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支持特朗普因为他支持劳动底层(bilingual)Support Trump because... 2024-02-11 16:24:00

支持特朗普因为他支持劳动底层人民(双语 bilingual)



回复:“支持特朗普因为他支持劳动底层人民”一说,错之甚矣!was Re:支持特朗普因为他支持劳动底层人民(双语 bilingual)

支持2021年一月六日人民起义;也要支持2023年十月七日哈马斯人民起义和继续斗争。只有人民培养出越来越深入的阶级觉悟和越来越坚定的斗争信心与决心,他们才能避免被世界资本主义的倒行逆施与民为敌的反动政治所击败。非裔美国人民的觉醒是正义的象征,有利于人民的解放斗争,因此需要全力支持。只要特朗普无私地支持劳动底层,我们就必须支持他。[Mark Wain 2023-12-02]

Support Trump because he supports working people at the bottom


Sans-culottes on 02/11/2024

Support the people's uprising on January 6, 2021; we must also support the Hamas's people's uprising on October 7, 2023 and continued struggle. Only when the people develop a deeper and deeper class consciousness and an increasingly firm confidence and determination to fight, can they avoid being defeated by the perverse and reactionary politics of world capitalism that are hostile to the people. The awakening of the African-American people is a symbol of justice and beneficial to the people's liberation struggle and therefore requires full support. As long as Trump selflessly supports working people at the bottom, we must support him. [Mark Wain 2023-12-02]


leeliang 12/02/2023:

说“支持2023年十月七日哈马斯人民起义和继续斗争”,完全正确,没有疑问; 但“支持特朗普因为他支持劳动底层人民”一说,则错之甚矣!







特朗普确实是一位值得讨论的、歧义甚多的人物。阁下对他的见解代表一部分人的观点,但不是绝大多数人的。所以还有待事实证明其观点与立场的正确性与否。无论如何, 约计有一半的美国成人人口(特别是社会底层的大多数)对他是认可的,所以也不宜于把他一笔勾销,甚至于把他与假冒进步而实不至的资本家的哈巴狗兼贪污犯乔拜登相提并论吧。[Mark Wain 2023-12-03] 

Subject: Reply: "Support Trump because he supports the working class people" is so wrong! WAS Re: Support Trump because he supports working people at the bottom (bilingual)


leeliang 12/02/2023:

Saying "support the Hamas people's uprising and continued struggle on October 7, 2023" is completely correct and there is no doubt; but saying "support Trump because he supports the working people at the bottom" is completely wrong!

Haven't you seen Trump's previous public statement about helping Israel to the end to kill Hamas? Or are you blind?

Trump is just an exploiting bourgeoisie that believes in capitalism. How can he "support the working people at the bottom?"

The difference between Biden and Trump is nothing more than an earthquake and a flood. In particular, Trump started his career by buying and selling real estate, and he is extravagant when it comes to women. He is just a bourgeois far-right political madman, and he is incompatible with the awakening of African Americans. How can he be a fellow traveler of the proletariat?

If Biden is a hypocrite, then Trump is really a villain!

Don't fall into the quagmire of the irrational “Huangchuan fans” of Chinese Americans and be unable to extricate yourself!


Trump is indeed a controversial figure worth discussing. Your views on him represent the views of some people, but not the vast majority. Therefore, it remains to be proven whether his views and positions are correct or not. In any case, about half of the adult population of the United States (especially the majority at the bottom of society) approves of him, so it is not appropriate to write him off, or even associate him with Joe Biden, the lapdog of the capitalists , who pretends to be progressive but does not realize it. [Mark Wain 2023-12-03]


Joe Zhang  December 3, 2023





leeliang  03 Dec 2023






















但是其资产阶级的政治统治由于多种原因是有所分裂的,绝不是铁板一块。换句话说,它既有追随历史遗留下来的陈旧不堪的、形式主义的所谓三权分立统治术的、保守的当权派(以民主党为主力、部分共和党上层为副手),也有反对保守、陈旧和落伍政治的不当权的在野派。当权派与在野派于是出现了越来越清晰的对立甚至对抗。造成互相对抗的根本原因就在于世界无产阶级日益壮大起来的反帝、反霸、反殖的革命力量,以及美国国内无产阶级的分裂——小资、中产和知识分子群众支持当权派而劳动基层则支持在野派。之所以如此,显然是由于资本主义世界本身已经因败相频仍而呈出现巨大分裂,特别是由于出现致命的四大资本主义危机—— 大瘟疫、大萧条、大战争和大气候变化——而惶惶不可终日之际,统治阶级与被统治阶级都同时出现了巨大的和公开的分裂。



很显然,特朗普派是一个显而易见的、有革命及造反倾向的资产阶级在野派。(未完)[Mark Wain 2023-12-03]

Translation from the Chinese into English

American New Democratic Revolution

Sans-culottes 2023-12-03

Section 1 - Preface

The reply below is not kitsch in the slightest, but rather enlightens the views of the left and right. How can you see it? The general left-leaning view is that revolutionaries must be uncompromising, move forward courageously, fight and kill, and ignore the actual environment and conditions. It seems that only in this way can they be called revolutionaries. Otherwise, they will commit the mistakes of compromise and kitsch, which is betrayal. Chairman Mao and the socialist revolution of the world proletariat. Why is this "advanced" view wrong? Let's take the proletarian socialist revolution in the United States as an example. The explanation is as follows:

Since World War I, the United States has replaced the British Empire from a backward capitalist country to become a powerful imperialist country. It was later forced to change into the current hegemonism or the alpha wolf by the oppressed people of the world during the first revolutionary storm led by Chairman Mao. 

