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Deng Xiaoping was Chiang''s revenant 2023-10-18 15:36:42

Deng Xiaoping was Chiang's revenant

Dongping Han

Of all the Chinese farmers and workers I have met in China over the years, 95 percent of them are staunch supporters of the Chinese State media.  If you opposed the Chinese Government and state media, they would fight with you.  At the same time, the highly educated Chinese: professors and professionals, rich capitalists and officials, eighty percent of them are critical of the Chinese Government and its media.

It is where a person stands in the food chain, kind.   It is a person's  social economic background decides how he thinks.  The highly educated Chinese are not necessarily stupid, but they can be very stupid at the same time.  Many of them think that American Government cares about Chinese human rights. [Sep 17, 2023]

My reply: Capitalist roader establishment supports it the most, no doubt, because the power-that-be is nowhere to be found cleaner than Chiang Kai-shi's regime in the 1927-1949 era. Deng Xiaoping was Chiang's revenant. [Mark Wain 2023-09-17]


Given the point of view, common to  annacrchists and communist that "propety is theft",  La propriété, c'est le vol

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