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Rai01-05 Is It End of U.S. or the Capitalist Era 2022-05-24 21:05:57

Rai 01-05

Is It End of the U.S. or the Capitalist Era?

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf8OgJUkf7k

Display time: one hour and twelve minutes. Two articles.

By Mark Wain

April 10, 2022 

As the Western and Eastern capital zones or camps have packed full to capacity, the United States faces a gloomy situation of political decline as China under the control of SCP’s capitalist ownership, also the bellwether of its opponent camp, has declared the existing power-that-be is no longer a sustainable leader who can’t call the shots in the world as before. 

Vladimir Putin’s special military operation in Ukraine, though hanging on by the eyebrows, has clearly upended the U.S rule of force, partly on behalf of the SCP. 

Xi Jinping’s dream of a hegemonic capitalist China, replacing the old and collapsing U.S. system and becoming the second-to-none hegemon, has loomed large by taking advantage of Putin’s operation. 

As the saying goes: “No two tigers can share one mountain,” can the U.S. share the capitalist foothold with some new-rich countries that stumbled into success through serendipity? Even with the old Pax Americana play revived, the passé hegemon-in-chief wouldn’t hold on its way because the capitalist social system-machine is breaking down fast. To put it in simple terms, capitalists are negligible not only in population counts but also, for the first time in five hundred years or so, in revitalizing their past power that has fallen into a crushed infamy [écrasez L' infame- Voltaire during 1759–69 or crush the loathsome thing —referring to the Roman Catholic Church] due to endless capital accumulations and “family feuds.” The plutocrat dynasties numbered in the hundreds of thousands in the Western camp, with a total accumulation of about fifty trillion dollars, and those dynasties numbered in approximately five hundred in China, with a total accumulation of twenty trillion dollars, are the two major powers of darkness which the global capitalists count on. While oligarchies in Russia numbered only in the low tens have too little power to avoid falling into the major powers of darkness. 

The great covid-19 pandemic has shown the poster child of the declining status of capitalism as we know it. Novelty-pursuing habits are what capitalists cultivate to whip up for their bottom-lines so much so that both individual and corporate gluttony cave in with no limit in sight. The former wants to have a taste of unknown or wild animal meat that is just in season in China; some reckless hillbillies in the menagerie transform, as a result of their laissez-faireism, long-inactive viruses into an unknown stage of being active, infectious and eventually contagious. As a result, the bottom-lines have never been missed by capital’s promoting and pursuing novelty. The wealth accumulated by U.S. multi-billionaires have surged by 70%, or $2.1 trillion, over 19 months during pandemic; they are now worth a combined $5 trillion. (https://inequality.org/great-divide/updates-billionaire-pandemic/ ) Elon Musk, the trillionaire, has totaled this year up to one trillion-dollar capital accumulation. 

The great pandemic has shown an exemplified capitalist social relation at work.  Inequality, inequity, hunger, disease, peril and hopelessness await us.  To survive the pandemic, one of the important approaches is to abolish the existing capitalist international organization such as the U.N. and establish anew a socialist U.N., responsible for dealing with the pandemic with centrally-controlled remedies for all people in the world without bottom-line-induced daring of the big pharms. This will also stifle the flimflam that “the doctor and the pharmaceutical company are hand in glove for years, conspiring together to push expensive medications on patients regardless of their actual need.” 

As though the Covid-19 pandemic were too restricted then, the Russia-Ukraine war now has widely opened up the possibility that war-induced destruction, collateral damage, hunger and poverty in Ukraine will “destroy habitats, kill wildlife, generate pollution and remake ecosystems entirely” and it’s needless to add that another pandemic such as Covid-22, -23, … will no longer be denied. If the war expands to NATO countries and North America, the pandemic calamity alone will destroy the globe even without ever-launching the nukes. 

It’s only wishful thinking that capitalism would return to its dizzily glorious period in the past. Being the last private-ownership system in history, it has nowhere to go but bankruptcy. The end of the U.S. capitalist system era foretells the end of the world’s capitalism. The new socialist collective ownership system must fight to replace it, even though the old system and its protector - the Regime Ancien want to struggle against the new system and consequently to linger on as long as possible. 

As to the great depression in the making under America’s thumb, the major cause again is that the old system is still enamored of the capitalist success in the past, that it doesn’t know or accept as true that the 21-century revolutionary torrent is pouring down the capital mountain, and that, even if it knows the danger ahead, it is powerless to resist. In no way, the capitalist world would be able to avoid or somehow kick time and time again its old and overheating-prone habit of relentless capital accumulations out of the system. 