However, its bourgeois political rule is fragmented due to various reasons and is by no means monolithic. In other words, it includes both the conservative establishment (with the Democratic Party as the main force and some upper-level Republicans as deputy) who follow the outdated and formalistic so-called separation of powers governance left over from history, and there are also those who oppose the conservative, outdated and Opposition faction that is out of power and out of date with politics. As a result, there has been an increasingly clear opposition and even confrontation between the establishment and the opposition. The fundamental cause of mutual confrontation lies in the growing anti-imperialist, anti-hegemonist, and anti-colonial revolutionary force of the world proletariat, as well as the split of the domestic proletariat in the United States—the petty bourgeoisie, middle class, and intellectual masses support the establishment while the grassroots labor support Opposition faction. The reason for this is obviously that the capitalist world itself has been greatly divided due to frequent failures, especially due to the emergence of four fatal capitalist crises - the Great Plague, the Great Depression, the Great War and the Great Climate Change. At the end of the day, both the ruling class and the ruled class simultaneously experienced huge and open divisions.

The strategic policy of the world's second revolutionary storm that is currently brewing is not to launch a general attack on all international bourgeoisie and engage in a life-or-death decisive battle, but to conduct a long-term, selective, and lose no opportunity to fight against hostile classes and Its factions treat political revolution, economic revolution and revolution in the ideological and cultural fields differently.

In short, it is to unite all revolutionary classes - the progressive petty bourgeoisie and the enlightened middle-class gentry, the intellectual masses who are unwilling to be won over and bullied by the establishment, and the bourgeois opposition with revolutionary or rebellious tendencies, etc. Jointly carry out a revolutionary struggle against the counter-revolutionary bourgeois establishment. The ultimate goal must of course be, as always, the completion of the socialist revolution as the immediate goal (which will be followed by the final goal of the specter of communism). This is a summary of the application of the new democratic revolutionary theory pioneered by Chairman Mao to current American politics.

Obviously, the Trump faction is a bourgeois opposition faction with obvious revolutionary and rebellious tendencies. (Unfinished) [Mark Wain 2023-12-03]


On 12/03/2023 11:26 AM EST lee liang

Your reply is a very kitsch statement. Also, do “most” people in the world agree with Trump? Where are the reliable statistics?

Many politicians just use their mouths to make the masses who don't know what they are talking about start to boo. This is a common problem in Western "democratic politics".

Hitler was elected by the people in this way. What did he bring to the world?

Although some people will argue that there are certain time and space factors for the emergence of Hitler, but based on the consequential theory, do we have to blindly follow it?

Today's far-right Trump should also view it this way.

You know, after clearly seeing the reactionary nature of Trump, being a supporter of the proletarian revolution is incompatible with the behavior of praising Trump!

Thinking about it in reverse, if you give Trump what Chairman Mao used to do, will he accept it? Will you become a follower of Chairman Mao? Will we stop engaging in real estate exploitation from now on? Are you going to stop engaging in family politics? Aren't you going to mess around with women?

Praising Trump is a denial and insult to Chairman Mao and the world revolution, who represent the proletariat. How come you don't understand such simple logic?

Trump and Biden are both products of the imperialist group's pursuit of profit and the process of colonizing the world. They are manufactured on the same production line!

Li Liang


leeliang 12/03/2023



华裔黄川粉门为何会如此的不可救药?这已演变成为个心理治疗学上的问题,跟什么无产阶级世界革命是海水天风的不沾边,更非什么你说的 “左倾看法包括革命者必须毫不妥协、勇往直前,打打杀杀、不讲现实环境与条件”!





按照阁下的错误思维方式,毛主席在抗日战争期间固然不应与汪精卫反革命叛徒集团投降派连在一起,但是难道连与抗日的蒋介石派系也不应连在一起吗?当然,完全相反,毛主席仍然支持蒋介石的抗日派并与之相联系。这就说明:阁下的思维方式还没有达到辩证法的要求,请多多努力才不至于“觉得是个笑话”。[Mark Wain 2023-12-04]

Reply again

leeliang 12/03/2023

Haha, your defense is weak, because Trump is a far-right element and has nothing to do with the proletarian revolution. Your strong argument is as absurd as Marx's shouting that he would join forces with Hitler to carry out revolution!

Even Chairman Mao wants to oppose revisionism like Khrushchev. Don't you think it's a joke and a complete insult to Chairman Mao when you associate a heinous reactionary right like Trump with Chairman Mao?

