up. I barely noticed.
I couldn't continue at that pace and didn't want to. I remember looking into the mirror one morning and not recognizing the drawn, empty face that returned my stare. The events of Sept. 11 rocked the world and the reverberating energy was the genesis of a massive personal introspection and evolution.
I founded The Ruby Peck Foundation for Children's Education as a tribute to my grandfather, who continued to guide me with his learned wisdom. It was a tangible manifestation of an intense love, a vehicle to channel benevolence in a suddenly unfamiliar world.
Benevolence. It glimmered briefly in the days following the attack but disappeared just as quickly when agendas took root. It was an opportunity for the world to pull together and affect positive change but instead, decisions were made that planted seeds of societal acrimony and social unrest.
I wanted to do more. I didn't want this written on my headstone: 'He had a good feel for the market.'
Someone told me to write about what I know and love, and I wanted to extend that to my life. I knew financial markets and I loved my grandfather. Minyanville and the Ruby Peck Foundation were the only solutions that made any sense.
I spent countless hours birthing both. It was an expensive reality, ultimately costing millions and absorbing every ounce of my energy.
The hours turned to days, days into weeks and weeks into months. Before I knew it, I was staring at the final stretch of 2002.
It was almost time to reset the clocks. 

七十一、Houston, we have liftoff...  火箭升空
We launched Minyanville.com in October 2002 as a 'financial infotainment and education' platform.    2002年10月,我們推出了Minyanville.com,作為一個“金融信息娛樂及教育”平台。
    TheStreet.com chose that exact day to open their site for free as we pulled back our curtain. I knew they were watching but I underestimated their agenda. 就在Minyanville.com登台亮相那天,TheStreet.com選擇同一天免費開放其網站。我知道他們在盯着,但低估了他們對抗的決心。
    I reached out to them before launch, offering my content for free as long as it was branded to Minyanville.  之前,我跟TheStreet.com聯繫過,提出願意免費提供我網站上的內容,只要註明資料來自Minyanville就行。
    Their response essentially was: Go screw yourself -- you're the enemy now. They were ruthless but they weren't dummies. The last thing they were going to do was lead readers directly to me.    他們的答覆基本上是:去你的吧─現在你是敵人。他們冷酷無情,但並不愚蠢;他們最不願做的,就是把讀者引到我的網站上去。
    I searched TheStreet.com and realized they deleted most of my content from the archives. Countless travails from the inner elasticity of the bubble, personal reflections about my grandfather, the tribute I wrote to Bill Meehan, steadying words to investors on how to position for the new world -- all were gone.
我搜索TheStreet.com網站上的內容,發現我的絕大多數文章都從資料庫里刪除了。無數對市場泡沫膨脹和破滅的記述,對我祖父留下智慧的思索,對比爾.米漢(Bill Meehan)寄託的哀思,以及孜孜不倦告訴投資者該如何在新時代找到準確定位的文字--全都不見了。
    Founder Jim Cramer took some of his money out of the Cramer Berkowitz fund where I worked and I could tell he was leaning on his co-founder in the fund, Jeff Berkowitz, now my partner and good friend. It was a tough spot for Jeff and the stress was evident. Imagine working with someone you genuinely love, a person who chose you to facilitate his success only to become a source of stress instead.        在我工作的Cramer Berkowitz對沖基金,創始人吉姆.克萊默從基金中撤出了一部分資金。我能看得出來,他對基金的另一個創始人,也是我現在的合伙人和好朋友,傑夫.伯克維茲寄予厚望。傑夫的處境很難,壓力可想而知。想象一下,一個你真正喜歡的同事把自己的成功寄托在你身上,這只會給你帶來莫大的壓力。
    It was the middle of December; we were fried after yet another year of battle. Our 2002 results mirrored those of a year earlier, positive gains but well below what we were capable of doing. 12月中旬到了,經過又一年的拼搏,我們還是有點力不從心。2002年的基金業績與一年前的情況一樣,取得了正收益,但低於我們本應能夠達到的水平。 
    And we were miserable, an unpleasant dynamic in any environment but an absolute barrier when battling for performance in the fierce world of finance. If you're not on the same wavelength as the guy next to you in the trenches, you won't shoot straight when performance is in your sights.
    Just as Jeff and I communicated without words while trading, we had a similar connection away from the tape. He also endured the pressure of another tough year and was equally aware our relationship was strained. He had Jim on one side, our investors on the other and a staff that relied on us both to put food on their table. 傑夫和我在交易時心有靈犀,在交易之外也有類似的感覺。他同樣承受着又一年收成不好所帶來的壓力,同樣清楚我們之間的關係有些緊張。他的天平一邊是吉姆,一邊是基金的投資者,此外還有一幫指望我們倆給飯吃的員工。
    He, like me, wore his heart on his sleeve and I could see it beating a mile away.  他,和我一樣,都恨不得把心掏給別人看。在一英里外,我就能看到那顆善良的心在跳動。 