Wars and capitalist developments are natural allies, to wit, each reenforces the other.  Two capitalist world wars say a lot about creative-destruction that’s bound to happen within the capitalist system. 

Both the Western and Eastern capitalist camps want to hegemonize the world at the expenses of their people and nations by means of hegemonic wars. Both camps want to stealthily substitute capital’s private interests for all others. 

These nation-states being forced by the waged-slave owners to serve the interests of the capitalists; capitals of death in the U.S., NATO, China and Russia have sky-rocketed while those who are exploited and oppressed through the regimes of bourgeoisie dictatorship go to the scene of operations to fight for the capitalists. 

Xi Jinping, in hiding these facts for 45-year-long illegal reign of SCP in China by hook or by crook, exclaimed that China must “wash away a hundred years of shame.” What he hid and evaded the historical facts from the people is that Chairman Mao, the great leader of all the people, had done that over the last century by means of the new democratic, socialist and the continued revolutions in China and the world. Xi and three others – Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao – are people’s enemies and a bunch of humbugs who served the world’s capitalist interests exceedingly well and stood well with the global capitals, especially for being capitalism restorers on behalf of the class enemy of the working people. 

The working people of the world must unite and fight their common class enemy, Eastern or Western, large or small, open or concealed in order to win over all who can be won over. The first and most relevant efforts for now is to take up widespread antiwar policies, tactics and sentiments towards all capitalist belligerents, especially Russia and Ukraine. The ideas of antiwar is not confined only to humanitarianism, rather widely open to the class-struggle doctrines and practices. We’ve to be well versed and skilled in transforming reactionary or capitalist wars into the one and only just wars of liberation of either those who drift along aimlessly or those who want to fight against capital’s dictatorship with no clear-eyed commitment to its cause as yet. In other words, we’ve to fight not only the apparent enemy but also those tampered with dystopia to nullify class struggles. [dystopia: an imaginary society in which social or technological trends have culminated in a greatly diminished quality of life or degradation of values. Also known as a dictatorship society where the technology hegemony rules. [Mark 04-13-2022] 

The last catastrophe – the great climate change - is literally the stage of delayed outbreak of a nuclear warfare willfully engaged in by the capitalists all over the world since their ever-increasing low-cost capital accumulation is as unstoppable as their instinct for living so long as either no immediate danger is to be seen or it comes partially into view. But then, by the time that the climate-change-nuke finally explodes, no one can survive the catastrophe. Capitalism is a radioactive social system which couldn’t care less about the “do-nothing-until-it’s-too-late climate change.” 

One of capitalists tried-and-true ruling skills is to divide and rule the masses by hiring impudent snobs in numerous realms such as the so-called mainstream news (Donald Trump called it fake news) outlets, social media, PRs of corporates, governments, … to channel one group of grass-roots furies at another so as to incite disunity among them. This tactic is the most common one practiced in capitalist countries all over the world, usually between the poor and the middle-class workers. 

The second is to stir up the working class’s disunities by means of area, skin-color, race, language, habit, culture and historical background differences among them. 

The last, but certainly not the least, tactics of the bourgeoisie, is to denigrate as much as possible and by all means the former leaders of the socialist revolutions so that working people would be infected with socialism-phobia that they would be discouraged with the struggle to overthrow their existing reactionary and anti-revolutionary regimes. 

As the world’s working class has laid bare these and other sordid schemes, capital’s future will be numbered. Its ostentatious so-called democracy has been rendered a laughing stock. The democracy of any country without working class holding the political power is null and void and fake. Sovereignties of the countries of both the Western and the Eastern capitalist camps in cahoots are sham, illegitimate and up to no good; the working class therein are duty-bound to overthrow them. 