Why are the Chinese Huangchuan fans so hopeless? This has evolved into a psychotherapy issue, which has nothing to do with the idea that the proletarian world revolution is the sea and the wind, let alone the "leftist view" you mentioned, including that revolutionaries must be uncompromising, move forward courageously, fight and kill, Don't talk about the actual environment and conditions”!

Think about it, Chairman Mao even criticized Khrushchev's revisionism back then. He would tolerate this Zionist accomplice, this Trump who shouted to kill Hamas and the Palestinians, and put him As a gay?

Now that we have entered the scope of psychotherapy, our exchange of opinions on this issue has come to an end, and there is no point in continuing the discussion!

Li Liang


According to your wrong way of thinking, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chairman Mao should not be associated with the capitulation faction of Wang Jingwei's counter-revolutionary traitor group, but shouldn't he also be associated with the anti-Japanese Chiang Kai-shek faction? Of course, quite the opposite, Chairman Mao still supported and associated with Chiang Kai-shek's anti-Japanese faction. This means that your way of thinking has not yet met the requirements of dialectics. Please work harder to avoid "thinking it is a joke". [Mark Wain 2023-12-04]









基于以上对美国政治生态和世界政治形势的分析,我们应以在下前信的结论为基础进行美国新民主主义革命;只有这样才能不做无谓的虚功,以至于延缓了无产阶级革命民主专政下的社会主义革命的进程。(未完)[Mark Wain 2023-12-04]

Translation from the Chinese into English

American New Democratic Revolution

Sans-culottes 2023-12-04

Section 2 - Characteristics

Why do you keep making mistakes? Chatting endlessly and being so proud? The fundamental reason lies in advocating the theory of one revolution (the so-called fallacy of arriving at socialism in one go) and refusing to proceed in stages. Your "grand theory" is a betrayal of Chairman Mao's theory of stages of revolution. He very correctly refuted "Left" empty talk (see: "On New Democracy", "Selected Mao Zedong" Volume 2), and its profound implications have extremely high learning value for our descendants, as well as drawing inferences from one instance and drawing out the program. role.

Since we are discussing the issue of socialist revolution in the United States, we must pay attention to the characteristics of class antagonism and struggle in American society. We must not copy the revolutionary experience of other countries by overgeneralizing and "recognizing the thief as the father" 🙂

First of the characteristics: Due to the unique historical and cultural reasons of the United States, its political "ecology" is the diversification, decentralization and smoke screen of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the dictatorship of the proletariat. The revolutionary class exists in large numbers among the counter-revolutionary classes, and they are intertwined with each other. There is me among you and you among me. The boundaries are blurred to such an extent that everyone is a citizen without any sovereignty! In other words, the real masters hide behind the scenes and act as masters in the capacity of the people, thus covering up the state of class antagonism, let alone class struggle. Therefore, carrying out a struggle with great fanfare is tantamount to talking about oneself and will not receive support from the revolutionary class. Instead, it will receive indifference and contempt from the counter-revolutionary (dictatorship) class.

Second: Due to the threat of the four major crises in the capitalist world, the political situation in the United States has begun to undergo major changes. That is, the old trick of the two parties jointly representing the counter-revolutionary bourgeois dictatorship has become unable to achieve their goals, and the marionette-like masses have become restless. Do not allow even slight political changes to occur in the political arena where old rules are challenged and supported by large numbers of people. Its straightforward new political ecology is the uprising of the Trump faction.

Third: The great results achieved by the first revolutionary storm launched and directed by Chairman Mao not only were not wiped out by the counter-revolution, but increasingly exerted their original brilliance and reached new heights in conjunction with the new era - we only need to look at the third The surging struggle of the people of the world against hegemonism is clear at a glance - the capitalist world has entered a period of the second revolutionary storm, which is the period of the American New Democratic Revolution.

Based on the above analysis of the American political ecology and the world political situation, we should carry out the American new democratic revolution based on the conclusions of the previous letter; only in this way can we avoid making unnecessary efforts and delaying the process of socialist revolution under the revolutionary democratic dictatorship of the proletariat. (Unfinished) [Mark Wain 2023-12-04]






由于当权派在起诉特朗普违法案件上得心应手,使得法条、法规等等资产阶级法权急剧地、大量地武器化,两派的明争暗斗已经提上第二次内战的日程。对抗取代了对立,敌我关系取代了两党近二百五十年以来的联合(对劳动阶级)专政的“和谐”局面;原先超然于两派之间的二、三、四星将领们也出现分化现象,换句话说,军队国家化的程度极有可能由于军队质变为派系化而大幅度地消减。军队的不和以及军队指挥系统出现不灵将是第二次内战危机发生的必须条件。(试举例如下:特朗普说:明年大选如果胜利的话,他将召回麦克·佛林将军[General Michael Flynn] ;但是他痛切地谴责了乔·拜登雇佣的“变节的”马克·米利 [Mark Milley]上将,并说“将提出处决前参谋长联席会议主席米利的想法”)。[Mark Wain 2023-12-05 ]

Translation from the Chinese into English

American New Democratic Revolution

Sans-culottes 2023-12-05

Section 2 - Characteristics (continued)

Fourth: The following view - that the Trump faction is an obvious bourgeois opposition faction with revolutionary and rebellious tendencies - means that he has the potential, or possibility, in this regard. However, he belongs to the bourgeoisie after all. Although he does not belong to the mainstream of the American bourgeoisie but is an opposition tributary, he still belongs to this ruling class and not to the ruled proletariat. Even so, we cannot underestimate its revolutionary and rebellious potential and its huge impact on the American and even world proletariat. The interaction between the Trump faction and the proletariat is of vital importance. If conditions permit, he will add variables to the future direction of capitalism, especially those that may turn into rebellion or even uprising due to the huge crisis of world capitalism. .