七十二、  Exit strategy  退出策略
Our conversation started as any other, with me asking him if we could get off the desk and chat. When we shut the door to his office, there was a silence that spoke volumes about what needed to be said. I don't know how the conversation would have gone if I didn't start it but imagine the outcome would have been much the same. It was one of the most honest and heartfelt discussions we ever shared.
    'This isn't working,' I began as we looked into each other's eyes. 'I agree,' he responded, quicker than I anticipated. As partners, we knew what needed to be done but as friends, we were saddened that it came to that. He knew I was in the throes of building Minyanville and deep down, I knew it wasn't fair to put him in that position.
    Writing while trading was a great idea when your partner owned the company and performance was pristine. It was a different dynamic when you're viewed as competition and profits are elusive.
    Twenty minutes later, I tendered my resignation. Twenty minutes. After fifteen years of friendship and three years of blood, sweat, tears and laughter, we were going our separate ways. 20分鐘後,我提出了自己的辭呈。20分鐘。經過十五年的友誼,度過三年流血流汗、歡喜悲傷的日子後,我們不得不分道揚鑣。
    It was the middle of December -- almost three years to the day after we uncorked bottles at Gramercy Tavern -- and I suddenly had no idea where I was going to hang my hat. That's a problem when you've already spent a million dollars on a Web site predicated on the financial markets.          12月的中旬--距離我們在Gramercy Tavern餐廳喝酒已經快有三年了--我突然發現自己無處可去。當你早就在一個金融網站上投入100萬美元時,這是一個大問題。
    For the first time, the reality of the situation hit home. I had three weeks to relocate and two of them were booked on vacation. I took my traders to dinner that night and over several rounds of drinks, assured them they would be taken care of. They were family but in a few short weeks, I needed a new home.      我第一次感覺到,現實世界是如此現實。我有三個星期重新安置的時間,其中兩周已經預訂了休假。辭職那天晚上,我跟手下的交易員一起吃晚飯,酒過三巡後,我拍胸脯說,我走了他們的日子還會過得很好。他們曾是我的家人,但幾個星期後,我又得尋找新家了。
    I hadn't a clue where that would be.  而我根本不知道,自己的新家在什麼地方。


   沒過多久,我辭職的事就傳開了。華爾街是個很小的地方,消息傳得很快。我們的交易券商--從高盛到摩根士丹利,從貝爾斯登到雷曼兄弟--都靠Cramer Berkowitz對沖基金的交易佣金賺得盆滿缽滿。在我任交易主管的時候,每年要付給他們7000萬到9000萬美元的佣金。
   Minyanville推出後,我是唯一一個在上面寫文章的人,魯比派克基金會也比我預期的更燒錢。我需要一個家園,讓我能跟上市場脈動,並增加一些收入。   當了12年的交易員後,我認識一些關注我去哪裡工作的朋友。我接觸了幾份工作邀請,但不知道該往哪個方向去。
   有個以前的同事打電話來,讓我在做任何決定之前先跟他見個面。他和一個受人尊敬的基金經理共事,那個基金公司位於紐約的公園大道(Park Avenue)。作為其業務模式的組成部分,他們經營一個“對沖基金酒店”,為對沖基金提供辦公空間、交易系統和人力資源支持,用來交換他們的交易訂單和佣金。
   我需要有些收入進帳,想找到一份能讓我的交易專長與寫作欲望和平共處的工作。我在摩根士丹利培養了技能,在Galleon得到進一步磨練,在Cramer Berkowitz一展身手,建立起華爾街最好的交易席位之一。在傾聽對沖基金可能的架構時,我開始在心裡盤算起得失來。

Blink and you're in business
It didn't take long for word to spread. Wall Street is a small place when it comes to news. Our trading coverage -- from Goldman to Morgan to Bear Stearns to Lehman Brothers -- lined their pockets with commissions generated by Cramer Berkowitz. That number totaled between $70 million and $90 million per year during my tenure running the desk.
They weren't happy their gatekeeper was relinquishing the keys to the castle, particularly when the castle did business the right way. As I assured them that our desk would be in strong hands, I was less certain about my next move.
Minyanville launched, I was the only writer and the Ruby Peck Foundation proved costlier than I anticipated. I needed a home that allowed me to stay in the flow and make some dough. After 12 years of trading, I had peers who had a vested interest where I landed. I listened to a few offers, unsure of which direction to pursue.
A former colleague called and asked me to meet with him before I made any decision. He worked with a reputable money manager at a fund located on Park Avenue. As part of their business model, they operated a 'hedge fund hotel,' providing space, trading systems and human capital in exchange for order flow and trading commissions.
I walked to their offices and was impressed with the large marble lobby that housed some of the world's largest financial institutions. I made rounds, sat with the principal players and listened to possible collaborations. 'You should think about starting your own fund,' they said, 'We'll set you up here and help with the process and paperwork.'
It wasn't something I had seriously considered but I needed a home and they were friendly faces with a solid structure.
And they believed in me, which was not something I overlooked. Minyanville was costing more than $50,000 per month and I had other obligations. Further, the effort required and costs to start a not-for-profit foundation after Sept. 11 were substantial.
I needed a revenue generator, something that could utilize my skills and underwrite a symbiotic ecosystem. I had honed my skills at Morgan, sharpened them at Galleon and demonstrated them at Cramer Berkowitz, building one of the finest desks on Wall Street. As I listened to the potential hedge fund structures, my mind began to calculate the windfall.
A typical structure charges 1% of total assets as a management fee and 20% profits as a performance fee. But they floated something different, a structure with no management fee and 50% of the profits. It was a deal reserved for the best traders on the street, a back-end loaded payday based purely on performance.
They offered to seed me and as I had full faith in my abilities, I plowed most of my money into the fund as well. Others followed and before I knew it, I moved my personal items and sports memorabilia to my new Park Avenue home.

