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王志安 中国的低人权优势 双语 bilingual China''s low human rights 2024-04-21 16:28:38

王志安撞上秦晖翻车后,再来看看曹德旺如何游走于中国的低人权优势与美国的高人权优势之间。(汉英双语 bilingual) After Wang Zhi'an bumped into Qin Hui and overturned, let's take a look at how Cao Dewang walked between China's low human rights advantage and the United States' high human rights advantage. ( In Chinese)




美国跟中国比较是一个非常不同的经营环境,我们就从人权环境来看看曹德旺在俄亥俄的福耀玻璃工厂。这个人权环境是广义的,不仅是劳资关系,还有企业与政府的关系、企业与土地、资源、资金这些市场大环境的关系。我们有一个比较直观的例子,就是美国导演掌控、获得奥斯卡奖的纪录片,这就是2019年上映的《美国工厂》(American Factory)。这个片子是最近几十年来公众第一次有机会了解在美国投资的外国企业的运作细节,在这以前,上一波就是40多年前日本汽车企业在美国投资的时候。中国企业在美国铁锈地带的投资,当然可以看作是中国制造业上升和美国制造业衰落的一个例证,这应该没有问题。



记者易速利 Apr 16, 2024






秦晖之流动辄人权、民主、自由等主观片面性早就失去存在的价值,遑论什么赢得大多数。[Mark Wain 2024-04-17  




After Wang Zhi'an bumped into Qin Hui and overturned, let's take a look at how Cao Dewang walked between China's low human rights advantage and the United States' high human rights advantage. ( In Chinese)


The current differences between Israel and Iran should not be as popular on YouTube as the differences between Wang Zhian and Qin Hui. When discussing the issue of low human rights advantages, Qin Hui stood on the side of conscience or fairness, so he won the vast majority of the audience. Wang Zhian is more on the side of results or efficiency, so he gets the vast majority of negative comments from the audience. Professor Qin Hui's statement is certainly reasonable. As a media colleague, I don't think Wang Zhian is particularly wrong. What he lacks is to show more concern and common ground for the vast number of people who are ignored and sacrificed in the so-called low human rights advantage. Affection. My personal feeling is that the advantage of low human rights is an important factor in China's economic take-off, but it may not be a decisive factor.

Compared with Europe, the United States and Japan, the role of this advantage may vary at different stages. Comparing now with the beginning of reform and opening up, the advantages of low human rights gained by China's economic development may be more prominent. why? Because in the past, China's human rights situation was not particularly bad when compared with similar low-income countries, such as North Korea, Ethiopia, and Turkmenistan. After decades of development, China's low human rights situation has become even more prominent when compared with countries at the same level with similar development conditions, and the human rights situation urgently needs to be gradually improved. China's actual situation now is that it benchmarks against the United States on many issues. China is the world's second largest economy, and its role in international politics and economy wants to be comparable to that of the United States. If compared with the United States, China's low human rights advantage or poor situation is of course very prominent.

The United States has a very different business environment than China. Let's take a look at Cao Dewang's Fuyao Glass Factory in Ohio from the human rights environment. This human rights environment is broad, not only the relationship between labor and capital, but also the relationship between enterprises and the government, and the relationship between enterprises and the market environment such as land, resources, and capital. We have a relatively intuitive example, which is an Oscar-winning documentary controlled by an American director, which is "American Factory" released in 2019. This film is the first time in recent decades that the public has had the opportunity to understand the details of the operations of foreign companies investing in the United States. Before this, the last wave was when Japanese automobile companies invested in the United States more than 40 years ago. Investments by Chinese companies in the U.S. Rust Belt can certainly be seen as an example of the rise of Chinese manufacturing and the decline of U.S. manufacturing, and there should be no problem with that.

Cao Dewang also brought American employees who were accustomed to a high human rights environment back to the parent factory in Fujian to see how Chinese workers worked in a low human rights environment. You can imagine how American employees felt. They were of course shocked. What they saw was the military camp-like management of Chinese factories. In the morning, everyone lined up to go to work amid loud military bugles. Young workers worked at a fast pace. There was no coffee time.

Chinese capitalists adapted quickly to the high human rights environment in the United States. Cao Dewang won the labor dispute. After the vote, he told the management to try to hire young American workers and train them to adapt to China's corporate culture. Using Professor Qin Hui's perspective of low human rights advantages, that is to say, Cao Dewang hopes that his factories and workers in the United States can actually use their low human rights advantages as much as possible, get used to working overtime, work hard without complaint, do not organize unions, and do not work hard for higher wages. , but to make America great again. If a trade union is formed, what will Cao Dewang do? He would consider closing the factory. From the perspective of the local government and employees, should human rights be higher but the factory closed, or should human rights be lower and the factory continue to operate? Judging from the example of Fuyao, everyone has chosen to sacrifice some human rights. Of course, American workers still enjoy many more human rights than their Chinese colleagues. They can own guns.

Reporter Yi Suli Apr 16, 2024

My brief review:

The argument that the economic development of the party-state with Chinese characteristics has the advantage of low human rights is not comprehensive enough. The so-called development of a characteristic economy is inseparable from the conventions of capitalist economic development, which is to lower wage levels as much as possible under political oppression and increase labor intensity, thereby increasing the opportunity to obtain high surplus labor value for free, thereby achieving rising profit margins on the social average, demanded by the main purpose of capitalist economy.

This objective law of capitalist economic development is not affected by the level of human rights and is universally applicable.

The economic development of the characteristic party-state also applies to this scientific argument, but at the same time it relies on the large and universal historical legacy of the Chinese revolution - the excellent discipline of the original working class, which under the premise of leading everything, was high-spirited, energetic, and strived to the top. The rapid development of the characteristic economy has become a so-called miracle that has attracted worldwide attention. In addition, the achievements of socialist construction led by Chairman Mao were taken advantage of by the four revisionists: Deng, Jiang, Hu and Xi. They privatized hundreds of billions of dollars of public and state-owned property and appropriated it to the party-state bureaucracy. As a result, the speed and scale the economic development of the four revisionists are invincible, shocking the bourgeoisie of all countries in the world.

Qin Hui and his ilk's subjective one-sidedness such as human rights, democracy, and freedom has long lost the value of existence, let alone winning the majority. [Mark Wain 2024-04-17 



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