As Abraham Lincoln said: “Reports are often false, and always false when made by a knave to cloak his knavery,” the huffing and puffing American democracy turns out to be just such a report and the American era can lead nowhere. In fact, the whole capitalist era obstinately confronted by its own glorious past that cannot continue because of the four catastrophes is about to end it for good. [Mark Wain 04-15-2022] 


18 Mar, 2022 12:59

Home Russia & FSU

Russia’s divorce from the West has pushed it into China’s arms. Here’s how it will work

Beijing is the only major power to benefit from Moscow’s conflict with Kiev 


The question of forming a military alliance with Beijing will most likely not arise in the near future. But hypothetically, it is still impossible to exclude the emergence of a formal Russian-Chinese military alliance, or situational military interaction in the event of military crises in the Pacific. Or, for example, appeals to article 9 of the Russian-Chinese Treaty on Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation of 2001. This article stipulates that, in the case of a threat to one of the parties, urgent consultations are to be held to eliminate such a threat. This is quite a realistic prospect in the event of a crisis concerning Taiwan, when Beijing will be interested in Russia’s ‘nuclear umbrella’ to prevent American intervention. 

By Vasily Kashin, Political Science PhD, Director of Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS) of Russia's Higher School of Economics National Research University https://www.rt.com/russia/552142-russia-ukraine-china-benefit/  


As I suggested earlier [See “Rai 01-04 Is It the Best and Also the Worst Time? The Coming of a New Democratic Revolution - Part 2,” https://youtu.be/EZTyNhmdXhU] that the realistic resolution of the Taiwan question awaits not only the Maoist forces’ take-over of the capitalist SCP regime but also the awakening of the Taiwanese working-class about reunifying with their socialist motherland. Being the world’s hegemon-in-chief, the U.S. capitalist two-party regime does seem to have its hands full. Nuclear attack is not its best choice for fearing losing too many precious workers that would otherwise create surplus value to capital without compensation and buy goods with their wages, however precarious. [Mark Wain 03-30-2022] 

CNN Mar 30, 2022 

The US believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being "misinformed" by his advisers about how badly the Russian military is performing in Ukraine and the impact of sanctions on Russia's economy, a US official tells CNN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh7zK9DZ6IQ   

This claims about Putin’s limited knowledges concerning the Russia-Ukraine War and the impact of sanctions on Russian economy are very unlikely because he climbed the political ladder of success starting from being an intelligence officer, he must be very skillful in working with the intelligence communities of the military and government. On the other hand, it’s a rule practiced in the military that multiple channels are put in place for information transmissions so that none can be manipulated as the only one without double-checking from its counterpart. As far as decline of the economy is concerned, even without his subordinates’ reports, he’d have known as much as he wants by watching the TV programs. [Mark Wain 03-30-2022]

On Organizations

There is a dialectical unity between the unorganized and the organized. Absolute disorganization does not exist. Although these organizations are rudimentary and inconspicuous, they are small in scale, have no momentum, have few people who know them, and have zero influence. But don't underestimate their objective existence, especially the underground organization groups, because with the development of the revolutionary situation (including the capitalist world entering the dead end caused by the four major crises and other aspects), from scratch, from childhood The law of organizational development that grows from weak to strong will, under the guidance of the correct line, lead to a turning point in the problem that the organization is too difficult in both subjective and objective aspects. Don't be pessimistic and disappointed, but do your best to unite first, then unite and follow Chairman Mao's path of continuing the revolution. It doesn’t matter if you disagree with the theory and practice of continuing revolution for various reasons. “All roads lead to Rome.” The right thing always struggles with the wrong thing, and after repeated contests, “the last laugh is finally achieved. [Mark Wain 2022-04-04] 

On Jan. 1, 2021 Uprising 

The Democratic Party itself pretends to be a so-called leftist, but in fact it is a leftist in appearance and a true rightist in reality – a "turning on the left light to turn to the right" party. The January 6th Uprising has dealt a heavy blow to the ideology of right-leaning opportunists - national sovereignty is greater than the people’s sovereignty. Quite the contrary, people’s sovereignty is more important, higher and greater than either the territorial or the national sovereignty, so it is entirely correct to support the Jan. 6, 2021 mass uprising and civil war in a limited scale in the United States. As for the timing of and occasion to the comments, it is not very important. In fact, there are many discerning people who have long seen through a brick wall of the pretense and hypocrisy of the fake leftists. 

Furthermore, Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky both have claimed that the Russians forces, in particular, their leader Vladimir Putin have committed the crime of genocide in Ukraine. This kind of “when you only have a hammer, all the problems look like nails” partiality for the Russian-phobia is as false as Congress’s accusation against “the violent Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.” Their know-it-alls are so patronizing that the capitals of law and order and the capital of death in unison have substituted people’s sovereignty by those corrupt politicians to say the last word. [Mark Wain 2022-04-08]

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