七十四、I felt...free.  我覺得……自由自在。
The stress of a large hedge fund manager was one I wasn't going to miss. The outsized risk, the sleepless nights, the battling over positions, the gains and losses, and my self-worth defined by green or red bottom lines each night.
    There is a reason trading is considered a young man's game. While I was only 34 years old, my spirit and soul aged well beyond my years. I remember thinking I made a 'lifestyle decision,' that my new routine would facilitate an easier and more relaxing existence. 交易員是年輕人的遊戲,這話很有道理。雖然我只有34歲,但心理年齡已經大大超出實際年齡。我記得當時自己在想,這是一個“轉變生活方式的決定”,新的人生道路應該讓我活得更簡單,更輕鬆。
    As the capital management paperwork went through the proper channels, I traded my personal account to keep my skills sharp. With a singular assistant, I squirreled away snazzy gains at my new digs. It was unfamiliar operating without a team, but it didn't impede my success, as evidenced by my initial results.
在資金管理相關手續辦理過程中,我通過交易自己的私人賬戶來保持市場狀態。在只有一個助手幫忙的情況下,我慢慢積累起可觀的收益。脫離一個團隊來進行交易的感覺很陌生, 但最初的業績表明, 這並未影響我的成功發揮。
    It was a small base but I took calculated bets. My confidence grew; maybe I was that good and the terms of my fund were warranted after all.
    Minyanville transitioned to a pay site -- $10 per month to help offset the operational costs -- but it remained a loss leader. I received piles of checks each week and signed my name too quickly. I needed an income generator to feed the beast, the final piece of the puzzle that would tie it all together.
    My hedge fund launched in March 2003. It was a tense time in the world as the U.S. and U.N. danced around the prospects of war. I was certain the worst was to come, that the invasion of Iraq planted seeds of global unrest; that the poltergeist had only just begun to stir.
    As I watched 'shock and awe' brought to the world on CNN, I thought to myself: 'This is the end of the Roman Empire, a tipping point through a historical lens.'      我通過CNN電視台觀看美國戰鬥機在伊拉克的大規模轟炸,心裡想:“這就是羅馬帝國的結束,美國將重蹈歷史的覆轍。”


   市場以驚人的速度攀升,人們很快就把對戰爭的擔 甩在腦後,強大的市場動能正在積聚起來。政策制定者推出的財政和貨幣刺激計劃就像給市場點了一把火,結構性的變化推動資產價格不斷上升。
   艾倫?格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)幫忙把網絡泡沫吹大,以此應對當時正在蔓延的亞洲金融危機;現在,他還想故計重施。房地產泡沫開始顯現,信貸泡沫也進入醞釀階段。

Betting against the market  對賭市場
The fund opened for business almost to the day of the invasion and I used the rally to establish bets against the market. It was an opportunity to start my venture with a bang and I was excited for the next leg of my journey.
My stylistic approach incorporated four primary metrics -- fundamentals, technical, structural and psychology -- that served as the foundation of my analysis. While they assumed different weightings at different times, a collective assimilation was the most effective measurement of risk/reward.
Markets climbed the wall of worry at an astonishing pace; something powerful was afoot. Structural agendas pushed asset prices higher as policymakers lit fiscal and monetary matches under the market.
Alan Greenspan fueled the tech bubble to combat the Asian contagion and was intent on a repeat performance. The real estate bubble began, as did the early stages of the debt bubble.
Policymakers bought time for a legitimate economic recovery to take root and were unconcerned with the eventual ramifications. The stock market is the world's largest thermometer; a fact not lost on the boys from the Beltway. They needed the market higher, by all means necessary.
It's clear with the benefit of hindsight but I didn't see it coming at the time.
I now appreciate the power of the collective agenda and the influence of a motivated Federal Reserve. At the time, it was a lesson in futility and failure, a stretch when I lost my discipline and got sucked into an emotional vortex, the cardinal sin of any trader. I wasn't used to losing and took it very personally.
I wrote about the percolating risks on Minyanville and put my money where my mouth was, scaling into short positions as a function of time and price. I expected the ramifications of artificial credit creation to come home to roost, and failed to sync my time horizon and risk profile.
The only difference between being early and being wrong is whether you're there to collect on your bet. I won't rationalize my missteps. They were painful, public and all-consuming. The fund was supposed to underwrite the collective costs of my various endeavors but I was furiously running in the other direction.
I worked four jobs -- managing the fund, running Minyanville, creating content and building the Ruby Peck Foundation. While I had some money stashed away, most of it was on the table with the rest of my chips. They were fading fast.
The stakes were never higher and I looked around the table for the sucker; I couldn't help wonder if that sucker was me. 



   在電影《華爾街》(Wall Street) 中飾演洛烏.曼海姆(Lou Mannheim)這個虛構人物的哈爾.霍爾布魯克(Hal Holbrook)說過:“人看向深淵,而那裡卻無人回望。就在那一刻,人發現了自己的本性。正是這讓他遠離深淵。”
   我的職業生涯經歷過很多浮沉,有時單單一個交易日就有兩三千萬美元的盈虧,但到2003年,當自己的積蓄和信心都煙消雲散之時,我才真正 會到了浮沉的含義。
   不再有私人飛機接送和演出的前排票,那些在我幫助下獲得成功的人,沒一個給我回電話。早年的同事戴維.斯萊恩(David Slaine)曾對我說過,別對這些人抱有希望,但我根本沒料到,這種態度的轉變會如此集中、如此突然。我在華爾街的朋友,那些從我毫不藏私的投資觀點中賺錢的人,在我最需要他們的時候卻消失得無影無蹤。

The other side of the trade

I was mired in losses, consumed with relative performance, overwhelmed with overhead costs, completely miserable during the day and helplessly sleepless at night.
I pressed harder, worked longer, traded faster, wrote more -- it was the only solution that made any sense.
Surely, if I fought for the extra yard and clawed another inch, I would be rewarded for my efforts.
As the year progressed, I put everything that wasn't directly related to my professional efforts on hold. I worked around the clock, my social life was a ghost town and I was edgy and angry at my lack of success.
The toys that were once a validation of my happiness served as sad reminders of a misplaced soul. I always believed I was humble, particularly in a business where humility is viewed as a weakness, but then I was bare. My fire -- the energy that ignited all of my hopes and dreams -- was damp and dark as I delved deeper into depression.
Hal Holbrook, playing the fictional Lou Mannheim in the film 'Wall Street,' said: 'Man looks into the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.'
I've had many swings during my career -- $20 million-$30 million swings in a single session -- but it wasn't until 2003, as my savings and resolve dissipated, that I truly got it.
I won't say money is insignificant as that's untrue. But I can tell you from experience that if you look for happiness in a bank account, you're missing the bigger trade.
I didn't find what I was looking for when I seemingly had it all. In fact, it took losing almost everything to understand what true wealth really is.
The private jets and front-row shows morphed into calls not being returned by those I helped succeed. David Slaine, my colleague from the early days, told me to expect it but I didn't foresee the magnitude or suddenness. Friends on the street, those who benefited from my free-flowing, revenue-generating ideas, disappeared when I needed them most.
I wasn't naïve enough to think that I would be treated with the same standing but I projected my loyalty to people and places it didn't belong. My circle of trust tightened, slowly at first but then dramatically, as I mentally released those who bit the hand that once fed them.
Socially, a similar dynamic began to take shape. My phone stopped ringing as often as it did when there were free bottles and fancy rides. It was a painful realization to absorb.
As they say in my part of the world, 'the bigger, better thing' was that I realized if I couldn't deliver it, I was no longer part of it. It took a round trip for me to finally see it, but I am certain I'm a better man for it.



