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他戳破了最大的谎言(bilingual)He exposed the biggest lie 2024-02-25 21:30:58

专访孙经先:他戳破了二十世纪中国最大的谎言(汉英 bilingual )

- "Thirty Million Starved to Death"


作者: 星火(齐.园.黑.石) [2377058:18715], 23:56:54 12/14/2019:

- 论剑谈棋 豪杰尽聚 - 华岳论坛 - http://huayue.fatcow.com/ [已停刊]

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2019-12-12 03:36| 发布者: redchina| 查看: 1322| 评论: 4|原作者: 孙经先|来自: 进步文化网








































前不久,中国科技大学的黄卫东教授按照蒋正华提供的数学模型进行了数值计算,这一计算表明,按照蒋正华的数学模型,根本得不到他所公布的结果。黄卫东教授指出:从他(黄文东)的计算结果来看“丝毫看不到非正常死亡年份的过多死亡,也看不出1960 年前后死亡人口的大幅度增加。”“按照蒋(正华)的算法,我们没能重现蒋给出的出生率和死亡率特征,尤其是 1960 年前后三年巨大的死亡率增加。”蒋正华的方法“难以很好地模拟1953-1964 年的人口分布”。这就说明,按照蒋正华的方法,人们得不到蒋正华所公布的结论。 





























孙经先:我所了解的情况与这种说法不同。我所了解的情况如下:八十年代初,我国国内出现了一股全盘否定毛主席的社会思潮。在这股社会思潮的影响下,国内有少数学者以三年困难时期的人口死亡率为依据,认为我国三年困难时期比正常年景“多死亡了1600万人”,他们中有一些人混淆“多死亡人数”与“非正常死亡人数”这两个概念之间的本质区别,并以此为依据认为我国这一期间非正常死亡1600万人左右。在1980年国内有人在国际学术会议上向国外透露了我国三年困难时期的人口死亡率数据。在这之后国际某些势力敏锐地觉察到我国国内的这一动向。一些国外学者对我国三年困难时期的人口变动问题产生了异乎寻常的特殊兴趣。在洛克菲勒基金会和美国全国研究理事会的资助下,美国普林斯顿大学教授Ansley J.Coale(科尔)教授在很短的时间里就出版了《从1952年到1982年中国人口的急剧变化》一书,宣布中国在1958年—1963年期间超线性死亡2700万人左右。美国人口及人口学委员会于1984年7月10日特别为科尔这一著作的出版举行了记者招待会。合众社、美联社和西方其他大通讯社都报道了上述超线性死亡数字。李成瑞先生指出, 









官媒:中国2019共有30位两院院士去世。 难道不诡异吗? - postgroup81 02:32:26 12/15/2019


Mark Wain 1 second ago  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsc7EglNspY

播主竟然相信了特色党中修叛徒复辟盗国集团及其非法伪政权是跟毛主席时代的真共产党有关,说什么习近平自比毛主席,等等自欺欺人之谈。这是不对的。特色党根本与真共产党毫无关系。它是个彻头彻尾的假共产党。不要再继续编下去了,适可而止吧。[Mark Wain 2020-07-13]




...反毛杂蓄们从各个角度攻击毛主席,无非是借此想拖跨中国,饿死人 只是其中之一,大家警惕!



Dongping Han

其实李承瑞这个人也是有问题的。 他主政国家统计局的时候,为了迎合邓小平否定毛泽东时代的政治需要,改动国家统计局的数字,将一九六零的出生人口减少了一千万。 但统计数字是该动不得的。 改动是要被打脸的。 于是的统计数字就出现了一个奇特的现象。 一九九三年统计的一九六零的出生人口,居然高过一九八三年公布的一九六零年的出生人口,就是说一九九三年统计出来的一九六零年出生的人口,经过三十年,不但没有减少,反而增加了,说明一九八三年公布的一九六零年出生人口减少一千万的数字,是个伪造的数据。可惜大部分人是不会看到这些揭露真相的文章,所以至今谬种流传。

李承瑞后来是反对饿死三千万的谣言的。 我一直期望他在死前出面说明国家统计局是否受到上面的压力,改动国家统计局数字的事情,不然何以六零年的出生人口不多不少,正好比上一年少了一千万。但是他最终没有做出这种说明。

在美国出版的台湾支持的《世界日报》上,右派们曾经说,嘴长在他们脸上,愿意怎么说就怎么说,任何人想澄清,都像在用搅屎棍在粪桶里搅,越搅越臭。 我曾称这种做法为谎言恐怖主义。 不过,现在越来越多的人,开始摈弃谣言了。东屏

Translation from the Chinese into English

Attachment: "Looking up at the Big Dipper, I miss Chairman Mao in my heart.”