One of the sources of possibility is that the political situation in the United States has been turbulent for a long time; however, the establishment, which clings to the incomplete and adapts to constant change, intends to continue to rule on behalf of the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie, which has made huge profits. without making any necessary compromises with the class demands of the proletariat. (For example, 60 percent of working people's families live in poverty and helpless poverty from check to check every week, and there are complaints; at the same time, the establishment spends tens of billions of tax dollars on Ukraine, Israel, Syria, Iraq and other countries without mercy). Anyone with a modicum of common sense understands the principle of living within one's means. Only the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie, in order to satisfy their masters' insatiable accumulation of capital, does the opposite.

Because the establishment is so good at prosecuting Trump's illegal cases, laws, regulations and other bourgeois rights have been sharply and massively weaponized, and the overt and covert struggle between the two factions has put the agenda of the second civil war. Confrontation has replaced antagonism, and the relationship between ourselves and the enemy has replaced the "harmonious" situation of the two parties' joint dictatorship (over the working class) for nearly 250 years; the two-, three-, and four-star generals who were previously aloof between the two factions have also appeared. Fragmentation phenomenon, in other words, the degree of nationalization of the military is very likely to be greatly reduced due to the qualitative transformation of the military into factions. Discord in the military and failure of the military command system will be necessary conditions for the occurrence of a second civil war crisis. (An example is as follows: Trump said: If he wins the election next year, he will recall General Michael Flynn; but he bitterly condemned the "turncoat" Mark Milley hired by Joe Biden [ Gen. Mark Milley] and said "the idea of executing Milley, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will be raised"). [Mark Wain 2023-12-05]


Joe Zhang 12/05/2023





Mark Wain 12/16/2023



2021年一月六日美国人民起义是正义的,因此是合法的。特朗普无罪,意图栽赃的政治当权派必将受到人民群众的反对而倒台。[Mark Wain 1/8/2024]

The American people's uprising on January 6, 2021 was just and therefore legal. Trump is not guilty, and the political establishment who intends to frame him will surely be opposed by the people and fall. [Mark Wain 1/8/2024]



In reply to:

Joe Zhang 1/8/2024

The Jewish international financial monopoly capital group has ruled the world for more than 300 years. Today, the situation in the United States has changed a lot. Since the large-scale protests before the Congress on 1.6, the American people have officially launched a battle against the dark rule of the Soros globalist financial/bureaucratic group. The ranks of the resistance struggle continue to grow, and the grassroots, including black people, have joined the struggle; some Democrats have also turned to support Trump. Trump, the leader of MAGA, has a rising approval rating; he is sure to win the 2024 election. According to the current situation, the situation in the United States continues to improve. The United States is breaking free from the rule of Soros, the Jewish international financial monopoly group, and the swamp created by Obama; America's second independence struggle is expected to go smoothly, and we will usher in a new America!


On 01/08/2024 11:59 PM EST leeliang



Mark Wain 回复于 01/09/2024



【例】求异,就要比较。“有比较才能有鉴别”。只有比较,才能发现差异。比较,有横向的,也有纵向的。在求异性思维中,这两种比较都需要。(梁国藩等《领导语言艺术实用全书》)  https://www.kekeshici.com/mingyanmingju/jingdiangeyan/173878.html 

顺便一提的是:“前途光明,道路曲折“。美国资产阶级专政不是铁板一块;要想办法利用有利时机与条件,与它斗争,为新民主主义革命制造好并准备好条件。特朗普发动的Jan. 6, 2021 人民起义就是不失时机的、革命前的预习。[Mark Wain 2024-01-09]






731 人赞同了该文章
















































----------《毛泽东文集》第8卷第306页 10


































































(未完待续。 点击:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/39618283)



On 01/08/2024 11:59 PM EST leiliang

Is Trump really so pure? Are you so incompatible with consortia and capital?

Many so-called Huangchuan fans are too blind for this!

Mark Wain replied on 01/09/2024

"Only through comparison can we discern"

It means that differences can be identified through comparison. Mao Zedong's "Speech at the National Propaganda Work Conference of the Communist Party of China": "Only through comparison can we discern, and only through discrimination and struggle can we develop."