Full circle  人生的圓圈
In May 2003, I arranged for my father to return to the East Coast for the first time in 20 years. While I was absorbed with trying to save my symbiotic ecosystem, I made a promise to my father when he was in jail two years prior. My grandfather Ruby taught me that all a man has is his name and his word. I was losing money, but I wasn't about to lose those, too.
One year after my brother Adam and I ventured to Hawaii with hopes of saving our father, I returned as I said I would to enjoy his freedom. After his long stretch of homelessness and hopelessness, he was properly medicated and volunteering at an animal orphanage. It was then that we discussed his trip to the East Coast. Before I knew it, he touched down in New York City.
As I greeted him, we embraced in a long hug that melted away years of disappointment, anger and judgment. He was a humbled man, the type of humility that comes after you've lost everything and stared into an different type of abyss, that of life.
He told me he contemplated suicide many times but the glimmer of his children saw him through his pain; he cried as we talked for hours upon hours.
A few days later, we traveled to Baltimore and he met his grandchildren for the first time. As we sat around the dinner table the first night, I found myself watching him with pride. It was the first time I ever experienced that particular emotion; after a childhood of seeking his approval, I found it ironic that our roles somehow reversed.
The reunion was a long time in the making. It was then I realized that the longer you wait for dinner, the better it tastes. 



The driftwood and the perfect storm  漂流木和完美風暴
The year 2001 was painful but 2003 made it look like a walk in the park. I was spread thin, trying to keep four balls in the air and scrambling for redemption, tangible or otherwise.
The harder I tried to find my footing, the deeper I fell into the crevasse of despair.
As the markets ripped higher, my losses delved into double-digit territory. It was the mirror image of the 2000 scrimmage and that fact wasn't lost on me. It was the cycle of life, I thought to myself -- the other side of the cash register.
My money was in the fund, losing value alongside the capital that investors entrusted to me. That, coupled with substantial investments in Minyanville and Ruby Peck Foundation, chewed through my life's savings.
I huddled with my advisors and looked at what was left in the till. When I started the year, I had millions of dollars in the bank. I watched that number evaporate, expecting the tide to turn.
I was a piece of driftwood in a perfect storm, and it was clear that decisions needed to be made. If I tried to keep all of my efforts afloat, everything would drown at once.
There was heartache, not just figuratively but literally as well. I visited a cardiologist frequently, certain that the pain my chest was a foreboding sign.
'Take care of yourself,' he told me, 'get some exercise and stop putting so much pressure on yourself.'
I tried to tell him about the metaphorical critters named Hoofy and Boo that were going to affect positive change through financial understanding, but he didn't seem to care. He was more concerned about my ability to continue physically. In my mind, death was the only thing that could possibly stop me.
Minyanville, while loyal, was still a small community. Our mission of provoking thought and providing vicarious education through a shared process -- as opposed to offering outright advice to a faceless audience -- was a departure from traditional media and unconventional in an immediate gratification world.
With each passing day, the piece of driftwood took on a more water. With each wave of losses, my breathing became more labored. I was so focused on conventional measures of success that I lost sight of why I started Minyanville in the first place. I lost sight of who I was.
I had to make difficult decisions as I edged towards the end of 2003. They weren't decisions of choice; they were decisions of need. The business that was supposed to underwrite my existence couldn't co-exist with the one that sustained my soul if I hoped to survive another year.
If you do what you love, the money would come. That's what I told myself that when I stepped down as president of a $400 million hedge fund.
The sad truth was there wasn't much left. 


   “建好網站,錢會來的。”我用“凱文?科斯特納”(Kevin Costner)式的自信聲音說道,同時也在說服我自己,好像還有什麼秘密武器沒用似的。但他們沒那麼樂觀,我身上的每個傷口都在流血,一個白天接着一個白天,一個無眠的夜晚接着一個無眠的夜晚。他們是對的,但我別無選擇。

The fork in the road

I huddled with my advisors and tried to identify a solution. Given the cash burn in Minyanville, they told me I would be insolvent in a matter of months. It had been almost a full year since I decided to create a symbiotic ecosystem, and the well was almost dry.
I spent countless hours trying to map strategies that would allow my dream to survive. My team believed in me but they were lucid and pragmatic; they saw the how fragile I was, a shadow of the once-powerful hedge fund master who moved markets and made millions. I was running on fumes and everyone knew it.
'What are you going to do?' they asked as I studied my bank statements, hoping they would change.
'I'm not going to abandon Minyanville,' I told them, knowing full well it wasn't an option, 'I've still got money hidden away and I'll use that until we succeed.'
They sat in silence, staring at me.
'Build it and they will come,' I said in my best Kevin Costner voice, trying to convince myself that I knew something they didn't. But they weren't as optimistic. I was bleeding from every orifice, day after day and night after sleepless night. They were right, but I didn't see another option.
'If I'm going down, I'm going down with my best one-two punch and those are Minyanville and The Ruby Peck Foundation.'
I spoke with my investors throughout 2003 and the final call didn't come as a surprise. They knew the risks before they invested, but that did little to quell my guilt, shame and pain. I let them down and lost them money, an unavoidable reality that haunts me to this day. For some strange reason, having most of my money in the fund made me feel better, not worse.
I closed the doors, returned the remaining money and booked the largest loss of my professional career. It remains the single biggest black mark on the name and word of Todd Harrison, a painful and embarrassing chapter in my life. The road to recovery would be long and I had to power the engine with a small reserve fuel tank.
If I ran out of gas, I knew there would be nobody left to tow me home.