Exclusive interview with Sun Jingxian: He exposed the biggest lie in China in the 20th century


Author: Xinghuo (Qi.Yuan.Hei.Shi) [2377058:18715], 23:56:54 12/14/2019:

- Discuss swords and chess, heroes gather - Huayue Forum - http://huayue.fatcow.com/ [folded]

http://huayue.fatcow.com/HuaShan/BBS/shishi/gbcurrent/2377058.shtml [folded]

That is, "I do the just cause that I should do with the conscience of an academic worker"

2019-12-12 03:36| Publisher: redchina| Views: 1322| Comments: 4|Original author: Sun Jingxian|From: Progress Culture Network


See: "The Fierce Debate between Sun Jingxian and Cao Shuji on "Thirty Million Starved to Death""

After my article was published, there were crazy abuses and even death threats. I do not regret it at all and I'm not scared at all. A thorough materialist is fearless! I am doing the just cause that I should do with the conscience of an academic worker. We firmly believe that history is on our side! It is not us who are truly timid and afraid, but those who fabricate lies such as Jiang Zhenghua, Yang Jisheng, and Cao Shuji. In the face of our exposure and criticism, their "ostrich policy" shows that they do not even have the courage to defend themselves!

Progressive Culture: Hello, Teacher Sun! Around 2012, you published a series of articles including "Research on my country's Population Changes in the 1960s", refuting the statement that "30 million people died of starvation", which aroused widespread public attention. As a professor of mathematics, what made you enter this risky research field? Can you give us a brief introduction to your resume?

Sun Jingxian: First, let me introduce my resume. I was born in 1948. After graduating from high school in 1966, I was assigned to work in a factory in 1968 for 10 years. After the college entrance examination was resumed in 1977, I got a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Shandong University and entered the school in the spring of 1978. It took only one year to basically complete his undergraduate studies. In the second year, he was admitted to the graduate school of the school. He received a master's degree in science in 1981 and a doctorate in science in 1984. After graduation, he stayed in the School of Mathematics of Shandong University to work. In 1991, he was promoted to the title of professor, and in 1992, he received a special government allowance from the State Council. He has been a doctoral supervisor since 1995, and was appointed as a Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu Normal University in 2001. I have long been engaged in teaching, scientific research and training graduate students in the field of mathematics and its applications. He has published (including co-published) more than 200 academic papers, published (including co-published) four monographs, won many provincial and ministerial scientific research awards, and hosted and participated in many National Natural Science Foundation projects. Many research results have been highly praised at home and abroad.

Marx once said:

[“A science is truly perfect only when it successfully uses mathematics.”]

Many famous mathematicians have argued that mathematicians should pay attention to and study major mathematical problems that arise in various fields of natural science and social science. During my long-term mathematical research, I have always maintained a strong interest in various mathematics-related problems that arise in many fields (including social sciences). I have a deep understanding from my own research experience: modern mathematics provides a set of rigorous thinking methods and tools, which can fully study and correctly handle various complex data systems that appear in various fields.


Regarding the saying "30 million people starved to death", I learned about it from the Internet. When I first came across this statement, my first feeling was that I did not believe it at all. Because I experienced that era. My personal experience is completely inconsistent with the statement that "30 million people starve to death". So, I started paying attention to this issue.

After reading some information, I found that the statement "30 million people died of starvation" only appeared after the National Bureau of Statistics released my country's household registration and demographic data from 1949 to 1982 in 1983 (hereinafter referred to as "1983 population data"). of. There are many major contradictions in the 1983 population data that are difficult to explain. In the absence of international migration, the growth of a country's total population each year should be equal to the natural growth of the population. But the 1983 population data showed an anomaly in which in many years there were huge differences between the two supposedly equal figures. Especially during the period from 1960 to 1964, after deducting natural population growth, my country's household registration census showed a huge abnormal decrease of 26.44 million people. This is the major contradiction in the 1983 population data. It is precisely because this major contradiction has never been scientifically explained for half a century. Some scholars at home and abroad believe that the large population (numbering 17 million to 30 million or even more) during my country's three-year difficult period is very large. Normal death is the root cause of this major contradiction, so the saying "30 million people starve to death" has emerged.