【Example】To seek differences, we must compare. "Only through comparison can we discern." Only by comparing can we find the differences. Comparison, there are horizontal and vertical. In opposite-seeking thinking, both comparisons are required. (Liang Guofan et al. "A Practical Book of Leadership Language Arts") https://www.kekeshici.com/mingyanmingju/jingdiangeyan/173878.html

By the way: "The future is bright, but the road is tortuous." The American bourgeois dictatorship is not monolithic; we must find ways to take advantage of favorable opportunities and conditions, fight against it, and create and prepare conditions for the new democratic revolution. The Jan. 6, 2021 people's uprising launched by Trump is a preview before the revolution without losing any opportunity. [Mark Wain 2024-01-09]


Chairman Mao's Proverbs

Old man is naive

The series of reviews and evaluations is being updated, WeChat public account: Li Bukong


731 people liked this article


"Mao Zedong's Proverbs" contains a total of 360 proverbs.

It is divided into four chapters: observing the world, rectifying oneself, cultivating oneself, and dealing with things. The collection of maxims comes from the second edition of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong", "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" and "Manuscripts of Mao Zedong since the Founding of the People's Republic of China", basically covering all important works of Mao Zedong that have been officially published since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Different from "Chairman Mao's Quotations", "Mao Zedong's Proverbs" only has 360 items, and there are fewer parts involving ideology, which makes it easier for today's people to understand Mao Zedong Thought more comprehensively and objectively.

I liked this version very much, so I rearranged it to make it easier for readers to read and print.

Mao Zedong's Proverbs. Viewing the World

Part 1 of Viewing the World·Finality and Endlessness (5 items)

What is a problem? The problem is the contradiction of things. Wherever there are unresolved conflicts, there are problems.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 3 Page 839

Things are always incomplete, which gives us the task of moving toward relative perfection and toward relative truth, but we will never reach absolute perfection or absolute truth. Therefore, we must work hard endlessly.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, Page 300

One contradiction is overcome, and another one arises. There are always contradictions at any time, anywhere and with anyone. Without contradictions, there would be no world.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 66

There are good things and bad things in the world. This has been the case since ancient times, and it will still be the case ten thousand years from now. It is precisely because there are bad things in the world that we have to transform them and do the work. But we won't do everything right, otherwise our descendants will have no jobs to do.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 69

If our knowledge is endless and we have already understood everything, what else do we need to do?

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 8, Page 389

Observation of the World Part 2: The Old and New and the Growth and Decline (8 items)

All new things are tempered through hard struggle.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 2 Page 704

Every year at the turn of spring and summer, the turn of summer and autumn, the turn of autumn and winter and the turn of winter and spring, clothes must be changed once. But people often don't change their clothes at that "friendship" and make some trouble. This is due to the power of habit.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 3 Page 882

The work of the past was just like the first step in a long march of thousands of miles. … Some of the things we are familiar with are about to become idle, and things we are not familiar with are forcing us to do them. That's the difficulty.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 4 Page 1480

It is not easy to get rid of old things all at once, and it is not easy to accept new things all at once.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 6, Page 489

Everything will change. The great forces of decay have to give way to the small forces of rebirth. Those with little power must become powerful, because most people want to change.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 71

Right things, good things, people often do not recognize them as fragrant flowers at first, but regard them as poisonous weeds.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 229

Everything is old. Once you get used to the new, you won't be able to get in, because the old suppresses the new.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 261

A piece of white paper, without any burden, can be used to write the latest and most beautiful words, and to draw the latest and most beautiful pictures.

---------- "Mao Zedong's Manuscripts Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" Volume 7, Page 178

The Third View of the World·Freedom and Necessity (6 items)

Why not sure? Because he has no regular understanding of the content and environment of this work, or he has never been exposed to this type of work, or has not had much contact with it, so he cannot talk about the regularity of this type of work.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 1 Page 289

The situation is gradually understood and requires continued efforts.

Understanding the world is not an easy task.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 2, Page 378

Only seeing victory but not failure is not enough to understand the rules.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 8, Page 105

Laws are things that appear repeatedly in the movement of things, not things that happen by chance. Since patterns appear repeatedly, they can be recognized.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 8, Page 105

Freedom is the understanding of necessity and the successful transformation of the objective world based on the understanding of necessity. This is definitely not something that can be seen through at a glance. There are no born saints in the world.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 8, Page 118

The so-called necessity is the regularity of objective existence. Before we understand it, our actions are always unconscious and blind. We are stupid people at this point.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 8 Page 306 10

The Fourth View of the World·Objectivity and Subjectivity (10 items)

The mistakes we made and the reasons why they occurred were all caused by us subjectively deciding our work policies without considering the actual local conditions at that time.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 4 Page 1308

Without experience, you will inevitably make mistakes. There is a process from having no experience to having experience.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 4 Page 1321

Things are very complicated, and they are also developing and changing. If people's thinking cannot keep up with objective reality, they will definitely make mistakes...

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7 Pages 65-66

Nothing can be overdone. If you go overboard, you will make mistakes.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 70

We want to make the error as small as possible. But it is unrealistic to deny that we will make mistakes. Then it is not the world, not the earth, but Mars.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 70

Sometimes because subjective arrangements do not conform to objective conditions, conflicts occur and the balance is destroyed. This is called making mistakes.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 216

How many mistakes you make depends on whether you are tall or short. Making fewer mistakes is possible and should be done...

