雨瀟瀟今天在等洗牙的時候,隨手拿起一本Reader's Digest (Aug,2009), 習慣性從後面往前翻,首先映入眼帘的是有中英文的中國菜單,標題是"Last Laugh", 一看我差點笑出聲來。沒帶相機,拿出紙和筆抄錄了幾節:
Chinese dishes are works of art, prepared with surgical precision. That may explain why their names are half poetry, half prognosis, as these bites from actual Beijing menus reveal. 1. 京蔥爆遼參 Onion explodes the distant senate 2. 法式鵝肝配極品牛柳 Need for couples with French daily 3.俄式怕尼尼牛扒配鹹肉汁 Russian type afraid of someone with a whistle gravy 4. 皮蛋瘦肉粥 Preserved lean meat atherosclerosis Well, let's see, I'll have the ......