Therefore, to solve the problem of "30 million people starving to death", the key is to provide a scientific explanation for the above-mentioned major contradictions in the 1983 population data (which is a complex data system). Based on my long-term experience in mathematical research, I am keenly aware that this should be a mathematical problem that can and must be studied and solved using rigorous mathematical thinking methods. After making some preparations, I began to study this issue using mathematical thinking methods in 2010.

Through research, I finally concluded that the cause of the above-mentioned major contradictions in the 1983 population data has nothing to do with the births and deaths of the population and their household registration activities. This major contradiction is caused by the re-reporting of migration and migration during the population migration process. caused by underreporting and their correction of these behaviors. This result provides a complete and systematic explanation for the major contradictions in the 1983 population data, and fundamentally overturns the "30 million people died of starvation". Details can be found in my published articles.

This conclusion was reached at the end of 2010. One day in January 2011, I went to Xinhua Bookstore and saw the "Party History Volume Two" that had just been published, so I picked it up and looked through it. In this way, I saw the following passage recorded in "Party History Volume Two":

[“Due to the sharp and widespread decline in the birth rate, the death rate has increased significantly. According to official statistics, the total population of the country in 1960 decreased by 10 million compared with the previous year.”]

This statement links "the total population of the country in 1960 to be 10 million less than the previous year" with population deaths, and "a decrease of 10 million" is a concrete manifestation of the major contradiction in the 1983 population data. According to the research conclusions I had obtained at that time, this statement in "Party History Volume Two" is very wrong. At that time, I realized that this statement (and thus the statement "30 million people starved to death") would probably be written into history as a result. And I have discovered the fundamental error in this statement. Such a strong sense of historical responsibility made me decide at that time: I would immediately devote all my energy to research on refuting "30 million people starved to death" and find out the truth about this important historical issue. A few months later, I said in an article published in Marxist Studies:

["Whether tens of millions of people died abnormally in our country in the early 1960s has become a major historical public case in the history of the People's Republic of China. It has been half a century since this historical event. The truth should be resolved in the contemporary era, and we should not leave it to history or to future generations."]

This reflects my true state of mind at the time. Since history has given me the opportunity to solve this major issue, it is my unshirkable responsibility to solve this major issue, find out the truth about this major historical issue, and tell the truth to history and the people! From this moment on, I devoted all my energy to the research of this topic.

Progressive Culture: According to your research, the famous demographer Jiang Zhenghua played a crucial role in the spread of the so-called "30 million people who starved to death" at home and abroad. You have written an article questioning the wrong views of Jiang Zhenghua's related papers, and wrote an open letter to Jiang Zhenghua. Please tell me, did Jiang publicly reply to you later?

Sun Jingxian: Regarding this issue, the specific situation is as follows. In the process of studying the issue of population changes during the three-year difficult period, I carefully read all of Jiang Zhenghua's research papers on this issue, and examined all his argumentation processes, confirming that his research had a series of academic consequences. Big fundamental mistake. To this end, I wrote two papers in 2011, conducting serious academic criticism of Jiang Zhenghua's major academic mistakes.


In 2011, Professor Gong Xiantian of Peking University held several academic seminars on population changes during the three-year difficult period. Mr. Li Chengrui and some old comrades participated in these meetings. I introduced my research results and academic criticism of Jiang Zhenghua at the meeting. Mr. Li Chengrui believes that my research is a breakthrough, and he attaches great importance to the mistakes in Jiang Zhenghua's research. He has made suggestions to me many times, hoping that I can have a direct dialogue with Jiang Zhenghua on this issue to help clarify this important issue. the truth. Some other old comrades also made similar suggestions.

I accepted the suggestions of veteran comrades such as Li Chengrui and sent an invitation to Jiang Zhenghua (delivered by Mr. Li Chengrui) at the end of 2011, making it clear that I was willing to have direct dialogue with him on this issue at a time and place that he deemed appropriate. Several of my papers, Mr. Li Chengrui, were handed over to Jiang Zhenghua.