   我們建立起穩定的寫作隊伍, 羅到的人才很擅長寫東西,而他們的身份更有份量,包括托尼?杜爾(Tony Dwyer)、斯考特?里默(Scott Reamer)、凱文?戴皮(Kevin Depew)和約翰?蘇科(John Succo)等舉足輕重的專業人士。他們每個人都把自己對世界的解析和領悟與Minyanville的讀者分享。這些人寫東西不是為了錢,而是因為認同Minyanville的使命,即讓投資者對金融有更深的理解,從而做出積極的轉變。
   2004年夏,我們在科羅拉多州Crested Butte的山區舉辦了Minyanville第一屆會員交流會,目的是把我們的網上社區帶入網下,讓大家彼此對上號,從而建設一個活躍的金融信息論壇。Minyanville的會員紛紛前來參加,其中包括我最好的朋友和大學室友凱文?沃森(Kevin Wassong)。
   沒有人比綽號“小魚兒”的凱文更理解這個行業了。畢業後,他曾去好萊塢追尋其媒體創意的夢想,後來回到紐約,1998年在智威湯遜公司(J. Walter Thompson)組建了數字媒體子公司,擔任首席執行官,並將其打造成美國十大互動媒體服務公司之一。凱文開創了許多先河,比如安排蘇富比拍賣公司(Sotheby)的第一次網上拍賣,促成美林公司(Merrill Lynch)進入數字廣告領域等。

The Phoenix

I began 2004 the way I started every year of my career, trying to learn from the past and morph mistakes into lessons. I told myself I would give Minyanville 12 months to turn it into a business, or it would leave a legacy as an expensive hobby that chewed through millions of dollars.
We built a stable of writers, human capital that was very good at what they did but better at who they were. They included such respected professionals as Tony Dwyer, Scott Reamer, Kevin Depew and John Succo. Each shared their insights and acumen with 'Minyans' around the world and didn't do it for the money; they wrote because they believed in our mission of affecting positive change through financial understanding.
In the summer of 2004, we hosted Minyans in the Mountains in Crested Butte, Colo., the first of many gatherings. The intention was to bring our online community to life, put faces to names and create an engaging forum for financial intelligence. Minyans flocked to the mountains, including my best friend and college roommate, Kevin Wassong.
After standing on the periphery since the inception, Kevin wanted to experience Minyanville first hand. He was a steady sounding board as I forged a path into an entirely new industry, serving both as a friend and offering advice on how to position a next generation digital media platform.
If anyone knew that space, it was 'Fish.' After college, Kevin headed to Hollywood to pursue his creative ambitions before returning to New York. He launched the digital group at J. Walter Thompson in 1998, became CEO and built it into a top-10 interactive services company. Kevin was responsible for a lot of firsts. He brought Sotheby's first auction online and Merrill Lynch into the digital advertising space.
To him, Minyanville was the 'big idea' that could connect generations and transcend media platforms. He arrived early to help tend to the last-minute details and prepare gift bags for the guests.
That was Kevin. He never cared about my money or the summer homes; he was never the 'bigger, better thing' guy.
As we roasted Smores at the Saturday night bonfire, I allowed myself a rare moment of satisfaction. After three years of heavy lifting, Minyanville arrived at a place of collective consciousness despite a motivated agenda and dwindling funds; the fledgling community was proof positive that our vision was indeed vibrant.
As we watched the sunset over the mountains and laughter filled the air, I turned to Kevin and shared a smile. That's when I knew he saw it too.


   我在加州得到了一次與羅伊·迪斯尼(Roy Disney,迪斯尼公司的創始人之一)的商業合作夥伴斯坦·高爾德(Stan Gold)的會談機會,看能否拉他進來參與投資。我請凱文幫忙準備一份推介材料,原先定好與斯坦的會面時間是30分鐘,但演示進行到三個半小時的時候,我們依然還在激情澎湃地推銷着這個網站。
   “你要知道,斯坦,”我用急促的聲音說道,希望能讓他明白我們的所思所想,“既然沃特·迪斯尼能把兩隻小老鼠變成一種文化的象徵,那我們也能利用華爾街的牛和熊,用它們來傳遞金融觀點,讓人們的觀念產生積極的改變 。”

Of mice and men

They say if you told an entrepreneur how much work it would take for his or her dream to succeed, they would never start the business in the first place. While I've never regretted Minyanville, the labor of love was a labor indeed and entirely more challenging than I would have ever imagined.
Kevin and I met at Applebee's near his home in Larchmont following the summer of 2004. There, over beers and burgers, we scribbled the 'wagon wheel' business model on the back of the check. The central hub was Minyanville and the 'spokes' were ancillary business lines, including advertising, subscriptions, licensing, events, video games, entertainment and merchandising.
When I landed a meeting with Stan Gold -- Roy Disney's business partner -- in California to see if we could get him to invest, I asked Kevin to help put together a presentation. We were told we had 30 minutes of Stan's time. But 31/2 hours into the presentation, we continued to pound the table with passion and purpose.
'You don't see it Stan,' I said in a hurried voice, pleading with him to see what we saw, 'If Walt Disney can take two rodents and create cultural icons, we can take the Wall Street bull and bear and affect positive change through financial understanding!' See link.
Stan sat back in his seat at the far end of the conference room table and chomped on his cigar. 'You sure have chutzpah,' he said as he weighed our words. 'Why don't you circle back when the company is more mature?'
While we didn't 'get the order,' something shifted within Kevin during that presentation. By the time we got back to New York, we decided to raise money to give Minyanville an honest shot. There was an incredible energy between us but I knew we were racing against the bottom of my bank account.
The final months of 2004 were a furious push to pull together a private placement memorandum. We huddled with lawyers, met with accountants and presented to potential investors. I swallowed the bills and looked through the costs, choosing instead to channel every ounce of effort into fulfilling our mission.
With the holidays bearing down, it was almost time to reset the clocks. Time was running out.