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 376

Anything that can be done through hard work must be done hard. If you don't work hard, it is called conservatism. If you can't do it, don't do it. If you insist on it being done, it is subjectivism.

---------- "Mao Zedong's Manuscripts Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" Volume 8, Page 34

Where are the so-called saints who make no mistakes at all and complete the truth once and for all? Truth is not accomplished once, but gradually.

---------- "Mao Zedong's Manuscripts Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" Volume 9, Page 215

Just make up your mind and make more right and less wrong. Don't always think that you are right, as if the truth is in your hands.

---------- "Mao Zedong's Manuscripts Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" Volume 11, Page 87

The Fifth View of the World·Ideal and Reality (13 items)

Our task is to cross the river, but we cannot cross without a bridge or a boat. Without solving the problem of bridges or boats, crossing the river is an empty talk. Without solving the method problem, the task is just nonsense.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 1 Page 139

The overall future is bright, but it will inevitably involve long-term struggles and twists and turns. There is no short-term, straight-line victory.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 2, Page 216

When we discuss issues, we should proceed from reality, not from definitions.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 3 Page 853

Just like an airplane flying into the sky, it must fly back and land in one place. It cannot fly everywhere without landing. Dogmatism does not fall to the ground, it hangs in the air.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, Page 150

Although ideals must be present, they must be combined with something called "reality."

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, Page 361

It takes countless beatings to make steel from raw iron.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, Page 393

We mostly think in terms of twists and turns (i.e. difficulties), which almost reflects the reality and avoids a lot of distress when we are disappointed. And overcoming difficulties is by no means that easy.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 4, Page 29

There is no straight road in the world. Be prepared to take twists and turns and don't be greedy for cheap.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 4 Page 1163

The world is beautiful, but it is not beautiful either. There are struggles and contradictions in the world. Hoping that everything will be fine is subjective to us, but reality is objective.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 69

The idea that there is no contradiction is a naive idea that does not conform to objective reality.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 204

The idea that it will always be smooth sailing and success will be easy without going through hardships and twists and exerting great efforts is just a fantasy.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 7, Page 220

Talk is talk, do is do, it is not easy to do.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 8, Page 129

Things in the world are like this. If you have to take a detour, it will be an S-shape.

---------- "Mao Zedong's Manuscripts Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" Volume 13, Page 181

View of the World Part 6: Difficulties and Smoothness (15 items)

It is often the case that favorable circumstances and proactive recovery arise from the effort to "hold on a little longer."

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 2 Page 412

Some of our current difficulties have been overcome, and some are about to be overcome. We have experienced times that were many times more difficult than now, and we have also overcome such difficulties. ...There is no pessimism in front of us, we can overcome any difficulties.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 3 Page 895

When our comrades are in difficulties, they must see the results, see the light, and increase their courage.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 3 Page 1005

There will be no turmoil in the world. If you are afraid of turmoil, you cannot be a human being. Then hurry up and go to the King of Hell to give an account. Our party often encounters turmoil, big turmoil, moderate turmoil, minor turmoil. We should not be afraid of turmoil.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, Page 317

Natural disasters are a bad thing, but they contain good elements. If you don't encounter that bad thing, you won't learn how to deal with it. Therefore, hardships can make our career successful.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, Page 390

We suffer losses here and win there. When the east is not bright, the west is bright. When the south is dark, there is the north. We always have a way.

---------- "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 3, Page 392

Make up your mind, not be afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 3 Page 1101

What is work? Work is struggle. There are difficulties and problems in those places that need to be solved by us. We work and fight to solve difficulties. The more difficult the place, the more difficult it is to go to. This is a good comrade.

---------- "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" 2nd Edition Volume 4 Page 1161

(To be continued. Click: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/39618283)



On 01/10/2024 8:13 AM EST leeliang


Mark Wain 01/10/2024 

阁下可能想一竿子打翻一船人 Re: 无论怎么比较,特朗普无非一条资本主义烂污虫子!Re: 《有比较才能有鉴别》(bilingual ) Only through comparison can we discern. Re: 特朗普这厮,




总之,特朗普不是“烂污虫子”,而正在催生数以亿计的美国与世界的人民群众走上反抗形式主义民主掩饰下的独裁资本温水煮青蛙式暴政的道路。革命形势不是按订单取得的,而是日积月累经过各种各类的长期阶级斗争最后形成的。[Mark Wain 2024-01-10 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/]


Joe Zhang




On 01/10/2024 8:13 AM EST leeliang

No matter how you compare it, Trump is nothing more than a rotten capitalist bug!

Mark Wain 01/10/2024

Subject:You may want to overthrow a whole bunch of people with one stroke (bilingual). Re: No matter how you compare it, Trump is nothing more than a rotten capitalist bug! Re: "bilingual" Only through comparison can we discern. Re: Trump,

You may want to overwhelm everyone with one stroke - regard all capitalists or classes as rotten bugs. However, the absoluteness or universality of things is in conflict with the difference and opposition. There are differences within commonalities, and the reverse is also true - there are similarities within differences. Absolute agreement is contingent, unsustainable, and therefore not inevitable.