Mr. Li Chengrui is the proposer and supporter of Jiang Zhenghua's research. No matter from which perspective, Jiang Zhenghua should not reject Mr. Li Chengrui's suggestion. But unfortunately, Jiang Zhenghua rejected this suggestion and adopted the "ostrich policy" of not responding at all to my invitation and academic criticism. This made it impossible for Mr. Li Chengrui's last wish to be realized during his lifetime.

In 2017, after the death of Mr. Li Chengrui, I sent an open letter to Jiang Zhenghua, again suggesting direct dialogue with him. In this open letter, I solemnly point out to him:

["Your research is one of the most important and authoritative academic bases for the statement that China's "abnormal deaths" were between 17 million and 30 million during the three difficult years. I have made serious academic criticism of your research. Obviously, If you are still a serious scholar, you should respond publicly to my academic criticism in the spirit of being responsible for history. If my academic criticism is wrong, you should obviously respond publicly to refute my academic criticism. Make mistakes to maintain the seriousness and scientific nature of academic research, and at the same time maintain your own academic reputation. If your research is wrong, as a serious scholar you should also openly admit your mistakes. From this perspective, you have been doing it for several years. Not responding to my academic criticism within a year is obviously not the attitude a serious academic worker should have."]

In the open letter, I made four suggestions: (1) I am willing to have a direct dialogue with Jiang Zhenghua on this issue at a time and place he deems appropriate; (2) I suggest that Jiang Zhenghua respond to my academic criticism (if He is old, and his students can also answer on his behalf.) (3) Although Jiang Zhenghua published his research conclusions, he never published the numerical calculation process for thirty years. To be responsible for history, I suggested that he publish the entire numerical calculation process. (4) Due to the extreme importance of this issue and its high degree of mathematical expertise, I suggest that an academic review committee composed of mathematicians and demographers be organized to academically review Jiang Zhenghua's research paper.


However, Jiang Zhenghua never responded to my open letter.

So why did Jiang Zhenghua refuse to reply? There are two reasons for this:

(1) His research was mathematical in nature and his errors were mathematical errors. For mathematical problems, whether it is a theoretical derivation process or a calculation process, the standards for determining correctness and error are unified and clear in academic circles around the world, and there is no disagreement. So, for mathematical problems, if it is wrong, it is wrong, and there is no room for excuse. For Jiang Zhenghua, if we are wrong, he can confidently refute our mistakes and defend himself; if he is wrong, he has no room for excuse. From this perspective, people can judge who is right and who is wrong based on "Does Jiang Zhenghua dare to talk to me directly?" Jiang Zhenghua has adopted the "ostrich policy" for more than eight years and has not dared to talk to us. This fully demonstrates his guilty conscience and cowardice. This is the first basic reason for his refusal to talk.

(2) Jiang Zhenghua's research seriously violated the “principle of reproducibility” that must be followed in academic research (we will talk about this later). If he had a direct conversation with us, I would ask him to publish his complete calculation process in accordance with the "principle of repeatability." And as soon as these are published, people can repeat and verify his results through actual computer calculations. Through this kind of "replication and verification", people can expose all the falsity of his research. He has no reason to refuse our request. This is the second basic reason why he refuses to talk to us.

Progressive Culture: What are the differences in research methods between you and Mr. Jiang Zhenghua? In other words, what is the real reason why you and he came to different conclusions about the sharp population decline in the early 1960s?

Sun Jingxian: I want to say more about this issue. In academic research, the "reproducibility principle" is one of the most important principles. The so-called "reproducibility principle" means that when researchers publish their research results, they must ensure that other researchers can "repeat" and "verify" their research (that is, other researchers can follow the instructions provided in the papers published by the authors). method of "repeating" and reproducing this result). Many people believe that if an academic research result cannot be replicated by others, it may be wrong or fake. The irreproducibility of research results is often the trigger for academic scandals.