    2004年的最後衝刺讓人心力交瘁,激情、毅力和信念推動着我前行。當我們在紐約的Rosa Mexicana餐廳舉辦Minyanville年底派對時,心情可謂喜 參半,喜的是商業計劃即將成型, 的是現實面臨的各種窘境。

Mexicali blues

The final push of 2004 took a considerable toll and I operated on adrenalin, tenacity and faith. The excitement of mapping a tangible plan commingled with the fear of an unspoken reality as we hosted our Minyanville holiday party at Rosa Mexicana in New York.
I was in many ways going through the motions of a confident leader. My body was there and my instincts acute, but I was operating on fumes. The work was excessive, even by my standards. My heart hurt, my muscles ached and my head throbbed. I remember splashing water on my face in the bathroom and whispering, 'This can't be healthy' before feigning a smile and returning as the host.
I was scheduled to go to a spa near Tucson the morning after our party, as I desperately needed to unplug from the unbearable marathon that was my life. It felt as if I was running from something for so long and at such a furious pace, I didn't know another way to operate.
I still wasn't aware I suffered from depression following the events of Sept. 11, but the signs were clear with the benefit of hindsight. After 14 years of forging a professional identity, my success was no longer measured by conventional metrics. Deep down, the thought of spending a week alone scared the hell out of me.
Traders are conditioned to expect success and loathe losses and that process was ingrained in my psyche when I began Minyanville. I preached the importance of balance and the necessity of perspective, yet my words dripped with hypocrisy. My tank was empty and I knew it.
My grandfather taught me to never run scared, and I repeated that to myself as I nursed a wicked hangover on the way to the airport. My dream had a shot at survival, but the future was anything but certain.


   到那兒以後,我馬上開始各種活動。那裡有成群結隊的遊客,但我選擇自己一個人度假。山地自行車、舉重、騎馬─我什麼都去嘗試, 想讓這些把腦子占得滿滿的,延緩那必將來臨的反省時間。

Journeys and purposes
  In my search for success, I ignored that the purpose of the journey is the journey itself. I forgot that by the time you arrive at where think you want to be, the experience will have already ended.
I misplaced the truth that we define our reality more than our reality defines us.
I was trapped by self-imposed expectations and continually reset the bar so it was always out of reach, the fatal flaw of any classic over-achiever. I thought that allowing myself to feel was a weakness if it competed for my attention. I wasn't sure why, but I knew I was vulnerable as I made my way to the desert.
Upon arrival, I immediately participated in activities. The grounds were littered with couples and groups, but I kept to myself and did my own thing. Mountain biking, weight lifting, horseback riding -- I did anything and everything to occupy my mind and delay the inevitable introspection.
From the moment I opened my eyes to my last thought each night, I wrestled with who I was, how I lived and what my purpose was. My mind raced a million miles per minute; by the time I started dissecting one thought, a new one arrived. My head spun for days as they viciously collided and competed for attention.
I paced my room trying to make sense of the emotional crosscurrents before walking to the patio that overlooked the foothills in the far distance.
Without realizing it, I hopped the ledge and began to walk.




Desert storm

There are instances in each of our lives defined by a moment of clarity and I can count them on one hand.
I remember jogging in the islands after my Morgan Stanley promotion, standing atop a cliff overlooking the clear, blue water. There also was relaxing in Maui the week before Sept. 11, watching the sunset on the horizon and making peace with my father.
And there was that day in the desert on a random Tuesday afternoon. I was so engrossed in thought that I don't remember when or why I started walking. An hour or so later, there I was in the middle of nowhere and very alone as I tried to find answers to questions I didn't know.
As I looked to the sky and spoke to my grandfather, trying to sort through the disparate aspects of my existence, tears formed in my eyes. Minutes later, I began to sob uncontrollably. I couldn't remember the last time I cried but it was surely measured in years, not months.
Sept. 11. Losing Ruby. Leaving a high-profile perch atop a lucrative hedge fund. Battles with established media based purely on principle. Chewing through most of my life savings.
Ruby. . .Sept. 11. . .Uncertainty. . . Doubt. . . Abandonment. . .Money. . .Faux friendships. . .Ruby. . .
The thoughts sped quicker and quicker as I stood in the empty desert. I turned around to make sure I knew where I was; I wasn't quite sure I did. I was confused, angry, sad, lonely, bitter and empty all at the same time.
Without warning, the skies opened up and cried alongside me; rain pounded down with intense pressure. I felt sorry for myself, heaped misery upon misery and absorbed as much pain as possible, feeling as if I somehow deserved the wrath of nature.
'Perfect,' I said out loud in an act of defiance, 'Bring it!'
I looked down, around and back at my two feet placed firmly in the desert sand and suddenly realized I was in a safe place. It was then that I connected with the person I lost years earlier and found the friend who was missing since Sept. 11.
I let the rain consume me, raising my arms in the air as my head fell back. I felt a smile creep upon my face.
As I let go of pain and strain of my internal burdens, a ray of sunlight peeked through the clouds and kissed me on the cheek. I was certain it was my grandfather, putting his hand on my shoulder, telling me to think positive, that 'this too shall pass.' To this day, nobody will convince me otherwise.
I've always been spiritual but that was different. It was a sign.
Something very powerful shifted within that day. When I walked into the desert, I operated from a position of finality. At 35, I saw who I was, what I made, where I had been and whom I was with. There was comfort in being able to define my experiences but that safety came with the cost of containment.
By the time I arrived back in my room, there was a tangible sense of release, as if I shed the weight of the world, left it in the desert and arrived at a new beginning. Rather than obsessing about what was, I felt extremely blessed to have an opportunity to shape what could be.
I didn't have much money, my future was uncertain and there were real risks in my master plan.
But what did I feel? Gratitude. Immense, complete, absolving gratitude.
It was then I understood that the greatest opportunities are born from the most profound obstacles, and the greatest wisdom is bred as a function of pain.