The capitalist class is deeply divided within itself, especially when the capitalist world (including the Chinese bourgeoisie led by the Characteristic Party) faces a serious crisis. The advanced part of the capitalists are highly vigilant and know that continuing to "make a fortune in silence" will lead to self-destruction. Therefore, they intend to adopt measures that are more pro-people, democratic, non-war, abandon hegemony, reconciliation, restraint... and other measures. and policies, vigorously cutting off the historical origins of the bourgeois political Establishment as agents of bourgeois politics.

The MAGA faction led by Donald Trump is such an outlier. Of course, MAGA has its shortcomings. For example, it is obsessed with being anti-communist and anti-socialist, and adheres to the capitalist social system, etc. However, the flaws are not concealed. The bottom of the American people supports it rather than opposes it; those who oppose it are the big bourgeoisie and the upper strata of the middle and small bourgeoisie in general, especially those with vested interests. The middle class is divided on this issue - the lower class supports MAGA, while the middle and upper ones of the middle class are in a state of hesitation between MAGA and the Establishment.

In short, Trump is not a "rotten bug", but is urging hundreds of millions of people in the United States and the world to embark on the path of resisting the tyranny of authoritarian capital under the cover of formalist democracy. The revolutionary situation is not obtained according to orders, but is finally formed through various types of long-term class struggles over time. [Mark Wain 2024-01-10 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/] 



leeliang  01/11/2024 9:36 AM EST




Mark Wain 01/11/2024

Subject:阁下“宏论”的不足之处在于违反了毛主席的《新民主主义革命论》Re: 狗总是吃屎的! Re: 阁下可能想一竿子打翻一船人 (bilingual)You may w

对阁下的“宏论”,在下的回复是应当再次琢磨清楚毛主席的《新民主主义革命论》:“不走资产阶级专政的资本主义的路,是否就可以走无产阶级专政的社会主义的路呢?也不可能。” “...革命有阶段之分,只能由一个革命到另一个革命,无所谓'毕其功于一役'。”



要想了解革命阶级就必须了解反革命与非革命阶级是什么。资本家阶级既得利益集团中的战争贩子们出于好战、好利、好权的政治与经济目的而强烈反对任何具有进步意义的革命及其阶级,是美国反革命阶级的领头羊。反革命阶级雇佣的吹鼓手、走卒、附庸们则至少是非革命阶级,很有可能属于辅助性质的反革命阶级。主张并支持美国和 / 或世界资产阶级专政下的帝国主义、霸权主义、新/老殖民主义的各个阶层也都是符合反革命阶级内涵的。



所以阁下“宏论”的不足之处在于违反了毛主席的《新民主主义革命论》是很显然的。[Mark Wain 2024-01-11 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/]

Joe Zhang


(按:卡尔森现在访问莫斯科此事并不简单,是代表美国人民制止拜登/索罗斯/军工垄断资本发动第三次世界大战的一种努力。这也是识别真正左、右派的试金石。人们都确认资本主义末日来临。【物极则反】,资本主义绝不是永恒的,它已经进入终结的时代。在这样的时代背景下,美国出现以川普为首的反资本主义当权派运动、爆发【1.6国会大夏前的群众大示威、大抗议】是正常现象;是一场代表美国社会潮流的正义大行动。Joe 2/5/2024)



On 01/11/2024 9:36 AM EST leeliang

You have missed miserably the essence of a capitalist mindset such as Donald Trump. Do you still believe in Marx, no?

Don't be naive! Scientifically, The sun will always rise from the East and sets down the West, not in reverse!

As what we Chinese said, dog will always eat shits!

Mark Wain's reply 01/11/2024

Subject: The shortcoming of your "macro theory" is that it violates Chairman Mao's "New Democratic Revolution" Re: Dogs always eat shit! Re: You may w

My reply to your “macro theory” is that we should once again think clearly about Chairman Mao's “On the New Democratic Revolution”: “Instead of taking the capitalist road of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, can we take the road of socialism under the dictatorship of the proletariat? What? It's impossible." "...Revolutions are divided into stages. They can only move from one revolution to another. There is no such thing as 'accomplishing all the achievements in one battle'."

Due to the characteristics of the current American social system that is extremely behind the times (that is, the era of socialist revolutions in other countries around the world), the revolution in the United States can only be a new democratic revolution, that is, a joint dictatorship of various revolutionary classes in the United States headed by the American proletariat. society to complete its first stage. Then, develop it to the second stage to establish an American socialist society.

What are the various revolutionary classes in the United States?