Mr. Li Chengrui, former director of the National Bureau of Statistics, pointed out: Jiang Zhenghua's research “was conducted at the request and support of the National Bureau of Statistics. However, after repeated consideration, the National Bureau of Statistics believed that the research on this issue was difficult, and the research results at that time were not yet sufficient. mature, so this research has not been listed as a formal scientific research topic, no project funds have been allocated, and there is no formal 'project research report' and 'certificate of appraisal'." Jiang Zhenghua "The preliminary results of the research are always academic papers written by individual scholars., published in the journal of the school and related books and periodicals that he contacted by himself." This shows that Jiang Zhenghua's results are only "preliminary results", and his research "does not have a formal 'project research report' and its 'certificate of appraisal'."


The strangest thing about Jiang Zhenghua's "research" is that he never published his calculation process, which seriously violated the "principle of repeatability", that is, readers cannot "repeat" and "verify" his basic conclusions according to the method described by Jiang Zhenghua (my country Three 17 million people died abnormally during difficult times every year).

So why did he Why has his calculation process not been published for more than thirty years? The reason here is simple. The paper he had published was merely a purely theoretical derivation, filled with the symbols, terminology, and formulas of modern mathematics. Only mathematics professionals and scholars with high mathematical attainments can understand and point out the essential errors. However, most readers who care about this issue have difficulty judging the correctness or error of this research from the perspective of mathematical theory. If Jiang Zhenghua publishes his complete calculation process, people can easily verify his entire research by repeating his calculation process on a computer, thus showing the falsity of his research. This is the fundamental reason why Jiang Zhenghua did not publish (did not dare to publish) his calculation process for more than thirty years.

Not long ago, Professor Huang Weidong of the University of Science and Technology of China conducted numerical calculations based on the mathematical model provided by Jiang Zhenghua. This calculation showed that according to Jiang Zhenghua's mathematical model, the results he published could not be obtained at all. Professor Huang Weidong pointed out: Judging from his (Huang Wendong's) calculation results, "there are no excessive deaths in abnormal death years, nor a substantial increase in the number of deaths around 1960." "According to Jiang (Zhenghua) Using the algorithm, we failed to reproduce the birth rate and death rate characteristics given by Jiang, especially the huge death rate increase in the three years before and after 1960." Jiang Zhenghua's method "is difficult to simulate the population distribution of 1953-1964 well." This shows that according to Jiang Zhenghua's method, people cannot get the conclusions announced by Jiang Zhenghua.

Based on our research results and Huang Weidong's actual calculations, we have every reason to believe that the data published by Jiang Zhenghua is "fabricated." This shows that his research is a major incident of academic fraud!


Progressive Culture: In addition, the book "Tombstone" by Yang Jisheng, the former executive editor of "Yanhuang Chunqiu", also played a decisive role in the rumor of "30 million people starving to death". You once had a face-to-face confrontation with Yang himself, and effectively refuted and exposed several fallacies in the book "Tombstone". Although Yang admitted that there were some "mistakes" in his work, he still insisted on his basic judgment and counter-accused you. It is imprecise and absurd to use unrecognized mathematical formulas to conduct inferential research on the sharp population decline in the 1960s. What do you think for this?

Sun Jingxian: Yang Jisheng published the book "Tombstone" in Hong Kong in May 2008, which claimed that "from 1958 to 1962, 36 million people starved to death in China." This book had a huge impact at home and abroad, making Yang Jisheng one of the most important representatives of the saying "30 million people starved to death".

In June 2013, I published "Tombstone's conclusion that "36 million people starved to death in China" is ridiculous" in "World Socialist Research Trends", exposing a series of major academic errors in "Tombstone" (including tampering with Fabricating data and creating rumors to fabricate lies). On September 9, "China Social Sciences Journal" published a condensed draft of this article.

In December of that year, Yang Jisheng published "Rebutting the Rumor that "Thirty Million Starved to Death"—Another Reply to Sun Jingxian's Accusations of "Tombstone"" in "Yanhuang Chunqiu" to elaborate on the series of errors in "Tombstone" that I pointed out. defended. Just over a month later, in January 2014, I published "How did the major fallacy of "36 million people starve to death" arise in "Red Flag Manuscript"? ——Reply to Yang Jisheng's Two Articles" (hereinafter referred to as "Reply to Yang Jisheng"), conducted a systematic and comprehensive refutation of Yang Jisheng's defense, emphasizing that all the defenses he made for "Tombstone" were untenable.