   I've long offered that the definition of professional nirvana is to do what you love with people you respect while serving the greater good.
    My best friend and college roommate, Kevin Wassong, and I raised money at the beginning of 2005, setting the stage for the next phase of Minyanville growth. Hoofy and Boo staked their claim as the Wall Street bull and bear, our loyal community manifested in size and scope, Kevin was president and The Ruby Peck Foundation -- named for my grandfather -- was on its way to raising a seven-figure donation for children's education.  2005年初,我和最好的朋友、大學舍友凱文•沃森(Kevin Wasson)一起為Minyanville籌集資金,為其下一步發展打好基礎。“呼呼”和“噓噓”這兩個卡通角色作為華爾街牛熊市的象徵深入人心,網上社區的規模和影響力不斷擴大,凱文成為Minyanville的總裁,而魯比派克基金會─以我祖父命名的慈善組織─正在為兒童教育募集七位數的善款。
    Life was good, which isn't to say it was easy. Building a business always takes longer, is much costlier and consumes more energy than originally anticipated, particularly when swimming against the steady stream of the conventional wisdom that financial intelligence must be dry, homogenous and entirely void of humor or humanity.
    I won't spend too much time discussing the Minyanville lifecycle. During our first two years, we rebuilt the platform, established a credible voice and solidified strategic partnerships. Once we hit those milestones, we again tapped the market and paved the way for the next stage of evolution, including hiring the human capital necessary to build out the entire wagon wheel.
    We remained true to our mission of effecting positive change through financial understanding. In the years preceding the financial crisis, we warned of the cumulative imbalances percolating under the seemingly calm surface. That's not as easy as it sounds with the Dow Jones at all-time highs, but our editorial mandate of truth and trust persevered. That philosophy, coupled with a forward-looking lens that marries news and opinion, continues to this day.
    There are now Minyans in 122 countries that drive upwards of 10 million page views each month. Minyanland, our massive multi-player online game that teaches children the basic building blocks of earning, spending, saving and giving, has almost 600,000 registered kids and parents. Hoofy and Boo sprang to life through the magic of animation and won the 2008 Emmy Award for New Approaches to Business and Financial Reporting.
現在,Minyanville的會員遍及122個國家,每個月有1000萬的頁面瀏覽量。我們的大型多人在線遊戲Minyanland向孩子們傳授收入、支出、儲蓄和給予等金融基礎知識,有近60萬兒童和父母成為註冊用戶。“呼呼”和“噓噓”通過動畫效果的魔力獲得了生命,贏得2008年度的“商業及財經信息創新方法”艾美獎(Emmy Award for New Approaches to Business and Financial Reporting)。
I don't make the type of money I did on Wall Street, but the psychic income has never been higher. As the ramifications of our societal largesse and the implications of public policy manifest, we continue to help millions of Minyans shape their perceptions, priorities and principles of financial awareness, from the ABC's to the 401(k)'s.  我不再像以前在華爾街時那樣賺大錢,但精神上的收穫卻從未如此豐富過。通過Minyanville日益擴大的社會 角和對公共政策的影響力,我們不斷幫助數以百萬計的會員構建自己的投資觀點、投資重心和投資理念,從最基本的金融知識,到401K的退休帳戶投資等。
    While giving a speech last year, someone asked which professional accomplishment I was most proud of. I wasn't prepared for the question but the answer left my lips before I realized it. 2008年,
    'My failures, for they tested my resolve and capacity,' I said. 'While I once measured myself by a bank account and business card, I discovered real success is staying true to who you are in the face of adversity.'
    I'm a different man than when I chased the cash register, which isn't to say I don't enjoy money. I've simply found that what you do pales in comparison to how you do it regardless of what it is you choose to do.  我不再是那個渴望站到收款台內側的那個人,這種變化並非意味着我不喜歡錢,我只是發現一個道理:無論從事什麼工作,怎麼做永遠要比做什麼更重要。
    The false idolatry of money is a sexy siren indeed; the grass may be greener and the wine might taste sweeter. Be careful what you wish for, though. It took a round trip for me to see it, but I'm a better man for it. 

