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Rai 01-07​ On Opening up the Capitalistic Pandora 2022-06-02 15:50:07

Rai 01-07

On Opening up the Capitalistic Pandora’s Box of the Problems of Revolution

Mark Wain May 30, 2022


Display time: 13 minutes. 

In front of me there are several main topics that require someone to investigate in order to make things clearer than they’re now. By that I mean it seems to me too few people dare to open up the capitalistic Pandora’s box full of the problems of revolution. They are as follows:


The first topic is the Texas gun shooting from which nineteen primary school students and two teachers were killed randomly without cause by an eighteen-years-old high school student nearby.


Gun violence has become so mundane in the U.S. that almost all remedies for gun violence resort to gun control policy changes.


Historically speaking, the purpose of the Constitution of the United States Second Amendment: “that a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed,” is to make sure the state must belong to the people, not to the colonial or otherwise any hostile power of the people. People’s rights of bearing arms are therefore based on two grounds: the first one is for self-defense and the second is for fighting against their common interior enemies.


The tyranny of the British King George III and his reactionary elements belonged to people’s first-time interior enemy; the tyranny of the capitalistic reign has become their second-time interior enemy. The coming of the new democratic revolution calls for the formation of people’s militia to overthrow the capitalistic tyranny, which is as justified as their forebears’ overthrowing the British King George III government and cleaning out the Tory traitors, estimated one-third of the population, 246 years ago.


The capital’s staying power, though dwindled under the Four Great Catastrophes’ enormous weight, remain formidable to an unorganized opposing force. At such a pre-revolutionary present, disorders and bare-knuckled fighters appear often in such a troubled time. The main cause of people being thrown into bewilderment is that the internal contradictions of capitalism have rendered it a basket case.


Working people lose their social dignity and status as inequality and inequity are rampant. Their futures have been dimmed by meritocratic competitions on the one hand, and trailing along and off the labor market, on the other. The abyss of despair produce enormous hopeless cases and they tend to throw up their hands for good. Eventually, they are forced to walk the streets and some of them want to pay the society back in its own coin – before being shot at, they massacred the innocent people as a way of exacting a vengeance from the ossifying and relentless capitalist society.


To be sure, everyone desires to live in a world free of worries and pains. But that has to be a new society in the future. To establish such an advanced society, we have to win over all those who can be won over. As most people know pretty well by now, if and when there is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a new democratic revolution, a new democratic society once seized upon will satisfy the working class who has been long on the tiptoe of expectation; then and only then they can expect to see daylight.


A new democratic society will guarantee working people’s true democracy in contrast to the current fake one that capitals keep working people in their waged-slavery places via the capitalistic Congressional-Military-Industrial Complex, swing of the pendulum through Capitol Hills revolving door, electoral circus democracy as well as the dark money.


People’s attack on the Capital Hills on January 6, 2021 blind-sided the capitalistic Congress, because capital mistakenly believed that the honed capitalistic democracy taken as a weapon would stop any ruled class adversary. Despite the fact that people’s opposition to the Congress and its high misdemeanors against people’s sovereignty is justified, Congress has the audacity to create a "9/11-type commission" to investigate the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. People’s uprisings are not the same as personal conspiracy violence, which cannot be justified in any case.


Common sense tells us that any of mass movements against the-powers-that-be must have leaders who lead the masses forward. The more deviationist the leader is, hence more in line with the masses’ intentions, the better. Therefore, anyone who insists on either people’s movements should be leaderless, or else the leader should be a conformist, hence in contrast with the masses’ wishes, is an opponent of the people.


It’s clear that Donald Trump was and still is the rightful leader of the January 6 uprising and, perhaps, future mass movements as well.  To say that Donald Trump is a controversial figure is an understatement. A capitalist-turned devil’s advocate of the working class, if not for its basic and long-term, at least for its relatively short-term interests, he has turned out to be a capitalist political heavy-weight.


All those who are determined or disposed to ignore him are at their own perils.


As almost everybody by now recognizes the cover of the U.S. capitalist democracy has been blown up wide open by the unforgiving class struggles, capitalist’ hand-maidens find themselves in a thankless position. Pseudo-binary theories, viewpoints and identities flood in everywhere – “you’re either with us or you’re against us,” “the Democratic Party is good and the G.O.P. is bad,”” Joe Biden is good and Donald Trump is bad,”” Ukraine is good and Russia is bad,” etc. The dialectic thought processes become the victims of the metaphysics in which polemic hirelings of capitalism indefatigably persist.


Because of the triumph of capitalism over socialism starting from the end of last century and onwards, its economic exploitation and political oppression against the working people have wreak havoc on the unity of the working class. The middle class, petite bourgeoisie and the well-to-does have united under the leadership of the capitalistic Demos while the working poor that make up the majority of the working class became isolated until Donald Trump came and got along. Once the working class was rent in two major parties and more minor factions, the political and economic hegemonies of capital lost no time to wreak havoc 24/7 on all of them. That’s what capital’s “divide-and-rule” bravura is meant; alienation and troubling times go hand in glove. “The sunset is infinitely good, only close to dusk” (excerpted from a poem by Li Shangyin, 813-approx.858); capitalism faces a fissured political world; the working people will strive hard against all kinds of difficulties making preparations for their ineluctable victory.




Recently in Columbia, Latin America, a social-democratic candidate for the presidency, named Gustavo Petro who is gray-haired, 62, an economist, grew up outside Bogotá and as a teenager, joined the M-19, a leftist urban militia, looked strong for winning the election.


How about the likelihood to elect a social-democrat such as Bernie Sanders to the presidency in the U.S.?


The bourgeoisie dictatorship in the U.S. is much too strong to let go at any social-democrat president. Even though third-world countries for instance Columbia and Venezuela could elect progressive presidents, their tenures might not last long because the U.S. capital’s powers-that-be don’t want to set a precedent for such an undesirable outcome. They’ll make sure there won’t be any one who dare to be so emboldened.


A new democratic revolution is the only viable approach in the first-world countries.


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