In July 2014, Yang Jisheng and I both participated in an international academic conference held in Wuhan (hereinafter referred to as the "Wuhan Conference"), which enabled direct face-to-face dialogue between Yang Jisheng and me.

The Wuhan Conference is an international academic conference that gives participants an equal opportunity to express their opinions. In my speech, I systematically criticized "Thirty Million Starved to Death" and directly pointed out a series of major errors in "Tombstone" in front of Yang Jisheng. After my speech, the organizer of the conference set aside sufficient time for discussion. The host also invited Yang Jisheng to speak many times, giving him sufficient time to express his opinions and defend himself. All participating scholars, including foreign scholars, also very much hope to hear his refutation and defense of my speech. If Yang Jisheng really grasps the truth, he should confidently respond to my speech at the meeting and defend the series of major errors I pointed out in "Tombstone" one by one. But instead of doing so, he issued a public statement after the meeting, announcing that he would "not respond" and "ignore" my criticism. He withdrew from the debate with us in an Ah Q way. Because he himself knows very well that if the debate continues, it will only expose his mistakes and lies even more.

In his speech at the Wuhan meeting, he accused us of an error in our mathematical derivation. In fact, our mathematical derivation is completely correct. It was his own mathematical derivation that made a middle school mathematics mistake that should not have occurred. This just proves a famous motto said by Lenin:

[“If the axioms of geometry offend people's interests, they will definitely be overturned.”]

Yang Jisheng claimed that he "consulted 12 provincial archives" and that he "copied 300 file folders" in each archive, so he "processed a total of 3,600 file folders." He said this because he wanted to give readers a false impression: his "36 million people who died of starvation" and the number of people who died of starvation in various provinces, cities, autonomous regions, regions, and counties were all provided from many historical archives. obtained from data and information. We have conducted a comprehensive verification of the number of abnormal deaths in all provincial, prefecture, and county-level administrative units described in "Tombstone" and found that except for a very few counties, almost all his data are wrong. of. Although Yang Jisheng consulted the files in 3,600 folders, he was unable to obtain any evidence from the records in these files that could prove "36 million people died of starvation." Therefore, he could only use absurd formulas and logic such as "Yang Jisheng's formula" and "the number of population decreases is equal to the number of deaths" to fabricate the number of people who died of starvation; the numbers obtained in this way still did not meet his needs, so he had to tamper with, They falsified data, fabricated and used bizarre lies such as "3.5 million people starved to death in Fuling Prefecture", and even went so far as to create major rumors such as "Zhou Enlai destroyed evidence of the Great Famine" to piece together the so-called basis for "36 million people starved to death".


Because of this, when we exposed his ridiculous numbers, lies and mistakes, he was unable to offer any defense and had no choice but to declare "no response" or "ignore". This also shows from one perspective that "30 million people starve to death" is a lie with no actual basis!

Progressive Culture: After your refutation and research article on "30 million people starved to death" was published, those who supported your views praised you as a brave, upright and conscientious scholar and the conscience of Chinese intellectuals; those who opposed your views praised you Calling you an "unscrupulous professor", "anti-human element", "beast", "shameless", "fascist mathematician", etc., they even issued death threats to you. Have you ever felt regret or fear in the face of tremendous pressure?

Sun Jingxian: After my article was published, there were crazy abuses and even death threats. I do not regret it at all and I am not scared at all. A thorough materialist is fearless! I am doing the just cause that I should do with the conscience of an academic worker. We firmly believe that history is on our side! It is not us who are truly timid and afraid, but those who fabricate lies such as Jiang Zhenghua, Yang Jisheng, and Cao Shuji. In the face of our exposure and criticism, their "ostrich policy" shows that they do not even have the courage to defend themselves!


Progressive Culture: "Thirty million people starved to death" has been called the biggest lie in China in the 20th century, but what is incredible is that it has been unimpeded in the field of public opinion since its release, and has even been accepted and accepted by mainstream academic circles and even some political figures. By default, few have questioned it. Therefore, some people say that you single-handedly fight against the entire mainstream intellectual community. Where does this courage come from?

Sun Jingxian: I want to revise your statement slightly. I am not "fighting" alone.