八十六、A list to live by  為何而活
If I were to sum up some of the things I've learned through the years, the list might look a bit like this:    如果讓我總結一下這麼多年來的經驗教訓,那可能有點類似於下面這個清單:
 All you have is your name and your word.
 Honesty, trust and respect are the foundational constructs of any successful  endeavor.  誠實、信任和尊重是任何成功嘗試的基石所在。
 Time is the most precious commodity. 時間是最寶貴的商品。
 The purpose of the journey is the journey itself.
 What goes around comes around. 善有善報,惡有惡報。
 The greatest wisdom is bred as a function of pain. 大苦難方有大智慧。
 Bad times define good friends just as bad seasons define good fans.
 Be good to others and better to yourself. 對別人要好,對自己要更好。
 A random act of kindness is a positive pebble that ripples through the proverbial   pond of life. 善意的行為能激起人生池塘的美妙漣漪蕩漾。
  Work to live; don't live to work. 工作是為了生活,生活不是為了工作。
  Time is the arbiter of fate. 時間是命運的最終裁決者。
  Free will is God's greatest gift. 自由意志是上帝賦予的最好禮物。
  Experience is a close second. 回頭看看,經驗就在你的身後。
  Opportunities are made up easier than losses.
  Profitability begins within. 利潤始於你的內心。
  One hand washes the other. 洗手需要兩隻手。
  Just because one yells doesn't make the message more important.
  Where you stand is a function of where you sit. 位子決定立場。
   Life is the cumulative sum of your decisions. 人生就是你一系列決定的總合。
   The only difference between genius and madness is acceptance.
  The only difference between intervention and manipulation is communication.      介入和操縱之間的區別,只在於你是否選擇溝通。
   The only difference between a lesson and a mistake is the ability to learn from     it. 教訓和錯誤的區別,只在於你能否從中學到東西。
   Negative energy is wasted energy. 負面情緒是一種垃圾情緒。
   Adapt, don't conform. 適應,但不順從。
   Take the high road; it's less crowded and has a better view.
   Stay out of debt. 不要欠人錢。
   Be thankful for what you have rather than pine for what you don't.
  Seek balance. 尋求平衡。
  The definition of an investment should never be a trade gone awry.
  To appreciate where we are, we must understand how we got here.
  Drugs that mask symptoms aren't the same as medicine that cures the        disease. 緩解症狀的藥物並非治癒疾病的藥物。
  The opposite of love isn't hate; it's apathy.
  The friction between opinions is where true education resides.
   A dream is only as powerful as those who believe in it.
   Money comes and goes. 金錢來了還會走。
   The reaction to news is more important than the news itself.
   Trading gods have a vicious sense of humor.
   Tomorrow is promised to nobody. 誰也不能保證明天會怎樣。
   If you do the right thing long enough, someone will eventually take notice.
   Good traders know how to make money; great traders know how to take a            loss. 好的交易員知道怎麼賺錢,偉大的交易員知道如何承受損失。
  Seeing old friends is good for the soul. 和老朋友見面有益身心。
  Some of the wealthiest people I know don't have two dimes to rub together.
 By the time you get to where you want to be, the journey will have already ended.       一旦到達目的地,旅途本身就已經結束。
  Emotion is the enemy when trading. 情緒是交易的敵人。
  When in doubt, sit it out. 拿不準的時候,多看少動。
  The only difference between being early and being wrong is if you're there to      collect your chips.
   Build a growth company by surrounding yourself with people who can    themselves grow. 想創建能發展的公司,就要團結那些能成長的人。
   Tenacity, resolve and perseverance are the hallmarks of success.
   Hope isn't a viable investment vehicle. 希望並非一種有效的投資工具。
   Stay humble or the market will do it for you.
   Be careful with people who don't love pets. 和不喜歡寵物的人交往要當心。
   The ability not to trade is as important as trading ability.
  The Crash didn't cause the Great Depression; the Great Depression caused       the Crash.    不是1929年的股市大崩盤導致經濟大蕭條,而是經濟大蕭條導致  股市大崩盤。
   Social mood and risk appetites shape financial markets.
   The leaders coming out of a crisis are never the same as those that enter it.
   The ability to add capacity into a downturn defines the winners on the other          side. 只有在市場低迷時有加倉的眼光,才能在市場反轉後成為贏家。
   Discipline trumps conviction. 投資紀律勝過投資信念。
   There is a difference between having fun and being happy.
   Gratitude is latitude. 寬容即是一種感恩。
   There's no shame in admitting it's hard; there's only shame in pretending it's     not. 承認困難並不可恥,可恥的是假裝它不是困難。
    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
    Society is a sum of the parts. 社會是由各個零部件組成的。
    View obstacles as opportunities. 把障礙視為機遇。
    The air of integrity gets thinner with age. 正直的氣息隨時間消散。
    The meaning of life is a life of meaning. 生活的意義在於過有意義的生活。
    Think positive! 樂觀處事!
    One step in front of the other.  比別人多走一步。



Interesting juncture 
We live in one of the most interesting junctures in world history, a period that will shape the pathway for generations to come. There are two ways to approach these challenging times. We can hide our heads in the sand and hope for the best or proactively prepare and do our part to affect a positive outcome.
Financial literacy is a cornerstone of our societal evolution. That won't be found in a sound bite or a lightening round, it's a lifelong process that requires time, patience, humility and an ability to surround yourself with people you trust who have skill-sets that complement your own.
That is the calling card of the Minyanville community. We don't claim to have all the answers but we pride ourselves on asking questions that provoke thought. And while we won't give advice -- that would be misguided given the unknown risk profiles and time horizons of an unknown audience -- we'll share what we're doing, why we're doing it and how it's being done in real-time. See link.
My most lucid thought with regards to the market is that we're witnessing a cyclical bull nestled within a secular bear. The financial crisis hasn't disappeared; it's simply changed shape as it migrates from the financial to economic to social sphere. That can manifest in many ways and it's a multi-linear dynamic, meaning the script can change at any time and the ramifications will arrive in waves.
Capital preservation, debt reduction and financial intelligence are the hallmarks of any successful strategy; at least until such time that the cumulative imbalances are alleviated from the system. That doesn't preclude further upside but it's most certainly something to keep in mind as we together find our way.
We'll chew through our market view in the weeks and years to come. In the meantime, it's my sincere hope that by sharing some of my missteps, be them life lessons or market mistakes, others will have the foresight to avoid them altogether.
It's never too late to start, entirely alright to dream and perfectly normal to stumble. Just remember to enjoy the journey; for by the time you arrive at where you want to be, the trip will have already ended.
May peace be with you. 


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