To understand the revolutionary classes one must understand what the counter-revolutionary and non-revolutionary classes are. The warmongers in the vested interest groups of the capitalist class strongly oppose any progressive revolution and its class out of their political and economic goals of war, profit, and power. They are the leaders of the counter-revolutionary class in the United States. The trumpeters, pawns, and vassals hired by the counter-revolutionary class are at least non-revolutionary classes, and are very likely to be auxiliary counter-revolutionary classes. All classes that advocate and support imperialism, hegemonism, and new/old colonialism under the dictatorship of the American and/or world bourgeoisie are also in line with the connotation of counter-revolutionary classes.

Donald Trump and his MAGA faction belong to neither the counter-revolutionary nor the non-revolutionary class; on the contrary, they are an integral part of the revolutionary class - opposing the establishment under the dictatorship of the American bourgeoisie, thus opposing counter-revolutionary and non-revolutionary classes. The two classes of revolution are competing and hostile, life-and-death political factions and forces.

The various revolutionary classes in the United States are extremely broad, covering all strata and classes of the entire society. Among them, the class composed of intellectual workers whose main members are the intellectual class is an obvious class that has more or less revolutionary tendencies, at least not a counter-revolutionary class. The medium, small and micro capitalist classes, which have long been oppressed by the big bourgeoisie and its establishment under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and dare not speak out, are also opposed to the totalitarian rule of various counter-revolutionary classes, and thus have a certain degree of revolutionary tendencies.

Therefore, it is obvious that the shortcoming of your "macro theory" is that it violates Chairman Mao's "On the New Democratic Revolution." [Mark Wain 2024-01-11 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/]

Joe Zhang

If Mr. He carefully observes and analyzes the situation in the United States in the past 20 years, especially the actions of Soros-Obama-Biden, he will not lightly talk about "ghosts"; if he uses materialist dialectics to analyze the 1.6 event-level MAGA movement and If you follow the words and deeds of leader Trump, you won't be possessed by ghosts.

(Note: Carlson's current visit to Moscow is not simple. It is an effort on behalf of the American people to prevent Biden/Soros/military industry monopoly capital from launching World War III. This is also a litmus test for identifying the real left and right. People They all confirm that the end of capitalism is coming. [The extreme of things is the opposite]. Capitalism is by no means eternal. It has entered an era of end. Against this background, the anti-capitalist establishment movement led by Trump has emerged in the United States and has erupted. [The mass demonstrations and protests before the 1.6 Congress in the summer] are normal phenomena; they are a just action that represents the trend of American society. Joe 2/5/2024)


Re:  (Bilingual) Comparing the Capitol Riot to the Beer Hall Putsch and the Whiskey Rebellion Author Headshot By Ross 

I take a different viewpoint from the author's as follows:

The January 6th, 2021 uprising was not an insurrectional act but a revolutionary uprising. No Amendments or the Constitution articles applies to new revolutionary acts. Participants in this uprising fought hard against the offices set up by the Constitution, implying they did not recognize the authority of the Constitution which is only valid in the past non-revolutionary times.

Anti- and non-revolutionaries want to accuse Donald Trump and his MAGA masses of insurrection, which is false because “revolution is no crime, to rebel is justified” (a widely held slogan by the Chinese people in 1967.)

Ever since January 6th, 2021 the U.S. had entered into a New DemocratIc Revolution stage superseding the old revolution and its product - the Constitution previously held applicable for almost two and a half centuries. 

The current major contradiction of the society in this country is that between the anti-revolutionary classes and the revolutionary classes led and united by the working class.

Mark Wain 01/12/2024 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh  and https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ 




2021年1月6日的起义不是暴乱行为,而是革命起义。 任何修正案或宪法条款均不适用于新的革命行为。 这次起义的参与者对宪法所设立的机构进行了激烈的斗争,这意味着他们不承认宪法的权威,因为宪法只在过去的非革命时期有效。

反革命者和非革命者想要指责唐纳德·特朗普和他的 MAGA 群众暴动,这是错误的,因为“革命无罪,造反有理。”(这是 1967 年中国人民广泛持有的口号。)



马克·韦恩 01/12/2024 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh  和 https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ 


01/13/2024 6:52 AM EST leeliang



黄川粉们的堕落如Mark Wain者,真是不忍卒睹!

Mark Wain 01/13/2024

阁下大错了。拥护特朗普的美国群众(估计有七千五百万人)中间的大多数人都不属资产阶级(约占总人口的百分之一),而是推动MAGA派为自己谋利益的劳动阶级。[01/13/2024 Mark Wain  https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh  和 https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]



01/13/2024 6:52 AM EST leeliang

Chairman Mao's "Revolution is not guilty, but rebellion is justified." This is for the proletarians who are oppressed by the bourgeoisie.

Trump is the lord and spokesperson of the bourgeoisie. You use it to smear Trump, this extremely reactionary oppressive and exploiting class, which is bullshit. It's like everyone eats, but you encourage eating shit!

It's really unbearable to see Huangchuan fans degenerate like Mark Wain!

Mark Wain 01/13/2024

Your Excellency is greatly mistaken. The majority of the American people who support Trump (estimated to be more than 75 million people) do not belong to the bourgeoisie (about 1% of the total population), but the working class who promote the MAGA faction to seek their own interests. [01/13/2024 Mark Wain https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh and https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]

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