Since the emergence of "30 million people starved to death", some honest scholars at home and abroad have refuted this statement. After the emergence of the Internet, more scholars (especially folk scholars) have refuted "30 million people starved to death" in various forms. However, before 2011, because the major contradictions in the 1983 population data had not been scientifically explained, the above-mentioned criticisms of "30 million people starved to death" could not compete with mainstream opinions.

In 2011, I published an article that provided a comprehensive and systematic scientific explanation for the major contradictions in the 1983 population data, which hit the key point of "30 million people starved to death." Since then, the debate surrounding "30 million people starved to death" has undergone fundamental changes. The party opposed to "30 million people starve to death" has shifted from defense to counterattack! More and more scholars (including many within the system), cadres and the masses support our views, including "Science in China (Internal Manuscripts)", "World Socialist Research Trends", "Marxism Research", "Red Flag Manuscripts" ", "China Social Sciences Journal" and many other important media within the system have published our articles criticizing "30 million people starved to death". The absurdity and harm of "30 million people starving to death" have been recognized by more and more people.

Where does my courage come from; you ask? I have said before, "Since history has given me the opportunity to solve this major issue, it is my unshirkable responsibility to solve this major issue and find out the truth about this major historical issue." I My courage comes from this strong sense of historical responsibility; at the same time, my courage also comes from the firm support of more and more scholars, cadres, and the masses! Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the friends who support me!

Progressive Culture: As the saying goes, a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. This sentence is especially suitable for the rumor that "30 million people starved to death". Because to this day, in China's public opinion field and Western countries, especially overseas anti-communists, "30 million people starve to death" is still a "big killer weapon" for them to attack and deny the first 30 years of New China and smear Chairman Mao. " Is often mentioned like chanting sutras, and many members of the public believe in it. However, apart from your research, the mainstream media or some authoritative departments have never publicly refuted it, which objectively contributed to the spread of the "30 million people starved to death" rumor. What do you think of this strange phenomenon?


Sun Jingxian: After Chairman Mao's death, a trend of historical nihilism emerged that completely denied Chairman Mao. "Thirty million people starve to death" is the product of this trend of thought. As you said, "To this day, in China's public opinion field and Western countries, especially overseas anti-communists, '30 million people starve to death' is still their way of attacking and denying the first thirty years of New China and smearing Mao Zedong. The chairman's 'big killer weapon'". If this social ideological trend that completely denies Chairman Mao still exists, this "weird phenomenon" will continue to exist.

But a rumor will remain a rumor, even if it is repeated ten thousand times, it will still be a rumor. We firmly believe that as we continue to expose and refute, and as historical archives are further declassified, the historical truth will be revealed to the world. This major rumor of "30 million people starving to death" will eventually be swept into the trash heap of history!

Here I would like to say a few words to the authors of "Party History Volume Two". Writing the history of the Party is an extremely serious matter. It is extremely unserious to include such obviously erroneous words as "According to official statistics, the total population of the country in 1960 was 10 million less than the previous year" into the history of the Party. This will leave major hidden dangers in history. I sincerely hope that the authors of "Party History Volume Two" will change this erroneous statement in the spirit of being highly responsible for history.

Progressive Culture: An article on the Internet revealed that "30 million people starved to death" was a conspiracy hatched by Chiang Ching-kuo and the CIA. Do you think this rumor is true?

Sun Jingxian: The situation I know is different from this statement. What I know about the situation is as follows: In the early 1980s, a social trend of thought that completely negated Chairman Mao emerged in our country. Under the influence of this social trend of thought, a few domestic scholars believe that "16 million more people died" during the three-year difficult period than in normal times, based on the population death rate during the three-year difficult period. Some of them are confused. The essential difference between the two concepts of "extraordinary deaths" and "abnormal deaths", and based on this, it is believed that there were about 16 million abnormal deaths in our country during this period. In 1980, someone in China disclosed my country's population mortality data during the three-year difficult period to foreign countries at an international academic conference. After this, some international forces were keenly aware of this trend in our country. Some foreign scholars have developed an unusually special interest in the issue of population changes during my country's three-year difficult period. With funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Research Council, Professor Ansley J. Coale, a professor at Princeton University in the United States, published "Rapid Changes in China's Population from 1952 to 1982" in a short period of time. book, announcing that China suffered a superlinear death rate of about 27 million from 1958 to 1963. The American Population and Demographic Commission held a press conference on July 10, 1984 for the publication of Cole's book. United Press, the Associated Press and other major Western news agencies have reported the above-mentioned super linear death toll. Mr. Li Chengrui pointed out,

[“Relevant U.S. authorities hastily held a press conference when Caole's book was published to amplify the sensitive figure of up to 27 million ‘superlinear deaths' in China that was proposed in the propaganda book without scientific basis. It obviously contains a political attempt to discredit socialist China.”]

Subsequently, some other foreign demographers (such as Ed, Bannister, etc.) also studied this issue. They used methods like Cole's and obtained roughly the same results as Cole's. After carefully analyzing the research of these scholars, I found that their research methods and conclusions were completely wrong. I will discuss this in a separate article.


After these studies, the statement that 30 million people died abnormally during my country's three-year difficult period has been widely circulated in the West. The above-mentioned foreign research, coupled with the domestic research of Jiang Zhenghua, is the main source of the statement "30 million people starve to death". Since the 1980s, the lie of "30 million people starving to death" has been widely circulated around the world and has become the mainstream view in academic circles and public opinion circles.

I have also seen the statement you mentioned. That statement refers to the book "Mao Zedong's Great Famine: A History of China's Catastrophe from 1958 to 1962" written by Dikötter of the University of Hong Kong. This book was published in 2011. At that time, it was said that "30 million people died of starvation" It has been widely circulated around the world for nearly thirty years. This book had a very bad influence on the further spread of "Thirty Million Starved to Death", but it was not the source of "Thirty Million Starved to Death".

Progressive Culture: Your answer is detailed and rigorous, reflecting the conscience and responsibility of an intellectual. Thank you for picking up

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[This article was originally published on the WeChat public account "Progress Culture Network"]

Post directory:

Official media: A total of 30 academicians of China's two academies died in 2019. Isn't it weird? - postgroup81 02:32:26 12/15/2019


Mark Wain 1 second ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsc7EglNspY

The podcaster believed that the traitorous traitors in the Party, the restoration of the kleptocratic group and its illegal puppet regime, were related to the real Communist Party in Chairman Mao's era, and that Xi Jinping was better than Chairman Mao, and other self-deceptions. this is not right. The characteristic party has nothing to do with the true Communist Party. It is a completely fake Communist Party. Do not continue to make it up. Enough is enough. [Mark Wain 2020-07-13]




...The anti-Mao bastards attack Chairman Mao from all angles. They are just using this to drag China away and starve people to death. This is just one of them. Everyone, be careful!

All in all, had Deng Xiaoping died earlier, China would have been born sooner.

Cleaning up Deng Xiaoping is the only way for China at present. There is no other way than cleaning up Deng Xiaoping, the source of disaster!

Dongping Han

In fact, Li Chengrui also has problems. When he was in charge of the National Bureau of Statistics, in order to cater to the political needs of Deng Xiaoping's denial of Mao Zedong's era, he changed the figures of the National Bureau of Statistics, reducing the number of people born in 1960 by 10 million. But statistics should not be touched. Changes are meant to be slapped in the face. As a result, a strange phenomenon appeared in the statistics. The number of births in 1960 calculated in 1993 was actually higher than the number of births in 1960 announced in 1983. That is to say, the number of births in 1960 calculated in 1993 After thirty years, the population has not decreased, but has increased. This shows that the figure announced in 1983 that the number of people born in 1960 decreased by 10 million was a falsified figure. Unfortunately, most people will not read these articles that reveal the truth, so falsehoods are still being spread.

Li Chengrui later opposed the rumor that 30 million people died of starvation. I have always hoped that he would come forward to explain before his death whether the National Bureau of Statistics was under pressure from above to change the figures of the National Bureau of Statistics. Otherwise, why would the number of births in 1960 be neither more nor less, exactly 10 million less than the previous year? But he ultimately made no such statement.

In the "World Journal" published in the United States and supported by Taiwan, rightists once said that they have a mouth on their face and they can say whatever they want. Anyone who wants to clarify is like stirring a dung bucket with a stick. The more it is stirred, the more stinky it becomes. I have called this practice terrorism of lies. However, now more and more people are beginning to abandon the rumors. Dongping

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